Hello My Dearest one, Assalamu

Hello My Dearest one, Assalamu"alai

Hello My Dearest one, Assalamu"alaikum,
I thank you ones again for caring about me.I will also like to meet you after the transfer of my money to your account and i will use this opportunity to let you know that Almighty Allah has chosen you to help me among other men on this planet (earth) it is now left for you and Almighty Allah who directed you to me to help me out from this predicament i found myself into now. Please call me by Dr. James Collins is our field supervisor as was announced by the Authority of the United Nations for Refugees. Call his office line 00221776451061   from 09 hours GMT 16 hours GMT for him to be in the office and tell him you want to talk to Miss.Zainab, Iranian girl in the camp. (+221776451061) Call now please dear i want to hear your voice

I believe and know that you are the man i am going to depend and trust my life.Please i have not told anyone except you, about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it. Remember i trust you that is why i am giving you all this information!.

I have informed the Bank in Scotland about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country against a refugee like me. In this regard i will like you to contact the Bank immediately with this information,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me in transferring ($3.2 Million US Dollars) deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to your account in your country.
          The contact information of the Bank is as follows as,

Email addresses,

The name of the transfer officer is Mr Paul Hester.
Banking Hrs:Tel contact number.
Fax: +44874716865
Acc Number: 26834093 IBAN CODE RBS20122120840408
Depositor : Dr.Engr. Adel Abolhassan.
next of kin. Miss Zainab Abolhassan.

