When the door opens and Dr. Mallory walks in, I hold my breath.I close terjemahan - When the door opens and Dr. Mallory walks in, I hold my breath.I close Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When the door opens and Dr. Mallory

When the door opens and Dr. Mallory walks in, I hold my breath.
I close my eyes and pray for good news.
Fear and hope wrestle through me. There have been so many times lately when I wasn’t sure if I was facing a beginning or an end. The path was unclear. The future was uncertain. None of those moments have been as difficult as this one.
I don’t know what I’ll do if he tells me my baby is gone.
I don’t want this to be an end.
Leigh Anne stands up and moves around to the other side of my bed so the nurse can roll the ultrasound machine closer. I bite my lower lip, staring at the screen.
“How are you feeling this morning?” he asks.
“Better,” I say.
“No more cramping?”
I shake my head. I don’t want to answer questions. I only want to see that screen. To know which path I’m headed down.
Before he can get started, a commotion breaks out in the hallway. I sit up, my heart pounding in my chest.
There’s shouting and something clangs against the wall. The doctor stands as two men push through the doorway.
As soon as green eyes meet mine, my heart leaps.
My world shifts and in that instant, strength flows through me.
Bernard tries to hold him back, but Mason can’t be stopped. He punches Bernard in the face, knocking him backward. My father is close behind, shouting, but it’s too late for them. Right now, there is only us.
“You can’t be in here,” Dad says, stepping forward.
“Like hell I can’t,” Mason says. He doesn’t back down one inch. “This is my child’s life on the line here, and I have every right to be here. You can threaten to lock me up all you want, but I’m in love with your daughter and I’m going to be here by her side through this whether you like it or not.”
He turns to me, his expression full of worry and love. And forgiveness.
He crosses the room in three easy strides, then collapses at my side.
“Are you okay?” he asks. “Is the baby okay?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know,” I say, taking his hand in mine. “The doctor was about to do another ultrasound to see if the baby’s heart is still beating. I’m so glad you’re here.”
Dr. Mallory walks to the door, waving everyone else out of the room. “I’ll give you two some privacy,” he says. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“I didn’t make it five miles from the hotel before I turned around,” Mason says when we’re alone. “When I got back to the room, you were already gone so I drove to the airport and caught the first flight home. I called Knox and when he told me you were in the hospital, I…”
He takes a breath, his eyes filled with tears.
“I made the biggest mistake of my life letting you walk out that door,” he says. “I should have stood by you no matter what. I should have come back with you and faced whatever it was they wanted to do to me. Penny, you’re the only thing in this world that matters to me. You and this baby. I love you with every ounce of my soul and I promise, if you give me another chance, I will never hurt you again.”
My heart pieces itself back together again with every word from his mouth.
I pull him into my arms. I cling to him, my love for him overflowing. “I love you, too,” I say. “I won’t ever let anyone stand between us like that again. My future is with you, Mason. I want to start a family with you and I don’t care if we have to live a tent for the rest of our lives, I just want to be with you.”
He laughs and puts his hands gently on my face. Tears spill onto my cheeks. He kisses my forehead, then wraps his arms around me. We hold each other like that for a long time, both of us feeling the gravity of this moment.
I have loved him for so long, but until now, there has always been something holding us back. Secrets. Doubt. Fear. Family.
But all that falls away as we surrender ourselves completely to love. A love so real, it reaches in to the deepest part of me and makes me whole again.
When the doctor comes back in, Mason takes my hand in his and holds tight. “Whatever happens from here, we’ll face it together, okay?”
I nod and take a deep breath, gathering strength from him.
“Are you ready?” Dr. Mallory asks.
Mason leans forward and places his lips against my fingers. We both stare up at the black screen.
Neither of us can breathe as the doctor begins the ultrasound.
He moves the wand around and at first, there’s nothing. Only darkness.
Then, a flutter of movement.
I gasp, watching our baby’s heartbeat flicker on the screen. The doctor flips a switch on the machine and the room fills with a whooshing sound, strong and steady. It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s the sound of hope and strength and love.
Mason laughs, tears streaming down his face. He leans forward, pressing his soft lips against mine.
In that moment, nothing stands between us. No more lies. No more walls. All our past mistakes are erased.
We’ve been given a precious gift. A chance to start over. To make every choice count. To take nothing for granted.
