„Drop!”A news, came from is fight­ing frigidly the short spear trick:  terjemahan - „Drop!”A news, came from is fight­ing frigidly the short spear trick:  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Drop!”A news, came from is fight­i

A news, came from is fight­ing frigidly the short spear trick: „Per­haps ram­ble, this way, our three big reg­i­ments re­ally will kill off by the dif­fer­ent demon.”
I early some have also thought that re­turns to the cov­ered pas­sage­way: „The third wave-guide-slot demon ar­rives, we send out part of mil­i­tary strength to clash im­me­di­ately back­ward, shield the NPC army to re­treat, the play­ers of sev­eral big guilds al­most de­fend in same place, sup­ported the fifth wave-guide-slot demon to come to walk again.”
From does not turn over to ma­rine bat­tle drum sound to come, 2 hours a wave of mil­i­tary strength came, this time did not have too many fire­power to sup­press their war­ships, war­ships of the pack­age in black iron sheet ap­proach shores rapidly, with the roar, rode is fight­ing the wolf the bar­bar­ian to ap­pear, was the blood wolf flag health/guard, can pro­mote ex­is­tence of sur­round­ing friend side 40% strik­ing power, the strik­ing power of 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its had suf­ficed high, now pro­motes 40% again, the night­mare of play­ers as if just started!
As soon as I raise hand, sum­moned the warhawks of sev­eral palace guards to ride to search, they dropped in abun­dance, hold the fist in the other hand said re­spect­fully: „Com­mands the Sir, what has to order to need us to con­vey?”
„Or­ders the palace guard, the vault of heaven armed forces and fall har­vest armed forces to break through to re­treat to the south im­me­di­ately, must pro­tect Long Jing ar­tillery and in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery not to re­ceive any buckle, knew?”
The mes­sen­gers have got­ten down, the quick three big NPC reg­i­ments turn around the di­rec­tion to pre­pare to retro­cede, but I am rais­ing the dou­ble sword, after is­su­ing an order, brings milk that et al. Xue Rou, Ran Min, vi­o­lent are walk­ing, in ad­di­tion the 1 W + [Zhan Long] rid­ing war is the player shields NPC to re­treat, I clash in the front line, in speed quickly en­ter­ing mon­ster group cer­tainly, the demon sound of wings demon is ran­domly in­valid to me, but my sword fierce storm + Longteng nine days + thun­der­ous nine days can ac­tu­ally make them as if step into the human pur­ga­tory to be or­di­nary.
„Damn, but also my ten­der and del­i­cate stature!” The wings evil spir­its died starts the beau­ti­ful woman changes the body, but was use­less, I change to the beau­ti­ful woman the body al­ready the im­mu­nity, no mat­ter their fig­ures will be good I not to look at one much, will be good also to be able com­pared with Wan Er? Dif­fi­cult
Fol­lows my sev­eral Gen­eral [Zhan Long] is the per­son in [Zhan Long] work room, Xue Rouwo the cold iron sword speed­ily is charg­ing, with one crowd of mon­ster wrong bod­ies, has ac­tu­ally been able to carry over to at­tack and de­stroy the suc­cess­ful blue large char­ac­ter, makes be­hind team­mate cover by this loss­less kills, no one knows how she achieves, I am grum­ble in any case was in­fe­rior, be­cause just like this she is the small mon­ster, is that the fe­male war-god that makes the peo­ple look up.
