Un­know­ingly, at­tempts kill strangely in the rid­ing the wind swords terjemahan - Un­know­ingly, at­tempts kill strangely in the rid­ing the wind swords Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Un­know­ingly, at­tempts kill stran

Un­know­ingly, at­tempts kill strangely in the rid­ing the wind swords­man­ship, ar­rived at the sum­mit of ice ridge moun­tain range, one snow ter­ri­to­ries, the human also freezes trem­bles, the mon­ster is un­able to over­step the ice ridge moun­tain range, but the player can come up in any of ice ridge moun­tain range, but was too cold, many peo­ple will un­able to bear this sen­sory stim­u­la­tion.
Stands above the sum­mit, the left is vast bound­less, one dead air/Qi north dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, the south is vital, the war repet­i­tive south seven big em­pire ter­ri­to­ries, I think that has ca­ressed the long neck hair of fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse lightly, draws the reins, pro­gresses to think the north de­scends the moun­tain, is de­pend­ing upon ice ridge Shan Laisha strangely!
Turns on the big map, is pay­ing close at­ten­tion to the above in­for­ma­tion, quick, a blood red dot ap­peared, is red be­comes dark, should not be the com­mon mon­ster is so sim­ple.
That is one pile of thorn clumps, I progress Ben Hang, in the thorn clump the blood red ray flies sud­denly to­gether!
I early am pre­pared luck­ily, draws the reins is one time changes to the sur­round­ings, „brush­ing” an iron spear al­most pasted my arm to fly, that was the iron spear of 1 level of dif­fer­ent demon demon spirit hunter pro­jects the skill! The fixed goal, the di­rect charge, the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse had the rumor to crash in the thorn for­est, „bang” the demon spirit hunter of stature was giv­ing the dizzi­ness that rick­ets.
This demon spirit hunter vis­its me fiercely, es­pe­cially fierce, in the top of the head is reap­pear­ing Level, 135 lev­els, the at­tribute is also much higher, NND, at­tribute Level of dif­fer­ent demon has also ren­o­vated one time, is as be­fore ter­ror­ist re­gard­ing the player of pre­sent stage!
The dou­ble sword raises, swift and vi­o­lent chopped 5 swords, the demon spirit hunter has waved the sharp claws twice to scratch to me, but only 2000 + in­juries, were not fatal, after 7 sec­onds, in its hand con­densed an iron spear once again, skill CD was good, a low roar, on the iron spear full was the scar­let, but I rapidly pro­gressed to move around it, pro­gressed the walk po­si­tion op­er­a­tion in the warhorse, at the same time the dou­ble sword chopped ran­domly, soon will pro­ject the in­stance of iron spear in the demon spirit hunter, my changed sud­denly, re­versed di­rec­tion Rao Pao, suc­cess MISS fell sec­ond to strike, In ad­di­tion the at­tack of small tiger, short is less than 20 sec­onds, this demon spirit hunter whinned but ac­tu­ally, the at­tack out­put was very good, I just killed the com­plete human, the Longchi sword 150 mur­ders drank the blood ef­fect also.
Has a look at the ground, al­to­gether 4 gold coins, this on iron blade edge beast the perquisite of com­pared with iron blade edge moun­tain are many, more­over em­pir­i­cal value also spe­cially rich, after is 130 lev­els of mon­sters.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Un­know­ingly, at­tempts kill strangely in the rid­ing the wind swords­man­ship, ar­rived at the sum­mit of ice ridge moun­tain range, one snow ter­ri­to­ries, the human also freezes trem­bles, the mon­ster is un­able to over­step the ice ridge moun­tain range, but the player can come up in any of ice ridge moun­tain range, but was too cold, many peo­ple will un­able to bear this sen­sory stim­u­la­tion.Stands above the sum­mit, the left is vast bound­less, one dead air/Qi north dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, the south is vital, the war repet­i­tive south seven big em­pire ter­ri­to­ries, I think that has ca­ressed the long neck hair of fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse lightly, draws the reins, pro­gresses to think the north de­scends the moun­tain, is de­pend­ing upon ice ridge Shan Laisha strangely!Turns on the big map, is pay­ing close at­ten­tion to the above in­for­ma­tion, quick, a blood red dot ap­peared, is red be­comes dark, should not be the com­mon mon­ster is so sim­ple.That is one pile of thorn clumps, I progress Ben Hang, in the thorn clump the blood red ray flies sud­denly to­gether!I early am pre­pared luck­ily, draws the reins is one time changes to the sur­round­ings, „brush­ing” an iron spear al­most pasted my arm to fly, that was the iron spear of 1 level of dif­fer­ent demon demon spirit hunter pro­jects the skill! The fixed goal, the di­rect charge, the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse had the rumor to crash in the thorn for­est, „bang” the demon spirit hunter of stature was giv­ing the dizzi­ness that rick­ets.