“Hmph. Trash.”The young female who did not speak for a long time shot  terjemahan - “Hmph. Trash.”The young female who did not speak for a long time shot  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Hmph. Trash.”The young female who

“Hmph. Trash.”

The young female who did not speak for a long time shot a glance at the well-built young man as she passed him. She arrived in front of the black iron statue, then suddenly raised her leg and started to attack. The cultivation of the 4th level of the Origin realm was displayed without restraint.

*swoosh swoosh*

The young female’s kicking techniques were quite impressive. They were quick, afterimages were created, and they had strong power. Wind was lifted up and it was not a simple kicking technique. It was a martial skill. A very strong kicking technique martial skill that would not be weaker than rank 4.

*boom* After the fifth kick, a boom rang out and the black iron statue broke into pieces from the young female and the chunks fell to the floor.

“Did you see that? I only need five strikes myself.” The young female smugly shot a glance at the well-built young man.

The face of the young man was currently very ugly. No matter if it was cultivation or methods, she was indeed stronger than him. He could not say anything back even after he was mocked. Who told him to mess around in front of her before right?

“Mm, not bad. Pass.” The World Spirit Guild member nodded his head in satisfaction.

At that instant, of the four people at scene, three of them subconsciously cast their gaze towards Chu Feng. Expectation was filled in the gaze of the well-built young man.

After the young female finished, he felt that he had no more face. However, he knew that he could get back some face from Chu Feng because he could feel that Chu Feng’s cultivation was a mere 1st level of the Origin realm.

The test in front of them had no relation to Spirit Formation techniques and it was only a simple cultivation test. So, the well-built young man felt that with Chu Feng there, he would not lose the most face and he would not be at the bottom.

Under the gazes of the three people, Chu Feng stuck his chest out and raised his head. Without hurrying, he walked in front of the black iron statue. He first opened his five fingers then tightly closed them and after raising his hand, he punched the black iron statue.

Chu Feng’s punch was exceptionally quick. It was truly just like lightning. With a boom, the incomparably hard black iron statue was completely shattered by Chu Feng’s punch. It did not break into pieces. It truly shattered.

“One strike! He only used one strike!”

As they looked at the shattered statue fragments on the floor, all three people who were there were greatly astounded. The young female slightly opened her little mouth in astonishment and her eyes tightly stared at Chu Feng with indescribable shock.

As for the World Spirit Guild elder, his gaze glittered as well and only after a good while did he calm down and slightly nodded. He smiled and said with satisfaction, “Not bad. A hard to find good seedling.”

“How is this possible? This guy is clearly only at the 1st level of the Origin realm. He did not use any martial skill yet he so easily shattered the black iron statue into pieces as if it was nothing?”

However, the one with the most wonderful expression was the well-built young man. No matter what, he would not have thought that Chu Feng who seemed as weak as dregs was strong to that degree.

Even a person at the 5th level of the Origin realm could not necessarily do that. However, Chu Feng who was only at the 1st level of the Origin realm could. What did that mean? Those who had a bit of intelligence could think of the impressiveness within.

After the martial power test, the Spirit Formation technique test followed. The most important parts were the control over the Spirit Formation, the hardness of the Spirit Formation, and the sensitivity of the Spirit power.

At first, what the well-built young man’s attitude towards Chu Feng was that he felt that Chu Feng had strong martial power to the point of abnormality was because he suspected Chu Feng spent most of his time on cultivation. It was possible that he was weaker in terms of Spirit Formation technique when compared to him and the young female.

However, when Chu Feng displayed his methods with the Spirit Formation techniques, no matter if it was the young man or the young female, or even the World Spiritist from the World Spirit Guild, all of them were dumbstruck and they were completely overwhelmed by Chu Feng’s strength.

At the end, the three of them successfully passed the tests and they passed the first stage of the White-cloak Exam. They could take a new badge to leave that place to buy a World Spirit White-cloak.

However, after the exam finished, the World Spiritist from the World Spirit Guild left Chu Feng’s name behind. He also gave Chu Feng an evaluation of “a hard to see genius”.

“Chu Feng bro, your strength truly isn’t fake and I would really kowtow in admiration.”

“Brother Chu Feng, with your strength, you are going to challenge the second stage right? How about…we go together?”

