Our Ref: JLC/01841Your Ref: LMC/0849Date: 27/03/2015Legal AssistanceFo terjemahan - Our Ref: JLC/01841Your Ref: LMC/0849Date: 27/03/2015Legal AssistanceFo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Our Ref: JLC/01841Your Ref: LMC/084

Our Ref: JLC/01841

Your Ref: LMC/0849

Date: 27/03/2015

Legal Assistance

For your attention:

Actually, Miss Matilda has already told me your relationship with her and your efforts to help her claim her inheritance from the bank.

Therefore, I write to inform you that this law firm MASONO & ASSOCIATES,  Dakar,  Senegal,  have duly accepted to solicit on you and your partners behalf in this transaction and also to procure all the necessary documents needed to back up and actualize the release of this fund from the Bank to your bank account in your country.

  I have written officially to the bank and have also spoken with the Bank Director to introduce my law firm as the law firm soliciting on behalf of the parties for the actualization of this transaction.

Therefore,  you are advised to please forward to me your data as follows;

1.  Your full names as it will appear on the documents.

2.  Full contact address and phone numbers for easy communication.

3.  A consultation/mobilization fee of 850 Dollars.

  Please get back to me as soon as possible with the above mentioned data and fee.

You can send the above mentioned fee over to me through western union money transfer or money gram.  Send it with my name as follows:

Edwin Masono
Dakar, Senegal.

Send to me the details of the transfer in the email after sending the fees.

I shall commence work on securing the documents from the Court as instructed by the bank when my demands are met.

Best regards,
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Our Ref: JLC/01841Your Ref: LMC/0849Date: 27/03/2015Legal AssistanceFor your attention:Actually, Miss Matilda has already told me your relationship with her and your efforts to help her claim her inheritance from the bank.Therefore, I write to inform you that this law firm MASONO & ASSOCIATES, Dakar, Senegal, have duly accepted to solicit on you and your partners behalf in this transaction and also to procure all the necessary documents needed to back up and actualize the release of this fund from the Bank to your bank account in your country. I have written officially to the bank and have also spoken with the Bank Director to introduce my law firm as the law firm soliciting on behalf of the parties for the actualization of this transaction.Therefore, you are advised to please forward to me your data as follows;1. Your full names as it will appear on the documents.2. Full contact address and phone numbers for easy communication.3. A consultation/mobilization fee of 850 Dollars. Please get back to me as soon as possible with the above mentioned data and fee.You can send the above mentioned fee over to me through western union money transfer or money gram. Send it with my name as follows:Edwin MasonoDakar, Senegal.Send to me the details of the transfer in the email after sending the fees.I shall commence work on securing the documents from the Court as instructed by the bank when my demands are met.Best regards,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ref kami: JLC / 01.841 Ref Anda: LMC / 0849 Tanggal: 27/03/2015 Bantuan Hukum Untuk perhatian Anda: Sebenarnya, Miss Matilda telah mengatakan kepada saya hubungan Anda dengan dia dan upaya Anda untuk membantunya mengklaim warisannya dari bank. Oleh karena itu, saya menulis untuk memberitahu Anda bahwa ini biro hukum MASONO & ASSOCIATES, Dakar, Senegal, telah sepatutnya diterima untuk meminta pada Anda dan mitra nama Anda dalam transaksi ini dan juga untuk mendapatkan semua dokumen yang dibutuhkan untuk cadangan dan mengaktualisasikan pelepasan Dana ini dari Bank ke rekening bank Anda di negara Anda.   Saya telah menulis secara resmi ke bank dan juga telah berbicara dengan Direktur Bank untuk memperkenalkan firma hukum saya sebagai firma hukum meminta atas nama pihak untuk aktualisasi transaksi ini. Oleh karena itu, Anda disarankan untuk menyenangkan ke depan untuk saya data Anda sebagai berikut; 1. Nama lengkap Anda karena akan muncul pada dokumen. 2. Alamat lengkap kontak dan nomor telepon untuk memudahkan komunikasi. 3. Biaya konsultasi / mobilisasi 850 Dolar.   Silahkan kembali ke saya secepat mungkin dengan yang disebutkan di atas data dan biaya. Anda dapat mengirim biaya yang disebutkan di atas ke saya melalui pengiriman uang western union atau uang gram. Kirim dengan nama saya sebagai berikut: Edwin Masono Dakar, Senegal. Kirim ke saya rincian transfer di email setelah mengirim biaya. Saya akan memulai pekerjaannya pada pengamanan dokumen dari Pengadilan seperti yang diperintahkan oleh bank ketika tuntutan saya met. Salam,

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