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History & Interpretation
Supplemental Lesson


Instructor: Robin Harley
Robin has a PhD in health psychology. She has taught undergraduate and graduate psychology, health science, and health education.

The Rorschach Test is a psychological test consisting of ten inkblots that a test-taker is asked to interpret. In this lesson, we will discuss the test's history and how Exner's Comprehensive System became the standard for scoring and interpretation.

We also recommend watching History of Intelligence Testing and Arterial Blood Gas and Acid Base Balance: Tests and Interpretation

What is the Rorschach Test?
Have you ever seen a movie or television show where a character is given a psychological examination? Often, the character is asked to look at a piece of paper with a dark blob on it and describe 'what they see.' This is a depiction of an actual psychological test called the Rorschach Test.

Also known as the Rorschach Inkblot Test, the Rorschach Test is a psychological test consisting of ambiguous inkblots, and the test-taker is asked to provide his or her perceptions of these images. The test was designed to look for patterns of thought disorder in schizophrenia, but has evolved to include other areas, such as personality, intelligence, and emotional disorders.

Most personality tests are objective in that they have standard methods of administration and scoring. In contrast, the Rorschach Test is considered projective, because the test-taker must project his or her thoughts and feelings onto ambiguous images. Interpretation falls within the realm of the tester's judgment. This has led to controversy among mental health professionals, and revisions have been made to make the test more objective, as we will discuss shortly.

How Does it Work?

The test materials are simple, consisting of ten 24.6 x 17 cm cards with a symmetrical inkblot on each. Five blots are black and white, two are black, white, and red, and three are pastel colors. The first phase of the test is a free association, in which the test-taker interprets each card. In the second phase, the tester will ask for elaboration on why the test-taker saw certain things. Let's take a closer look at the test's origins and how it has evolved over time.

This is an example of a Rorschach Inkblot. What do you see?
Rorschach Inkblot
History of the Rorschach Test
Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psychiatrist, studied mental patients using hundreds of carefully designed inkblots. The patterns on the inkblots were meant to be ambiguous and not have an easily identifiable shape. He discovered that patients with schizophrenia perceived the inkblots much differently than other patients. After his experiments, he narrowed the inkblots down to a set of ten, and these formed the original inkblot test.

Rorschach created the test to aid in diagnosis of schizophrenia. He wrote the book Psychodiagnostik, which contained information on the test. He initially had difficulty finding interest in this work. He died the following year, and it wasn't until 1927 when a newly established publisher took on the work.

Samuel Beck and Bruno Klopfer revised the test to be used as a measure of personality in the late 1930s. In the 1960s, John E. Exner revised the original scoring system in order to make it more standardized and to improve its statistical validity. Exner's Comprehensive System of scoring remains popular today in the U.S.

Although Rorschach only intended for the test to be used for diagnosing disordered thought in schizophrenia, the test evolved to include measurement of personality, intelligence, and emotional disorders. Let's take a closer look at how Exner improved on the scoring and interpretation of the test.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
History & Interpretation
Supplemental Lesson


Instructor: Robin Harley
Robin has a PhD in health psychology. She has taught undergraduate and graduate psychology, health science, and health education.

The Rorschach Test is a psychological test consisting of ten inkblots that a test-taker is asked to interpret. In this lesson, we will discuss the test's history and how Exner's Comprehensive System became the standard for scoring and interpretation.

We also recommend watching History of Intelligence Testing and Arterial Blood Gas and Acid Base Balance: Tests and Interpretation

What is the Rorschach Test?
Have you ever seen a movie or television show where a character is given a psychological examination? Often, the character is asked to look at a piece of paper with a dark blob on it and describe 'what they see.' This is a depiction of an actual psychological test called the Rorschach Test.

Also known as the Rorschach Inkblot Test, the Rorschach Test is a psychological test consisting of ambiguous inkblots, and the test-taker is asked to provide his or her perceptions of these images. The test was designed to look for patterns of thought disorder in schizophrenia, but has evolved to include other areas, such as personality, intelligence, and emotional disorders.

Most personality tests are objective in that they have standard methods of administration and scoring. In contrast, the Rorschach Test is considered projective, because the test-taker must project his or her thoughts and feelings onto ambiguous images. Interpretation falls within the realm of the tester's judgment. This has led to controversy among mental health professionals, and revisions have been made to make the test more objective, as we will discuss shortly.

How Does it Work?

The test materials are simple, consisting of ten 24.6 x 17 cm cards with a symmetrical inkblot on each. Five blots are black and white, two are black, white, and red, and three are pastel colors. The first phase of the test is a free association, in which the test-taker interprets each card. In the second phase, the tester will ask for elaboration on why the test-taker saw certain things. Let's take a closer look at the test's origins and how it has evolved over time.

This is an example of a Rorschach Inkblot. What do you see?
Rorschach Inkblot
History of the Rorschach Test
Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psychiatrist, studied mental patients using hundreds of carefully designed inkblots. The patterns on the inkblots were meant to be ambiguous and not have an easily identifiable shape. He discovered that patients with schizophrenia perceived the inkblots much differently than other patients. After his experiments, he narrowed the inkblots down to a set of ten, and these formed the original inkblot test.

