Yan Buhui did not strike out towards the weaklings again.He looked at  terjemahan - Yan Buhui did not strike out towards the weaklings again.He looked at  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Yan Buhui did not strike out toward

Yan Buhui did not strike out towards the weaklings again.

He looked at the far off Residence of the Pass Lord, a strange smile appearing on his face: “Haha, Old man Lu, you’ve finally acted? I thought you were so scared that you had pissed your pants, haha…….”

Within his words, there was a heavy mocking and provocative tone.

This was the first time in eleven years, that there was someone who used such a tone to speak to the War God of Youyan Pass above the air of Youyan Pass.

At this instant, from top to bottom, it was unknown how many people went to a berserk state at Youyan Pass. They hated they could not rush over, and bite this lunatic who had insulted the deity of Youyan Pass to death, bite by bite, crushing him into smithereens.

At this moment, everyone awaited the arrival of the Deity of Youyan, for him to slaughter this villain.

But only a long sigh sounded between Heaven and Earth.



“Is this the power of the military of Youyan?”

Approximately five or six thousand metres away from the main battlefield, atop a collapsed rubble of a high building, the Crepe Myrtle sect disciple Wei Tianming had large and wide eyes.

The junior and senior brothers behind him were similarly dumbfounded.

The Shishu Liang Quan who had lost one of his limbs, sat on a boulder with a pale yellow face.

He had already bandaged his wounds.

For a expert at the Spirit stage, losing an arm was rather serious. Only experts of the Bitter Sea stage could regrow their limbs, while experts at the Spirit spring stage can only at the most reconnect their limbs. But the arm that Liang quan had cut off himself, had already turned into pus by the the venom of the Snow White Demon lizard. It was impossible to retrieve.

The best result, was to find a formation metal master, and ask him to construct a metallic arm.

But a metallic arm would never be as nimble and as flexible as flesh and blood.

An incomplete body was a very misfortunate issue for martial artists. This represented that it would become extremely difficult for them to take a further step forwards, their martial path would become greatly obstructed. To want to pry into the heavenly way with an incomplete body was far more difficult than with a completely body.

Therefore at this time, LIang Quan’s mood was not that good.

But he was still attracted by the battle in the skies that was like a legendary battle between a God and a Devil.

The Crepe Myrtle sect was the top sect within Snow Empire, and there were many top level experts with the sect. But after reaching such a realm, these experts would focus on cultivating their mental state, and would not normally act. Therefore, even as the elder of the outer sect, and being in the Crepe Myrtle sect for over thirty years, Liang Quan had never seen a battle at this level before.

“In these years, it is not for no reason that the sects are suppressed and controlled by the Empire. Not mentioning others, just solely the two commanders of the two great camps, is in reality extremely terrifying existences. Within the Crepe Myrtle sect, perhaps there are only core elders or perhaps several exceptional of the young generation that would be their opponents. At this time, they are only suppressed utterly by the demonic villain, so they did not demonstrate their strength fully…..“

Liang Quan speculated in his heart.

And as for the realm the Military god of Youyan Pass had demonstrated with that sword strike just now, it was already not something that he could estimate at.

Within the tens of thousands people in the Crepe Myrtle sect, there were barely anyone at all who had reached such a realm.