„Quack”This demon spirit hunter vis­its me fiercely, es­pe­cially fierce, in the top of the head is reap­pear­ing Level, 135 lev­els, the at­tribute is also much higher, NND, at­tribute Level of dif­fer­ent demon has also ren­o­vated one time, is as be­fore ter­ror­ist re­gard­ing the player of pre­sent stage!The dou­ble sword raises, swift and vi­o­lent chopped 5 swords, the demon spirit hunter has waved the sharp claws twice to scratch to me, but only 2000 + in­juries, were not fatal, after 7 sec­onds, in its hand con­densed an iron spear once again, skill CD was good, a low roar, on the iron spear full was the scar­let, but I rapidly pro­gressed to move around it, pro­gressed the walk po­si­tion op­er­a­tion in the warhorse, at the same time the dou­ble sword chopped ran­domly, soon will pro­ject the in­stance of iron spear in the demon spirit hunter, my changed sud­denly, re­versed di­rec­tion Rao Pao, suc­cess MISS fell sec­ond to strike, In ad­di­tion the at­tack of small tiger, short is less than 20 sec­onds, this demon spirit hunter whinned but ac­tu­ally, the at­tack out­put was very good, I just killed the com­plete human, the Longchi sword 150 mur­ders drank the blood ef­fect also.Has a look at the ground, al­to­gether 4 gold coins, this on iron blade edge beast the perquisite of com­pared with iron blade edge moun­tain are many, more­over em­pir­i­cal value also spe­cially rich, after is 130 lev­els of mon­sters.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tanpa sadar, upaya membunuh aneh di naik pedang angin, tiba di puncak pegunungan es ridge, salah satu wilayah salju, manusia juga membeku gemetar, rakasa tidak mampu melangkahi pegunungan es ridge, tapi pemain bisa datang dalam es pegunungan bukit, tapi terlalu dingin, banyak orang akan dapat menanggung stimulasi sensorik ini.
Stand di atas puncak, sebelah kiri adalah luas tak terbatas, satu udara mati / Qi wilayah setan utara yang berbeda, selatan adalah vital, perang berulang selatan tujuh wilayah kerajaan besar, saya pikir yang telah membelai rambut leher panjang terbang sabit lapis baja kuda perang ringan, menarik tali kekang, berlangsung berpikir utara turun gunung, yang tergantung pada es ridge Shan Laisha aneh!
Ternyata di peta besar, membayar perhatian dekat dengan informasi di atas, cepat, darah red dot muncul, merah menjadi gelap, tidak harus menjadi rakasa umum adalah sangat sederhana.
Itulah salah satu tumpukan rumpun duri, saya maju Ben Hang, di duri rumpun sinar merah darah terbang tiba-tiba bersama-sama!
aku awal saya siap untungnya, menarik tali kekang adalah salah satu waktu perubahan lingkungan, "menyikat" sebuah tombak besi hampir disisipkan lenganku untuk terbang, itu adalah tombak besi dari 1 tingkat yang berbeda setan semangat setan pemburu proyek keterampilan! Tujuannya tetap, biaya langsung, terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja memiliki rumor crash di hutan duri, "bang" pemburu roh setan bertubuh sedang memberikan pusing yang rakhitis.
pemburu roh iblis ini mengunjungi saya keras , terutama sengit, di bagian atas kepala yang muncul kembali level, 135 tingkat, atribut juga jauh lebih tinggi, NND, atribut tingkat setan yang berbeda juga telah direnovasi satu waktu, adalah seperti sebelumnya teroris mengenai pemain dari tahap sekarang!
ganda pedang menimbulkan, cepat dan kekerasan cincang 5 pedang, semangat setan pemburu telah melambaikan cakar tajam dua kali untuk awal untuk saya, tapi hanya 2000 + luka, tidak fatal, setelah 7 detik, di tangannya kental tombak besi sekali lagi, skill CD yang baik, suara gemuruh rendah, pada tombak besi penuh adalah merah, tapi aku cepat berkembang untuk bergerak di sekitar itu, berkembang operasi posisi berjalan-jalan di kuda perang, pada saat yang sama pedang ganda cincang secara acak, akan segera proyek contoh tombak besi dalam semangat pemburu setan, saya tiba-tiba berubah, berbalik arah Rao Pao, keberhasilan LEWATKAN jatuh kedua untuk menyerang, Selain serangan harimau kecil, pendek kurang dari 20 detik, setan ini semangat pemburu whinned tetapi sebenarnya, serangan Output yang sangat baik, saya hanya membunuh manusia lengkap, pedang Longchi 150 pembunuhan minum efek darah juga.
Memiliki lihat di tanah, sama sekali 4 koin emas, ini pada besi tepi pisau binatang penghasilan tambahan dari dibandingkan dengan besi tepi pisau gunung banyak, nilai apalagi empiris juga khusus kaya, setelah 130 tingkat monster.
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