Ran Min Huiwu tom­a­hawk, the un­ceas­ing launch tor­nado cuts in the mon­ster group is sweep­ing, the out­put ca­pac­ity even also is more in­tre­pid than Xue Rou, but also has com­pared with he stronger ex­is­tence, that was the fox, the fox raised the flint­lock to ride to fight the de­part­ment to run to­gether, fre­quently fell to the ground one time to mur­der the god three ar­tillery, the bang re­sults in the mon­ster group mis­er­ably howl­ing un­ceas­ingly, the abil­i­ties of these three broad-ax also were re­ally too ter­ri­fy­ing, mak­ing the play­ers of nu­mer­ous long-dis­tance de­part­ment be able not hold a can­dle.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Drop!”A news, came from is fight­ing frigidly the short spear trick: „Per­haps ram­ble, this way, our three big reg­i­ments re­ally will kill off by the dif­fer­ent demon.”I early some have also thought that re­turns to the cov­ered pas­sage­way: „The third wave-guide-slot demon ar­rives, we send out part of mil­i­tary strength to clash im­me­di­ately back­ward, shield the NPC army to re­treat, the play­ers of sev­eral big guilds al­most de­fend in same place, sup­ported the fifth wave-guide-slot demon to come to walk again.”„Good!”„Thump”From does not turn over to ma­rine bat­tle drum sound to come, 2 hours a wave of mil­i­tary strength came, this time did not have too many fire­power to sup­press their war­ships, war­ships of the pack­age in black iron sheet ap­proach shores rapidly, with the roar, rode is fight­ing the wolf the bar­bar­ian to ap­pear, was the blood wolf flag health/guard, can pro­mote ex­is­tence of sur­round­ing friend side 40% strik­ing power, the strik­ing power of 8 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its had suf­ficed high, now pro­motes 40% again, the night­mare of play­ers as if just started!As soon as I raise hand, sum­moned the warhawks of sev­eral palace guards to ride to search, they dropped in abun­dance, hold the fist in the other hand said re­spect­fully: „Com­mands the Sir, what has to order to need us to con­vey?”„Or­ders the palace guard, the vault of heaven armed forces and fall har­vest armed forces to break through to re­treat to the south im­me­di­ately, must pro­tect Long Jing ar­tillery and in­vin­ci­ble might ar­tillery not to re­ceive any buckle, knew?”„Yes!”The mes­sen­gers have got­ten down, the quick three big NPC reg­i­ments turn around the di­rec­tion to pre­pare to retro­cede, but I am rais­ing the dou­ble sword, after is­su­ing an order, brings milk that et al. Xue Rou, Ran Min, vi­o­lent are walk­ing, in ad­di­tion the 1 W + [Zhan Long] rid­ing war is the player shields NPC to re­treat, I clash in the front line, in speed quickly en­ter­ing mon­ster group cer­tainly, the demon sound of wings demon is ran­domly in­valid to me, but my sword fierce storm + Longteng nine days + thun­der­ous nine days can ac­tu­ally make them as if step into the human pur­ga­tory to be or­di­nary.„Damn, but also my ten­der and del­i­cate stature!” The wings evil spir­its died starts the beau­ti­ful woman changes the body, but was use­less, I change to the beau­ti­ful woman the body al­ready the im­mu­nity, no mat­ter their fig­ures will be good I not to look at one much, will be good also to be able com­pared with Wan Er? Dif­fi­cultFol­lows my sev­eral Gen­eral [Zhan Long] is the per­son in [Zhan Long] work room, Xue Rouwo the cold iron sword speed­ily is charg­ing, with one crowd of mon­ster wrong bod­ies, has ac­tu­ally been able to carry over to at­tack and de­stroy the suc­cess­ful blue large char­ac­ter, makes be­hind team­mate cover by this loss­less kills, no one knows how she achieves, I am grum­ble in any case was in­fe­rior, be­cause just like this she is the small mon­ster, is that the fe­male war-god that makes the peo­ple look up.Ran Min Huiwu tom­a­hawk, the un­ceas­ing launch tor­nado cuts in the mon­ster group is sweep­ing, the out­put ca­pac­ity even also is more in­tre­pid than Xue Rou, but also has com­pared with he stronger ex­is­tence, that was the fox, the fox raised the flint­lock to ride to fight the de­part­ment to run to­gether, fre­quently fell to the ground one time to mur­der the god three ar­tillery, the bang re­sults in the mon­ster group mis­er­ably howl­ing un­ceas­ingly, the abil­i­ties of these three broad-ax also were re­ally too ter­ri­fy­ing, mak­ing the play­ers of nu­mer­ous long-dis­tance de­part­ment be able not hold a can­dle.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah kabar, datang dari berjuang frigidly trik tombak pendek: "Mungkin mengoceh, cara ini, tiga resimen besar kami benar-benar akan membunuh oleh iblis yang berbeda."
