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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Therefore, we hypothesize that this leadership style is negatively related to jobsatisfaction and TOCB. Alternatively, job satisfaction may mediate the effect of aversiveleadership on TACB.H6: Aversive leadership is negatively related to job satisfaction.H7a: Aversive leadership is negatively related to TOCB and positively related toTACB.H7b: Aversive leadership is indirectly, negatively related to TOCB and positivelyrelated to TACB through job satisfaction.Similarly, directive leadership was assumed to be negatively related to job satisfactionand OCB. Directive leaders are those who dictate or direct their followers regarding tasks. Theyseize the situation, and their subordinates are passively expected to follow the leaders. Thisleadership style is less likely to fit the changing expectation of today’s employees whoincreasingly view their jobs as a means of personal fulfillment, not just a paycheck (Sims &Manz, 1996). They increasingly expect more control and influence over their own jobs anddecision making. Directive leadership, as well as aversive leadership, is contradictory to thischanging expectation. Therefore, directive leadership has a negative relationship with jobsatisfaction. Also, since directive leaders mainly assign goals regarding tasks and instruct andcommand their followers, they make subordinates focus. Therefore, followers are less likely toengage in extra-role behaviors. Alternatively, directive leadership indirectly influences OCBthrough job satisfaction.H8: Directive leadership is negatively related to job satisfaction.H9 a: Directive leadership is negatively related to TOCB and positively related toTACB.H9b: Directive leadership is indirectly, negatively related to TOCB and positivelyrelated to TACB through job satisfaction.The relationship between transactional leadership and TOCB seems unclear. At theindividual level, contingent reward patterns of leadership may create perceptions of a fairexchange and good will which, in turn, may produce a positive citizenship response. However,reward policies can sometimes generate only calculating compliance such that individuals doonly what they are paid to do. Under these conditions, compliance may not extend into goodcitizenship or extra-role behaviors. Transactional behavior may be neutral at best, perhaps evendeleterious when it comes to TOCB. Therefore, we did not develop specific hypothesesregarding transactional leadership and TOCB.However, we hypothesized a positive relationship between transactional leadership andjob satisfaction. This type of leadership emphasizes contingent reward which may createperceptions of a fair exchange which, in turn, may produce job satisfaction. Followers clearlyunderstand what they are expected to do and what they will get as a result of their performance.In other words, transactional leaders eliminate uncertainty that their followers may encounter in their job. Therefore, we hypothesized a positive relationship between job satisfaction andtransactional leadership.H10: Transactional leadership is positively related to job satisfaction.
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