Older, well-established small firms can be hit hard by a business rece terjemahan - Older, well-established small firms can be hit hard by a business rece Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Older, well-established small firms

Older, well-established small firms can be hit hard by a business recession mainly
because they do not have the financial resources to weather an extended difficult
Limited Potential Small businesses that survive do so with varying degrees of success.
Many are simply the means of making a living for the owner and his or her family.
The owner may have some technical skill—as a hair stylist or electrician, for example—
and may have started a business to put this skill to work. Such a business is unlikely
to grow into big business. In addition, employees’ potential for advancement is limited.
Limited Ability to Raise Capital Small businesses typically have a limited ability
to obtain capital. Figure 5.2 shows that most small-business financing comes
out of the owner’s pocket. Personal loans from lending institutions provide only
about one-fourth of the capital required by small businesses. About 50 percent of
all new firms begin with less than $30,000 in total capital, according to Census
Bureau and Federal Reserve surveys. In fact, almost 36 percent of new firms begin
with less than $20,000, usually provided by the owner or family members and
Although every person who considers starting a small business should be aware
of the hazards and pitfalls we have noted, a well-conceived business plan may help to
avoid the risk of failure. The U.S. government is also dedicated to helping small businesses
make it. It expresses this aim most actively through the SBA.
The Importance of a Business Plan
Lack of planning can be as deadly as lack of money to a new small business. Planning
is important to any business, large or small, and never should be overlooked or taken
lightly. A business plan is a carefully constructed guide for the person starting a
business. Consider it as a tool with three basic purposes: communication, management,

Sources of Capital for Entrepreneurs
Small businesses get financing from various sources; the most
important is personal savings.

