Development and Survival. Developmental stagedurations varied inversel terjemahan - Development and Survival. Developmental stagedurations varied inversel Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Development and Survival. Developme

Development and Survival. Developmental stage
durations varied inversely with temperature regime
(i.e., average daily temperature) (Table 2). Egg, larval,
and pupal stages of all 3 species were markedly
longer at 24:138C than those reared at other temperature
regimes. C. capitata had the highest median
survivorship (lx) at every immature stage in every
temperature chamber, with its maximum at 24:138C
(Table 3). Median survivorship values through the
adult stage are presented in Fig. 1 aÐc. At the pupal
stage, survivorship of both Bactrocera spp. was below
50% at 35:248C. B. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis were
longer lived than C. capitata.

Reproductive Parameters. Preoviposition periods
varied signiÞcantly with temperature regime (F 5
44.32; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species (F 5 30.68;
df 5 2, 47; P 5 0.0001) (Table 4). Preoviposition
periods at 24:138C were signiÞcantly longer than at
248C. At the latter temperature, preoviposition periods
were signiÞcantly longer than those at 29:18 and 35:
248C, which were not signiÞcantly different. The preoviposition
period for C. capitata was signiÞcantly
shorter than those for both Bactrocera spp., which
were not signiÞcantly different.
Gross fecundity varied signiÞcantly with temperature
regime (F 5 9.16; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species (F 5 34.03; df 5 2, 47; P 5 0.0001). The
temperature-species interaction was signiÞcant (F 5
4.78; df 5 6, 47; P 5 0.0011). Numbers of eggs laid by
B. cucurbitae were not signiÞcantly different at 24,
35:24, and 29:188C; however, numbers of eggs laid at
29:18 were signiÞcantly greater than at 24:138C. Highest
numbers of eggs for all experiments were laid by B.
dorsalis at 29:188C. Numbers of eggs laid by B. dorsalis
at 35:248C were signiÞcantly lower than at the other 3
temperature regimes. Numbers of eggs laid by C. capitata
were also highest at 29:188C, and signiÞcantly
greater than at 35:24 and 24:138C. Each species differed
signiÞcantly at 24:138C. B. cucurbitae had lower
fecundity than B. dorsalis and C. capitata at 24 and
29:188C. The latter 2 species were not signiÞcantly
different at these temperatures. There were no signi
Þcant interspeciÞc differences in gross fecundity at
35:248C, which reßected signiÞcant decreases in gross
fecundity of B. dorsalis and C. capitata to levels close
to B. cucurbitae.
Net fecundity varied signiÞcantly with temperature
regime (F 5 9.34; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species
(F 5 11.70; df 5 2, 47; P 5 0.0001). The temperatureÐ
species interaction was signiÞcant (F52.79; df56, 47;
P 5 0.0249). Daily egg production varied signiÞcantly
with temperature regime (F 5 27.95; df 5 3, 47; P 5
0.0001) and species (F588.77; df52, 47; P50.0001).
The temperatureÐspecies interaction was signiÞcant
(F 5 2.86; df 5 6, 47; P 5 0.0221).
Expected Longevity. Female longevity varied signi
Þcantly with temperature regime (F 5 156.21; df 5
3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species (F 5 113.44; df 5 2, 47; regimes. C. capitata exhibited greater male longevity
at 24:13 than at 24, 29:18, and 35:248C. The 29:188C
regime yielded male longevity intermediate between,
but not signiÞcantly different from, 24:13 and 248C. At
24:138C, male longevity differed signiÞcantly according
to the pattern B. cucurbitae . B. dorsalis . C.
