When hears this news, stands came from all influence in city wall thes terjemahan - When hears this news, stands came from all influence in city wall thes Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When hears this news, stands came f

When hears this news, stands came from all influence in city wall these God King Expert, in abundance is resenting.
Puts down the Heavenly God emperor is exudes one to sigh lightly, among gaze is bringing several points of helplessness, any words had not said.
In the Jian Chen eye the ray flashes, in heart analyzes secretly: „As far as time is concerned, Heavenly Demon Saint Religion to these Divine Country get rid, exactly is Bright Moon Fairy Maiden submerges the time of Heavenly Demon Saint Religion headquarters, is very obvious, they are want to collect some soul strength, making the blood bead and soul bead quality higher, because of should again the concise blood bead and soul bead.”
The following some time, the allied armies of Peaceful Heavenly God Country this side continue maintain highly vigilant, guarding that keeps close to fort. Until half a month later, ten thousand li (0.5km) of God King risk close Heavenly Demon Saint Religion headquarters , after obtaining the accurate information, the people just now believe that Heavenly Demon Saint Religion withdraws troops.
Obtained the precise information, puts down many God King that the Heavenly God emperor and helps, breathed a sigh of relief, puts down the Heavenly God emperor to hold holding the fist in the other hand to the people immediately, wear a look of kind, brings actually not to reduce dignifiedly, said: „, It seems like this war really had ended, Ping Tian thanked upholding justice aid in this.”
„God emperor was really polite, Heavenly Demon Saint Religion was cruel and merciless, copes with so evil and cruel Demon Religion, we because of should unite, collaborated with it contending.” An old man to is putting down the Heavenly God emperor to hold the fist in the other hand saying that the expression is very polite, he is a Earth Spirit Sect elder.
Naturally, does not arrive at Peaceful Heavenly God Country that three elders first, but is the second batch comes to aid here God King.
At once, this elder looks at the vision to Jian Chen, saying of full Han apology: „The Jian Chen little brother, formerly our Earth Spirit Sect several good-for-nothing disciples many affronted, but also looks at the little brother should not be offended.” Here, this old man sighed one lightly, said: „Was a pity that among these disciples, many people died in battle in the battlefield, otherwise, my Earth Spirit Sect decides however the severe disciplinary punishment they, to a Jian Chen little brother confession.”
Stands in God King that must insert, collects the vision on Jian Chen and Earth Spirit Sect this elder.
hostility between Jian Chen and Earth Spirit Sect, they have also heard, if Jian Chen merely is pushes in the God Lord tablet reluctantly certainly generation of God Lord, by the Earth Spirit Sect strength, although will face, but actually does not care.
But if is a strength is astonishing, has the qualifications to aspire to seize God Lord tablet first certainly generation of God Lord, that significance may be different. Because such God Lord has been able to resist with all one's strength God King, if in the future breaks through, has entered into the God King boundary, can have the qualifications to push in the person in God King place.
The hearsay, God King your presence ten, have astonishing Heaven Defying strength, can with initially enter the Expert resistance of Beginning Boundary.
Even can achieve by the strength of God King, cuts to kill common Beginning Boundary Expert the action of startled day.
Let alone, Ya Xilian also disclosed behind Jian Chen to have Beginning Boundary Expert to support, such character, Earth Spirit Sect naturally was not willing to offend.
