Bacterial cell growth and protein synthesis are tightly coupledas prot terjemahan - Bacterial cell growth and protein synthesis are tightly coupledas prot Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Bacterial cell growth and protein s

Bacterial cell growth and protein synthesis are tightly coupled
as proteins account for a large fraction of the cellular biomass
(1). In the model organism Escherichia coli, over half of the biomass
is protein (2), and protein synthesis accounts for more than
two-thirds of the cell’s ATP budget during rapid growth (3).
Therefore, the machinery of protein synthesis, i.e., ribosomes,
tRNAs, and ribosome-affiliated factors, plays a central role in
maintaining exponential growth (1, 4). This is manifested by an
increased ribosome content in rapidly growing cells (2, 5, 6), by
direct observations that protein synthesis is limited by the availability
of free ribosomes (7), and by considerations that link evolutionary
selective pressure to the cost of protein synthesis (8).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Bacterial cell growth and protein synthesis are tightly coupledas proteins account for a large fraction of the cellular biomass(1). In the model organism Escherichia coli, over half of the biomassis protein (2), and protein synthesis accounts for more thantwo-thirds of the cell’s ATP budget during rapid growth (3).Therefore, the machinery of protein synthesis, i.e., ribosomes,tRNAs, and ribosome-affiliated factors, plays a central role inmaintaining exponential growth (1, 4). This is manifested by anincreased ribosome content in rapidly growing cells (2, 5, 6), bydirect observations that protein synthesis is limited by the availabilityof free ribosomes (7), and by considerations that link evolutionaryselective pressure to the cost of protein synthesis (8).
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pertumbuhan sel bakteri dan sintesis protein berkaitan erat
sebagai akun protein untuk sebagian besar dari biomassa selular
(1). Dalam organisme model Escherichia coli, lebih dari setengah dari biomassa
adalah protein (2), dan rekening sintesis protein selama lebih dari
dua-pertiga dari anggaran ATP sel selama pertumbuhan cepat (3).
Oleh karena itu, mesin sintesis protein, yaitu, ribosom,
tRNA, dan faktor ribosom berafiliasi, memainkan peran sentral dalam
menjaga pertumbuhan eksponensial (1, 4). Hal ini diwujudkan oleh
konten ribosom meningkat dalam sel berkembang pesat (2, 5, 6), berdasarkan
pengamatan langsung bahwa sintesis protein dibatasi oleh ketersediaan
ribosom gratis (7), dan dengan pertimbangan yang menghubungkan evolusi
tekanan selektif dengan biaya sintesis protein (8).
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