Appreciative InquiryOne of the most exciting approaches to leading cha terjemahan - Appreciative InquiryOne of the most exciting approaches to leading cha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Appreciative InquiryOne of the most

Appreciative Inquiry
One of the most exciting approaches to leading change is a process known as appreciative inquiry. Appreciative inquiry (AI) engages individuals, teams, or the entire organization in creating change by reinforcing positive messages and focusing on learning from success.18 Rather than looking at a situation from the viewpoint of what is wrong and who is to blame for it, AI takes a positive, affirming approach by asking, “What is possible? What do we want to achieve?” For example, rather than looking at a problem such as decreasing sales, AI would investigate what makes sales increase. Appropriately framing a topic—to investigate what is right rather than what is wrong—is critical to the success of appreciative inquiry because it gets people away from blame, defensiveness, and denial and sets a positive framework for change. As David Cooperrider, co-creator of the AI methodology, puts it, “. . . the more you study the true, the good, the better, the possible within living human systems, the more the capacity for positive transformation.”19 AI can be applied on either a large or small scale.
[Leader’s shelf-Insight 15.2 Box Here]
Leading a Major Change
Appreciative inquiry can accelerate large-scale organizational change by positively engaging a large group of people in the change process, including leaders and employees, as well as people from outside the organization, such as customers or clients, partners, and other stakeholders.
Once a topic has been identified for exploration, the group follows a four-stage appreciative inquiry process, as illustrated in Exhibit 15.3.20
1. Discovery. In the discovery stage, people identify “the best of what exists”—the organization’s key strengths and best practices. This stage is about discovering the unique qualities of the group that have contributed to success. Leaders interview people, asking them to tell stories that identify the best of their experiences with the organization. During an AI session focused on building a winning culture at American Express, for example, leaders asked people to describe an instance when they felt the most proud working for the company. Based on these stories, people together identify common themes.
2. Dream. Next, people reflect on what they learned during the discovery stage and imagine what it would be like if these extraordinary experiences were the norm—what if people at American Express, for instance, experienced the kind of environment every day that made them feel proud of working for American Express? The dream stage is about imagining “what could be” and creating a shared vision of the best possible future, grounded in the reality of what already exists. By allowing people to express their dreams for the future, AI inspires hope and energy for change.
3. Design. The design stage formulates action plans for transforming dreams into reality. This involves people making decisions about what the organization needs to do in order to be what it wants to be. At American Express, people identified the values that would support the kind of culture they wanted, the leadership behaviors that would instill and support the values, and the structures, systems, and processes that would keep the new cultural values alive.
4. Destiny. The final stage of AI is creating a destiny by translating the ideas identified in the previous stages into concrete action steps. This involves both celebrating the best of what exists and pushing forward to realize the dream by creating specific programs, activities, and other tangible forces that will implement the design and ensure the continuation of change begun during the AI process. For example, specific changes in training programs, performance evaluation, and reward systems were part of the destiny stage at American Express.
Using the AI methodology for a large-scale change may involve hundreds of people over a period of several days and may be conducted off-site to enable people to immerse themselves in the process of creating the future. A wide variety of organizations, including businesses, school systems, churches and religious organizations, communities, government agencies, and social service organizations, have used AI for large-scale change.21 The United States Navy applied AI in its goal to build “an empowered culture of excellence.” The Navy collected more than 300 stories of outstanding leadership and identified seven themes that provided a basis for change: entrusting sailors with responsibility; treating mistakes as learning opportunities; promoting learning; investing in others’ development; providing opportunities to excel and make a difference; bestowing appreciation and recognition; and building teamwork.22
Leading Everyday Change
Appreciative inquiry can also be applied by individual leaders on a smaller scale. The nature of leadership means influencing people in many small ways on an ongoing basis. Good leaders work daily to gradually shift attitudes, assumptions, and behavior toward a desired future. When individual leaders in an organization are involved in daily change efforts, they have a powerful cumulative effect.23
Leaders can use the tools of appreciative inquiry for a variety of everyday change initiatives, such as developing followers, strengthening teamwork, solving a particular work issue, or resolving conflicts.24 Again, the key is to frame the issue in a positive way and keep people focused on improvement rather than looking at what went wrong. Jim Gustafson provides an example of the everyday use of appreciative inquiry.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Appreciative InquiryOne of the most exciting approaches to leading change is a process known as appreciative inquiry. Appreciative inquiry (AI) engages individuals, teams, or the entire organization in creating change by reinforcing positive messages and focusing on learning from success.18 Rather than looking at a situation from the viewpoint of what is wrong and who is to blame for it, AI takes a positive, affirming approach by asking, “What is possible? What do we want to achieve?” For example, rather than looking at a problem such as decreasing sales, AI would investigate what makes sales increase. Appropriately framing a topic—to investigate what is right rather than what is wrong—is critical to the success of appreciative inquiry because it gets people away from blame, defensiveness, and denial and sets a positive framework for change. As David Cooperrider, co-creator of the AI methodology, puts it, “. . . the more you study the true, the good, the better, the possible within living human systems, the more the capacity for positive transformation.”19 AI can be applied on either a large or small scale.