“The machine of the Empire really is the machine of the Empire. Once it begins to move, it is intricate and terrifying……The foundations of the sects is older than the Empire, but comparing efficiency, organisational power, human and financial resources, there is still too large a gap.” Liang Quan pondered. Looking at the dumbfounded disciples far off,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yan Buhui did not strike out towards the weaklings again.He looked at the far off Residence of the Pass Lord, a strange smile appearing on his face: “Haha, Old man Lu, you’ve finally acted? I thought you were so scared that you had pissed your pants, haha…….”Within his words, there was a heavy mocking and provocative tone.This was the first time in eleven years, that there was someone who used such a tone to speak to the War God of Youyan Pass above the air of Youyan Pass.At this instant, from top to bottom, it was unknown how many people went to a berserk state at Youyan Pass. They hated they could not rush over, and bite this lunatic who had insulted the deity of Youyan Pass to death, bite by bite, crushing him into smithereens.At this moment, everyone awaited the arrival of the Deity of Youyan, for him to slaughter this villain.But only a long sigh sounded between Heaven and Earth.…………“Is this the power of the military of Youyan?”Approximately five or six thousand metres away from the main battlefield, atop a collapsed rubble of a high building, the Crepe Myrtle sect disciple Wei Tianming had large and wide eyes.The junior and senior brothers behind him were similarly dumbfounded.The Shishu Liang Quan who had lost one of his limbs, sat on a boulder with a pale yellow face.He had already bandaged his wounds.For a expert at the Spirit stage, losing an arm was rather serious. Only experts of the Bitter Sea stage could regrow their limbs, while experts at the Spirit spring stage can only at the most reconnect their limbs. But the arm that Liang quan had cut off himself, had already turned into pus by the the venom of the Snow White Demon lizard. It was impossible to retrieve.
The best result, was to find a formation metal master, and ask him to construct a metallic arm.

But a metallic arm would never be as nimble and as flexible as flesh and blood.

An incomplete body was a very misfortunate issue for martial artists. This represented that it would become extremely difficult for them to take a further step forwards, their martial path would become greatly obstructed. To want to pry into the heavenly way with an incomplete body was far more difficult than with a completely body.

Therefore at this time, LIang Quan’s mood was not that good.

But he was still attracted by the battle in the skies that was like a legendary battle between a God and a Devil.

The Crepe Myrtle sect was the top sect within Snow Empire, and there were many top level experts with the sect. But after reaching such a realm, these experts would focus on cultivating their mental state, and would not normally act. Therefore, even as the elder of the outer sect, and being in the Crepe Myrtle sect for over thirty years, Liang Quan had never seen a battle at this level before.

“In these years, it is not for no reason that the sects are suppressed and controlled by the Empire. Not mentioning others, just solely the two commanders of the two great camps, is in reality extremely terrifying existences. Within the Crepe Myrtle sect, perhaps there are only core elders or perhaps several exceptional of the young generation that would be their opponents. At this time, they are only suppressed utterly by the demonic villain, so they did not demonstrate their strength fully…..“

Liang Quan speculated in his heart.

And as for the realm the Military god of Youyan Pass had demonstrated with that sword strike just now, it was already not something that he could estimate at.

Within the tens of thousands people in the Crepe Myrtle sect, there were barely anyone at all who had reached such a realm.

