8. Lock the ribbon fiber in place as described in the manufacturer’s  terjemahan - 8. Lock the ribbon fiber in place as described in the manufacturer’s  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

8. Lock the ribbon fiber in place

8. Lock the ribbon fiber in place as described in the manufacturer’s instructions.
9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for the other fiber end to be spliced.
10. Close the electrode cover.
11. Begin the fusion-splicing process.
12. Carefully remove the splice and position the heat-shrink tubing from step 2 over it. Place the splice and tubing in the heat-shrink oven to seal and protect the splice.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
8. Lock the ribbon fiber in place as described in the manufacturer’s instructions.9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for the other fiber end to be spliced.10. Close the electrode cover.11. Begin the fusion-splicing process.12. Carefully remove the splice and position the heat-shrink tubing from step 2 over it. Place the splice and tubing in the heat-shrink oven to seal and protect the splice.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
8. Kunci pita? Serat di tempat seperti yang dijelaskan dalam petunjuk pabrik.
9. Ulangi langkah 3 hingga 8 untuk lainnya end serat? Harus disambung.
10. Tutup penutup elektroda.
11. Mulailah proses fusi-splicing.
12. Hati-hati menghapus sambatan dan posisi panas-shrink tubing dari langkah 2 di atasnya. Tempatkan sambatan dan tubing di panas-menyusut oven untuk menutup dan melindungi sambatan.
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