Sooyoung shook her head. “She was sleeping like a log. Even when we mo terjemahan - Sooyoung shook her head. “She was sleeping like a log. Even when we mo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Sooyoung shook her head. “She was s

Sooyoung shook her head. “She was sleeping like a log. Even when we moved her to her bed. Might be tired from the party. Much like Taeyeon, actually. I remember knocking her head on the wall a few times and she didn’t even budge.”

“Maybe you knocked the poor kid unconscious, Soo.”

“Brain damage.”

“Or maybe you killed her.”

“Yah! I did not! She was still breathing when I put her in the guest room...” she trailed off. She was breathing, wasn’t she?

Uncle Hwang chuckled at the four. “Alright, alright. Break it off before you fight for real. It’s quite late now and I know all of you are tired. Jessica’s practically sleeping with her eyes open there. Why don’t you all head home and I’ll see you girls for Tiffany’s party tonight, hmm?”

They nodded and bade goodbye.


She felt a gust of wind hit her body and immediately tried to snuggle her body against the other behind hers.

She frowned when she felt nothing. She turned around, still with her eyes closed, and reached out, only for her hand to hit the empty side of the bed.

Groaning, she opened her eyes. Her frown grew deeper when she saw no one beside her. Maybe Taeyeon was awake?

She sat up and stretched. She sat there for a minute, looking around the room. Only then did she realize that she was in her bedroom. Taeyeon must’ve carried me here? She shrugged to herself.

It was strangely quiet in her apartment. If Taeyeon was awake, then why was it too silent? Shouldn’t she be hearing the shower? Or maybe a cabinet closing? Or pans in the kitchen?

There was nothing but silence.

Her phone beeped, snapping her out of her thoughts. She fished her phone from her bag that was on her table and read a message from Jessica.

Happy birthday, Fany Fany Tiffany!
Hope you enjoy it!
See you at Uncle Hwang’s!

She smiled. Her birth–

Her smile disappeared. Suddenly, the lack of noise in her apartment made sense. Without another thought, she rushed to Taeyeon’s room.

Or what used to be Taeyeon’s room.

She opened the door and gasped. It was empty.

She opened the closet. Empty.

The bathroom. Empty.

She covered her mouth as she felt a surge of tears coming. She moved to the bed, sat on it and cried.

No clothes.

No bags.

No Taeyeon.

She didn’t even say goodbye.


A loud clang from outside woke her up.

She huffed and struggled to open her eyes. Everything was blurry. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Taking her time to clear her vision.

Once her vision was clear, she looked around and frowned. Did she sleepwalk to her room last night? Or did Tiffany carry her?

But... This isn’t even my room.

Curious, she stood up and headed for the door.

Where am I?
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sooyoung shook her head. “She was sleeping like a log. Even when we moved her to her bed. Might be tired from the party. Much like Taeyeon, actually. I remember knocking her head on the wall a few times and she didn’t even budge.” “Maybe you knocked the poor kid unconscious, Soo.” “Brain damage.” “Or maybe you killed her.” “Yah! I did not! She was still breathing when I put her in the guest room...” she trailed off. She was breathing, wasn’t she? Uncle Hwang chuckled at the four. “Alright, alright. Break it off before you fight for real. It’s quite late now and I know all of you are tired. Jessica’s practically sleeping with her eyes open there. Why don’t you all head home and I’ll see you girls for Tiffany’s party tonight, hmm?” They nodded and bade goodbye. --- She felt a gust of wind hit her body and immediately tried to snuggle her body against the other behind hers. She frowned when she felt nothing. She turned around, still with her eyes closed, and reached out, only for her hand to hit the empty side of the bed. Groaning, she opened her eyes. Her frown grew deeper when she saw no one beside her. Maybe Taeyeon was awake? She sat up and stretched. She sat there for a minute, looking around the room. Only then did she realize that she was in her bedroom. Taeyeon must’ve carried me here? She shrugged to herself. It was strangely quiet in her apartment. If Taeyeon was awake, then why was it too silent? Shouldn’t she be hearing the shower? Or maybe a cabinet closing? Or pans in the kitchen?
There was nothing but silence.

Her phone beeped, snapping her out of her thoughts. She fished her phone from her bag that was on her table and read a message from Jessica.

Happy birthday, Fany Fany Tiffany!
Hope you enjoy it!
See you at Uncle Hwang’s!

