their work place in order to make use of their expertise, which it dep terjemahan - their work place in order to make use of their expertise, which it dep Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

their work place in order to make u

their work place in order to make use of their expertise, which it depends on some f actors like job
satisfaction, job security, and a feeling of liking one’s job (Mir Sepasi 1991). Educational staff in
this study comprises of all the individuals – men or women – who work for the education
organization in administrative and service units. It seems necessary to research into the ways in
which HR are recruited and used, the HR maintenance system, and the ways in which they make
progress and succeed in the education organization, in order to recruit and maintain more HR based
on the findings and by the use of all the potential and resolve social problems and remove any
deprivations and as a result promote the culture and create a better society.
Organizations recruit and maintain their staff in different manners and from different sources
(Shimon ,2009). The education organization has more critical duties than the other organizations.
What follows is the review of different Iranian and foreign scholars’ opinions about staff
motivation, job satisfaction, recruitment and maintenance, quality improvement, and job
Analyzing the human behavior in an organization depends on the organizational behavior as well as
all the similarities and differences between organizations which result from different factors (Kia
1991: p13). Gant deals with the human nature and especially analyzes the staff motivation. He
concludes that proper performance results from the staff internal conscious motives (Hashemi 1994:
p97). Mc Gregor believes that an average human learns how to assume responsibility in the proper
circumstances. Argris suggests that managers pay attention to the primary needs of their staff
(Kashefi 1976: 45). Some psychological studies show that intangible motives also affect the staff
satisfaction. Jones believes that the institutional methods increase the rates of sociability, job
satisfaction, and organizational commitment, and reduces the likelihood of job abandonment (Saks
2007). But managers pay more attention to the more material motives like salary because of the
vagueness of such concepts (Mehrasa 1973). Simon argues that if the individual’s goals go against
those of the organization, it leads to staff job abandonments (Scot 2009). In this respect, Sattari
(1373: 186) believes that intangible motives should supplement the tangible motives. Likert believes
that negligence of human relations in an organization in the long term hinders the social system of
the organization, and leads to riots, unbelievability, lower responsibility rates, job dislikes and
abandonments (1987: 263). Argris believes that the today organizational structure hinders the
development of individuals’ personality, and employees pay more attention to salary and other
tangible benefits (Shine 1973: 290).
Barnard also believes that one of the motives which directly influences the staff is the availability of
opportunities for the staff to participate in the organizational activities (Jaffari 1976: 15). To achieve
this end, as Barnard believes, one needs to take into account the morale, award and punishment
system, supervision, and training in the organization (Ameri 1973: 26). Brown states that
management role is to become aware of the staff condition, assess their work outcome and their
responsibilities, and check the conformity of the work done and the duties under question. In this
way, a perfect tie will be established between management and the staff (Parhizgar 1993: 103). In
other words, the fulfillment of both the organizational goals and the staff members’ physical and
mental needs should be taken into account (Kocklan 1979: 121). As for the recruitment of the HR,
one needs to select and use the best talented individuals by the use of strict, scientific methods
(Besharat & Sadeghpoor 1979: 73). A significant percentage of physical and mental disorders
among the staff has roots in the behavior and personality of managers (Saatchi 1976: 34). Marshal,
the renowned economist, points out that “if all the capitals, technical tools and equipments in the
world suddenly become destroyed, but there will be wise managers and policy-makers at the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
