„Brushes!”The im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce is sim­i­lar to my sharp kn terjemahan - „Brushes!”The im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce is sim­i­lar to my sharp kn Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Brushes!”The im­pe­r­ial carte and

The im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce is sim­i­lar to my sharp knife blade spa­tial spin, has a time spa­tial spin frag­men­ta­tion ef­fect, but the lethal­ity is stronger, this is the op­po­site party must avoid.
On the paper the op­er­a­tion of pic­ture demon at least reached in ex­tra-su­pe­rior, nat­u­rally can­not by this kill zone min­i­mum long-dis­tance physics at­tack lock­ing, the under foot be fought the boots to sway from side to side slightly, fig­ure seem­ingly in a flash MISS ac­tu­ally fell the killing ef­fect of this im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce.
„Sand rus­tle”
The bro­ken rumor raids, Wang Jian Ti is fight­ing the blade edge to open speed­ily the ef­fect to kill, long sword one hor­i­zon­tal, one time sweeps away the at­tack, does not use the skill, as if he also knows that the at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess ratio of match is ex­tremely high, can­not use the skill in the op­por­tu­nity ma­ture sit­u­a­tion.
Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, on the paper pic­ture demon one time re­sists suc­cess­fully, the under foot one wrong fast ap­proached Wang Jian, under the fra­grant shoul­der presses, the nu­mer­ous hits above Wang Jian's breast­plate, the body sur­round­ing are shin­ing, that is the day of step skill ef­fect, 11 lev­els of dou­ble hit skill erup­tions, and sword blade edge hides after the bat­tle dress, bom­bard­ment that 6 at­tacks are al­most not sep­a­rated on Wang Jian's body.
Wang a Jian Zuobi hor­i­zon­tal checker-work kept off the last at­tack, the long sword has de­liv­ered has then re­tal­i­ated one time to shake cuts spa­tially, the body trem­bled slightly, sword blade edge ad­vance!
The whole per­son rubbed the body sword only to pen­e­trate on the paper the stature of pic­ture demon, Wang Jian turned around sud­denly, op­er­at­ing speed quickly cer­tainly was one time fights the spin of + sword air/Qi day­break con­tin­ual tech­nique hal­berd.
Who once thinks, on the paper the speed of pic­ture demon is faster, the left hand pointed cone gaun­glet (glove) stan­dard keeps off the sword air/Qi day­break sword blade edge to be state-of-art, lifts the right foot to tram­ple fiercely in Wang Jian's thigh, in the hand the long sword hor­i­zon­tal the clash, „clang” a blue large char­ac­ter „at­tacks and de­stroys caper suc­cess­fully”, let Wang Jian Xi­anru the delay ef­fect, was a con­tin­ual tech­nique of armor pierc­ing sword + star­tling thun­der­clap sword.
„Puff passes”
Was at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully, Wang Jian has not added the blood to hang with enough time.
Start that the sec­ond time, is al­most not sep­a­rated.
Wang Jian by the first in­flu­ence, was not con­tin­ued to ini­ti­ate the chal­lenge, he knows that can­not wait for on the paper the pic­ture demon to at­tack first, oth­er­wise link an op­por­tu­nity not to have, al­most with first ex­actly the same, is a sword blade edge ad­vance dodged the op­po­site party, these time was to fight the spin of hal­berd as be­fore, above the sword blade edge is reap­pear­ing the strong gale, the gath­er­ing po­ten­tial of slowly rock­ing.
On the paper pic­ture demon watches, speed­ily the ad­vance, a long sword pen­du­lum knocks to hit Wang Jian's sword po­ten­tial, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the right leg at­tacks, this makes Wang Jian Shiqu bal­ance suf­fi­ciently, the bro­ken move was hope­ful.
But while is al­most at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess­ful, sud­denly Wang Jian changed has in­curred like light­ning, fought spin of hal­berd ef­fect „brush­ing” one to van­ish, what re­places it is white air/Qi glow surged from the sole, on the paper the pic­ture demon lost for the bro­ken move bal­anced mo­bi­lized time Lian Zhao, im­me­di­ately big „since A” and „killed a swal­low” blood red large char­ac­ter to fly.
NND, this boy com­pre­hended A level Lian Zhao un­ex­pect­edly, had not used, the sen­ti­ment does not re­veal in deep con­ceal waits for hero's wing to make every­body has an eye­ful!
