54.8% was male,Magewas 33 (SD8.85), and the majority held a universit terjemahan - 54.8% was male,Magewas 33 (SD8.85), and the majority held a universit Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

54.8% was male,Magewas 33 (SD8.85)

54.8% was male,Magewas 33 (SD8.85), and the majority held a university (48%) or
a college degree (30%). Sample 2(N1642) consisted of employees of various
organizational sectors. Most participants worked in commercial services (19%), health
care (18%), and industry (10%), respectively. The sample included 576 males (35.1%).
The mean age was 43 years (SD9.76). The majority of this sample had attended
higher vocational training (51%) or held a university degree (28%). Finally,Sample 3
(N2331) also included employees working in various organizational sectors. The
majority of the participants worked in information and communications technology
(19%), education (16%), and public administration (15%). The sample included 1153
males (49.5%). Their mean age was 43 years (SD10.99). The majority of this sample
held a university degree (40%) or a higher vocational degree (39%).
Measures: the DUBS
The items of the DUBS are presented inTable 1.InSample 1(M.84, SD.63) we
used a seven-point frequency rating scale ranging from 0 (‘‘never’’) to 6 (‘‘always’’).
InSamples 2(M1.68, SD.73) and 3(M1.87, SD.78) all items were scored
on a five-point frequency rating scale ranging from 1 (‘‘never’’) to 5 (‘‘always’’).
Thus, due to the different answering format the mean scores of the participants could
vary across samples. As these scores may affect the results of further analyses, all
items were standardized to z-scores within samples (Taris, Bok, & Meijer,1998).
Statistical analysis
As all item scores correlated significantly with one another and only a onedimensional construct was assumed, a principal component analysis (PCA) was
Table 1. Exploratory factor analysis results of the Dutch Boredom Scale (DUBS) in Sample 1
Factor loadings
Items Factor 1 Factor 2
At work, time goes by very slowly .52 .36
I feel bored at my job .78 .31
At work, I spend my time aimlessly .41 .65
At my job, I feel restless .50 .55
During work time I daydream .68 .17
It seems as if my working day never ends .75 .09
I tend to do other things during my work .73 .12
At my work, there is not so much to do .70 .35
Eigenvalue 3.35 1.13
% of variance 41.85 14.06
a .80 .46
Note: All items were self-constructed but based on Vodanovich (2003) classification of boredom’s
cognitive, affective, motivational, and behavioral components and drawn from previously designed scales
such as the Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986), and the two Job Boredom Scales
(Grubb,1975; Lee,1986). All items load on both factors of which the highest loading is underlined. These
underlined loadings are of significant importance based on Steven’s (2002) recommendations
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
54.8% was male,Magewas 33 (SD8.85), and the majority held a university (48%) ora college degree (30%). Sample 2(N1642) consisted of employees of variousorganizational sectors. Most participants worked in commercial services (19%), healthcare (18%), and industry (10%), respectively. The sample included 576 males (35.1%).The mean age was 43 years (SD9.76). The majority of this sample had attendedhigher vocational training (51%) or held a university degree (28%). Finally,Sample 3(N2331) also included employees working in various organizational sectors. Themajority of the participants worked in information and communications technology(19%), education (16%), and public administration (15%). The sample included 1153males (49.5%). Their mean age was 43 years (SD10.99). The majority of this sampleheld a university degree (40%) or a higher vocational degree (39%).Measures: the DUBSThe items of the DUBS are presented inTable 1.InSample 1(M.84, SD.63) weused a seven-point frequency rating scale ranging from 0 (‘‘never’’) to 6 (‘‘always’’).InSamples 2(M1.68, SD.73) and 3(M1.87, SD.78) all items were scoredon a five-point frequency rating scale ranging from 1 (‘‘never’’) to 5 (‘‘always’’).Thus, due to the different answering format the mean scores of the participants couldvary across samples. As these scores may affect the results of further analyses, allitems were standardized to z-scores within samples (Taris, Bok, & Meijer,1998).Statistical analysisAs all item scores correlated significantly with one another and only a onedimensional construct was assumed, a principal component analysis (PCA) wasTable 1. Exploratory factor analysis results of the Dutch Boredom Scale (DUBS) in Sample 1(N2342).Factor loadingsItems Factor 1 Factor 2At work, time goes by very slowly .52 .36I feel bored at my job .78 .31At work, I spend my time aimlessly .41 .65At my job, I feel restless .50 .55During work time I daydream .68 .17It seems as if my working day never ends .75 .09I tend to do other things during my work .73 .12At my work, there is not so much to do .70 .35Eigenvalue 3.35 1.13% of variance 41.85 14.06a .80 .46Note: All items were self-constructed but based on Vodanovich (2003) classification of boredom’scognitive, affective, motivational, and behavioral components and drawn from previously designed scalessuch as the Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986), and the two Job Boredom Scales(Grubb,1975; Lee,1986). All items load on both factors of which the highest loading is underlined. Theseunderlined loadings are of significant importance based on Steven’s (2002) recommendations
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
54,8% adalah laki-laki, Magewas 33 (SD? 8,85), dan mayoritas diadakan universitas (48%) atau
gelar sarjana (30%). Contoh 2 (N? 1642) terdiri dari karyawan berbagai
sektor organisasi. Sebagian besar peserta bekerja di layanan komersial (19%), kesehatan
perawatan (18%), dan industri (10%), masing-masing. Sampel termasuk 576 laki-laki (35,1%).