[Leader’s shelf-Insight 15.2 Box Here]Leading a Major ChangeAppreciative inquiry can accelerate large-scale organizational change by positively engaging a large group of people in the change process, including leaders and employees, as well as people from outside the organization, such as customers or clients, partners, and other stakeholders.Once a topic has been identified for exploration, the group follows a four-stage appreciative inquiry process, as illustrated in Exhibit 15.3.201. Discovery. In the discovery stage, people identify “the best of what exists”—the organization’s key strengths and best practices. This stage is about discovering the unique qualities of the group that have contributed to success. Leaders interview people, asking them to tell stories that identify the best of their experiences with the organization. During an AI session focused on building a winning culture at American Express, for example, leaders asked people to describe an instance when they felt the most proud working for the company. Based on these stories, people together identify common themes.2. Dream. Next, people reflect on what they learned during the discovery stage and imagine what it would be like if these extraordinary experiences were the norm—what if people at American Express, for instance, experienced the kind of environment every day that made them feel proud of working for American Express? The dream stage is about imagining “what could be” and creating a shared vision of the best possible future, grounded in the reality of what already exists. By allowing people to express their dreams for the future, AI inspires hope and energy for change.3. Design. The design stage formulates action plans for transforming dreams into reality. This involves people making decisions about what the organization needs to do in order to be what it wants to be. At American Express, people identified the values that would support the kind of culture they wanted, the leadership behaviors that would instill and support the values, and the structures, systems, and processes that would keep the new cultural values alive.4. Destiny. The final stage of AI is creating a destiny by translating the ideas identified in the previous stages into concrete action steps. This involves both celebrating the best of what exists and pushing forward to realize the dream by creating specific programs, activities, and other tangible forces that will implement the design and ensure the continuation of change begun during the AI process. For example, specific changes in training programs, performance evaluation, and reward systems were part of the destiny stage at American Express.Using the AI methodology for a large-scale change may involve hundreds of people over a period of several days and may be conducted off-site to enable people to immerse themselves in the process of creating the future. A wide variety of organizations, including businesses, school systems, churches and religious organizations, communities, government agencies, and social service organizations, have used AI for large-scale change.21 The United States Navy applied AI in its goal to build “an empowered culture of excellence.” The Navy collected more than 300 stories of outstanding leadership and identified seven themes that provided a basis for change: entrusting sailors with responsibility; treating mistakes as learning opportunities; promoting learning; investing in others’ development; providing opportunities to excel and make a difference; bestowing appreciation and recognition; and building teamwork.22Leading Everyday ChangeAppreciative inquiry can also be applied by individual leaders on a smaller scale. The nature of leadership means influencing people in many small ways on an ongoing basis. Good leaders work daily to gradually shift attitudes, assumptions, and behavior toward a desired future. When individual leaders in an organization are involved in daily change efforts, they have a powerful cumulative effect.23Leaders can use the tools of appreciative inquiry for a variety of everyday change initiatives, such as developing followers, strengthening teamwork, solving a particular work issue, or resolving conflicts.24 Again, the key is to frame the issue in a positive way and keep people focused on improvement rather than looking at what went wrong. Jim Gustafson provides an example of the everyday use of appreciative inquiry.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Appreciative Inquiry
Salah satu pendekatan yang paling menarik untuk memimpin perubahan adalah sebuah proses yang dikenal sebagai penyelidikan apresiatif. Permintaan apresiatif (AI) terlibat individu, tim, atau seluruh organisasi dalam menciptakan perubahan dengan memperkuat pesan-pesan positif dan berfokus pada belajar dari success.18 Daripada melihat situasi dari sudut pandang apa yang salah dan siapa yang harus disalahkan untuk itu, AI mengambil positif, menegaskan pendekatan dengan bertanya, "Apa mungkin? Apa yang kita ingin capai? "Sebagai contoh, daripada melihat masalah seperti penurunan penjualan, AI akan menyelidiki apa yang membuat peningkatan penjualan. Tepat membingkai topik-untuk menyelidiki apa yang benar daripada apa yang salah-sangat penting untuk keberhasilan penyelidikan apresiatif karena membuat orang-orang menjauh dari menyalahkan, pembelaan diri, dan penolakan dan menetapkan kerangka positif untuk perubahan. Seperti David Cooperrider, co-pencipta metodologi AI, katakan, ". . . semakin Anda mempelajari benar, yang baik, yang lebih baik, mungkin dalam hidup sistem manusia, semakin kapasitas untuk transformasi positif. "19 AI dapat diterapkan di kedua skala besar atau kecil.
[Pemimpin rak-Insight 15,2 Box Berikut ]
Memimpin Mayor Perubahan
Permintaan Apresiatif dapat mempercepat perubahan organisasi skala besar oleh positif melibatkan sekelompok besar orang dalam proses perubahan, termasuk para pemimpin dan karyawan, serta orang-orang dari luar organisasi, seperti pelanggan atau klien, mitra, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.
