4.3 Regression modelWe test the association between real earnings mana terjemahan - 4.3 Regression modelWe test the association between real earnings mana Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

4.3 Regression modelWe test the ass

4.3 Regression model
We test the association between real earnings management and audit committee
characteristics by estimating the following regression model:

REDt ¼ b0 þ b1ACEXPt þ b2ACTENt þ b3ACOTHt þ b4ACBLKt
þ b5ACSIZEt þ b6BDINDt þ b7BDEXPt þ b8BDTENt þ b9BDOTHt
þ b10BDBLKt þ b11BDSIZEt þ b12SIZEt þ b13MBt þ b14ROAt
þ b15CEOTENt þ b16AGEt


REMt ¼ real earnings management, measured as abnormal cash flows from
operations, abnormal discretionary expenses, or abnormal
production costs.

ACEXPt ¼ proportion of audit committee members with accounting financial

ACTENt ¼ average board tenure of audit committee members.

ACOTHt ¼ average number of other S&P companies’ boards served on by audit
committee members.

ACBLKt ¼ proportion of audit committee members with block shareholding.

ACSIZEt ¼ audit committee size, measured as the number of audit committee

BDINDt ¼ board independence, measured as the proportion of independent
directors on the board.

BDEXPt ¼ proportion of directors with accounting financial expertise on the

BDTENt ¼ average board tenure of directors.

BDOTHt ¼ average number of other S&P companies’ boards served on by

BDBLKt ¼ proportion of block shareholding directors on the board.

BDSIZEt ¼ board size, measured as the number of directors on the board.

SIZEt ¼ firm size, measured as the nature log of market value of common

MBt ¼ market-to-book ratio, measured as the ratio of market value to book
value of common equity.

ROAt ¼ return on assets, measured as income before extraordinary items
divided by total assets.

CEOTENt ¼ CEO tenure, measured as the number of years for which an
employee has been the company’s CEO.

AGEt ¼ firm age, measured as the number of years for which a firm has been
included in the CRSP database.

Like Krishnan and Visvanathan (2008), we define an audit committee member with
accounting financial expertise as a director who is or was a member of one of the
following groups: certified public accountants, auditors, principal or chief financial
officers, controllers, or principal or chief accounting officers[7]. An audit committee
member with block shareholdings is defined as a director who owns at least 1 percent of
common equity

Corresponding to the five audit committee characteristics that are test variables of
interest, we include five board characteristics in equation (4), to mitigate the concern that
the observed association between audit committee characteristics and real earnings
management may reflect a mechanical correlation between board characteristics and real
earnings management. As board independence is usually a proxy for board governance
quality (Klein, 2002), we add BDINDt in the model[8]. Following Roychowdhury (2006),
we use SIZEt, MBt and ROAt as control variables. We include CEOTENt in the model
because more experienced CEOs may have ability to predict demand, and thus are less
likely to over-produce. Audit committee characteristics are likely to be correlated with firm
age, which may impact the predictability of demand. Thus, we add AGEt in the model.
To control for firm effects, we estimate equation (4) with standard errors clustered by firm.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
4.3 model regresiKami menguji Asosiasi antara real penghasilan manajemen dan komite auditKarakteristik dengan memperkirakan model regresi berikut:REDt ¼ b0 þ b1ACEXPt b2ACTENt þ þ b3ACOTHt þ b4ACBLKtþ b5ACSIZEt þ b6BDINDt b7BDEXPt þ þ b8BDTENt þ b9BDOTHtþ b10BDBLKt þ b11BDSIZEt b12SIZEt þ þ b13MBt þ b14ROAtþ b15CEOTENt þ b16AGEtdimana:REMt ¼ real penghasilan manajemen, diukur sebagai arus kas abnormal darioperasi, abnormal discretionary pengeluaran, atau abnormalbiaya produksi.ACEXPt ¼ proporsi anggota komite audit dengan akuntansi keuangankeahlian.ACTENt ¼ rata-rata masa jabatan Dewan anggota komite audit.Jumlah rata-rata ACOTHt ¼ S & P perusahaan lain papan dilayani pada auditanggota Komite.ACBLKt ¼ proporsi dari anggota komite audit dengan blok saham.Ukuran komite audit ACSIZEt ¼, yang diukur dengan jumlah komite auditanggota.BDINDt ¼ papan kemerdekaan, diukur sebagai proporsi independenDireksi di papan tulis.BDEXPt ¼ proporsi Direksi dengan akuntansi keuangan keahlian padapapan.BDTENt ¼ kepemilikan rata-rata Dewan Direksi.Jumlah rata-rata BDOTHt ¼ S & P perusahaan lain papan disajikan olehDireksi.BDBLKt ¼ proporsi Direksi saham blok di papan tulis.BDSIZEt ¼ papan ukuran, diukur sebagai nomor Direksi di papan tulis.SIZEt ¼ ukuran perusahaan, diukur sebagai alam log dari nilai pasar umumekuitas.MBt ¼ pasar-untuk-buku rasio, diukur sebagai rasio nilai pasar untuk bukunilai saham umum.ROAt ¼ pengembalian Aktiva, diukur sebagai pendapatan sebelum barang-barang yang luar biasadibagi dengan total aset.Masa jabatan CEO CEOTENt ¼, diukur sebagai jumlah tahun yangkaryawan telah menjadi CEO perusahaan.AGEt ¼ perusahaan usia, diukur sebagai jumlah tahun dimana perusahaan telahdimasukkan dalam CRSP database.Seperti Krishnan dan Visvanathan (2008), kita mendefinisikan anggota komite audit denganAkuntansi Keuangan keahlian sebagai Direktur yang atau menjadi anggota dari salah satumengikuti kelompok: Akuntan publik bersertifikat, auditor, kepala atau kepala keuanganpetugas, controller, atau utama atau kepala akuntansi petugas [7]. Komite auditanggota dengan pemegang saham blok didefinisikan sebagai Direktur yang memiliki setidaknya 1 persen dariekuitas UmumSesuai dengan Komite audit lima karakteristik yang tes variabelbunga, kami menyertakan lima karakteristik Dewan dalam persamaan (4), untuk mengurangi keprihatinan yangAsosiasi diamati antara karakteristik komite audit dan real penghasilanManajemen mungkin mencerminkan mekanis korelasi antara karakteristik papan dan realmanajemen pendapatan. Seperti papan kemerdekaan biasanya proxy untuk Dewan pemerintahankualitas (Klein, 2002), kita menambahkan BDINDt dalam model [8]. Berikut Roychowdhury (2006),Kami menggunakan SIZEt, MBt dan ROAt sebagai variabel kontrol. Kami menyertakan CEOTENt dalam modelkarena lebih berpengalaman CEO mungkin memiliki kemampuan untuk memprediksi permintaan, dan dengan demikian kurangcenderung lebih menghasilkan. Ciri-ciri Komite Audit cenderung untuk berkorelasi dengan perusahaanusia, yang dapat mempengaruhi prediktabilitas dari permintaan. Dengan demikian, kami menambah AGEt dalam model.Untuk mengontrol untuk perusahaan efek, kami memperkirakan persamaan (4) dengan kesalahan standar yang tersusun oleh perusahaan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
4.3 Regression model
We test the association between real earnings management and audit committee
characteristics by estimating the following regression model:

