A. Strong commitment to integrity, ethical values, and the rule of law terjemahan - A. Strong commitment to integrity, ethical values, and the rule of law Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A. Strong commitment to integrity,

A. Strong commitment to integrity, ethical values, and the rule of law
The public sector is normally responsible for using a significant proportion of national resources raised through taxation to provide services to citizens. Public sector entities are accountable not only for how much they spend but also for the ways they use the resources with which they have been entrusted. In addition, they have an overarching mission to serve the public interest in adhering to the requirements of legislation and government policies. This makes it essential that the entire entity can demonstrate the integrity of all its actions and has mechanisms in place that encourage and enforce a strong commitment to ethical values and legal compliance at all levels.
A1. Demonstrating integrity
The governing body should promote a culture where acting in the public interest at all times is the norm. It should do this by taking the lead in establishing and living up to specific values for the entity and its staff. These values should be easy to communicate and understand. They should be over and above minimum legal requirements and should build on established principles for behavior in public life, such as objectivity, selflessness, and honesty.7 These principles reflect public expectations about the conduct and behavior of entities, groups, and individuals who manage public service provision and spend public money.
The governing body should stand as a role model (often referred to as the tone-at-the-top ) by keeping these values at the forefront of its own thinking and behavior and use them to guide its decision making and other actions. The values can also be used to promote a culture of integrity and collaboration throughout the entity through a number of mechanisms. These include their definition and communication through codes of conduct, frequent staff consultation and communication, exemplary behavior, and performance assessment and reward processes.
A2. Strong commitment to ethical values
Ethical values and standards should be embedded throughout an entity and should form the basis for all its policies, procedures, and actions, as well as the personal behavior of its governing body members and other staff.
Having a code of conduct for governing body members and staff is a key element of good governance. Developing, reviewing, and communicating a code that illustrates what the values mean in specific circumstances helps to make visible (a) how the entity operates; (b) how it embeds its core values, such as by reflecting values in communications, processes, and behavior; and (c) how it relates to its key stakeholders. Codes also help reassure stakeholders about the entity’s integrity and its commitment to ethics.
Conflicts can arise between the personal interests of individuals involved in making decisions and the decisions that the governing body or employees need to make in the public interest. To ensure continued integrity and avoid public concern or loss of confidence, governing body members and staff should take steps to avoid or deal with any conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived. Some entities have a separate ethics policy and code of conduct. In such cases, an entity’s ethics policy typically sets out values and principles while a code of conduct outlines standards of behavior and practices.
It can be difficult to measure objectively factors affecting an entity’s performance in leadership, ethics, and culture, or to identify ethical problems before they manifest in organizational performance. However, it is important that entities seek to understand and maintain their performance in these areas. Useful evaluative approaches to gauge performance include staff surveys, performance appraisals, administrative reviews, and leadership self-assessments.
Stakeholders can also provide important feedback on how an entity is performing in leadership, ethics, and culture. This can be solicited formally or be received through comments and complaints. Complaints can form a vital part of feedback and should be handled and resolved efficiently, effectively, and in a timely manner so that lessons learned are used to improve the performance, both ethical and general, of the entity and its services.
Whistleblowing processes should also be established whereby individuals or groups are able to draw formal attention to practices that are unethical or violate internal or external policies rules or regulations and to ensure that valid concerns are promptly addressed. These processes also reassure individuals raising concerns that they will be protected from any potential negative repercussions.
A3. Strong commitment to the rule of law
Fair legal frameworks, enforced on an impartial basis, as well as an independent judicial system assist in building societies where individuals and organizations alike can feel safe. They do this by affording legal protection for rights and entitlements, offering redress for those harmed, and guarding against corruption.
Public sector entities at all levels may be involved with creating or interpreting laws; such activities demand a high standard of conduct that prevents these roles from being brought into disrepute. Adhering to the rule of law also requires effective mechanisms to deal with breaches of legal and regulatory provisions.