capitata. In the other temperature conditions, B. cucurbitae
exhibited greater male longevity than B. dorsalis
and C. capitata, which were not significantly different.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Development and Survival. Developmental stagedurations varied inversely with temperature regime(i.e., average daily temperature) (Table 2). Egg, larval,and pupal stages of all 3 species were markedlylonger at 24:138C than those reared at other temperatureregimes. C. capitata had the highest mediansurvivorship (lx) at every immature stage in everytemperature chamber, with its maximum at 24:138C(Table 3). Median survivorship values through theadult stage are presented in Fig. 1 aÐc. At the pupalstage, survivorship of both Bactrocera spp. was below50% at 35:248C. B. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis werelonger lived than C. capitata.Reproductive Parameters. Preoviposition periodsvaried signiÞcantly with temperature regime (F 544.32; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species (F 5 30.68;df 5 2, 47; P 5 0.0001) (Table 4). Preovipositionperiods at 24:138C were signiÞcantly longer than at248C. At the latter temperature, preoviposition periodswere signiÞcantly longer than those at 29:18 and 35:248C, which were not signiÞcantly different. The preovipositionperiod for C. capitata was signiÞcantlyshorter than those for both Bactrocera spp., whichwere not signiÞcantly different.Gross fecundity varied signiÞcantly with temperatureregime (F 5 9.16; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species (F 5 34.03; df 5 2, 47; P 5 0.0001). Thetemperature-species interaction was signiÞcant (F 54.78; df 5 6, 47; P 5 0.0011). Numbers of eggs laid byB. cucurbitae were not signiÞcantly different at 24,35:24, and 29:188C; however, numbers of eggs laid at29:18 were signiÞcantly greater than at 24:138C. Highestnumbers of eggs for all experiments were laid by B.dorsalis at 29:188C. Numbers of eggs laid by B. dorsalisat 35:248C were signiÞcantly lower than at the other 3temperature regimes. Numbers of eggs laid by C. capitatawere also highest at 29:188C, and signiÞcantlygreater than at 35:24 and 24:138C. Each species differedsigniÞcantly at 24:138C. B. cucurbitae had lowerfecundity than B. dorsalis and C. capitata at 24 and29:188C. The latter 2 species were not signiÞcantlydifferent at these temperatures. There were no signiÞcant interspeciÞc differences in gross fecundity at35:248C, which reßected signiÞcant decreases in grossfecundity of B. dorsalis and C. capitata to levels closeto B. cucurbitae.Net fecundity varied signiÞcantly with temperatureregime (F 5 9.34; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species(F 5 11.70; df 5 2, 47; P 5 0.0001). The temperatureÐspecies interaction was signiÞcant (F52.79; df56, 47;P 5 0.0249). Daily egg production varied signiÞcantlywith temperature regime (F 5 27.95; df 5 3, 47; P 50.0001) and species (F588.77; df52, 47; P50.0001).The temperatureÐspecies interaction was signiÞcant(F 5 2.86; df 5 6, 47; P 5 0.0221).Expected Longevity. Female longevity varied signiÞcantly with temperature regime (F 5 156.21; df 53, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species (F 5 113.44; df 5 2, 47; regimes. C. capitata exhibited greater male longevityat 24:13 than at 24, 29:18, and 35:248C. The 29:188Cregime yielded male longevity intermediate between,but not signiÞcantly different from, 24:13 and 248C. At24:138C, male longevity differed signiÞcantly accordingto the pattern B. cucurbitae . B. dorsalis . C.capitata. In the other temperature conditions, B. cucurbitaeexhibited greater male longevity than B. dorsalisand C. capitata, which were not significantly different.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pengembangan dan Survival. Tahap perkembangan
