3 Easy Tips for Fueling Your Workout without Overdoing ItBy Christine  terjemahan - 3 Easy Tips for Fueling Your Workout without Overdoing ItBy Christine  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

3 Easy Tips for Fueling Your Workou

3 Easy Tips for Fueling Your Workout without Overdoing It
By Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN, CSSD

Published October 22, 2015
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bowl of oatmeal with blueberries - 3 Easy Tips for Fueling Your Workout without Overdoing It

Heading to the gym after work for a quick workout? Out for a morning walk with the dogs? Working out is good for physical and mental health. Although many individuals workout for weight loss or maintenance, exercising burns fewer calories than you might think. For example, you burn about 100 calories for every mile you walk or run. Yet, the average energy bar provides about 250 calories and a 16-ounce fruit smoothie has 350 to 400 calories, so it is easy to overdo it when you think you're just preparing for your workout.

Here are some tips for fueling your workout without sabotaging the calorie-burning effort of exercise.
The Morning Workout

A low-intensity morning workout — such as a walk, bike ride, yoga or round of golf — requires very little fuel. Concentrate on hydration and a small carbohydrate-rich snack, possibly 16 ounces of water and a mini-bagel or a 100-calorie granola bar. That will give you enough energy to compensate for an overnight fast without loading up on calories. After your workout, eat a smart breakfast of quality carbohydrates and protein. This can be a hard-cooked egg, a slice of whole-grain toast and 100-percent fruit juice, or oatmeal with berries and fat-free milk.
In the Evening

If you exercise after work, plan to eat lunch 3 to 4 hours before your workout. Good choices include a grilled chicken salad, a grilled cheese sandwich with a cup of tomato soup, or a turkey sub with baked chips. A healthy lunch will provide enough calories to sustain a late afternoon workout, but give yourself a little energy boost 15 to 30 minutes before your workout by eating a banana, orange slices or a handful of grapes. Concentrate on hydration; water is a good choice for exercise lasting less than an hour, but consider a low-calorie sports drink (about 20 calories per cup) if you are exercising for more than an hour at a higher intensity. If you are working out for more than an hour in a hot, humid climate, consider drinking a sports drink (1 cup) and water for the next fluid break.

After a workout, rehydrate with water. If you are heading home and eating dinner within a couple of hours, there is no need for a post-workout snack. If your meal will be delayed, then recover with 6 to 8 ounces of fat-free chocolate milk, 6 ounces of low-fat Greek yogurt, or a stick of string cheese with a few whole-grain crackers.

Try not to fall into the cycle of skipping breakfast, eating a light lunch and, then, exercising after work with little fuel on board. With this scenario, you are more likely to overeat after your workout because you are so hungry from not eating enough during the day. Another mental trap is rewarding a good workout with high-calorie or fatty foods. Rewarding your workout with food and high-calorie fluids will undo your efforts in the gym; instead, treat yourself to a new pair of sneakers for a job well done.