Public sector entities and the individuals working within them should, therefore, demonstrate a strong commitment to the rule of law as well as compliance with all relevant laws. Within this International Framework, they should also strive to utilize their powers for the full benefit of their communities and other stakeholders. The rule of law is also a means by which public sector entities and individuals within them can be held to account through compliance with any constraints on resources voted by the legislature.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A. komitmen terhadap integritas, nilai-nilai etika dan aturan hukumSektor publik biasanya bertanggung jawab untuk menggunakan proporsi yang signifikan dari sumber daya nasional melalui pajak untuk memberikan layanan kepada warga. Sektor publik entitas bertanggung jawab tidak hanya untuk berapa banyak mereka menghabiskan tetapi juga cara mereka menggunakan sumber daya yang mereka telah dipercayakan. Selain itu, mereka memiliki misi yang menyeluruh untuk melayani kepentingan publik dalam mengikuti persyaratan undang-undang dan kebijakan pemerintah. Hal ini penting bahwa seluruh entitas dapat menunjukkan integritas semua tindakan dan memiliki mekanisme di tempat yang mendorong dan menegakkan komitmen yang kuat untuk nilai-nilai etika dan hukum kepatuhan pada semua tingkatan.A1. Menunjukkan integritasBadan harus mempromosikan budaya di mana bertindak dalam kepentingan umum di Semua kali adalah norma. Itu harus melakukan ini dengan mengambil memimpin dalam membangun dan menghayati nilai-nilai tertentu untuk entitas dan stafnya. Nilai-nilai ini harus mudah untuk berkomunikasi dan memahami. Mereka harus Selain persyaratan hukum minimum dan harus membangun pada prinsip-prinsip mapan untuk perilaku dalam kehidupan masyarakat, seperti objektivitas, mementingkan diri, dan honesty.7 prinsip-prinsip ini mencerminkan ekspektasi masyarakat tentang perilaku dan sikap entitas, kelompok dan individu yang mengelola penyediaan layanan publik dan menghabiskan uang publik.Badan harus berdiri sebagai model peran (sering disebut sebagai nada-di-the-top) dengan menjaga nilai-nilai ini di garis depan sendiri berpikir dan perilaku dan menggunakannya untuk memandu pengambilan keputusan dan tindakan lain. Nilai dapat juga digunakan untuk mempromosikan budaya integritas dan kerjasama seluruh entitas melalui sejumlah mekanisme. Ini termasuk definisi dan komunikasi melalui kode perilaku, sering staf konsultasi dan komunikasi, perilaku teladan dan proses penilaian dan penghargaan kinerja mereka.A2. Komitmen yang kuat untuk nilai-nilai etikaNilai-nilai etika dan standar harus tertanam seluruh badan dan harus membentuk dasar bagi semua kebijakan, prosedur, dan tindakan, serta perilaku pribadi anggota-anggota badan yang mengatur dan staf lainnya.Memiliki kode etik untuk mengatur anggota tubuh dan staf adalah unsur penting dari tata pemerintahan yang baik. Mengembangkan, meninjau, dan berkomunikasi kode yang menggambarkan nilai-nilai yang berarti dalam keadaan-keadaan tertentu membantu untuk membuat terlihat bagaimana () entitas beroperasi; (b) bagaimana itu komprehensif nilai-nilai inti, seperti oleh mencerminkan nilai-nilai dalam komunikasi, proses dan perilaku; dan (c) bagaimana berhubungan dengan para pemangku kepentingan kunci. Kode juga membantu meyakinkan stakeholder tentang entitas yang integritas dan komitmen untuk etika.Konflik dapat timbul antara kepentingan pribadi individu yang terlibat dalam membuat keputusan dan keputusan yang memerintah tubuh atau karyawan perlu membuat kepentingan umum. Untuk memastikan integritas terus dan menghindari kekhawatiran masyarakat atau hilangnya kepercayaan, mengatur anggota tubuh dan staf harus mengambil langkah-langkah untuk menghindari atau berurusan dengan konflik kepentingan apapun, Apakah nyata atau dirasakan. Beberapa entitas memiliki kebijakan etika yang terpisah dan kode etik. Dalam kasus tersebut, sebuah entitas etika kebijakan biasanya menetapkan nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip sementara kode etik menguraikan standar perilaku dan praktek.Hal ini dapat sulit untuk mengukur objektif faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja entitas dalam kepemimpinan, etika dan budaya, atau untuk mengidentifikasi masalah etika sebelum mereka terwujud dalam kinerja organisasi. Namun, sangat penting bahwa entitas berusaha untuk memahami dan mempertahankan kinerja mereka dalam bidang ini. Pendekatan Evaluatif yang berguna untuk mengukur kinerja termasuk staf survei, penilaian kinerja, administrasi ulasan, dan penilaian diri kepemimpinan.Pemangku kepentingan juga dapat memberikan masukan yang penting pada performa entitas dalam kepemimpinan, etika, dan budaya. Ini dapat diminta secara resmi atau diterima melalui komentar dan keluhan. Keluhan dapat membentuk bagian penting dari umpan balik dan harus ditangani dan diselesaikan secara efisien, efektif, dan tepat waktu sehingga pelajaran yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja, etis dan umum, dari entitas dan layanannya.Proses Whistleblowing juga akan didirikan dimana individu atau kelompok yang dapat menarik perhatian formal praktik yang tidak etis atau melanggar peraturan internal atau eksternal kebijakan atau peraturan dan untuk memastikan bahwa berlaku segera diatasi. Proses ini juga meyakinkan individu yang menimbulkan kekhawatiran bahwa mereka akan dilindungi dari dampak negatif setiap potensi.A3. Komitmen yang kuat untuk aturan hukumKerangka hukum yang adil, diberlakukan pada dasar yang tidak memihak, serta sistem peradilan independen membantu dalam membangun masyarakat mana individu dan organisasi sama-sama dapat merasa aman. Mereka melakukan ini dengan affording perlindungan hukum bagi hak-hak dan hak, menawarkan ganti-rugi yang tandus dan gersang dan pengawalan terhadap korupsi.Sektor publik entitas di semua tingkat mungkin terlibat dengan menciptakan atau menafsirkan hukum; kegiatan tersebut menuntut standar yang tinggi dari perilaku yang mencegah peran ini dibawa menjadi buruk. Mematuhi aturan hukum juga memerlukan mekanisme yang efektif untuk berurusan dengan pelanggaran ketentuan hukum dan peraturan.Sektor publik entitas dan orang-orang yang bekerja di dalamnya harus, karena itu, menunjukkan komitmen yang kuat untuk aturan hukum serta mematuhi semua hukum yang relevan. Dalam kerangka internasional ini, mereka juga harus berusaha untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan mereka untuk keuntungan penuh dari masyarakat setempat dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Aturan hukum ini juga sarana oleh sektor publik yang entitas dan individu-individu di dalamnya dapat diadakan untuk akun melalui kepatuhan pada setiap kendala sumber daya yang dipilih oleh badan legislatif.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
A. Strong commitment to integrity, ethical values, and the rule of law
The public sector is normally responsible for using a significant proportion of national resources raised through taxation to provide services to citizens. Public sector entities are accountable not only for how much they spend but also for the ways they use the resources with which they have been entrusted. In addition, they have an overarching mission to serve the public interest in adhering to the requirements of legislation and government policies. This makes it essential that the entire entity can demonstrate the integrity of all its actions and has mechanisms in place that encourage and enforce a strong commitment to ethical values and legal compliance at all levels.
