they do not make initial assumptions about individuals. They realize t terjemahan - they do not make initial assumptions about individuals. They realize t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

they do not make initial assumption

they do not make initial assumptions about individuals. They realize that each
client’s journey is unique and appreciate the importance of tailoring their
methods to fi t each individual.
Therapist empathy has moved far beyond simple “refl ection,” and therapists
now draw from a variety of empathic response modes (Bohart & Greenberg,
1997). Empathy is a pathway to making signifi cant connections with persons of
color, and it can be expressed and communicated either directly or indirectly.
Clients coming from certain cultures may not be comfortable with a direct expression
of empathy by the therapist, but there are many ways to demonstrate
an empathic grasp of the client’s subjective world and inner experiencing.
Glauser and Bozarth (2001) remind us to pay attention to the cultural identity
that resides within the client. They caution against making assumptions
about clients based on their cultural background or the specifi c group to which
they belong and recommend waiting for the cultural context to emerge from
the client. Glauser and Bozarth maintain that the use of specifi c techniques
often results in a “specifi city myth” that concentrates on specifi c treatments for
particular groups of people. They believe there has been too much emphasis
on how to do counseling rather than how to be a counselor.
Although the person-centered approach has made signifi cant contributions
to working with groups representing diverse social, political, and cultural backgrounds,
there are also some limitations to practicing exclusively within this
framework in community agency settings and outpatient clinics. Many of the
clients who come to a community mental health clinic or who are involved in
some other type of outpatient treatment may desire or need a more structured
group experience. This is especially true of short-term groups, open groups
with a rapidly changing membership, task-oriented groups, and groups composed
of culturally diverse populations. Clients from a lower socioeconomic
status often seek professional help to deal with some current crisis, to alleviate
psychosomatic symptoms, to learn certain coping skills (such as stress management),
or to fi nd solutions for pressing problems. These clients may expect
a directive leader who functions in an expert role as an authority, who offers
advice and recommends a specifi c course of action, and they may experience
diffi culty with a leader who does not provide the structure they want. Bohart
(2003) makes the point that the person-centered therapist is not an expert who
is going to tell the client the “right way of being.” Instead, the therapist is a
“fellow explorer” who strives to deeply understand the experiential world of
the client. In addition, the person-centered approach extols the value of an internal
locus of control and prizes self-determination and autonomy, whereas
some cultures place a value on an external locus of evaluation and do not place
a high priority on autonomy and self-direction.
More preparation and orientation may be called for than is usually the case
in a person-centered framework, especially in a group. As I have mentioned
previously, group members can benefi t from some orientation by the leader on
what the group is about and how best to participate. For example, in her expressive
arts groups, Natalie Rogers provides a general orientation for members,
which includes guidelines for their participation. Group members stand
a better chance of using the group process in a constructive way if they understand
what behavior is useful in the context of the group. Members can profi t
from a discussion of the general goals and procedures of group process and of
how the group might help them deal with their concerns.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
mereka tidak membuat asumsi-asumsi awal mengenai individu. Mereka menyadari bahwa masing-masingperjalanan klien unik dan menghargai pentingnya menyesuaikan merekametode untuk fi t setiap individu.Terapis empati telah bergerak jauh melampaui sederhana "refl ection", dan terapisSekarang menarik dari berbagai mode empatik respon (Bohart & Greenberg,1997). empati adalah jalan menuju membuat ungkapan cant hubungan dengan orang-orang yangwarna, dan dapat dinyatakan dan dikomunikasikan secara langsung atau tidak langsung.Klien yang berasal dari budaya tertentu mungkin tidak nyaman dengan ekspresi langsungempati oleh terapis, tetapi ada banyak cara untuk menunjukkanpemahaman empatik klien subjektif dunia dan mengalami batin.Glauser dan Bozarth (2001) mengingatkan kita untuk memperhatikan identitas budayayang berada di dalam klien. Mereka berhati-hati terhadap membuat asumsitentang klien berdasarkan latar belakang budaya atau olah grup c yangmilik mereka dan merekomendasikan menunggu konteks budaya muncul dariklien. Glauser dan Bozarth berpendapat bahwa penggunaan teknik c olahsering mengakibatkan "olah kota mitos" yang berkonsentrasi pada olah c pengobatan untukkelompok-kelompok tertentu orang. Mereka percaya bahwa ada terlalu banyak penekananpada bagaimana melakukan konseling daripada bagaimana menjadi seorang konselor.Meskipun pendekatan yang berpusat pada orang telah membuat ungkapan cant kontribusibekerja dengan kelompok mewakili beragam sosial, politik, dan latar belakang budayaAda juga beberapa keterbatasan untuk berlatih secara eksklusif dalam inikerangka kerja dalam masyarakat badan pengaturan dan Klinik rawat jalan. Banyak dariklien yang datang ke klinik kesehatan mental masyarakat atau yang terlibat dalambeberapa jenis pengobatan rawat jalan mungkin menginginkan atau memerlukan lebih terstrukturpengalaman Group. Hal ini terutama