“The machine of the Empire really is the machine of the Empire. Once it begins to move, it is intricate and terrifying……The foundations of the sects is older than the Empire, but comparing efficiency, organisational power, human and financial resources, there is still too large a gap.” Liang Quan pondered. Looking at the dumbfounded disciples far off,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Yan Buhui tidak menyerang keluar menuju lemah lagi. Dia memandang jauh Residence of Pass Tuhan, senyum aneh muncul di wajahnya: "Haha, Orang tua Lu, akhirnya kau bertindak? Saya pikir Anda begitu takut bahwa Anda telah marah celana Anda, haha ....... " Dalam kata-katanya, ada mengejek berat dan nada provokatif. Ini adalah pertama kalinya dalam sebelas tahun, bahwa ada seseorang yang menggunakan nada seperti itu untuk berbicara dengan Perang Allah Youyan Lulus di atas udara Youyan Pass. pada saat ini, dari atas ke bawah, itu tidak diketahui berapa banyak orang pergi ke keadaan mengamuk di Youyan Pass. Mereka membenci mereka tidak bisa terburu-buru lebih, dan menggigit orang gila ini yang telah menghina dewa dari Youyan Lulus mati, menggigit dengan gigitan, menghancurkan dia ke berkeping-keping. Pada saat ini, semua orang menunggu kedatangan Ketuhanan Youyan, baginya untuk menyembelih penjahat ini. Tapi hanya mendesah panjang dibunyikan antara langit dan bumi. ...... ...... "Apakah ini kekuatan militer Youyan?" Kira-kira lima atau enam ribu meter dari medan perang utama, di atas sebuah puing-puing yang runtuh dari bangunan tinggi , Crepe Myrtle sekte murid Wei Tianming memiliki mata yang besar dan lebar. saudara-saudara junior dan senior di belakangnya yang sama tercengang. The Shishu Liang Quan yang telah kehilangan salah satu anggota tubuhnya, duduk di batu besar dengan wajah kuning pucat. Dia sudah membalut luka-lukanya. Untuk seorang ahli pada tahap Roh, kehilangan lengan agak serius. Hanya ahli dari tahap Sea Bitter bisa menumbuhkan kembali anggota tubuh mereka, sementara ahli pada tahap semi Roh hanya dapat di paling berhubungan kembali anggota badan mereka. Tapi lengan yang Liang quan telah memotong dirinya sendiri, sudah berubah menjadi nanah oleh racun kadal Salju Siluman. Itu tidak mungkin untuk mengambil. Hasil terbaik, adalah untuk menemukan master pembentukan logam, dan memintanya untuk membangun sebuah lengan logam. Tapi lengan logam tidak akan pernah menjadi seperti gesit dan fleksibel seperti daging dan darah. Sebuah badan yang tidak lengkap adalah sangat masalah misfortunate untuk seniman bela diri. Ini diwakili bahwa itu akan menjadi sangat sulit bagi mereka untuk mengambil langkah lebih lanjut ke depan, jalan bela diri mereka akan menjadi sangat terhambat. Untuk ingin mencampuri cara surgawi dengan tubuh yang tidak lengkap itu jauh lebih sulit daripada dengan benar tubuh. Oleh karena itu pada saat ini, suasana Liang Quan adalah tidak baik. Tapi dia masih tertarik dengan pertempuran di langit itu seperti pertempuran legendaris antara Allah dan Iblis. The Crepe Myrtle sekte adalah sekte teratas dalam Salju Empire, dan ada banyak ahli tingkat atas dengan sekte. Tapi setelah mencapai ranah tersebut, para ahli akan fokus pada budidaya kondisi mental mereka, dan biasanya tidak akan bertindak. Oleh karena itu, bahkan sebagai sesepuh dari sekte luar, dan berada di sekte Crepe Myrtle selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun, Liang Quan belum pernah melihat pertempuran pada tingkat ini sebelumnya. "Tahun ini, tidak ada alasan bahwa sekte yang ditekan dan dikendalikan oleh Kekaisaran. Tidak menyebutkan orang lain, hanya semata-mata dua komandan dari dua kubu besar, pada kenyataannya keberadaan sangat menakutkan. Dalam Crepe Myrtle sekte, mungkin hanya ada tetua inti atau mungkin beberapa yang luar biasa dari generasi muda yang akan menjadi lawan mereka. Pada saat ini, mereka hanya ditekan sekali oleh penjahat setan, sehingga mereka tidak menunjukkan kekuatan mereka sepenuhnya ... .. " Liang Quan berspekulasi dalam hatinya. Dan untuk kerajaan dewa Militer Youyan Lulus telah menunjukkan dengan yang mogok pedang sekarang, itu sudah bukan sesuatu yang dia bisa memperkirakan di. dalam puluhan ribu orang di Crepe Myrtle sekte, ada hampir tidak ada orang sama sekali yang telah mencapai wilayah tersebut. "mesin Kekaisaran benar-benar adalah mesin Kekaisaran. Setelah mulai bergerak, itu adalah rumit dan menakutkan ...... Fondasi dari sekte lebih tua dari Kekaisaran, tapi membandingkan efisiensi, daya organisasi, sumber daya manusia dan keuangan, masih terlalu besar kesenjangan. "Liang Quan merenungkan. Melihat para murid tercengang jauh,

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