REDt ¼ b0 þ b1ACEXPt þ b2ACTENt þ b3ACOTHt þ b4ACBLKt
þ b5ACSIZEt þ b6BDINDt þ b7BDEXPt þ b8BDTENt þ b9BDOTHt
þ b10BDBLKt þ b11BDSIZEt þ b12SIZEt þ b13MBt þ b14ROAt
þ b15CEOTENt þ b16AGEt


REMt ¼ real earnings management, measured as abnormal cash flows from
operations, abnormal discretionary expenses, or abnormal
production costs.

ACEXPt ¼ proportion of audit committee members with accounting financial

ACTENt ¼ average board tenure of audit committee members.

ACOTHt ¼ average number of other S&P companies’ boards served on by audit
committee members.

ACBLKt ¼ proportion of audit committee members with block shareholding.

ACSIZEt ¼ audit committee size, measured as the number of audit committee

BDINDt ¼ board independence, measured as the proportion of independent
directors on the board.

BDEXPt ¼ proportion of directors with accounting financial expertise on the

BDTENt ¼ average board tenure of directors.

BDOTHt ¼ average number of other S&P companies’ boards served on by

BDBLKt ¼ proportion of block shareholding directors on the board.

BDSIZEt ¼ board size, measured as the number of directors on the board.

SIZEt ¼ firm size, measured as the nature log of market value of common

MBt ¼ market-to-book ratio, measured as the ratio of market value to book
value of common equity.

ROAt ¼ return on assets, measured as income before extraordinary items
divided by total assets.

CEOTENt ¼ CEO tenure, measured as the number of years for which an
employee has been the company’s CEO.

AGEt ¼ firm age, measured as the number of years for which a firm has been
included in the CRSP database.

Like Krishnan and Visvanathan (2008), we define an audit committee member with
accounting financial expertise as a director who is or was a member of one of the
following groups: certified public accountants, auditors, principal or chief financial
officers, controllers, or principal or chief accounting officers[7]. An audit committee
member with block shareholdings is defined as a director who owns at least 1 percent of
common equity

Corresponding to the five audit committee characteristics that are test variables of
interest, we include five board characteristics in equation (4), to mitigate the concern that
the observed association between audit committee characteristics and real earnings
management may reflect a mechanical correlation between board characteristics and real
earnings management. As board independence is usually a proxy for board governance
quality (Klein, 2002), we add BDINDt in the model[8]. Following Roychowdhury (2006),
we use SIZEt, MBt and ROAt as control variables. We include CEOTENt in the model
because more experienced CEOs may have ability to predict demand, and thus are less
likely to over-produce. Audit committee characteristics are likely to be correlated with firm
age, which may impact the predictability of demand. Thus, we add AGEt in the model.
To control for firm effects, we estimate equation (4) with standard errors clustered by firm.
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