And in that moment, we begin.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
When the door opens and Dr. Mallory walks in, I hold my breath.I close my eyes and pray for good news.Fear and hope wrestle through me. There have been so many times lately when I wasn’t sure if I was facing a beginning or an end. The path was unclear. The future was uncertain. None of those moments have been as difficult as this one.I don’t know what I’ll do if he tells me my baby is gone.I don’t want this to be an end.Leigh Anne stands up and moves around to the other side of my bed so the nurse can roll the ultrasound machine closer. I bite my lower lip, staring at the screen.“How are you feeling this morning?” he asks.“Better,” I say.“No more cramping?”I shake my head. I don’t want to answer questions. I only want to see that screen. To know which path I’m headed down.Before he can get started, a commotion breaks out in the hallway. I sit up, my heart pounding in my chest.There’s shouting and something clangs against the wall. The doctor stands as two men push through the doorway.As soon as green eyes meet mine, my heart leaps.My world shifts and in that instant, strength flows through me.Bernard tries to hold him back, but Mason can’t be stopped. He punches Bernard in the face, knocking him backward. My father is close behind, shouting, but it’s too late for them. Right now, there is only us.“You can’t be in here,” Dad says, stepping forward.“Like hell I can’t,” Mason says. He doesn’t back down one inch. “This is my child’s life on the line here, and I have every right to be here. You can threaten to lock me up all you want, but I’m in love with your daughter and I’m going to be here by her side through this whether you like it or not.”He turns to me, his expression full of worry and love. And forgiveness.He crosses the room in three easy strides, then collapses at my side.“Are you okay?” he asks. “Is the baby okay?”I shake my head. “I don’t know,” I say, taking his hand in mine. “The doctor was about to do another ultrasound to see if the baby’s heart is still beating. I’m so glad you’re here.”Dr. Mallory walks to the door, waving everyone else out of the room. “I’ll give you two some privacy,” he says. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”“I didn’t make it five miles from the hotel before I turned around,” Mason says when we’re alone. “When I got back to the room, you were already gone so I drove to the airport and caught the first flight home. I called Knox and when he told me you were in the hospital, I…”He takes a breath, his eyes filled with tears."Aku membuat kesalahan terbesar dalam hidup saya membiarkan Anda berjalan keluar pintu itu," katanya. "Aku harus memiliki berdiri oleh Anda tidak peduli apa. Saya seharusnya datang kembali dengan Anda dan menghadapi apa pun yang mereka ingin lakukan untuk saya. Penny, kau satu-satunya di dunia ini yang penting bagi saya. Anda dan bayi ini. Aku mencintaimu dengan segenap jiwaku dan aku berjanji, jika Anda memberi saya kesempatan lain, saya tidak akan pernah menyakitimu lagi."Hatiku potongan itu sendiri kembali bersama lagi dengan setiap kata dari mulut-Nya.Aku menarik dia ke lengan saya. Aku berpegang kepadanya cintaku untuknya meluap. "Aku mencintaimu, terlalu," kataku. "Saya pernah tidak akan membiarkan siapa pun yang berdiri di antara kita seperti itu lagi. Masa depan saya adalah dengan Anda, Mason. Saya ingin memulai sebuah keluarga dengan Anda dan saya tidak peduli jika kita harus hidup tenda selama sisa hidup kita, saya hanya ingin berada bersama Anda."Dia tertawa dan menempatkan tangannya lembut di wajah saya. Air mata tumpah ke pipiku. Ia ciuman dahi saya, kemudian membungkus lengannya di sekitar saya. Kami memegang satu sama lain seperti itu untuk waktu yang lama, kedua kita merasa gravitasi dari saat ini.Aku telah mencintainya begitu lama, tapi sampai sekarang, selalu ada sesuatu yang menahan kami. Rahasia. Diragukan lagi. Ketakutan. Keluarga.Tapi semua itu jatuh menjauh saat kita menyerahkan diri sepenuhnya untuk cinta. Cinta yang begitu nyata, itu mencapai bagian terdalam saya dan membuat saya utuh lagi.Ketika dokter datang kembali, Mason membutuhkan tanganku dalam dan memegang ketat. "Apapun yang terjadi dari sini, kita akan menghadapi ini bersama-sama, oke?"Aku mengangguk dan mengambil napas dalam-dalam, mengumpulkan kekuatan dari-nya."Apakah Anda siap?" Dr Mallory meminta.Mason bersandar ke depan dan tempat bibirnya terhadap jari-jari saya. Kami berdua menatap ke layar hitam.Tak satu pun dari kita bisa bernapas seperti dokter mulai USG.Dia bergerak tongkat di sekitar dan di pertama, ada apa-apa. Hanya kegelapan.Kemudian, bergetar gerakan.Aku terkesiap, menonton detak jantung bayi kami yang berkedip pada layar. Dokter membalik saklar pada mesin dan mengisi kamar dengan suara deru, kuat dan stabil. Ini adalah bunyi yang paling indah yang pernah kudengar dalam hidupku. Ini adalah suara harapan dan kekuatan dan cinta.Mason tertawa, air mata mengalir menuruni mukanya. Ia bersandar ke depan, menekan bibirnya lembut terhadap saya.Pada saat itu, tidak ada yang berdiri di antara kita. Tidak ada lagi kebohongan. Tanpa dinding yang lain. Semua kesalahan masa lalu akan terhapus.Kita telah diberikan sebuah hadiah berharga. Sebuah kesempatan untuk memulai lagi. Untuk membuat setiap jumlah pilihan. Untuk mengambil apa-apa untuk diberikan.Dan pada saat itu, kita mulai.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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