The sudden change of events caused everyone to exclaim in surprise. Xi terjemahan - The sudden change of events caused everyone to exclaim in surprise. Xi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The sudden change of events caused

The sudden change of events caused everyone to exclaim in surprise. Xiao Moshan who had been keeping his eyes closed all this while, suddenly opened his eyes and look upwards towards the sky… At this moment, a clear and chilly voice came from above: “You Xiao Sect have truly gotten more and more capable huh, so much that you even start to meddle in the marriage affairs of my Asgard disciple! Who gave you the right to do so?”

In the blue sky with the occasional white cloud, was a floating woman, fully dressed in white, who looked down on the crowd with her cold eyes. She had an exceptionally snow white complexion and vermilion lips, a beauty with skin that was both smooth and fair. She had peerless elegance and a pure holiness, like that of a fairy who had descended from the palace in the moon. At the same time, she resembled a cold, prideful, and untainted icy lotus.
(TL: Palace in the moon referencing a Chinese folktale about Chang’Er.)

Although her features were clearly distinct, it was hard for anyone to ascertain her true age. She seemed to be in her twenties, and then in her thirties, yet still appeared to be in her teens as well… A piece of sparkling and translucent ice crystal levitated around her body. She was just like a fairy, dreamy and absolutely beautiful.

The beautiful sight in the sky stunned everyone. Suddenly, a trembling shout rang out in the crowd.

“Pro.. Profound Floating Technique! It’s the Profound Floating Technique!!”

This cry was like a bomb that had dropped onto everyone, and caused their jaws to open widely as their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. A huge change in expression can be seen in every one of their eyes.

That’s right! The woman in the sky was clearly floating without any help of any profound items, nor any flying creature! She was purely using her own power to float in the sky… and the only people that can float in the sky, who should have mastered the Profound Floating Technique, must at least reach the level of the Sky Profound Realm!

This woman in the sky, was actually a practitioner of the legendary… Sky Profound Realm!!

“Frozen Cloud’s… Seven Fairies!!” Xiao Moshan whispered under his breath as both his mind and body began to tighten and deep fear flashed across his eyes.

“What? What did you say?” Xiao Kuangyun who was intoxicated by the woman in the sky, suddenly regained his senses after hearing the four words “Frozen Cloud’s Seven Fairies”…. These seven women were the reason why Frozen Cloud Asgard was one of the top clans. They were people that even his father deeply feared. Rumors say that within the Frozen Cloud’s Seven Fairies, the lowest profound strength was already at the Sky Profound Realm! And the strongest of them, was reportedly to be halfway to the Emperor Profound Realm!

Xiao Sect’s position was always below the Frozen Cloud Asgard’s because of the existence of the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies. For three consecutive seasons in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, the Xiao Sect had always lost to the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

“Young Master, she is the fifth ranked amongst the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, Chu Yueli! I don’t know why she would appear here… But no matter what, do not offend her… Even if ten of me were to come together, I will still not be able to win against her!” Xiao Moshan whispered softly. He clearly knew what kind of lecher Xiao Kuangyun truly was. If he angered her by revealing his perverted nature, the consequences would simply be unthinkable!