A1. Demonstrating integrity
The governing body should promote a culture where acting in the public interest at all times is the norm. It should do this by taking the lead in establishing and living up to specific values for the entity and its staff. These values should be easy to communicate and understand. They should be over and above minimum legal requirements and should build on established principles for behavior in public life, such as objectivity, selflessness, and honesty.7 These principles reflect public expectations about the conduct and behavior of entities, groups, and individuals who manage public service provision and spend public money.
The governing body should stand as a role model (often referred to as the tone-at-the-top ) by keeping these values at the forefront of its own thinking and behavior and use them to guide its decision making and other actions. The values can also be used to promote a culture of integrity and collaboration throughout the entity through a number of mechanisms. These include their definition and communication through codes of conduct, frequent staff consultation and communication, exemplary behavior, and performance assessment and reward processes.
A2. Strong commitment to ethical values
Ethical values and standards should be embedded throughout an entity and should form the basis for all its policies, procedures, and actions, as well as the personal behavior of its governing body members and other staff.
Having a code of conduct for governing body members and staff is a key element of good governance. Developing, reviewing, and communicating a code that illustrates what the values mean in specific circumstances helps to make visible (a) how the entity operates; (b) how it embeds its core values, such as by reflecting values in communications, processes, and behavior; and (c) how it relates to its key stakeholders. Codes also help reassure stakeholders about the entity’s integrity and its commitment to ethics.
Conflicts can arise between the personal interests of individuals involved in making decisions and the decisions that the governing body or employees need to make in the public interest. To ensure continued integrity and avoid public concern or loss of confidence, governing body members and staff should take steps to avoid or deal with any conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived. Some entities have a separate ethics policy and code of conduct. In such cases, an entity’s ethics policy typically sets out values and principles while a code of conduct outlines standards of behavior and practices.
It can be difficult to measure objectively factors affecting an entity’s performance in leadership, ethics, and culture, or to identify ethical problems before they manifest in organizational performance. However, it is important that entities seek to understand and maintain their performance in these areas. Useful evaluative approaches to gauge performance include staff surveys, performance appraisals, administrative reviews, and leadership self-assessments.
Stakeholders can also provide important feedback on how an entity is performing in leadership, ethics, and culture. This can be solicited formally or be received through comments and complaints. Complaints can form a vital part of feedback and should be handled and resolved efficiently, effectively, and in a timely manner so that lessons learned are used to improve the performance, both ethical and general, of the entity and its services.
Whistleblowing processes should also be established whereby individuals or groups are able to draw formal attention to practices that are unethical or violate internal or external policies rules or regulations and to ensure that valid concerns are promptly addressed. These processes also reassure individuals raising concerns that they will be protected from any potential negative repercussions.
A3. Strong commitment to the rule of law
Fair legal frameworks, enforced on an impartial basis, as well as an independent judicial system assist in building societies where individuals and organizations alike can feel safe. They do this by affording legal protection for rights and entitlements, offering redress for those harmed, and guarding against corruption.
Public sector entities at all levels may be involved with creating or interpreting laws; such activities demand a high standard of conduct that prevents these roles from being brought into disrepute. Adhering to the rule of law also requires effective mechanisms to deal with breaches of legal and regulatory provisions.
Public sector entities and the individuals working within them should, therefore, demonstrate a strong commitment to the rule of law as well as compliance with all relevant laws. Within this International Framework, they should also strive to utilize their powers for the full benefit of their communities and other stakeholders. The rule of law is also a means by which public sector entities and individuals within them can be held to account through compliance with any constraints on resources voted by the legislature.
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