jangka waktu bervariasi berbanding terbalik dengan rezim suhu
(yaitu, suhu rata-rata harian) (Tabel 2). Telur, larva,
dan pupa tahap dari semua 3 spesies yang nyata
lagi pada 24: 138C dibandingkan dipelihara pada suhu lainnya
rezim. C. capitata memiliki rata-rata tertinggi
kesintasan (lx) pada setiap tahap dewasa di setiap
ruang suhu, dengan maksimum di 24: 138C
(Tabel 3). Nilai kesintasan median melalui
tahap dewasa disajikan pada Gambar. 1 ADC. Pada kepompong
tahap, kesintasan kedua Bactrocera spp. di bawah
50% pada 35: 248C. B. cucurbitae dan B. dorsalis yang
lagi tinggal dari C. capitata. Parameter Reproduksi. Periode Preoviposition bervariasi signiÞcantly dengan rezim suhu (F 5 44,32; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0,0001) dan spesies (F 5 30,68; df 5 2, 47; P 5 0,0001) (Tabel 4). Preoviposition periode di 24: 138C yang signiÞcantly lebih lama dari pada 248C. Pada suhu terakhir, periode preoviposition yang signiÞcantly lebih lama dari orang-orang di 29:18 dan 35: 248C, yang tidak signiÞcantly berbeda. The preoviposition periode untuk C. capitata adalah signiÞcantly lebih singkat dari yang untuk kedua Bactrocera spp, yang. Tidak signiÞcantly berbeda. Fekunditas Gross bervariasi signiÞcantly dengan suhu rezim (F 5 9,16; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0,0001) dan spesies (F 5 34,03; df 5 2, 47; P 5 0,0001). The interaksi suhu-spesies itu signiÞcant (F 5 4,78; df 5 6, 47; P 5 0,0011). Jumlah telur yang diletakkan oleh B. cucurbitae tidak signiÞcantly berbeda pada 24, 35:24, dan 29: 188C; Namun, jumlah telur diletakkan di 29:18 yang signiÞcantly lebih besar dari pada 24: 138C. Tertinggi jumlah telur untuk semua percobaan yang diletakkan oleh B. dorsalis di 29: 188C. Jumlah telur yang diletakkan oleh B. dorsalis pada 35: 248C yang signiÞcantly lebih rendah dari pada 3 lainnya rezim suhu. Jumlah telur yang diletakkan oleh C. capitata juga tertinggi di 29: 188C, dan signiÞcantly lebih besar dari pada 35:24 dan 24: 138C. Setiap spesies berbeda signiÞcantly di 24: 138C. B. cucurbitae memiliki lebih rendah fekunditas dari B. dorsalis dan C. capitata pada 24 dan 29: 188C. Yang terakhir 2 spesies tidak signiÞcantly berbeda pada suhu tersebut. Tidak ada signi perbedaan Þcant interspeciÞc di fekunditas bruto di 35: 248C, yang reßected signiÞcant penurunan gross fekunditas B. dorsalis dan C. capitata ke tingkat dekat dengan B. cucurbitae. Fekunditas Net bervariasi signiÞcantly dengan suhu rezim (F 5 9,34; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0,0001) dan spesies (F 5 11,70; df 5 2, 47; P 5 0,0001). The temperatured interaksi spesies itu signiÞcant (F52.79; df56, 47; P 5 0,0249). Produksi telur harian bervariasi signiÞcantly dengan rezim suhu (F 5 27,95; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0,0001) dan spesies (F588.77; df52, 47; P50.0001). The temperatureÐspecies interaksi itu signiÞcant (F 5 2,86; df 5 6, 47;. P 5 0,0221) diharapkan Panjang Umur. Umur panjang perempuan bervariasi signifikan Þcantly dengan rezim suhu (F 5 156,21; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0,0001) dan spesies (F 5 113,44; df 5 2, 47;. Rezim C. capitata dipamerkan umur panjang laki-laki lebih besar di 24:13 dari pada 24, 29:18, dan 35: 248C 29:. 188C rezim menghasilkan umur panjang laki-laki penengah antara, tetapi tidak signiÞcantly berbeda, 24:13 dan 248C Pada. 24: 138C, umur panjang laki-laki berbeda signiÞcantly sesuai dengan pola B. cucurbitae. B. dorsalis. C. capitata. Dalam kondisi suhu lainnya, B. cucurbitae dipamerkan umur panjang laki-laki lebih besar dari B. dorsalis dan C. capitata, yang tidak berbeda secara signifikan.

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