Going still further with respect to nodular vs. circulating cell origi terjemahan - Going still further with respect to nodular vs. circulating cell origi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Going still further with respect to

Going still further with respect to nodular vs. circulating cell origins, according to sawada and colleagues, in order to acquire more in-depth evidence for the site(s) of hemopoiesis in marine animals, they continued previous approaches and successfully cultured pharyngeal explants from styelaclavaover a period of 82 days (sawada et al. 1994). Transmission electron microscopy of resident hemocytes within explants revealed changes in hemocyte composition. Hemoblast-like cellssuggestive of stem cells increased shortly after beginning cultivation(8.1% at day 0 increasing to a maximum of 28.7% at Day 7). Autoradiography using 3H-thymidine incorporation confirmed that hemocyte proliferation in pharyngeal explants still continued after 37 days culture.
During culture, the migration of many free cells into the medium resulted in sparse, residential hemocytes in the pharyngeal explants. Hemocyte migration increased by up to 4.3 x 105 cells/explant(max). at days 17-24, but finally decreased to 4.9x104 cells/explant at 75x82 days. Vital neutral-red staining revealed that many emerging cells were not hemoctyes such as those found in normal hemolymph. These successes suggested that continued development of in vitro approaches would strengthen analyses of immune-defense responses as revealed in tunicates that, as protochordates, are the immediate invertebrate ancestors of vertebrates. Clearly this is an important conclusion with implications to stem cell origins and possible homology.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Akan lebih jauh sehubungan dengan nodular vs beredar asal-usul sel, menurut bani Sawad dan rekan, memperoleh lebih mendalam bukti untuk situs hemopoiesis di hewan laut, mereka melanjutkan pendekatan sebelumnya dan berhasil berbudaya faring explants dari styelaclavaover periode 82 hari (bani Sawad et al. 1994). Mikroskop elektron transmisi dari penduduk hemocytes dalam eksplan mengungkapkan perubahan dalam komposisi hemocyte. Cellssuggestive Hemoblast-seperti sel-sel induk meningkat tak lama setelah awal budidaya (8.1% hari 0 meningkatkan maksimum 28,7% di 7 hari). Autoradiography menggunakan penggabungan 3H-thymidine mengkonfirmasikan bahwa hemocyte proliferasi di faring eksplan masih dilanjutkan setelah 37 hari budaya.
selama budaya, migrasi sel-sel banyak gratis ke media mengakibatkan hemocytes perumahan, jarang di eksplan faring. Hemocyte migrasi meningkat sampai dengan 4.3 x 105 cells/explant(max). hari 17-24, tetapi akhirnya berkurang ke 4.9 x 104 sel/explant 75 x 82 hari. Penting netral-merah pewarnaan mengungkapkan banyak sel-sel yang muncul yang tidak hemoctyes seperti yang ditemukan di normal hemolymph. Keberhasilan ini menyarankan bahwa pengembangan terus pendekatan secara in vitro akan memperkuat analisis pertahanan kekebalan tanggapan seperti yang dinyatakan dalam tunicata itu, sebagai protochordates, adalah leluhur langsung invertebrata vertebrata. Jelas ini adalah kesimpulan penting dengan implikasi untuk asal-usul sel induk dan mungkin Homologi.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Going still further with respect to nodular vs. circulating cell origins, according to sawada and colleagues, in order to acquire more in-depth evidence for the site(s) of hemopoiesis in marine animals, they continued previous approaches and successfully cultured pharyngeal explants from styelaclavaover a period of 82 days (sawada et al. 1994). Transmission electron microscopy of resident hemocytes within explants revealed changes in hemocyte composition. Hemoblast-like cellssuggestive of stem cells increased shortly after beginning cultivation(8.1% at day 0 increasing to a maximum of 28.7% at Day 7). Autoradiography using 3H-thymidine incorporation confirmed that hemocyte proliferation in pharyngeal explants still continued after 37 days culture.
During culture, the migration of many free cells into the medium resulted in sparse, residential hemocytes in the pharyngeal explants. Hemocyte migration increased by up to 4.3 x 105 cells/explant(max). at days 17-24, but finally decreased to 4.9x104 cells/explant at 75x82 days. Vital neutral-red staining revealed that many emerging cells were not hemoctyes such as those found in normal hemolymph. These successes suggested that continued development of in vitro approaches would strengthen analyses of immune-defense responses as revealed in tunicates that, as protochordates, are the immediate invertebrate ancestors of vertebrates. Clearly this is an important conclusion with implications to stem cell origins and possible homology.
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