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3 Easy Tips for Fueling Your Workout without Overdoing ItBy Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN, CSSDPublished October 22, 2015Print Emailbowl of oatmeal with blueberries - 3 Easy Tips for Fueling Your Workout without Overdoing ItHeading to the gym after work for a quick workout? Out for a morning walk with the dogs? Working out is good for physical and mental health. Although many individuals workout for weight loss or maintenance, exercising burns fewer calories than you might think. For example, you burn about 100 calories for every mile you walk or run. Yet, the average energy bar provides about 250 calories and a 16-ounce fruit smoothie has 350 to 400 calories, so it is easy to overdo it when you think you're just preparing for your workout.Here are some tips for fueling your workout without sabotaging the calorie-burning effort of exercise.The Morning WorkoutA low-intensity morning workout — such as a walk, bike ride, yoga or round of golf — requires very little fuel. Concentrate on hydration and a small carbohydrate-rich snack, possibly 16 ounces of water and a mini-bagel or a 100-calorie granola bar. That will give you enough energy to compensate for an overnight fast without loading up on calories. After your workout, eat a smart breakfast of quality carbohydrates and protein. This can be a hard-cooked egg, a slice of whole-grain toast and 100-percent fruit juice, or oatmeal with berries and fat-free milk.In the EveningIf you exercise after work, plan to eat lunch 3 to 4 hours before your workout. Good choices include a grilled chicken salad, a grilled cheese sandwich with a cup of tomato soup, or a turkey sub with baked chips. A healthy lunch will provide enough calories to sustain a late afternoon workout, but give yourself a little energy boost 15 to 30 minutes before your workout by eating a banana, orange slices or a handful of grapes. Concentrate on hydration; water is a good choice for exercise lasting less than an hour, but consider a low-calorie sports drink (about 20 calories per cup) if you are exercising for more than an hour at a higher intensity. If you are working out for more than an hour in a hot, humid climate, consider drinking a sports drink (1 cup) and water for the next fluid break.RefuelingAfter a workout, rehydrate with water. If you are heading home and eating dinner within a couple of hours, there is no need for a post-workout snack. If your meal will be delayed, then recover with 6 to 8 ounces of fat-free chocolate milk, 6 ounces of low-fat Greek yogurt, or a stick of string cheese with a few whole-grain crackers.Try not to fall into the cycle of skipping breakfast, eating a light lunch and, then, exercising after work with little fuel on board. With this scenario, you are more likely to overeat after your workout because you are so hungry from not eating enough during the day. Another mental trap is rewarding a good workout with high-calorie or fatty foods. Rewarding your workout with food and high-calorie fluids will undo your efforts in the gym; instead, treat yourself to a new pair of sneakers for a job well done.
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3 Tips Mudah Memicu Workout Anda tanpa berlebihan
Oleh Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN, CSSD Diterbitkan 22 Oktober 2015 Cetak Email semangkuk oatmeal dengan blueberry - 3 Tips Mudah untuk Memicu Workout Anda tanpa berlebihan Pos ke gym setelah bekerja untuk latihan cepat? Keluar untuk berjalan-jalan pagi dengan anjing? Bekerja baik untuk kesehatan fisik dan mental. Meskipun banyak orang latihan untuk menurunkan berat badan atau pemeliharaan, berolahraga luka bakar kalori lebih sedikit daripada yang Anda kira. Misalnya, Anda membakar sekitar 100 kalori untuk setiap mil Anda berjalan atau berlari. Namun, rata-rata bar energi menyediakan sekitar 250 kalori dan smoothie buah 16-ons memiliki 350-400 kalori, sehingga sangat mudah untuk berlebihan ketika Anda berpikir Anda hanya mempersiapkan untuk latihan Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk pengisian bahan bakar latihan Anda tanpa menyabotase upaya pembakaran kalori latihan. The Morning Workout A-intensitas rendah latihan pagi - seperti berjalan, bersepeda, yoga atau golf - memerlukan sedikit bahan bakar. Berkonsentrasi pada hidrasi dan camilan kaya karbohidrat kecil, mungkin 16 ons air dan mini-bagel atau granola bar 100 kalori. Yang akan memberikan Anda energi yang cukup untuk mengimbangi semalam cepat tanpa loading kalori. Setelah latihan Anda, makan sarapan cerdas karbohidrat dan protein kualitas. Ini bisa menjadi telur rebus, sepotong roti panggang gandum dan 100 persen jus buah, atau oatmeal dengan buah dan susu bebas lemak. Dalam Evening Jika Anda berolahraga setelah bekerja, berencana untuk makan siang 3-4 jam sebelum latihan Anda. Pilihan yang baik termasuk salad ayam panggang, keju panggang sandwich dengan secangkir sup ​​tomat, atau sub kalkun panggang dengan chip. Makan siang yang sehat akan memberikan cukup kalori untuk mempertahankan latihan sore hari, tetapi memberikan diri Anda dorongan energi sedikit 15 sampai 30 menit sebelum latihan Anda dengan makan pisang, irisan jeruk atau segenggam buah anggur. Berkonsentrasi pada hidrasi; air adalah pilihan yang baik untuk latihan yang berlangsung kurang dari satu jam, tapi mempertimbangkan rendah kalori minuman olahraga (sekitar 20 kalori per cangkir) jika Anda berolahraga lebih dari satu jam dengan intensitas yang lebih tinggi. Jika Anda bekerja selama lebih dari satu jam dalam, iklim lembab panas, pertimbangkan minum minuman olahraga (1 cangkir) dan air untuk istirahat cairan berikutnya. Pengisian bahan bakar Setelah latihan, rehydrate dengan air. Jika Anda sedang menuju rumah dan makan malam dalam beberapa jam, tidak ada kebutuhan untuk camilan pasca-latihan. Jika makanan Anda akan tertunda, kemudian pulih dengan 6 sampai 8 ons susu cokelat bebas lemak, 6 ons yogurt rendah lemak Yunani, atau tongkat string keju dengan kerupuk gandum beberapa. Cobalah untuk tidak jatuh ke dalam siklus melewatkan sarapan, makan siang ringan dan, kemudian, berolahraga setelah bekerja dengan sedikit bahan bakar di kapal. Dengan skenario ini, Anda lebih mungkin untuk makan berlebihan setelah latihan Anda karena Anda begitu lapar dari tidak cukup makan di siang hari. Perangkap jiwa lain menghadiahi latihan yang baik dengan tinggi kalori atau makanan berlemak. Menguntungkan latihan Anda dengan cairan makanan dan tinggi kalori akan membatalkan usaha Anda di gym; sebaliknya, manjakan diri Anda dengan sepasang sepatu kets baru untuk pekerjaan dilakukan dengan baik.

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