After passing the first stage, the three people walked out the palace. No matter if it was the well-built young man or the alluring young female, both of them started to set up a relationship between them and Chu Feng. The alluring young female even wanted to go together with Chu Feng.

After all, the second stage was the Twisted Forest. Not only did it have high requirements for World Spiritists in all sorts of areas, there was also a certain requirement in terms of martial power because inside the Twisted Forest, the most dangerous things were not mechanisms nor formations. It was people. So, no matter how you saw it, it would be easier for them to pass the stage if they went with Chu Feng.

“Let’s go together then.” Chu Feng lightly smiled and nodded his head.

“That’s great. This second stage is not enough to scare us if we go along with you!” The well-built young man happily laughed.

“Who said that you’re coming?” However, the young female fiercely glared at the young man. In tests like those, every single person would care about themselves more and they would not carry burdens without reason. Within the eyes of the young female, the well-built young man was a burden.

“I…” The well-built young man wanted to say something but he stuffed it back down and disappointment emerged onto his face.

“Meeting is fate, so the three of us can go together.” But just at that time, Chu Feng indifferently spoke.

“Chu Feng bro, you are truly a good person. Don’t worry, I will certainly not drag you two behind.” After hearing Chu Feng’s words, the well-built young man rejoiced and gratitude was all over his face. As he felt gratitude, he did not forget to pat his chest to guarantee.

After Chu Feng spoke, even though the young female was not too willing to, she did not say anything more. After all, even she wanted to rely on Chu Feng’s strength to pass the Twisted Forest. Since the person who she was relying on spoke, what right did she have to refuse?

