I belong to extinct Megalithic belief where our ancestors worship powe terjemahan - I belong to extinct Megalithic belief where our ancestors worship powe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I belong to extinct Megalithic beli

I belong to extinct Megalithic belief where our ancestors worship power of nature and Women being more closer to nature worship them too. While I worship nature and by that process belong to any religious group, however, the latter put us in unique state and seclude from the mass and I would equally prefer to worship you also - details of which I wish to discuss in Jakarta only. San, while your personality is the cause of the gradually deepened friendship there has been an element that is potentially actuating the deepening process and that is the whispering effect :-) I have to be honest with you. Now with your 500 Diego whispers, my 1000 san whispers, our combined 1000 sandiego whispers for both the ears of our respective ears become a total of 7000 whispers @ 5 seconds total 35000 seconds giving minimum 10 hours of togetherness. I am delighted and YES from me. So your earlier YES based on 8 hours have to increase to 10 hours too :-) So you need to reconfirm and commit :-)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I belong to extinct Megalithic belief where our ancestors worship power of nature and Women being more closer to nature worship them too. While I worship nature and by that process belong to any religious group, however, the latter put us in unique state and seclude from the mass and I would equally prefer to worship you also - details of which I wish to discuss in Jakarta only. San, while your personality is the cause of the gradually deepened friendship there has been an element that is potentially actuating the deepening process and that is the whispering effect :-) I have to be honest with you. Now with your 500 Diego whispers, my 1000 san whispers, our combined 1000 sandiego whispers for both the ears of our respective ears become a total of 7000 whispers @ 5 seconds total 35000 seconds giving minimum 10 hours of togetherness. I am delighted and YES from me. So your earlier YES based on 8 hours have to increase to 10 hours too :-) So you need to reconfirm and commit :-)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku milik punah kepercayaan megalitik di mana nenek moyang kita menyembah kekuatan alam dan Wanita menjadi lebih dekat dengan alam menyembah mereka juga. Sementara aku menyembah alam dan dengan proses yang tergabung dalam kelompok agama, namun, yang terakhir menempatkan kami dalam keadaan yang unik dan mengasingkan dari massa dan saya akan sama-sama memilih untuk menyembah Anda juga - rincian yang ingin saya bahas di Jakarta saja. San, sedangkan kepribadian Anda adalah penyebab persahabatan secara bertahap diperdalam telah ada elemen yang berpotensi actuating proses pendalaman dan itu adalah efek berbisik:-) Saya harus jujur ​​dengan Anda. Sekarang dengan 500 Diego berbisik Anda, 1000 san berbisik saya, gabungan 1000 sandiego berbisik kami untuk kedua telinga telinga kita masing-masing menjadi total 7000 berbisik @ 5 detik Total 35000 detik memberikan minimal 10 jam kebersamaan. Saya senang dan YES dari saya. Jadi ya Anda sebelumnya berdasarkan 8 jam harus meningkat menjadi 10 jam juga:-) Jadi, Anda perlu untuk menegaskan kembali dan melakukan:-)
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