Dis­tant hand, a great an­tiq­uity lock­ing dragon per­son!„Bang!”„501 terjemahan - Dis­tant hand, a great an­tiq­uity lock­ing dragon per­son!„Bang!”„501 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Dis­tant hand, a great an­tiq­uity

Dis­tant hand, a great an­tiq­uity lock­ing dragon per­son!
Comes again, sharp knife blade spa­tial spin, but, Long Ren is roar­ing, dragon scale gloss cov­ered the whole body, Long Ji­ashu add hold suc­cess­fully, the town month sword pen­e­trated con­tin­u­ously, un­ex­pect­edly the in­jury value low­ered piti­fully
„, Is quite hard” be­hind Dong Cheng month to be as­ton­ished how­ever said.
I show a faint smile, move for­ward to meet some­body with the dragon per­son dog­fight in the same place, the fierce main item at pre­sent, the front sur­face has suf­fered a claw, it leans to move the body, the end such as the thorn of sword, sword at­tack of the rear!
Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, hot prison armor has suf­fered a sword at­tack of the rear, blew out 6000 + in­juries, 118 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, as if the strik­ing power was en­hanced much, my 9000 + foun­da­tion de­fenses made into this, other play­ers did not say.
Re­ally, in the frontal line, Li Mu, Wang Jian had been made over 15000 in­juries by the sword at­tack of the rear uni­formly, our prac­tic­ing med­i­cine are luck­ily many enough, oth­er­wise is re­ally not good to hit.
Even if, the fight as be­fore is so frigid, weep­ing blood Long Ren AI is very high, to hat­ing def­er­ence and BOSS of value sys­tem is sim­i­lar, in 1-2 sec­onds can 100% ha­tred value dis­place­ments, there­fore ad­vo­cates the T player, so long as in 1-2 sec­onds out­put and taunt in­suf­fi­ciently, that will hate the value shift, kills di­rectly to other DPS and treat­ments is the player.
„Was care­ful”
Ran Min lets slip, weep­ing blood Long Rendai who he con­trols 30% HP was en­ter­ing be­hind crowd, the swords­man who the sword at­tack of the rear di­rect sec­ond killed a sta­tus pledge, the sharp claws has swept away, killed two archers, si­mul­ta­ne­ously tings fol­lowed
Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, weep­ing blood Long Ren has killed player „month Yao feu­dal of­fi­cial”, the mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fect trig­gers, strik­ing power pro­mo­tion to 10%!
Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, weep­ing blood Long Ren killed player „lemon to smile”, the mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fect trig­gered, strik­ing power pro­mo­tion to 20%!
Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, weep­ing blood Long Ren has killed player „im­mor­tal board board”, the mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fect trig­gers, strik­ing power pro­mo­tion to 20%!
Li Mu in great sur­prise: „, The mur­der weeps blood to drink the blood to be sim­i­lar to the mur­der of guild­mas­ter, can su­per­im­pose, kills one per­son to pro­mote 10%, this, has also hur­ried not to count at all costs to be him, Ran Min, on, you fears a ball!”
Ran Min Yangqi tom­a­hawk, the reck­less rush­ing out­put, brings in Long Ren the crazi­ness to at­tack im­me­di­ately, 2-3 rem­nant blood, di­rectly cause Ran Min to open the star­tled day counter skill, the rem­nant blood con­di­tion dragon per­son liv­ing hack­ing to death of this 30% mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fects, no one has thought of that a mon­ster forced Ran Min to use the star­tled day counter skill.
In ad­di­tion [Zhan Long] so, other guilds need­less say­ing that in the camp of Prague, sev­eral mur­ders weep blood to over­lap to over 100% dragon peo­ple are wreak­ing havoc, after all di­vides the pledge, only then the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled per­son does not blow, each weep­ing blood Long Ren like are BOSS are slaugh­ter­ing, after in ad­di­tion that in the crowd opens greatly gath­ers greatly holds Long Ji­ashu, spe­cially is also hard, kills to be very dif­fi­cult, Prague 3000 peo­ple all were in a tight cor­ner in an in­stant, can only de­pend upon NPC to com­plete to strike to kill.