Just like that, after the three of them walked out of the palace, none of them got the badge that represented the passing of the first stage and went go to purchase a World Spirit White-cloak. They only continued deeper in and entered the Twisted Forest.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Hmph. sampah."Laki-laki muda yang tidak berbicara untuk waktu yang lama ditembak melirik pemuda tegap seperti ia melewatinya. Dia tiba di depan patung besi hitam, kemudian tiba-tiba mengangkat kakinya dan mulai menyerang. Budidaya tingkat 4 wilayah asal ditampilkan tanpa menahan diri.* swoosh swoosh *Laki-laki muda menendang teknik yang cukup mengesankan. Mereka cepat, afterimages diciptakan, dan mereka memiliki kekuatan yang kuat. Angin mengangkat dan tidak menendang teknik sederhana. Ini adalah keterampilan seni bela diri. Sangat kuat menendang teknik bela diri keterampilan yang tidak akan lebih lemah dari peringkat 4.* boom * setelah tendangan kelima, booming berdering dan patung besi hitam hancur berkeping-keping dari laki-laki muda dan potongan jatuh ke lantai."Apakah Anda melihat itu? Aku hanya perlu lima pemogokan diriku." Laki-laki muda puas ditembak melirik pemuda tegap.Wajah pemuda itu saat ini sangat jelek. Tidak peduli jika itu budidaya atau metode, ia adalah memang lebih kuat daripada dirinya. Ia tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa kembali bahkan setelah ia diejek. Siapa yang memberitahu dia untuk main-main depannya sebelum kanan?"Mm, tidak buruk. Lewat. Anggota dunia roh Guild mengangguk kepala dalam kepuasan.Saat itu, empat orang di adegan, tiga dari mereka sadar melemparkan mereka tatapan ke arah Chu Feng. Harapan dipenuhi dalam pandangan orang muda yang dibangun dengan baik.After the young female finished, he felt that he had no more face. However, he knew that he could get back some face from Chu Feng because he could feel that Chu Feng’s cultivation was a mere 1st level of the Origin realm.The test in front of them had no relation to Spirit Formation techniques and it was only a simple cultivation test. So, the well-built young man felt that with Chu Feng there, he would not lose the most face and he would not be at the bottom.Under the gazes of the three people, Chu Feng stuck his chest out and raised his head. Without hurrying, he walked in front of the black iron statue. He first opened his five fingers then tightly closed them and after raising his hand, he punched the black iron statue.Chu Feng’s punch was exceptionally quick. It was truly just like lightning. With a boom, the incomparably hard black iron statue was completely shattered by Chu Feng’s punch. It did not break into pieces. It truly shattered.“One strike! He only used one strike!”As they looked at the shattered statue fragments on the floor, all three people who were there were greatly astounded. The young female slightly opened her little mouth in astonishment and her eyes tightly stared at Chu Feng with indescribable shock.As for the World Spirit Guild elder, his gaze glittered as well and only after a good while did he calm down and slightly nodded. He smiled and said with satisfaction, “Not bad. A hard to find good seedling.”“How is this possible? This guy is clearly only at the 1st level of the Origin realm. He did not use any martial skill yet he so easily shattered the black iron statue into pieces as if it was nothing?”However, the one with the most wonderful expression was the well-built young man. No matter what, he would not have thought that Chu Feng who seemed as weak as dregs was strong to that degree.Even a person at the 5th level of the Origin realm could not necessarily do that. However, Chu Feng who was only at the 1st level of the Origin realm could. What did that mean? Those who had a bit of intelligence could think of the impressiveness within.After the martial power test, the Spirit Formation technique test followed. The most important parts were the control over the Spirit Formation, the hardness of the Spirit Formation, and the sensitivity of the Spirit power.At first, what the well-built young man’s attitude towards Chu Feng was that he felt that Chu Feng had strong martial power to the point of abnormality was because he suspected Chu Feng spent most of his time on cultivation. It was possible that he was weaker in terms of Spirit Formation technique when compared to him and the young female.However, when Chu Feng displayed his methods with the Spirit Formation techniques, no matter if it was the young man or the young female, or even the World Spiritist from the World Spirit Guild, all of them were dumbstruck and they were completely overwhelmed by Chu Feng’s strength.At the end, the three of them successfully passed the tests and they passed the first stage of the White-cloak Exam. They could take a new badge to leave that place to buy a World Spirit White-cloak.However, after the exam finished, the World Spiritist from the World Spirit Guild left Chu Feng’s name behind. He also gave Chu Feng an evaluation of “a hard to see genius”.“Chu Feng bro, your strength truly isn’t fake and I would really kowtow in admiration.”“Brother Chu Feng, with your strength, you are going to challenge the second stage right? How about…we go together?”After passing the first stage, the three people walked out the palace. No matter if it was the well-built young man or the alluring young female, both of them started to set up a relationship between them and Chu Feng. The alluring young female even wanted to go together with Chu Feng.After all, the second stage was the Twisted Forest. Not only did it have high requirements for World Spiritists in all sorts of areas, there was also a certain requirement in terms of martial power because inside the Twisted Forest, the most dangerous things were not mechanisms nor formations. It was people. So, no matter how you saw it, it would be easier for them to pass the stage if they went with Chu Feng.“Let’s go together then.” Chu Feng lightly smiled and nodded his head.“That’s great. This second stage is not enough to scare us if we go along with you!” The well-built young man happily laughed.
“Who said that you’re coming?” However, the young female fiercely glared at the young man. In tests like those, every single person would care about themselves more and they would not carry burdens without reason. Within the eyes of the young female, the well-built young man was a burden.

“I…” The well-built young man wanted to say something but he stuffed it back down and disappointment emerged onto his face.

“Meeting is fate, so the three of us can go together.” But just at that time, Chu Feng indifferently spoke.

“Chu Feng bro, you are truly a good person. Don’t worry, I will certainly not drag you two behind.” After hearing Chu Feng’s words, the well-built young man rejoiced and gratitude was all over his face. As he felt gratitude, he did not forget to pat his chest to guarantee.

After Chu Feng spoke, even though the young female was not too willing to, she did not say anything more. After all, even she wanted to rely on Chu Feng’s strength to pass the Twisted Forest. Since the person who she was relying on spoke, what right did she have to refuse?