Saya lebih awal beberapa juga berpikir bahwa kembali ke lorong tertutup : "yang ketiga gelombang-panduan-slot setan tiba, kami mengirimkan bagian dari kekuatan militer bentrok segera mundur, melindungi tentara NPC untuk mundur, para pemain dari beberapa serikat besar hampir membela di tempat yang sama, didukung kelima gelombang-pedoman Slot setan datang untuk berjalan lagi. "
" Baik! "
" Thump "
dari tidak menyerahkan kepada kelautan suara pertempuran gendang datang, 2 jam gelombang kekuatan militer datang, kali ini tidak memiliki terlalu banyak senjata untuk menekan kapal perang mereka , kapal perang dari paket di besi hitam pendekatan lembar pantai dengan cepat, dengan gemuruh, berkuda berjuang serigala barbar muncul, adalah serigala darah bendera kesehatan / penjaga, dapat mempromosikan keberadaan sisi teman sekitarnya 40% kekuatan mencolok, mencolok kekuatan 8 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda telah mencukupi tinggi, sekarang mempromosikan 40% lagi, mimpi buruk pemain seakan baru saja mulai!
begitu aku mengangkat tangan, memanggil warhawks beberapa penjaga istana untuk naik untuk mencari, mereka menjatuhkan dalam kelimpahan , memegang tangan di sisi lain mengatakan hormat: "Perintah Sir, apa yang harus memesan perlu kita sampaikan?"
"Pesanan pengawal istana, kubah angkatan bersenjata langit dan jatuh panen angkatan bersenjata menerobos mundur ke selatan segera, harus melindungi Long Jing artileri dan tak terkalahkan kekuatan artileri tidak menerima gesper apapun, tahu? "
" Ya! "
para utusan mendapatkan bawah, cepat tiga resimen NPC besar berbalik arah untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk retrocede, tapi saya menaikkan pedang ganda, setelah mengeluarkan perintah, membawa susu yang et al. Xue Rou, Ran Min, kekerasan berjalan, selain itu 1 W + [Zhan Panjang] perang berkuda adalah pemain perisai NPC untuk mundur, saya bentrokan di garis depan, dalam kecepatan cepat memasuki kelompok rakasa tentu, suara setan dari sayap setan adalah acak valid untuk saya, tapi pedangku badai ganas + Longteng sembilan hari + gemuruh sembilan hari benar-benar dapat membuat mereka seakan langkah ke api penyucian manusia menjadi biasa.
"Sialan, tetapi juga lembut dan bertubuh halus!" sayap jahat roh meninggal dimulai wanita cantik perubahan tubuh, tapi sia-sia, saya mengubah untuk wanita cantik tubuh sudah imunitas, tidak peduli angka mereka akan baik saya tidak melihat satu banyak, akan baik juga untuk dapat dibandingkan dengan wan Er? Sulit
Mengikuti saya beberapa General [Zhan Panjang] adalah orang yang [Zhan Panjang] ruang kerja, Xue Rouwo dingin pedang besi cepat pengisian, dengan satu kerumunan rakasa tubuh yang salah, sebenarnya sudah mampu membawa ke menyerang dan menghancurkan sukses karakter besar biru, membuat belakang penutup rekan setimnya oleh lossless ini membunuh, tidak ada yang tahu bagaimana dia mencapai, saya ngomel dalam hal apapun itu rendah, karena hanya seperti ini dia adalah rakasa kecil, adalah bahwa perempuan perang-dewa yang membuat orang melihat ke atas.
Ran Min Huiwu tomahawk, pemotongan peluncuran tornado bersedih kelompok rakasa adalah menyapu, kapasitas output pun lebih pemberani dari Xue Rou, tetapi juga telah dibandingkan dengan keberadaan kuat dia, itu rubah, rubah mengangkat flintlock untuk naik untuk melawan departemen untuk berjalan bersama-sama, sering jatuh ke tanah satu waktu untuk membunuh dewa tiga artileri, hasil bang di kelompok rakasa sedih melolong tak henti-hentinya, kemampuan ini tiga luas kapak juga benar-benar terlalu menakutkan , membuat para pemain dari berbagai departemen jarak jauh dapat tidak memegang lilin.
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