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The sudden change of events caused everyone to exclaim in surprise. Xiao Moshan who had been keeping his eyes closed all this while, suddenly opened his eyes and look upwards towards the sky… At this moment, a clear and chilly voice came from above: “You Xiao Sect have truly gotten more and more capable huh, so much that you even start to meddle in the marriage affairs of my Asgard disciple! Who gave you the right to do so?”In the blue sky with the occasional white cloud, was a floating woman, fully dressed in white, who looked down on the crowd with her cold eyes. She had an exceptionally snow white complexion and vermilion lips, a beauty with skin that was both smooth and fair. She had peerless elegance and a pure holiness, like that of a fairy who had descended from the palace in the moon. At the same time, she resembled a cold, prideful, and untainted icy lotus.(TL: Palace in the moon referencing a Chinese folktale about Chang’Er.)Although her features were clearly distinct, it was hard for anyone to ascertain her true age. She seemed to be in her twenties, and then in her thirties, yet still appeared to be in her teens as well… A piece of sparkling and translucent ice crystal levitated around her body. She was just like a fairy, dreamy and absolutely beautiful.The beautiful sight in the sky stunned everyone. Suddenly, a trembling shout rang out in the crowd.“Pro.. Profound Floating Technique! It’s the Profound Floating Technique!!”This cry was like a bomb that had dropped onto everyone, and caused their jaws to open widely as their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. A huge change in expression can be seen in every one of their eyes.That’s right! The woman in the sky was clearly floating without any help of any profound items, nor any flying creature! She was purely using her own power to float in the sky… and the only people that can float in the sky, who should have mastered the Profound Floating Technique, must at least reach the level of the Sky Profound Realm!This woman in the sky, was actually a practitioner of the legendary… Sky Profound Realm!!“Frozen Cloud’s… Seven Fairies!!” Xiao Moshan whispered under his breath as both his mind and body began to tighten and deep fear flashed across his eyes.“What? What did you say?” Xiao Kuangyun who was intoxicated by the woman in the sky, suddenly regained his senses after hearing the four words “Frozen Cloud’s Seven Fairies”…. These seven women were the reason why Frozen Cloud Asgard was one of the top clans. They were people that even his father deeply feared. Rumors say that within the Frozen Cloud’s Seven Fairies, the lowest profound strength was already at the Sky Profound Realm! And the strongest of them, was reportedly to be halfway to the Emperor Profound Realm!Xiao Sect’s position was always below the Frozen Cloud Asgard’s because of the existence of the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies. For three consecutive seasons in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, the Xiao Sect had always lost to the Frozen Cloud Asgard.“Young Master, she is the fifth ranked amongst the Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, Chu Yueli! I don’t know why she would appear here… But no matter what, do not offend her… Even if ten of me were to come together, I will still not be able to win against her!” Xiao Moshan whispered softly. He clearly knew what kind of lecher Xiao Kuangyun truly was. If he angered her by revealing his perverted nature, the consequences would simply be unthinkable!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Perubahan tiba-tiba peristiwa menyebabkan semua orang berseru kaget. Xiao Moshan yang telah menjaga mata tertutup selama ini, tiba-tiba membuka matanya dan melihat ke atas ke arah langit ... Pada saat ini, suara yang jelas dan dingin datang dari atas: "Kamu Xiao Sekte telah benar-benar mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih mampu ya, begitu banyak bahwa Anda bahkan mulai mencampuri urusan pernikahan Asgard murid saya! Siapa yang memberi Anda hak untuk melakukannya? "Dalam langit biru dengan awan putih sesekali, adalah seorang wanita mengambang, sepenuhnya berpakaian putih, yang memandang rendah orang-orang dengan mata yang dingin. Dia memiliki sangat salju putih kulit dan bibir merah terang, keindahan kulit yang baik halus dan adil. Dia memiliki taranya keanggunan dan kesucian murni, seperti itu dari peri yang turun dari istana di bulan. Pada saat yang sama, ia menyerupai teratai es dingin, sombong, dan murni. (TL:. Palace di bulan referensi cerita rakyat Cina tentang Chang'Er) Meskipun wajahnya yang jelas berbeda, sulit bagi siapa pun untuk memastikan sejatinya usia. Dia tampak dua puluhan, dan kemudian di usia tiga puluhan, namun masih tampak di remaja nya juga ... Sepotong berkilau dan tembus kristal es diangkat sekitar tubuhnya. Dia seperti peri, melamun dan benar-benar indah. Pemandangan indah di langit tertegun semua orang. Tiba-tiba, berteriak gemetar terdengar di kerumunan. "Pro .. Mendalam Teknik Mengambang! Ini Teknik Mengambang Mendalam !! "teriakan ini adalah seperti bom yang dijatuhkan ke semua orang, dan menyebabkan rahang mereka untuk membuka secara luas sebagai mata mereka hampir muncul keluar dari rongganya. Sebuah perubahan besar dalam ekspresi dapat dilihat di setiap satu dari mata mereka. Itu benar! Wanita di langit jelas mengambang tanpa bantuan dari setiap item yang mendalam, maupun makhluk terbang! Dia murni menggunakan tenaga sendiri untuk mengapung di langit ... dan satu-satunya orang yang bisa mengapung di langit, yang seharusnya menguasai Teknik Mengambang mendalam, harus setidaknya mencapai tingkat Sky Realm Mendalam! Wanita ini di langit , sebenarnya seorang praktisi yang legendaris ... Sky Realm Mendalam !! "Frozen Cloud ... Tujuh Fairies !!" Xiao Moshan berbisik pelan baik sebagai pikiran dan tubuhnya mulai mengencangkan dan ketakutan mendalam melintas di matanya. "Apa? Apa yang Anda katakan? "Xiao Kuangyun yang mabuk oleh wanita di langit, tiba-tiba tersadar setelah mendengar empat kata" Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies ".... Ketujuh perempuan adalah alasan mengapa Frozen Cloud Asgard adalah salah satu klan atas. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang bahkan ayahnya sangat ditakuti. Rumor mengatakan bahwa dalam Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, kekuatan yang mendalam terendah sudah di Sky Realm Mendalam! Dan terkuat dari mereka, dilaporkan menjadi setengah jalan ke Kaisar Realm Mendalam! Posisi Xiao Sekte itu selalu di bawah Frozen Cloud Asgard karena dari keberadaan Frozen Cloud Tujuh Fairies. Selama tiga musim berturut-turut di Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, Xiao Sekte selalu kalah Frozen Cloud Asgard. "Tuan Muda, dia adalah kelima di antara Frozen Cloud Tujuh Fairies, Chu Yueli peringkat! Saya tidak tahu mengapa dia akan muncul di sini ... Tapi tidak peduli apa, tidak menyinggung nya ... Bahkan jika sepuluh saya adalah untuk datang bersama-sama, saya akan tetap tidak bisa menang melawan dia! "Bisik Xiao Moshan lembut. Dia jelas tahu apa jenis bandot Xiao Kuangyun benar-benar adalah. Jika dia marah padanya dengan mengungkapkan sifat sesat itu, konsekuensi hanya akan terpikirkan!

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