On the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Brushes!”The im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce is sim­i­lar to my sharp knife blade spa­tial spin, has a time spa­tial spin frag­men­ta­tion ef­fect, but the lethal­ity is stronger, this is the op­po­site party must avoid.On the paper the op­er­a­tion of pic­ture demon at least reached in ex­tra-su­pe­rior, nat­u­rally can­not by this kill zone min­i­mum long-dis­tance physics at­tack lock­ing, the under foot be fought the boots to sway from side to side slightly, fig­ure seem­ingly in a flash MISS ac­tu­ally fell the killing ef­fect of this im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce.„Sand rus­tle”The bro­ken rumor raids, Wang Jian Ti is fight­ing the blade edge to open speed­ily the ef­fect to kill, long sword one hor­i­zon­tal, one time sweeps away the at­tack, does not use the skill, as if he also knows that the at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess ratio of match is ex­tremely high, can­not use the skill in the op­por­tu­nity ma­ture sit­u­a­tion.„Clang!”Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, on the paper pic­ture demon one time re­sists suc­cess­fully, the under foot one wrong fast ap­proached Wang Jian, under the fra­grant shoul­der presses, the nu­mer­ous hits above Wang Jian's breast­plate, the body sur­round­ing are shin­ing, that is the day of step skill ef­fect, 11 lev­els of dou­ble hit skill erup­tions, and sword blade edge hides after the bat­tle dress, bom­bard­ment that 6 at­tacks are al­most not sep­a­rated on Wang Jian's body.Wang a Jian Zuobi hor­i­zon­tal checker-work kept off the last at­tack, the long sword has de­liv­ered has then re­tal­i­ated one time to shake cuts spa­tially, the body trem­bled slightly, sword blade edge ad­vance!„Whish!”The whole per­son rubbed the body sword only to pen­e­trate on the paper the stature of pic­ture demon, Wang Jian turned around sud­denly, op­er­at­ing speed quickly cer­tainly was one time fights the spin of + sword air/Qi day­break con­tin­ual tech­nique hal­berd.Who once thinks, on the paper the speed of pic­ture demon is faster, the left hand pointed cone gaun­glet (glove) stan­dard keeps off the sword air/Qi day­break sword blade edge to be state-of-art, lifts the right foot to tram­ple fiercely in Wang Jian's thigh, in the hand the long sword hor­i­zon­tal the clash, „clang” a blue large char­ac­ter „at­tacks and de­stroys caper suc­cess­fully”, let Wang Jian Xi­anru the delay ef­fect, was a con­tin­ual tech­nique of armor pierc­ing sword + star­tling thun­der­clap sword.„Puff passes”Was at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully, Wang Jian has not added the blood to hang with enough time.Start that the sec­ond time, is al­most not sep­a­rated.Wang Jian by the first in­flu­ence, was not con­tin­ued to ini­ti­ate the chal­lenge, he knows that can­not wait for on the paper the pic­ture demon to at­tack first, oth­er­wise link an op­por­tu­nity not to have, al­most with first ex­actly the same, is a sword blade edge ad­vance dodged the op­po­site party, these time was to fight the spin of hal­berd as be­fore, above the sword blade edge is reap­pear­ing the strong gale, the gath­er­ing po­ten­tial of slowly rock­ing.On the paper pic­ture demon watches, speed­ily the ad­vance, a long sword pen­du­lum knocks to hit Wang Jian's sword po­ten­tial, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the right leg at­tacks, this makes Wang Jian Shiqu bal­ance suf­fi­ciently, the bro­ken move was hope­ful.But while is al­most at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing suc­cess­ful, sud­denly Wang Jian changed has in­curred like light­ning, fought spin of hal­berd ef­fect „brush­ing” one to van­ish, what re­places it is white air/Qi glow surged from the sole, on the paper the pic­ture demon lost for the bro­ken move bal­anced mo­bi­lized time Lian Zhao, im­me­di­ately big „since A” and „killed a swal­low” blood red large char­ac­ter to fly.NND, this boy com­pre­hended A level Lian Zhao un­ex­pect­edly, had not used, the sen­ti­ment does not re­veal in deep con­ceal waits for hero's wing to make every­body has an eye­ful!On the
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The kekaisaran carte dan Tierce mirip dengan pisau pisau berputar spasial yang tajam, memiliki waktu yang berputar spasial efek fragmentasi, tapi mematikan lebih kuat, ini adalah pihak lawan harus menghindari.