their work place in order to make use of their expertise, which it depends on some f actors like jobsatisfaction, job security, and a feeling of liking one’s job (Mir Sepasi 1991). Educational staff inthis study comprises of all the individuals – men or women – who work for the educationorganization in administrative and service units. It seems necessary to research into the ways inwhich HR are recruited and used, the HR maintenance system, and the ways in which they makeprogress and succeed in the education organization, in order to recruit and maintain more HR basedon the findings and by the use of all the potential and resolve social problems and remove anydeprivations and as a result promote the culture and create a better society.Organizations recruit and maintain their staff in different manners and from different sources(Shimon ,2009). The education organization has more critical duties than the other organizations.What follows is the review of different Iranian and foreign scholars’ opinions about staffmotivation, job satisfaction, recruitment and maintenance, quality improvement, and jobabandonments.Analyzing the human behavior in an organization depends on the organizational behavior as well asall the similarities and differences between organizations which result from different factors (Kia1991: p13). Gant deals with the human nature and especially analyzes the staff motivation. Heconcludes that proper performance results from the staff internal conscious motives (Hashemi 1994:p97). Mc Gregor believes that an average human learns how to assume responsibility in the propercircumstances. Argris suggests that managers pay attention to the primary needs of their staff(Kashefi 1976: 45). Some psychological studies show that intangible motives also affect the staffsatisfaction. Jones believes that the institutional methods increase the rates of sociability, jobsatisfaction, and organizational commitment, and reduces the likelihood of job abandonment (Saks2007). But managers pay more attention to the more material motives like salary because of thevagueness of such concepts (Mehrasa 1973). Simon argues that if the individual’s goals go againstthose of the organization, it leads to staff job abandonments (Scot 2009). In this respect, Sattari(1373: 186) believes that intangible motives should supplement the tangible motives. Likert believesthat negligence of human relations in an organization in the long term hinders the social system ofthe organization, and leads to riots, unbelievability, lower responsibility rates, job dislikes andabandonments (1987: 263). Argris believes that the today organizational structure hinders thedevelopment of individuals’ personality, and employees pay more attention to salary and othertangible benefits (Shine 1973: 290).Barnard also believes that one of the motives which directly influences the staff is the availability ofopportunities for the staff to participate in the organizational activities (Jaffari 1976: 15). To achievethis end, as Barnard believes, one needs to take into account the morale, award and punishmentsystem, supervision, and training in the organization (Ameri 1973: 26). Brown states thatmanagement role is to become aware of the staff condition, assess their work outcome and theirresponsibilities, and check the conformity of the work done and the duties under question. In thisway, a perfect tie will be established between management and the staff (Parhizgar 1993: 103). Inother words, the fulfillment of both the organizational goals and the staff members’ physical andmental needs should be taken into account (Kocklan 1979: 121). As for the recruitment of the HR,one needs to select and use the best talented individuals by the use of strict, scientific methods(Besharat & Sadeghpoor 1979: 73). A significant percentage of physical and mental disordersamong the staff has roots in the behavior and personality of managers (Saatchi 1976: 34). Marshal,the renowned economist, points out that “if all the capitals, technical tools and equipments in theworld suddenly become destroyed, but there will be wise managers and policy-makers at the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
tempat kerja mereka untuk memanfaatkan keahlian mereka, yang tergantung pada beberapa aktor f seperti pekerjaan
kepuasan, keamanan kerja, dan perasaan menyukai pekerjaan seseorang (Mir Sepasi 1991). Tenaga kependidikan dalam
penelitian ini terdiri dari semua individu - laki-laki atau perempuan - yang bekerja untuk pendidikan
organisasi dalam unit-unit administrasi dan pelayanan. Tampaknya diperlukan untuk penelitian ke dalam cara-cara di
mana SDM yang direkrut dan digunakan, sistem pemeliharaan SDM, dan cara-cara di mana mereka membuat
kemajuan dan berhasil dalam organisasi pendidikan, untuk merekrut dan mempertahankan lebih HR berdasarkan
temuan dan dengan penggunaan semua potensi dan mengatasi masalah sosial dan menghilangkan
kekurangan yang dan sebagai hasilnya mempromosikan budaya dan menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih baik.
Organisasi merekrut dan mempertahankan staf mereka dalam cara yang berbeda dan dari sumber yang berbeda
(Shimon, 2009). Organisasi pendidikan memiliki tugas yang lebih penting daripada organisasi lain.