Please Contact them now on how to transfer the ($3.2 million) Dollars deposited by my late Father of which i am the next of kin. My dear i am glad that Almighty Allah has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life plus investing this money since i am still too young to manage this amount of money. Like i told you before,this camp is just like a prison and my prayers are to move out from here as soon as possible. Please make sure that you contact the Bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet you over there in your country please. My dear i will like you to call me with Dr James Collin,s number(+221776451061) tell him that you want to speak with miss Zainab Abolhassan so that we can talk more about my situation here in the prison called refugee camp.
Awaiting to hear from you after contacting the Bank for confirmation and possible transfer.
Your Lovely,
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hello My Dearest one, Assalamu"alaikum,I thank you ones again for caring about me.I will also like to meet you after the transfer of my money to your account and i will use this opportunity to let you know that Almighty Allah has chosen you to help me among other men on this planet (earth) it is now left for you and Almighty Allah who directed you to me to help me out from this predicament i found myself into now. Please call me by Dr. James Collins is our field supervisor as was announced by the Authority of the United Nations for Refugees. Call his office line 00221776451061 from 09 hours GMT 16 hours GMT for him to be in the office and tell him you want to talk to Miss.Zainab, Iranian girl in the camp. (+221776451061) Call now please dear i want to hear your voiceI believe and know that you are the man i am going to depend and trust my life.Please i have not told anyone except you, about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it. Remember i trust you that is why i am giving you all this information!.I have informed the Bank in Scotland about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country against a refugee like me. In this regard i will like you to contact the Bank immediately with this information,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me in transferring ($3.2 Million US Dollars) deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to your account in your country. The contact information of the Bank is as follows as,ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND.Email addresses,(inquiry.royalbankscotland@scotlandmail.com)(royalbankscotland12@gmail.com)The name of the transfer officer is Mr Paul Hester.Banking Hrs:Tel contact number.Tel...+447977864840Fax: +44874716865Acc Number: 26834093 IBAN CODE RBS20122120840408Depositor : Dr.Engr. Adel Abolhassan.next of kin. Miss Zainab Abolhassan.Please Contact them now on how to transfer the ($3.2 million) Dollars deposited by my late Father of which i am the next of kin. My dear i am glad that Almighty Allah has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life plus investing this money since i am still too young to manage this amount of money. Like i told you before,this camp is just like a prison and my prayers are to move out from here as soon as possible. Please make sure that you contact the Bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet you over there in your country please. My dear i will like you to call me with Dr James Collin,s number(+221776451061) tell him that you want to speak with miss Zainab Abolhassan so that we can talk more about my situation here in the prison called refugee camp.Awaiting to hear from you after contacting the Bank for confirmation and possible transfer.Your Lovely,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hello My Dearest satu, Assalamu "alaikum,
saya ucapkan terima kasih yang lagi untuk peduli tentang saya.Saya juga akan ingin bertemu Anda setelah transfer uang saya ke account Anda dan saya akan menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk memberi tahu bahwa Allah SWT telah memilih Anda untuk membantu saya di antara orang-orang lain di planet ini (bumi) itu kini tersisa untuk Anda dan Allah SWT yang mengarahkan Anda kepada saya untuk membantu saya keluar dari kesulitan ini saya menemukan diri ke sekarang. Silahkan hubungi saya dengan Dr. James Collins adalah kami bidang pengawas seperti yang diumumkan oleh Otoritas PBB untuk Pengungsi. Panggil garis kantornya 00221776451061 dari 09 jam GMT 16 jam GMT baginya untuk berada di kantor dan katakan padanya Anda ingin berbicara dengan Miss.Zainab, gadis Iran di camp. (+221776451061) Call now menyenangkan sayang saya ingin mendengar suara Anda Saya percaya dan tahu bahwa Anda adalah pria saya akan bergantung dan percaya life.Please saya saya belum memberitahu siapa pun kecuali Anda, tentang keberadaan uang ini dan saya akan seperti Anda untuk menyenangkan merahasiakannya kepada orang lain karena sejak itu (UANG) semua mata akan tertuju pada hal itu. Ingat saya percaya Anda itu sebabnya saya memberikan semua informasi ini !. Saya telah diberitahu Bank di Skotlandia tentang rencana saya untuk mengklaim uang ini dan satu-satunya hal yang mereka mengatakan kepada saya adalah untuk mencari mitra asing yang akan berdiri atas nama saya karena status pengungsi dan hukum negara ini terhadap pengungsi seperti saya. Dalam hal ini saya akan seperti Anda untuk menghubungi Bank segera dengan informasi ini, memberitahu mereka bahwa Anda adalah mitra asing saya dan bahwa Anda ingin tahu kemungkinan membantu saya dalam mentransfer ($ 3,2 Juta Dolar AS) yang disimpan oleh ayah saya terlambat dari yang saya keluarga terdekat ke account Anda di negara Anda.           Informasi kontak dari Bank adalah sebagai berikut sebagai, ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. Alamat email, (inquiry.royalbankscotland@scotlandmail.com) (royalbankscotland12@gmail.com) Nama dari petugas transfer Mr Paul Hester. Perbankan Jam:. Tel nomor kontak Tel ... + 447977864840 Fax: +44874716865 Nomor Acc: 26834093 IBAN CODE RBS20122120840408 Deposan: Dr.Engr. Adel Abolhassan. Warisnya. Nona Zainab Abolhassan. Silahkan Hubungi mereka sekarang tentang cara mentransfer ($ 3.200.000) Dolar disimpan oleh saya terlambat Bapak yang saya warisnya. Sayang saya senang bahwa Allah SWT telah membawa Anda untuk melihat saya keluar dari situasi ini dan saya berjanji untuk bersikap baik dan sama-sama perlu Anda dalam setiap bidang kehidupan saya ditambah menginvestasikan uang ini karena saya masih terlalu muda untuk mengelola jumlah ini uang. Seperti saya katakan sebelumnya, kamp ini adalah seperti sebuah penjara dan doa saya untuk pindah dari sini secepat mungkin. Pastikan Anda menghubungi Bank sehingga setelah transfer Anda dapat mengirim uang dari uang yang bagi saya untuk menyiapkan dokumen perjalanan saya untuk bertemu dengan Anda di sana di negara Anda, mohon. Sayang saya akan seperti Anda untuk menghubungi saya dengan Dr James Collin, s nomor (+221776451061) mengatakan kepadanya bahwa Anda ingin berbicara dengan miss Zainab Abolhassan sehingga kita bisa bicara tentang situasi saya di sini di penjara yang disebut kamp pengungsi. Menunggu untuk mendengar dari Anda setelah menghubungi Bank untuk konfirmasi dan kemungkinan transfer. Kesayangan Anda,

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