Di atas kertas pengoperasian setan gambar di setidaknya dicapai dalam ekstra-superior, secara alami tidak bisa dengan kill ini zona minimum jarak jauh penguncian serangan fisika, kaki bawah diperjuangkan sepatu untuk bergoyang dari sisi ke sisi sedikit, mencari tampaknya di MISS flashdisk benar-benar jatuh efek pembunuhan kekaisaran ini carte dan Tierce.
"Sand gemerisik"
The rumor serangan yang rusak, Wang Jian Ti berjuang tepi pisau untuk membuka cepat efek membunuh, pedang panjang horizontal, satu kali menyapu serangan itu, tidak menggunakan keterampilan, seakan juga tahu bahwa menyerang dan menghancurkan rasio keberhasilan pertandingan sangat tinggi, tidak dapat menggunakan keterampilan dalam situasi dewasa kesempatan.
Mars hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah, pada gambar kertas setan satu waktu menolak berhasil, di bawah kaki yang salah cepat mendekati Wang Jian, di bawah menekan bahu harum, banyak hit di atas dada Wang Jian, tubuh sekitarnya bersinar, itu adalah hari efek skill langkah, 11 tingkat ganda letusan keterampilan hit, dan tepi pedang pisau menyembunyikan setelah pertempuran berpakaian, pemboman yang 6 serangan hampir tak lepas dari tubuh Wang Jian.
Wang sebuah Jian Zuobi horisontal checker-kerja terus off serangan terakhir, pedang panjang telah disampaikan telah kemudian membalas satu kali mengguncang pemotongan spasial, tubuh gemetar sedikit, pedang pisau tepi muka!
seluruh orang menggosok pedang tubuh hanya untuk menembus di atas kertas bertubuh setan gambar, Wang Jian berbalik tiba-tiba, kecepatan operasi cepat pasti satu waktu perkelahian spin pedang udara + / Qi fajar terus menerus teknik tombak.
Siapa yang pernah berpikir, di atas kertas kecepatan setan gambar lebih cepat, tangan kiri menunjuk kerucut gaunglet (glove) standar terus off pedang udara / Qi pedang fajar pisau tepi menjadi state-of-art, mengangkat kaki kanan menginjak-injak keras di paha Wang Jian, di tangan pedang panjang horisontal bentrokan, "dentang" karakter besar biru "serangan dan menghancurkan caper berhasil", biarkan Wang Jian Xianru efek delay, adalah teknik yang terus-menerus dari armor piercing pedang + pedang petir mengejutkan.
"Puff melewati"
Apakah menyerang dan menghancurkan berhasil, Wang Jian belum menambahkan darah untuk bergaul dengan cukup waktu.
Mulai yang kedua kalinya, hampir tidak dipisahkan.
Wang Jian oleh pengaruh pertama, tidak dilanjutkan untuk memulai tantangan, ia tahu bahwa tidak bisa menunggu untuk di atas kertas setan gambar menyerang lebih dulu, jika tidak menghubungkan kesempatan untuk tidak memiliki, hampir dengan pertama persis sama, adalah tepi muka pedang pisau menghindar pihak lawan, kali ini adalah untuk melawan spin tombak seperti sebelumnya, di atas tepi pedang pisau muncul kembali dengan puting beliung, potensi pengumpulan perlahan goyang.
pada setan gambar kertas jam tangan, cepat muka, pendulum pedang panjang mengetuk untuk memukul potensi pedang Wang Jian, bersamaan serangan kaki kanan, ini membuat Wang Jian Shiqu keseimbangan cukup, rusak bergerak berharap.
Tapi sementara hampir menyerang dan menghancurkan sukses, tiba-tiba Wang Jian berubah telah dikeluarkan seperti kilat, berputar berjuang efek tombak "menyikat" satu menghilang, apa menggantikan itu udara putih / Qi cahaya melonjak dari satu-satunya, di atas kertas setan gambar hilang untuk waktu yang dimobilisasi rusak bergerak seimbang Lian Zhao, segera besar "karena A" dan "membunuh menelan" darah karakter besar merah untuk terbang.
NND, anak ini dipahami tingkat Lian Zhao tiba-tiba, tidak digunakan, sentimen tidak mengungkapkan di menunggu menyembunyikan dalam-dalam untuk sayap pahlawan untuk membuat semua orang memiliki eyeful!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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