What aw­fully some Ba Huang City trade unions one after an­other has also mounted the city, their strengths were still in­fe­rior that a minute of pledge of Prague, com­pletely de­gen­er­ated into
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dis­tant hand, a great an­tiq­uity lock­ing dragon per­son!„Bang!”„5012!”Comes again, sharp knife blade spa­tial spin, but, Long Ren is roar­ing, dragon scale gloss cov­ered the whole body, Long Ji­ashu add hold suc­cess­fully, the town month sword pen­e­trated con­tin­u­ously, un­ex­pect­edly the in­jury value low­ered piti­fully„2716!”„2811!”„3012!”„, Is quite hard” be­hind Dong Cheng month to be as­ton­ished how­ever said.I show a faint smile, move for­ward to meet some­body with the dragon per­son dog­fight in the same place, the fierce main item at pre­sent, the front sur­face has suf­fered a claw, it leans to move the body, the end such as the thorn of sword, sword at­tack of the rear!„Clang!”Mars spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, hot prison armor has suf­fered a sword at­tack of the rear, blew out 6000 + in­juries, 118 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, as if the strik­ing power was en­hanced much, my 9000 + foun­da­tion de­fenses made into this, other play­ers did not say.Re­ally, in the frontal line, Li Mu, Wang Jian had been made over 15000 in­juries by the sword at­tack of the rear uni­formly, our prac­tic­ing med­i­cine are luck­ily many enough, oth­er­wise is re­ally not good to hit.Even if, the fight as be­fore is so frigid, weep­ing blood Long Ren AI is very high, to hat­ing def­er­ence and BOSS of value sys­tem is sim­i­lar, in 1-2 sec­onds can 100% ha­tred value dis­place­ments, there­fore ad­vo­cates the T player, so long as in 1-2 sec­onds out­put and taunt in­suf­fi­ciently, that will hate the value shift, kills di­rectly to other DPS and treat­ments is the player.„Was care­ful”Ran Min lets slip, weep­ing blood Long Rendai who he con­trols 30% HP was en­ter­ing be­hind crowd, the swords­man who the sword at­tack of the rear di­rect sec­ond killed a sta­tus pledge, the sharp claws has swept away, killed two archers, si­mul­ta­ne­ously tings fol­lowed„Drop!”Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, weep­ing blood Long Ren has killed player „month Yao feu­dal of­fi­cial”, the mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fect trig­gers, strik­ing power pro­mo­tion to 10%!„Drop!”Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, weep­ing blood Long Ren killed player „lemon to smile”, the mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fect trig­gered, strik­ing power pro­mo­tion to 20%!„Drop!”Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, weep­ing blood Long Ren has killed player „im­mor­tal board board”, the mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fect trig­gers, strik­ing power pro­mo­tion to 20%!Li Mu in great sur­prise: „, The mur­der weeps blood to drink the blood to be sim­i­lar to the mur­der of guild­mas­ter, can su­per­im­pose, kills one per­son to pro­mote 10%, this, has also hur­ried not to count at all costs to be him, Ran Min, on, you fears a ball!”Ran Min Yangqi tom­a­hawk, the reck­less rush­ing out­put, brings in Long Ren the crazi­ness to at­tack im­me­di­ately, 2-3 rem­nant blood, di­rectly cause Ran Min to open the star­tled day counter skill, the rem­nant blood con­di­tion dragon per­son liv­ing hack­ing to death of this 30% mur­der weep­ing blood ef­fects, no one has thought of that a mon­ster forced Ran Min to use the star­tled day counter skill.In ad­di­tion [Zhan Long] so, other guilds need­less say­ing that in the camp of Prague, sev­eral mur­ders weep blood to over­lap to over 100% dragon peo­ple are wreak­ing havoc, after all di­vides the pledge, only then the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled per­son does not blow, each weep­ing blood Long Ren like are BOSS are slaugh­ter­ing, after in ad­di­tion that in the crowd opens greatly gath­ers greatly holds Long Ji­ashu, spe­cially is also hard, kills to be very dif­fi­cult, Prague 3000 peo­ple all were in a tight cor­ner in an in­stant, can only de­pend upon NPC to com­plete to strike to kill.What aw­fully some Ba Huang City trade unions one after an­other has also mounted the city, their strengths were still in­fe­rior that a minute of pledge of Prague, com­pletely de­gen­er­ated into
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tangan jauh, mengunci sangat kuno naga orang!
