psychological reason for the mechanism’s creation – it was not areason terjemahan - psychological reason for the mechanism’s creation – it was not areason Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

psychological reason for the mechan

psychological reason for the mechanism’s creation – it was not a
reason in the mind of the creators – it remains a justificatory reason
that supports the existence of the mechanism – a reason for us to want
the mechanism to remain part of the constitutional order.3
Self-defence mechanisms can be divided into two groups: negative
devices that serve to protect one body from another, and positive
devices that give institutions a weapon with which another body can
be threatened.
A. Negative Self-Defence Devices
Many constitutions contain a cluster of immunities that serve to
protect institutions, or officials within those institutions, from the
unwarranted attentions of other bodies. These vary from state to state,
but in many systems each of the three branches is given a degree of
immunity from other bodies, or are given powers to regulate their
own affairs that fall outside the normal allocation of powers in the
constitution. For example:
 Debates in the legislature are insulated from parts of civil
and criminal law. Libel actions, for instance, cannot be brought on
the basis of statements made in the course of debate or which are
contained in reports published by the chamber.4
 Decisions of the legislature are not subject to judicial review on
grounds of rationality and fairness, tests that the courts apply to
other public bodies.5
 The head of state is given immunity from prosecution whilst in
office,6 and/or limits are placed on the range of executive documents
that the courts can require to be disclosed in the course of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
psychological reason for the mechanism’s creation – it was not a
reason in the mind of the creators – it remains a justificatory reason
that supports the existence of the mechanism – a reason for us to want
the mechanism to remain part of the constitutional order.3
Self-defence mechanisms can be divided into two groups: negative
devices that serve to protect one body from another, and positive
devices that give institutions a weapon with which another body can
be threatened.
A. Negative Self-Defence Devices
Many constitutions contain a cluster of immunities that serve to
protect institutions, or officials within those institutions, from the
unwarranted attentions of other bodies. These vary from state to state,
but in many systems each of the three branches is given a degree of
immunity from other bodies, or are given powers to regulate their
own affairs that fall outside the normal allocation of powers in the
constitution. For example:
 Debates in the legislature are insulated from parts of civil
and criminal law. Libel actions, for instance, cannot be brought on
the basis of statements made in the course of debate or which are
contained in reports published by the chamber.4
 Decisions of the legislature are not subject to judicial review on
grounds of rationality and fairness, tests that the courts apply to
other public bodies.5
 The head of state is given immunity from prosecution whilst in
office,6 and/or limits are placed on the range of executive documents
that the courts can require to be disclosed in the course of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Alasan psikologis bagi penciptaan mekanisme ini - itu bukan
alasan dalam pikiran pencipta - tetap alasan membenarkan
yang mendukung keberadaan mekanisme - alasan bagi kita untuk ingin
mekanisme untuk tetap menjadi bagian dari konstitusi order.3
Diri Mekanisme -defence dapat dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: Negatif
perangkat yang berfungsi melindungi tubuh dari satu sama lain, dan positif
perangkat yang memberikan lembaga senjata dengan mana tubuh lain dapat
. terancam
A. Perangkat Self-Defence negatif
Banyak konstitusi mengandung sekelompok kekebalan yang berfungsi untuk
melindungi lembaga-lembaga, atau pejabat dalam lembaga-lembaga tersebut, dari
perhatian yang tidak beralasan dari badan-badan lainnya. Ini berbeda dari negara ke negara,
tetapi dalam banyak sistem masing-masing dari tiga cabang diberikan tingkat
kekebalan dari badan-badan lainnya, atau diberi wewenang untuk mengatur mereka
urusan sendiri yang berada di luar alokasi normal kekuasaan dalam
konstitusi. Sebagai contoh:
? Debat di parlemen yang terisolasi dari bagian perdata
hukum dan pidana. Tindakan pencemaran nama baik, misalnya, tidak dapat dibawa
dasar pernyataan yang dibuat dalam proses perdebatan atau yang
terkandung dalam laporan yang diterbitkan oleh chamber.4 tersebut
? Keputusan legislatif tidak dikenakan judicial review atas
dasar rasionalitas dan keadilan, tes yang pengadilan berlaku untuk
bodies.5 umum lainnya
? Kepala negara diberikan kekebalan dari penuntutan sementara di
kantor, 6 dan / atau batas ditempatkan pada berbagai dokumen eksekutif
bahwa pengadilan dapat perlu diungkapkan dalam perjalanan
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