Usia rata-rata adalah 43 tahun (SD? 9,76). Mayoritas sampel ini telah menghadiri
pelatihan kejuruan yang lebih tinggi (51%) atau mengadakan gelar universitas (28%). Akhirnya, Contoh 3
(N? 2331) juga termasuk karyawan yang bekerja di berbagai sektor organisasi. The
Mayoritas peserta bekerja di teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
(19%), pendidikan (16%), dan administrasi publik (15%). Sampel termasuk 1.153
laki-laki (49,5%). Usia rata-rata mereka adalah 43 tahun (SD? 10,99). Mayoritas sampel ini
mengadakan gelar universitas (40%) atau gelar kejuruan yang lebih tinggi (39%).
Tindakan: yang DUBS
Item dari DUBS disajikan pada Tabel 1 1.InSample (?? M 0,84, SD 0,63) kami
menggunakan skala tujuh poin Peringkat frekuensi mulai dari 0 ('' tidak pernah '') untuk 6 ('' selalu '').
InSamples 2 (M? 1,68, SD? 0,73) dan 3 (M? 1,87, SD? 0,78) semua item diberi skor
pada skala rating frekuensi lima poin mulai dari 1 ('' tidak pernah '') untuk 5 ('' selalu '').
Dengan demikian, karena format penjawab yang berbeda nilai rata-rata peserta bisa
bervariasi di seluruh sampel. Sebagai nilai ini dapat mempengaruhi hasil analisis lebih lanjut, semua
item yang standar untuk z-skor dalam sampel (Taris, Bok, & Meijer, 1998).
Analisis statistik
Karena semua nilai barang berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan satu sama lain dan hanya membangun onedimensional diasumsikan , analisis komponen utama (PCA) adalah
Tabel 1. Eksplorasi hasil analisis faktor dari Kebosanan Skala Belanda (DUBS) dalam Sampel 1
(N? 2342).
beban Factor
Produk Faktor 1 Faktor 2
Di tempat kerja, dengan berjalannya waktu sangat lambat 0,52 ? 0,36
Aku merasa bosan di pekerjaan saya 0,78? 0,31
Di tempat kerja, saya menghabiskan waktu saya tanpa tujuan 0,41 0,65
Pada pekerjaan saya, saya merasa gelisah 0,50 0,55
Selama waktu kerja saya melamun 0,68 0,17
Tampaknya seolah-olah hari kerja saya tidak pernah berakhir 0,75? 0,09
saya cenderung untuk melakukan hal-hal lain selama saya bekerja 0,73 0,12
Di tempat kerja saya, tidak ada begitu banyak yang harus dilakukan 0,70? 0,35
Eigenvalue 3,35
1,13% dari varians 41,85 14,06
a 0,80 0,46
Catatan: Semua item yang dibangun sendiri tetapi berdasarkan Vodanovich (2003) klasifikasi kebosanan itu
kognitif, afektif, motivasi, dan komponen perilaku dan diambil dari sisik dirancang sebelumnya
seperti rawan Skala Kebosanan (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986), dan dua Timbangan Job Kebosanan
(Grubb, 1975; Lee, 1986). Semua item memuat pada kedua faktor yang loading tertinggi digarisbawahi. Ini
beban digarisbawahi adalah sangat penting berdasarkan (2002) rekomendasi Steven
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Bahasa lainnya
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