Datang lagi, tajam pisau pisau berputar spasial, tetapi, Long Ren mengaum, skala naga gloss menutupi seluruh tubuh, Long Jiashu menambahkan terus berhasil, kota pedang bulan menembus terus, tiba-tiba nilai cedera menurunkan menyedihkan
", Apakah cukup sulit" di belakang Dong Cheng bulan menjadi namun heran kata.
aku menunjukkan senyum samar, bergerak maju untuk bertemu seseorang dengan naga orang pertempuran udara di tempat yang sama, item utama sengit saat ini, permukaan depan telah menderita cakar, bersandar untuk memindahkan tubuh, akhirnya seperti duri pedang, serangan pedang belakang!
"dentang! "
Mars hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah, armor penjara panas telah mengalami serangan pedang belakang, meniup 6000 + cedera, 118 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, seolah-olah kekuatan mencolok ditingkatkan banyak, saya 9000 pertahanan + yayasan dibuat menjadi ini, pemain lain tidak mengatakan.
benar-benar, di garis depan, Li Mu, Wang Jian telah dibuat lebih dari 15.000 cedera oleh serangan pedang belakang seragam, kami berlatih kedokteran untungnya cukup banyak, sebaliknya adalah benar-benar tidak baik untuk memukul.
Bahkan jika, pertarungan seperti sebelumnya begitu dingin, menangis darah panjang Ren AI sangat tinggi, untuk membenci rasa hormat dan BOSS sistem nilai sama, dalam 1-2 detik bisa 100% nilai kebencian pemindahan, karena pendukung pemain T, begitu lama seperti dalam 1-2 detik output dan mengejek kurang, yang akan membenci pergeseran nilai, membunuh langsung ke DPS lain dan perawatan adalah pemain.
"Apakah hati"
Ran Min memungkinkan slip, menangis darah panjang Rendai yang dia mengontrol 30% HP sedang memasuki belakang kerumunan, pendekar yang serangan pedang kedua langsung belakang tewas janji status, cakar yang tajam telah tersapu, menewaskan dua pemanah, bersamaan Tings diikuti
sistem melawan pemberitahuan: Harap dicatat, menangis darah panjang Ren telah menewaskan pemain "bulan Yao resmi feodal", pembunuhan menangis efek darah pemicu, mencolok promosi kekuatan untuk 10%!
sistem melawan pemberitahuan: efek darah Harap dicatat, menangis darah panjang Ren tewas pemain "lemon untuk tersenyum", pembunuhan itu menangis dipicu, mencolok promosi kekuatan untuk 20%!
sistem berjuang pemberitahuan:! Harap dicatat, menangis darah panjang Ren telah menewaskan pemain "papan papan abadi", pembunuhan itu menangis efek darah pemicu, mencolok promosi kekuatan untuk 20%
Li Mu di kejutan besar: ", pembunuhan The menangis minum darah darah untuk menjadi serupa dengan pembunuhan Guildmaster, dapat memperparah, membunuh satu orang untuk mempromosikan 10%, ini, juga bergegas untuk tidak menghitung di semua biaya menjadi dirinya, Ran Min , pada, Anda takut bola! "
Ran Min Yangqi tomahawk, output bergegas sembrono, membawa di Long Ren kegilaan untuk menyerang segera, 2-3 darah sisa, langsung menyebabkan Ran Min untuk membuka skill hari kontra terkejut, darah sisa kondisi naga orang yang tinggal hacking untuk kematian ini 30% efek darah pembunuhan menangis, tidak ada yang memikirkan bahwa rakasa memaksa Ran Min menggunakan skill hari kontra terkejut.
Selain [Zhan panjang] sehingga, guild lain perlu mengatakan bahwa dalam camp Praha, beberapa pembunuhan menangis darah ke tumpang tindih dengan lebih dari 100 orang% naga yang mendatangkan malapetaka, setelah semua membagi janji, hanya maka Yanzhao orang yang tak tertandingi tidak meniup, setiap darah menangis panjang Ren seperti yang BOSS yang menyembelih, setelah di samping bahwa dalam kerumunan terbuka sangat mengumpulkan sangat memegang panjang Jiashu, khusus juga sulit, membunuh menjadi sangat sulit, Praha 3000 orang semua berada di sudut ketat dalam sekejap, hanya bisa bergantung pada NPC untuk menyelesaikan mogok untuk membunuh.
Apa sangat beberapa Ba Huang kota serikat pekerja satu demi satu juga telah dipasang kota, kekuatan mereka masih rendah bahwa menit dari janji Praha, benar-benar merosot menjadi
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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