Just like that, after the three of them walked out of the palace, none of them got the badge that represented the passing of the first stage and went go to purchase a World Spirit White-cloak. They only continued deeper in and entered the Twisted Forest.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Hmph. Sampah. "The perempuan muda yang tidak berbicara untuk waktu yang lama melirik pemuda tegap saat ia melewatinya. Dia tiba di depan patung besi hitam, lalu tiba-tiba mengangkat kakinya dan mulai menyerang. Budidaya tingkat 4 dari ranah Asal ditampilkan tanpa menahan diri. * Disiram disiram * teknik menendang muda betina yang cukup mengesankan. Mereka cepat, afterimages diciptakan, dan mereka memiliki kekuatan yang kuat. Angin diangkat dan itu bukan teknik menendang sederhana. Itu adalah keterampilan bela diri. Sebuah teknik menendang keterampilan bela diri yang sangat kuat yang tidak akan lebih lemah daripada peringkat 4. * booming * Setelah tendangan kelima, booming terdengar dan patung besi hitam pecah menjadi potongan-potongan dari perempuan muda dan potongan jatuh ke lantai. "Apakah kamu melihatnya? Aku hanya perlu lima pemogokan sendiri. "The perempuan muda puas melirik pemuda tegap. Wajah pemuda itu saat ini sangat jelek. Tidak peduli apakah itu budidaya atau metode, dia memang lebih kuat dari dia. Dia tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa kembali bahkan setelah ia diejek. Yang menyuruhnya untuk main-main di depannya sebelum benar? "Mm, tidak buruk. Lulus. "Anggota Dunia Roh Guild menganggukkan kepala kepuasan. Saat itu, dari empat orang di lokasi kejadian, tiga dari mereka sadar melemparkan pandangan mereka terhadap Chu Feng. Harapan itu diisi tatapan pemuda tegap. Setelah perempuan muda selesai, ia merasa bahwa ia tidak lebih wajah. Namun, ia tahu bahwa ia bisa mendapatkan kembali beberapa wajah dari Chu Feng karena ia bisa merasakan bahwa budidaya Chu Feng adalah tingkat 1 hanya dari dunia Asal. Tes di depan mereka tidak memiliki hubungan dengan teknik Formasi Roh dan itu hanya tes budidaya sederhana. Jadi, pemuda tegap merasa bahwa dengan Chu Feng sana, dia tidak akan kehilangan wajah yang paling dan ia tidak akan berada di bagian bawah. Di bawah tatapan dari tiga orang, Chu Feng terjebak dadanya dan mengangkat kepalanya. Tanpa bergegas, ia berjalan di depan patung besi hitam. Dia pertama kali membuka lima jari-jarinya kemudian tertutup rapat mereka dan setelah mengangkat tangannya, ia meninju patung besi hitam. Pukulan Chu Feng adalah sangat cepat. Itu benar-benar seperti petir. Dengan booming, patung besi hitam terbandingkan keras benar-benar hancur oleh pukulan Chu Feng. Itu tidak melanggar menjadi potongan-potongan. Ini benar-benar hancur. "Satu serangan! Dia hanya digunakan satu serangan! "Ketika mereka melihat fragmen patung hancur di lantai, tiga orang yang ada takjub. Perempuan muda sedikit membuka mulut kecilnya heran dan matanya erat menatap Chu Feng dengan kejutan yang tak terlukiskan. Adapun tua Dunia Roh Guild, tatapannya berkilauan juga dan hanya setelah beberapa saat yang baik dia tenang dan sedikit mengangguk. Dia tersenyum dan berkata dengan kepuasan, "Tidak buruk. Sebuah sulit untuk menemukan bibit yang baik. "" Bagaimana mungkin? Orang ini jelas hanya pada tingkat 1 dari ranah Asal. Dia tidak menggunakan keterampilan bela diri namun ia begitu mudah hancur patung besi hitam menjadi potongan-potongan seolah-olah itu tidak ada? "Namun, yang satu dengan ekspresi yang paling indah adalah pemuda tegap. Tidak peduli apa, dia tidak akan berpikir bahwa Chu Feng yang tampaknya lemah seperti ampas kuat sampai ke tingkat itu. Bahkan orang pada tingkat 5 dari ranah Asal tidak bisa selalu melakukan itu. Namun, Chu Feng yang hanya di tingkat 1 dari ranah Asal bisa. Apa artinya? Mereka yang memiliki sedikit