Berikut adalah review dari pendapat yang berbeda ulama 'Iran dan asing tentang staf
motivasi, kepuasan kerja, rekrutmen dan pemeliharaan, peningkatan mutu, dan pekerjaan
Menganalisis perilaku manusia dalam sebuah organisasi tergantung pada perilaku organisasi serta
semua persamaan dan perbedaan antara organisasi yang hasil dari faktor yang berbeda (Kia
1991: p13). Gant berkaitan dengan sifat manusia dan terutama analisis motivasi staf. Dia
menyimpulkan bahwa hasil kinerja yang tepat dari staf motif sadar internal yang (Hashemi 1994:
p97). Mc Gregor percaya bahwa manusia rata-rata belajar bagaimana untuk memikul tanggung jawab dalam tepat
situasi. Argris menunjukkan bahwa manajer memperhatikan kebutuhan primer staf mereka
(Kashefi 1976: 45). Beberapa studi psikologi menunjukkan bahwa motif tidak berwujud juga mempengaruhi staf
kepuasan. Jones percaya bahwa metode kelembagaan meningkatkan tingkat sosialisasi, pekerjaan
kepuasan, dan komitmen organisasi, dan mengurangi kemungkinan ditinggalkan kerja (Saks
2007). Namun, manajer lebih memperhatikan motif yang lebih materi seperti gaji karena
ketidakjelasan konsep tersebut (Mehrasa 1973). Simon berpendapat bahwa jika tujuan individu melawan
orang-orang dari organisasi, itu mengarah ke staf pengabaian kerja (Scot 2009). Dalam hal ini, Sattari
(1373: 186) berpendapat bahwa motif intangible harus melengkapi motif nyata. Likert percaya
bahwa kelalaian hubungan manusia dalam suatu organisasi dalam jangka panjang menghambat sistem sosial
organisasi, dan menyebabkan kerusuhan, unbelievability, tingkat tanggung jawab yang lebih rendah, tidak suka kerja dan
pengabaian (1987: 263). Argris percaya bahwa struktur organisasi saat ini menghambat
perkembangan kepribadian individu, dan karyawan lebih memperhatikan gaji dan lain
manfaat nyata (Pembersih 1973: 290).
Barnard juga percaya bahwa salah satu motif yang secara langsung mempengaruhi staf ketersediaan
kesempatan bagi staf untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan organisasi (Jaffari 1976: 15). Untuk mencapai
tujuan ini, seperti Barnard percaya, kita perlu mempertimbangkan moral, penghargaan dan hukuman
sistem, pengawasan, dan pelatihan dalam organisasi (Ameri 1973: 26). Brown menyatakan bahwa
peran manajemen adalah untuk menjadi sadar akan kondisi staf, menilai hasil kerja mereka dan mereka
tanggung jawab, dan memeriksa kesesuaian pekerjaan yang dilakukan dan tugas dipertanyakan. Dalam hal ini
cara, dasi yang sempurna akan dibentuk antara manajemen dan staf (Parhizgar 1993: 103). Dalam
kata lain, pemenuhan kedua tujuan organisasi dan fisik dan anggota staf '
kebutuhan mental harus diperhitungkan (Kocklan 1979: 121). Adapun perekrutan SDM,
salah satu kebutuhan untuk memilih dan menggunakan terbaik individu-individu berbakat dengan menggunakan ketat, metode ilmiah
(Besharat & Sadeghpoor 1979: 73). Sebuah persentase yang signifikan dari gangguan fisik dan mental
di kalangan staf berakar dalam perilaku dan kepribadian manajer (Saatchi 1976: 34). Marshal,
ekonom terkenal, menunjukkan bahwa "jika semua ibukota, alat-alat teknis dan peralatan di
dunia tiba-tiba menjadi hancur, tapi akan ada manajer yang bijaksana dan pembuat kebijakan di
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