She smiled. Her birth–

Her smile disappeared. Suddenly, the lack of noise in her apartment made sense. Without another thought, she rushed to Taeyeon’s room.

Or what used to be Taeyeon’s room.

She opened the door and gasped. It was empty.

She opened the closet. Empty.

The bathroom. Empty.

She covered her mouth as she felt a surge of tears coming. She moved to the bed, sat on it and cried.

No clothes.

No bags.

No Taeyeon.

She didn’t even say goodbye.


A loud clang from outside woke her up.

She huffed and struggled to open her eyes. Everything was blurry. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Taking her time to clear her vision.

Once her vision was clear, she looked around and frowned. Did she sleepwalk to her room last night? Or did Tiffany carry her?

But... This isn’t even my room.

Curious, she stood up and headed for the door.

Where am I?
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sooyoung menggeleng. "Dia sedang tidur seperti log. Bahkan ketika kita pindah ke tempat tidur nya. Mungkin lelah dari partai. Sama seperti Taeyeon, sebenarnya. Aku ingat mengetuk kepalanya di dinding beberapa kali dan dia bahkan tidak bergeming. "" Mungkin Anda mengetuk anak miskin tidak sadar, Soo. "" Kerusakan otak. "" Atau mungkin Anda membunuhnya. "" Yah! Aku tidak! Dia masih bernapas ketika saya menempatkan dia di ruang tamu ... "dia melemah. Dia bernapas, tidak dia? Paman Hwang tertawa di empat. "Baiklah, baiklah. Istirahat sebelum Anda berjuang untuk nyata. Ini cukup terlambat sekarang dan saya tahu semua Anda lelah. Jessica yang praktis tidur dengan mata terbuka di sana. Mengapa tidak semua kepala rumah dan aku akan melihat kalian untuk Tiffany pesta malam ini, hmm? "Mereka mengangguk dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal. --- Dia merasakan embusan angin memukul tubuhnya dan segera mencoba untuk meringkuk tubuhnya terhadap lain di belakang miliknya. Dia mengerutkan dahi ketika dia merasa apa-apa. Dia berbalik, masih dengan mata tertutup, dan mengulurkan tangan, hanya untuk tangannya untuk memukul sisi kosong dari tempat tidur. Groaning, ia membuka matanya. Cemberut dia tumbuh lebih dalam ketika ia melihat ada orang di sampingnya. Mungkin Taeyeon terjaga? Dia duduk dan membentang. Dia duduk di sana selama satu menit, melihat sekeliling ruangan. Saat itulah dia menyadari bahwa dia berada di kamar tidurnya. Taeyeon pasti membawa saya di sini? Dia mengangkat bahu untuk dirinya sendiri. Itu aneh tenang di apartemennya. Jika Taeyeon terjaga, maka mengapa itu terlalu diam? Bukankah seharusnya dia mendengar mandi? Atau mungkin kabinet menutup? Atau panci di dapur? Ada apa-apa selain diam. Teleponnya berbunyi, gertakan keluar dari pikirannya. Dia merogoh telepon dari tasnya yang berada di mejanya dan membaca pesan dari Jessica. Selamat ulang tahun, Fany Fany Tiffany! Harap Anda menikmatinya! Sampai jumpa di paman Hwang! Dia tersenyum. Her-lahir Senyumnya menghilang. Tiba-tiba, kurangnya kebisingan di apartemennya masuk akal. Tanpa pikiran lain, ia bergegas ke kamar Taeyeon. Atau apa yang digunakan untuk menjadi ruang Taeyeon. Dia membuka pintu dan tersentak. Itu kosong. Dia membuka lemari. Kosong. Kamar mandi. Kosong. Dia menutup mulutnya saat ia merasakan gelombang air mata datang. Dia pindah ke tempat tidur, duduk di atasnya dan menangis. Tidak ada pakaian. Tidak ada tas. Tidak ada Taeyeon. Dia bahkan tidak mengucapkan selamat tinggal. --- Sebuah dentang keras dari luar membangunkannya. Dia gusar dan berjuang untuk membuka matanya. Semuanya adalah kabur. Dia duduk dan mengusap matanya. Mengambil waktu untuk membersihkan visinya. Setelah visinya jelas, ia melihat sekeliling dan mengerutkan kening. Apakah dia berjalan dalam tidur ke kamarnya tadi malam? Atau apakah Tiffany membawanya? Tapi ... ini bahkan tidak kamarku. Penasaran, dia berdiri dan berjalan menuju pintu. Di mana aku?

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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