Under the attention of numerous all influence, Jian Chen unemotionally, the mood has not fluctuated, said: „This matter, relates with the Earth Spirit Sect that several to die disciple is not big, the real chief culprit has someone else, God King level rune is what kind precious, is not that several disciples can have.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
When hears this news, stands came from all influence in city wall these God King Expert, in abundance is resenting.Puts down the Heavenly God emperor is exudes one to sigh lightly, among gaze is bringing several points of helplessness, any words had not said.In the Jian Chen eye the ray flashes, in heart analyzes secretly: „As far as time is concerned, Heavenly Demon Saint Religion to these Divine Country get rid, exactly is Bright Moon Fairy Maiden submerges the time of Heavenly Demon Saint Religion headquarters, is very obvious, they are want to collect some soul strength, making the blood bead and soul bead quality higher, because of should again the concise blood bead and soul bead.”The following some time, the allied armies of Peaceful Heavenly God Country this side continue maintain highly vigilant, guarding that keeps close to fort. Until half a month later, ten thousand li (0.5km) of God King risk close Heavenly Demon Saint Religion headquarters , after obtaining the accurate information, the people just now believe that Heavenly Demon Saint Religion withdraws troops.Obtained the precise information, puts down many God King that the Heavenly God emperor and helps, breathed a sigh of relief, puts down the Heavenly God emperor to hold holding the fist in the other hand to the people immediately, wear a look of kind, brings actually not to reduce dignifiedly, said: „, It seems like this war really had ended, Ping Tian thanked upholding justice aid in this.”"Kaisar Allah adalah benar-benar sopan, surgawi setan Saint agama adalah kejam dan tanpa ampun, berupaya dengan begitu jahat dan kejam setan agama, kita karena harus dipersatukan, berkolaborasi dengan itu bersaing." Orang tua untuk meletakkan Kaisar surgawi Allah untuk menahan tinju di sisi lain mengatakan bahwa ekspresi sangat sopan, ia adalah sebuah mazhab Roh bumi tua.Tentu saja, tidak tiba di negara damai Tuhan surgawi bahwa tiga penatua pertama, tetapi adalah batch kedua datang untuk membantu di sini dewa raja.Sekaligus, ini tampak penatua di visi untuk Jian Chen, perkataan penuh permintaan maaf Han: "Jian Chen little brother, sebelumnya kami bumi Roh sekte beberapa murid membuat banyak terhina, tetapi juga terlihat pada adik tidak akan tersinggung." Di sini, orang tua ini mendesah satu ringan, mengatakan: "Sayang sekali bahwa antara murid ini, banyak orang yang tewas dalam pertempuran di medan perang, jika tidak, saya sekte Roh bumi memutuskan namun hukuman disipliner yang berat mereka, Jian Chen adik pengakuan."Berdiri di Allah raja yang harus memasukkan, mengumpulkan visi di Jian Chen dan bumi Roh sekte penatua ini.permusuhan antara Jian Chen dan sekte Roh bumi, mereka juga mendengar, jika Jian Chen hanya mendorong dalam tablet Tuhan Allah enggan pasti generasi dari Tuhan Jahweh, oleh kekuatan bumi Roh sekte, meskipun akan menghadapi, tapi benar-benar tidak peduli.Tetapi jika kekuatan yang sangat menakjubkan, memiliki kualifikasi untuk bercita-cita untuk merebut Tuhan Allah tablet pertama pasti generasi dari Tuhan Jahweh, makna yang mungkin berbeda. Karena Tuhan Allah tersebut telah mampu menahan dengan semua satu adalah kekuatan dewa raja, jika pada waktu istirahat masa depan melalui, telah masuk ke dalam batas dewa raja, dapat memiliki kualifikasi untuk mendorong orang di tempat dewa raja.Desas-desus, dewa raja sepuluh, kehadiran Anda memiliki menakjubkan sorga menentang kekuatan, dapat dengan awalnya memasuki ahli perlawanan awal batas.Bahkan dapat mencapai dengan kekuatan luka untuk membunuh umum awal batas ahli Allah raja tindakan terkejut hari.Apalagi, Ya Xilian juga diungkapkan di belakang Jian Chen memiliki awal batas ahli untuk mendukung, seperti karakter, sekte Roh bumi secara alami itu tidak bersedia menyinggung.Di bawah perhatian semua berbagai pengaruh, Jian Chen unemotionally, volumenya tidak mood, berkata: "hal ini berhubungan dengan mazhab Roh bumi bahwa beberapa mati murid tidak besar, nyata kepala pelakunya memiliki wanita lain, dewa raja tingkat rune berharga apa jenis, bukanlah bahwa beberapa murid dapat memiliki."
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