Mathematics and phenomenology of the primal world-system
It is pity that the commentator does not recognize the logicalness of mathematics as opposed to its use as tool in understanding phenomenological
facts. The paper has explained the use of mathematics as tool belonging to the
area of ‘methods’. Contrarily, the logicalness of mathematical constructions in
explaining the structure of learning processes (systems) does not belong to the
area of ‘methods’. It constitutes the mind of the epistemological idea where
language fails to articulate reality effectively. Samuelson (1970) commented in
his Foundations of Economic Analysis, saying that ‘mathematics is language’.
The poverty of understanding philosophy of science extracted for the study
of phenomenology is a great debility among Islamic social scientists today. This
debility has found its mark in the commentator in his inability to understand the
mathematical nature as opposed to the sheer mechanism, of the
phenomenological truth of Tawhid and the learning world-system of unity.
Islamic economics and finance in respect of its contrary understanding of
financial engineering away from the mainstream genre belongs to the
phenomenological logicalness of the mathematical structure. That is where the
Godel and Tarski (Smullyan, 1992) logical mathematical methodology as
opposed to the artifact of method, lays down rich intellectual grounds.