Setelah topik telah diidentifikasi untuk eksplorasi, kelompok mengikuti empat tahap proses penyelidikan apresiatif, seperti digambarkan dalam pameran 15.3.20
1. Penemuan. Pada tahap penemuan, orang mengidentifikasi "yang terbaik dari apa yang ada" kekuatan kunci -the organisasi dan praktik terbaik. Tahap ini adalah tentang menemukan kualitas yang unik dari kelompok yang telah memberikan kontribusi bagi keberhasilan. Pemimpin mewawancarai orang, meminta mereka untuk menceritakan kisah-kisah yang mengidentifikasi yang terbaik dari pengalaman mereka dengan organisasi. Selama sesi AI difokuskan pada pengembangan budaya di American Express, misalnya, para pemimpin meminta orang untuk menggambarkan sebuah contoh ketika mereka merasa paling bangga bekerja untuk perusahaan. Berdasarkan cerita ini, orang bersama-sama mengidentifikasi tema umum.
2. Bermimpi. Berikutnya, orang merenungkan apa yang mereka pelajari selama tahap penemuan dan membayangkan apa akan seperti jika ini pengalaman yang luar biasa adalah norma-apa jika orang-orang di American Express, misalnya, mengalami jenis lingkungan setiap hari yang membuat mereka merasa bangga bekerja untuk American Express? Tahap mimpi tentang membayangkan "apa yang bisa" dan menciptakan visi bersama tentang masa depan terbaik, didasarkan pada realitas apa yang sudah ada. Dengan membiarkan orang untuk mengekspresikan impian mereka untuk masa depan, AI mengilhami harapan dan energi untuk perubahan.
3. Desain. Tahap desain merumuskan rencana aksi untuk mengubah mimpi menjadi kenyataan. Ini melibatkan orang membuat keputusan tentang apa organisasi perlu dilakukan agar apa yang ingin menjadi. Pada American Express, orang yang diidentifikasi nilai-nilai yang akan mendukung jenis budaya yang mereka inginkan, perilaku kepemimpinan yang akan menanamkan dan mendukung nilai-nilai, dan struktur, sistem, dan proses yang akan menjaga nilai-nilai budaya baru hidup.
4. Takdir. Tahap akhir dari AI adalah menciptakan takdir dengan menerjemahkan ide-ide yang diidentifikasi pada tahap sebelumnya menjadi langkah-langkah tindakan nyata. Ini melibatkan kedua merayakan yang terbaik dari apa yang ada dan mendorong maju untuk mewujudkan impian dengan menciptakan program-program tertentu, kegiatan, dan kekuatan berwujud lainnya yang akan menerapkan desain dan memastikan kelanjutan perubahan dimulai selama proses AI. Misalnya, perubahan tertentu dalam program pelatihan, evaluasi kinerja, dan sistem reward adalah bagian dari tahap takdir di American Express.
Menggunakan metodologi AI untuk perubahan skala besar mungkin melibatkan ratusan orang selama beberapa hari dan dapat dilakukan off-situs untuk memungkinkan orang untuk membenamkan diri dalam proses menciptakan masa depan. Berbagai organisasi, termasuk bisnis, sistem sekolah, gereja dan organisasi keagamaan, masyarakat, instansi pemerintah, dan organisasi pelayanan sosial, telah menggunakan AI untuk skala besar change.21 Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat diterapkan AI dalam tujuannya untuk membangun "sebuah . diberdayakan budaya keunggulan "The Navy mengumpulkan lebih dari 300 cerita kepemimpinan yang luar biasa dan mengidentifikasi tujuh tema yang disediakan dasar untuk perubahan: mempercayakan pelaut dengan tanggung jawab; memperlakukan kesalahan sebagai kesempatan belajar; mempromosikan pembelajaran; investasi dalam pengembangan orang lain; memberikan kesempatan untuk unggul dan membuat perbedaan; menganugerahkan penghargaan dan pengakuan; dan bangunan teamwork.22
Memimpin Everyday Perubahan
Permintaan Apresiatif juga dapat diterapkan oleh para pemimpin individu pada skala yang lebih kecil. Sifat kepemimpinan berarti mempengaruhi orang dalam banyak hal kecil secara berkelanjutan. Pemimpin yang baik bekerja setiap hari untuk secara bertahap beralih sikap, asumsi, dan perilaku menuju masa depan yang diinginkan. Ketika pemimpin individu dalam sebuah organisasi terlibat dalam upaya perubahan harian, mereka memiliki kuat kumulatif effect.23
Pemimpin dapat menggunakan alat penyelidikan apresiatif untuk berbagai inisiatif perubahan sehari-hari, seperti pengembangan pengikut, memperkuat kerja sama tim, memecahkan masalah pekerjaan tertentu , atau menyelesaikan conflicts.24 Sekali lagi, kuncinya adalah untuk membingkai masalah dengan cara yang positif dan membuat orang fokus pada peningkatan daripada melihat apa yang salah. Jim Gustafson memberikan contoh penggunaan sehari-hari penyelidikan apresiatif.
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