berlaku jangka pendek kelompok, kelompok-kelompok yang terbukadengan keanggotaan berubah dengan cepat, tugas berorientasi kelompok, dan kelompok-kelompok yang terdiripopulasi beragam secara budaya. Klien dari lebih rendah sosial ekonomistatus sering mencari bantuan profesional untuk menangani beberapa krisis saat ini, untuk mengurangigejala psikosomatik, belajar keterampilan mengatasi tertentu (seperti stres manajemen),atau untuk fi nd solusi untuk menekan masalah. Klien ini mungkin mengharapkanpemimpin direktif yang fungsi dalam peranan ahli sebagai otoritas yang menawarkansaran dan merekomendasikan olah c tentu saja tindakan, dan mereka mungkin mengalamisulit culty dengan seorang pemimpin yang tidak memberikan struktur yang mereka inginkan. Bohart(2003) membuat titik bahwa terapis berpusat pada orang yang tidak ahli yangakan memberitahu klien "way kanan menjadi." Sebaliknya, terapis adalah"explorer sesama" yang berusaha sangat memahami dunia pengalamanklien. Selain itu, pendekatan yang berpusat pada orang yang memuliakan nilai internallokus kontrol dan hadiah penentuan nasib sendiri dan otonomi, sedangkanbeberapa budaya menempatkan nilai pada lokus evaluasi eksternal dan tidak menempatkanprioritas tinggi pada otonomi dan arah diri.Lain persiapan dan orientasi mungkin disebut untuk daripada yang biasanya terjadiorang-berpusat Framework, terutama dalam kelompok. Seperti telah saya sebutkansebelumnya, anggota grup dapat kuesioner dari beberapa orientasi oleh pemimpin padaapa kelompok adalah tentang dan cara terbaik untuk berpartisipasi. Sebagai contoh, dalam dirinya ekspresifkelompok seni, Natalie Rogers menyediakan orientasi yang umum untuk anggota,yang mencakup pedoman untuk partisipasi mereka. Anggota grup berdirikesempatan yang lebih baik menggunakan proses kelompok dalam cara yang konstruktif jika mereka mengertiapa perilaku ini berguna dalam konteks kelompok. Anggota dapat profi tdari diskusi umum tujuan, dan prosedur dari proses kelompok danBagaimana kelompok bisa membantu mereka berurusan dengan masalah mereka.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
they do not make initial assumptions about individuals. They realize that each
client’s journey is unique and appreciate the importance of tailoring their
methods to fi t each individual.
Therapist empathy has moved far beyond simple “refl ection,” and therapists
now draw from a variety of empathic response modes (Bohart & Greenberg,
1997). Empathy is a pathway to making signifi cant connections with persons of
color, and it can be expressed and communicated either directly or indirectly.
Clients coming from certain cultures may not be comfortable with a direct expression
of empathy by the therapist, but there are many ways to demonstrate
an empathic grasp of the client’s subjective world and inner experiencing.
Glauser and Bozarth (2001) remind us to pay attention to the cultural identity
that resides within the client. They caution against making assumptions
about clients based on their cultural background or the specifi c group to which
they belong and recommend waiting for the cultural context to emerge from
the client. Glauser and Bozarth maintain that the use of specifi c techniques
often results in a “specifi city myth” that concentrates on specifi c treatments for
particular groups of people. They believe there has been too much emphasis
on how to do counseling rather than how to be a counselor.
Although the person-centered approach has made signifi cant contributions
to working with groups representing diverse social, political, and cultural backgrounds,
there are also some limitations to practicing exclusively within this
framework in community agency settings and outpatient clinics. Many of the
clients who come to a community mental health clinic or who are involved in
some other type of outpatient treatment may desire or need a more structured
group experience. This is especially true of short-term groups, open groups
with a rapidly changing membership, task-oriented groups, and groups composed
of culturally diverse populations. Clients from a lower socioeconomic
status often seek professional help to deal with some current crisis, to alleviate
psychosomatic symptoms, to learn certain coping skills (such as stress management),
or to fi nd solutions for pressing problems. These clients may expect
a directive leader who functions in an expert role as an authority, who offers
advice and recommends a specifi c course of action, and they may experience
diffi culty with a leader who does not provide the structure they want. Bohart
(2003) makes the point that the person-centered therapist is not an expert who
is going to tell the client the “right way of being.” Instead, the therapist is a
“fellow explorer” who strives to deeply understand the experiential world of
the client. In addition, the person-centered approach extols the value of an internal
locus of control and prizes self-determination and autonomy, whereas
some cultures place a value on an external locus of evaluation and do not place
a high priority on autonomy and self-direction.
More preparation and orientation may be called for than is usually the case
in a person-centered framework, especially in a group. As I have mentioned
previously, group members can benefi t from some orientation by the leader on
what the group is about and how best to participate. For example, in her expressive
arts groups, Natalie Rogers provides a general orientation for members,
which includes guidelines for their participation. Group members stand
a better chance of using the group process in a constructive way if they understand
what behavior is useful in the context of the group. Members can profi t
from a discussion of the general goals and procedures of group process and of
how the group might help them deal with their concerns.
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