Rorschach created the test to aid in diagnosis of schizophrenia. He wrote the book Psychodiagnostik, which contained information on the test. He initially had difficulty finding interest in this work. He died the following year, and it wasn't until 1927 when a newly established publisher took on the work.

Samuel Beck and Bruno Klopfer revised the test to be used as a measure of personality in the late 1930s. In the 1960s, John E. Exner revised the original scoring system in order to make it more standardized and to improve its statistical validity. Exner's Comprehensive System of scoring remains popular today in the U.S.

Although Rorschach only intended for the test to be used for diagnosing disordered thought in schizophrenia, the test evolved to include measurement of personality, intelligence, and emotional disorders. Let's take a closer look at how Exner improved on the scoring and interpretation of the test.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sejarah & Interpretasi
Pelajaran Tambahan
Pelajaran Kuis Kursus Instruktur: Robin Harley Robin memiliki gelar PhD dalam psikologi kesehatan. Dia telah mengajarkan sarjana dan pascasarjana psikologi, ilmu kesehatan, dan pendidikan kesehatan. The Rorschach Test adalah tes psikologis yang terdiri dari sepuluh inkblots bahwa tes-taker diminta untuk menafsirkan. Dalam pelajaran ini, kita akan membahas sejarah tes dan bagaimana Komprehensif Sistem Exner menjadi standar untuk penilaian dan interpretasi. Kami juga merekomendasikan menonton Sejarah Intelijen Pengujian dan arteri Darah Gas dan Asam Basis Balance: Tes dan Interpretasi ? Apa Test Rorschach Punya Anda pernah melihat film atau acara televisi di mana karakter diberikan pemeriksaan psikologis? Seringkali, karakter diminta untuk melihat selembar kertas dengan gumpalan gelap di atasnya dan menggambarkan 'apa yang mereka lihat. " Ini adalah gambaran dari sebuah tes psikologi yang sebenarnya disebut Test Rorschach. Juga dikenal sebagai Rorschach Inkblot Test, Test Rorschach adalah tes psikologi yang terdiri dari inkblots ambigu, dan tes-taker diminta untuk memberikan nya persepsi gambar ini . Tes ini dirancang untuk mencari pola gangguan pemikiran dalam skizofrenia, tetapi telah berkembang untuk memasukkan daerah-daerah lain, seperti kepribadian, kecerdasan, dan gangguan emosi. Kebanyakan tes kepribadian yang obyektif bahwa mereka memiliki metode standar administrasi dan scoring. Sebaliknya, Test Rorschach dianggap proyektif, karena tes-taker harus memproyeksikan nya pikiran dan perasaan ke gambar ambigu. Interpretasi termasuk dalam ranah penilaian tester. Hal ini telah menyebabkan kontroversi di kalangan profesional kesehatan mental, dan revisi telah dilakukan untuk membuat tes lebih obyektif, seperti yang akan kita bahas segera. Bagaimana cara kerjanya? Bahan tes sederhana, yang terdiri dari sepuluh 24,6 x 17 cm dengan kartu simetris inkblot pada masing-masing. Lima bercak hitam dan putih, dua hitam, putih, dan merah, dan tiga warna pastel. Tahap pertama dari tes ini adalah sebuah asosiasi bebas, di mana tes-taker menafsirkan setiap kartu. Pada tahap kedua, tester akan meminta penjelasan tentang mengapa tes-taker melihat hal-hal tertentu. Mari kita lihat lebih dekat pada asal-usul tes dan bagaimana ia telah berkembang dari waktu ke waktu. Ini adalah contoh dari Rorschach Inkblot. Apa yang Anda lihat? Rorschach Inkblot Sejarah Rorschach Tes Rorschach Hermann, seorang psikiater Swiss, mempelajari pasien gangguan jiwa menggunakan ratusan inkblots dirancang dengan hati-hati. Pola pada inkblots yang dimaksudkan untuk menjadi ambigu dan tidak memiliki bentuk mudah diidentifikasi. Ia menemukan bahwa pasien dengan skizofrenia dirasakan inkblots jauh berbeda dibandingkan pasien lain. Setelah percobaan, ia mempersempit inkblots ke satu set sepuluh, dan ini membentuk tes noda tinta asli. Rorschach menciptakan tes untuk membantu dalam diagnosis skizofrenia. Dia menulis buku Psychodiagnostik, yang berisi informasi mengenai tes. Dia awalnya mengalami kesulitan menemukan minat dalam pekerjaan ini. Dia meninggal pada tahun berikutnya, dan itu tidak sampai 1927 ketika sebuah penerbit baru didirikan mengambil pekerjaan. Samuel Beck dan Bruno Klopfer merevisi tes yang akan digunakan sebagai ukuran kepribadian di akhir 1930-an. Pada tahun 1960, John E. Exner merevisi sistem penilaian yang asli agar membuatnya lebih standar dan untuk meningkatkan validitas statistiknya. Exner Komprehensif Sistem scoring tetap populer saat ini di AS Meskipun Rorschach hanya ditujukan untuk tes yang akan digunakan untuk mendiagnosis gangguan pemikiran dalam skizofrenia, tes berevolusi untuk mencakup pengukuran kepribadian, kecerdasan, dan gangguan emosional. Mari kita melihat lebih dekat bagaimana Exner meningkat pada penilaian dan interpretasi tes.

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