kecerdasan bisa memikirkan impressiveness di dalam. Setelah tes kekuatan bela diri, teknik pengujian Formasi Roh diikuti. Bagian yang paling penting adalah kontrol atas Formasi Roh, kekerasan Formasi Roh, dan sensitivitas kuasa Roh. Pada awalnya, apa sikap pemuda tegap terhadap Chu Feng adalah bahwa ia merasa bahwa Chu Feng memiliki kuat kekuatan militer ke titik kelainan itu karena ia diduga Chu Feng menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di budidaya. Itu mungkin bahwa ia lemah dalam hal teknik Formasi Roh bila dibandingkan dengan dia dan perempuan muda. Namun, ketika Chu Feng ditampilkan metode dengan teknik Formasi Roh, tidak peduli apakah itu adalah orang muda atau wanita muda, atau bahkan Dunia Spiritist dari Dunia Roh Guild, semua dari mereka kaget dan mereka benar-benar kewalahan oleh kekuatan Chu Feng. Pada akhirnya, mereka bertiga berhasil lulus tes dan mereka melewati tahap pertama dari Ujian White-jubah. Mereka bisa mengambil lencana baru untuk meninggalkan tempat itu untuk membeli Dunia Roh Putih-jubah. Namun, setelah ujian selesai, Dunia Spiritist dari Dunia Roh Guild meninggalkan nama Chu Feng belakang. Dia juga memberi Chu Feng evaluasi "sulit untuk melihat jenius". "Chu Feng bro, kekuatan Anda benar-benar tidak palsu dan saya akan benar-benar bersujud kagum." "Saudara Chu Feng, dengan kekuatan Anda, Anda akan menantang hak tahap kedua? Bagaimana ... kita pergi bersama-sama? "Setelah melewati tahap pertama, tiga orang berjalan keluar istana. Tidak peduli apakah itu pemuda tegap atau perempuan muda memikat, keduanya mulai mengatur hubungan antara mereka dan Chu Feng. Perempuan muda memikat bahkan ingin pergi bersama-sama dengan Chu Feng. Setelah semua, tahap kedua adalah Twisted Forest. Tidak hanya itu memiliki persyaratan yang tinggi untuk Dunia spiritualis di segala macam bidang, ada juga persyaratan tertentu dalam hal kekuatan militer karena di dalam Twisted Forest, hal yang paling berbahaya adalah tidak mekanisme atau formasi. Itu orang. Jadi, tidak peduli bagaimana Anda melihatnya, akan lebih mudah bagi mereka untuk lulus panggung jika mereka pergi dengan Chu Feng. "Mari kita pergi bersama-sama kemudian." Chu Feng ringan tersenyum dan mengangguk kepalanya. "Itu bagus. Tahap kedua ini tidak cukup untuk menakut-nakuti kita jika kita pergi bersama dengan Anda! "Pemuda yang dibangun gembira tertawa." Siapa bilang bahwa Anda datang? "Namun, perempuan muda keras memelototi pemuda. Dalam tes seperti itu, setiap orang akan peduli tentang diri mereka sendiri lebih banyak dan mereka tidak akan membawa beban tanpa alasan. Dalam mata perempuan muda, pemuda tegap itu beban. "Aku ..." Pemuda berbadan tegap ingin mengatakan sesuatu tapi dia boneka itu kembali turun dan kekecewaan muncul di wajahnya. "Rapat nasib, sehingga kami bertiga bisa pergi bersama-sama. "Tapi pada waktu itu, Chu Feng acuh tak acuh berbicara." Chu Feng bro, Anda benar-benar orang yang baik. Jangan khawatir, saya pasti tidak akan menyeret Anda dua di belakang. "Setelah mendengar kata-kata Chu Feng, pemuda tegap bersukacita dan bersyukur adalah seluruh wajahnya. Karena ia merasa bersyukur, ia tidak lupa untuk menepuk dadanya untuk menjamin. Setelah Chu Feng berbicara, meskipun perempuan muda tidak terlalu mau, dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa lagi. Setelah semua, bahkan ia ingin mengandalkan kekuatan Chu Feng untuk lulus Twisted Forest. Karena orang yang dia mengandalkan berbicara, apa benar yang dia harus menolak? Sama seperti itu, setelah mereka bertiga berjalan keluar dari istana, tidak satupun dari mereka mendapat lencana yang mewakili berlalunya tahap pertama dan pergi pergi untuk membeli Dunia Roh Putih-jubah. Mereka hanya terus lebih dalam dan masuk Twisted Forest.

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