and planning. As a communication tool, a business plan
serves as a concise document that potential investors
can examine to see if they would like to invest or assist
in financing a new venture. It shows whether a business
has the potential to make a profit. As a management
tool, the business plan helps to track, monitor, and
evaluate the progress. The business plan is a living
document; it is modified as the entrepreneur gains
knowledge and experience. It also serves to establish
time lines and milestones and allows comparison of
growth projections against actual accomplishments. Finally,
as a planning tool, the business plan guides a businessperson
through the various phases of business. For example, the plan
helps to identify obstacles to avoid and to establish alternatives.
According to Robert Krummer, Jr., chairman of First Business
Bank in Los Angeles, “The business plan is a necessity. If the
person who wants to start a small business can’t put a business
plan together, he or she is in trouble.”
Components of a Business Plan
Table 5.3 shows the 12 sections that a business plan should
include. Each section is further explained at the end of each
of the seven major parts in the text. The goal of each endof-
the-part exercise is to help a businessperson create his or
her own business plan. When constructing a business plan, the
businessperson should strive to keep it easy to read, uncluttered, and complete. Like
other busy executives, officials of financial institutions do not have the time to wade
through pages of extraneous data. The business plan should answer the four questions
banking officials and investors are most interested in: (1) What exactly is the nature
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Older, well-established small firms can be hit hard by a business recession mainlybecause they do not have the financial resources to weather an extended difficultperiod.Limited Potential Small businesses that survive do so with varying degrees of success.Many are simply the means of making a living for the owner and his or her family.The owner may have some technical skill—as a hair stylist or electrician, for example—and may have started a business to put this skill to work. Such a business is unlikelyto grow into big business. In addition, employees’ potential for advancement is limited.Limited Ability to Raise Capital Small businesses typically have a limited abilityto obtain capital. Figure 5.2 shows that most small-business financing comesout of the owner’s pocket. Personal loans from lending institutions provide onlyabout one-fourth of the capital required by small businesses. About 50 percent ofall new firms begin with less than $30,000 in total capital, according to CensusBureau and Federal Reserve surveys. In fact, almost 36 percent of new firms beginwith less than $20,000, usually provided by the owner or family members andfriends.13Although every person who considers starting a small business should be awareof the hazards and pitfalls we have noted, a well-conceived business plan may help toavoid the risk of failure. The U.S. government is also dedicated to helping small businessesmake it. It expresses this aim most actively through the SBA.The Importance of a Business PlanLack of planning can be as deadly as lack of money to a new small business. Planningis important to any business, large or small, and never should be overlooked or takenlightly. A business plan is a carefully constructed guide for the person starting abusiness. Consider it as a tool with three basic purposes: communication, management,Sources of Capital for EntrepreneursSmall businesses get financing from various sources; the mostimportant is personal savings.144and planning. As a communication tool, a business planserves as a concise document that potential investorscan examine to see if they would like to invest or assistin financing a new venture. It shows whether a businesshas the potential to make a profit. As a managementtool, the business plan helps to track, monitor, andevaluate the progress. The business plan is a livingdocument; it is modified as the entrepreneur gainsknowledge and experience. It also serves to establishtime lines and milestones and allows comparison ofgrowth projections against actual accomplishments. Finally,as a planning tool, the business plan guides a businesspersonthrough the various phases of business. For example, the planhelps to identify obstacles to avoid and to establish alternatives.According to Robert Krummer, Jr., chairman of First BusinessBank in Los Angeles, “The business plan is a necessity. If theperson who wants to start a small business can’t put a businessplan together, he or she is in trouble.”Components of a Business PlanTable 5.3 shows the 12 sections that a business plan shouldinclude. Each section is further explained at the end of eachof the seven major parts in the text. The goal of each endof-the-part exercise is to help a businessperson create his orher own business plan. When constructing a business plan, thebusinessperson should strive to keep it easy to read, uncluttered, and complete. Likeother busy executives, officials of financial institutions do not have the time to wadethrough pages of extraneous data. The business plan should answer the four questionsbanking officials and investors are most interested in: (1) What exactly is the nature145
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Lebih tua, mapan perusahaan kecil dapat terpukul keras oleh resesi bisnis terutama
karena mereka tidak memiliki sumber daya keuangan untuk cuaca sulit diperpanjang
Terbatas Potensi Usaha kecil yang bertahan melakukannya dengan berbagai tingkat keberhasilan.
Banyak yang hanya sarana membuat hidup bagi pemilik dan keluarganya.
Pemilik mungkin memiliki beberapa keterampilan-sebagai teknis penata rambut atau listrik,
misalnya-dan mungkin telah memulai bisnis untuk menempatkan keterampilan ini untuk bekerja. Bisnis seperti itu tidak mungkin
untuk tumbuh menjadi bisnis besar. Selain itu, potensi karyawan untuk kemajuan terbatas.
Terbatas Kemampuan untuk Naikkan Modal usaha kecil biasanya memiliki kemampuan terbatas
untuk mendapatkan modal. Gambar 5.2 menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan usaha kecil yang paling datang
dari saku pemilik. Pinjaman pribadi dari lembaga pinjaman memberikan hanya
sekitar seperempat dari modal yang diperlukan oleh usaha kecil. Sekitar 50 persen dari
semua perusahaan baru dimulai dengan kurang dari $ 30.000 dalam jumlah modal, menurut Sensus
survei Biro dan Federal Reserve. Bahkan, hampir 36 persen dari perusahaan baru dimulai
dengan kurang dari $ 20.000, biasanya disediakan oleh pemilik atau anggota keluarga dan
Meskipun setiap orang yang menganggap memulai bisnis kecil harus menyadari
bahaya dan perangkap kita telah mencatat, baik rencana bisnis -conceived dapat membantu untuk
menghindari risiko kegagalan. Pemerintah AS juga didedikasikan untuk membantu usaha kecil
membuatnya. Ini mengungkapkan tujuan ini paling aktif melalui SBA.
Pentingnya Rencana Bisnis
Kurangnya perencanaan dapat mematikan seperti kekurangan uang untuk usaha kecil baru. Perencanaan
penting untuk setiap bisnis, besar atau kecil, dan tidak pernah harus diabaikan atau diambil
ringan. Sebuah rencana bisnis adalah panduan hati-hati dibangun untuk orang memulai
bisnis. Anggap saja sebagai alat dengan tiga tujuan dasar: komunikasi, manajemen, Sumber Modal untuk Pengusaha Usaha kecil mendapatkan pembiayaan dari berbagai sumber; yang paling penting adalah tabungan pribadi. 144 dan perencanaan. Sebagai alat komunikasi, rencana bisnis berfungsi sebagai dokumen ringkas yang calon investor dapat memeriksa untuk melihat apakah mereka ingin berinvestasi atau membantu dalam pembiayaan usaha baru. Ini menunjukkan apakah bisnis memiliki potensi untuk membuat keuntungan. Sebagai manajemen alat, rencana bisnis membantu untuk melacak, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi kemajuan. Rencana bisnis adalah hidup dokumen; hal itu diubah sebagai keuntungan pengusaha pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Hal ini juga berfungsi untuk membangun garis waktu dan tonggak dan memungkinkan perbandingan proyeksi pertumbuhan terhadap prestasi aktual. Akhirnya, sebagai alat perencanaan, rencana bisnis panduan pebisnis melalui berbagai tahapan bisnis. Misalnya, rencana membantu untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan untuk menghindari dan membangun alternatif. Menurut Robert Krummer, Jr, ketua Pertama Bisnis Bank di Los Angeles, "Rencana bisnis adalah sebuah kebutuhan. Jika orang yang ingin memulai bisnis kecil tidak dapat menempatkan bisnis rencana bersama-sama, dia dalam kesulitan. "Komponen dari Rencana Bisnis Tabel 5.3 menunjukkan 12 bagian yang rencana bisnis harus mencakup. Setiap bagian dijelaskan lebih lanjut pada akhir masing-masing dari tujuh bagian utama dalam teks. Tujuan dari setiap endof- the-bagian latihan adalah untuk membantu pebisnis membuat atau rencana bisnis sendiri. Ketika membangun sebuah rencana bisnis, yang pengusaha harus berusaha untuk tetap mudah dibaca, rapi, dan lengkap. Seperti eksekutif sibuk lainnya, pejabat lembaga keuangan tidak punya waktu untuk menyeberang melalui halaman data yang asing. Rencana bisnis harus menjawab empat pertanyaan pejabat perbankan dan investor yang paling tertarik pada: (1) persis Apakah sifat 145

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