States were awarded to women while 83% went to men (AIP Statistical Re terjemahan - States were awarded to women while 83% went to men (AIP Statistical Re Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

States were awarded to women while

States were awarded to women while 83% went to men (AIP Statistical Research Center, n.d.-b). When the numbers of PhDs in physics in the United States in 2008 are broken down by race and ethnicity, only 1% were awarded to Hispanic Americans, 1% to African Americans, while 41% went to White Americans and 54% to foreign nationals (AIP Statistical Research Center, n.d.-a). Hazari, Sonnert, Sadler, and Shanahan (2010) cite recent stud- ies that show that physics lags behind biology and other sciences in awarding bachelor’s degrees to women, so that the relative number of female students graduating with degrees in physics has actually declined in proportion to the number of women in other sciences. In addition to the persistent lack of female and minority students, they also note a decline in the total number of degrees (to men and women) awarded in physics between 1983 and 2005 relative to other sciences, indicating general lack of interest in studying physics among all students. It behooves us to ask: Why should this be so?
Negative popular opinions of physics appear to have been woven into our Western culture for some time. In an article in the journal Physics Education in 1976, physicist Victor Weisskopf wrote, ‘‘Why is physics as a sci- ence considered ‘inhuman’ by so many people, including some of the stu- dents we teach?’’ (Weisskopf, 1976, p. 75). A generation later, a quote from an interview with a female sculpture major at a California university in- dicates that students’ perceptions of physics may have not changed much over the years:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
States were awarded to women while 83% went to men (AIP Statistical Research Center, n.d.-b). When the numbers of PhDs in physics in the United States in 2008 are broken down by race and ethnicity, only 1% were awarded to Hispanic Americans, 1% to African Americans, while 41% went to White Americans and 54% to foreign nationals (AIP Statistical Research Center, n.d.-a). Hazari, Sonnert, Sadler, and Shanahan (2010) cite recent stud- ies that show that physics lags behind biology and other sciences in awarding bachelor’s degrees to women, so that the relative number of female students graduating with degrees in physics has actually declined in proportion to the number of women in other sciences. In addition to the persistent lack of female and minority students, they also note a decline in the total number of degrees (to men and women) awarded in physics between 1983 and 2005 relative to other sciences, indicating general lack of interest in studying physics among all students. It behooves us to ask: Why should this be so?Negative popular opinions of physics appear to have been woven into our Western culture for some time. In an article in the journal Physics Education in 1976, physicist Victor Weisskopf wrote, ‘‘Why is physics as a sci- ence considered ‘inhuman’ by so many people, including some of the stu- dents we teach?’’ (Weisskopf, 1976, p. 75). A generation later, a quote from an interview with a female sculpture major at a California university in- dicates that students’ perceptions of physics may have not changed much over the years:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Negara yang diberikan kepada perempuan, sementara 83% pergi ke pria (AIP statistik Research Center, nd-b). Ketika jumlah PhD dalam fisika di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2008 dipecah oleh ras dan etnis, hanya 1% yang diberikan kepada Hispanik Amerika, 1% untuk Amerika Afrika, sementara 41% pergi ke White Amerika dan 54% untuk warga negara asing ( AIP statistik Research Center, nd-a). Hazari, Sonnert, Sadler, dan Shanahan (2010) mengutip ies-penelitian terbaru yang menunjukkan bahwa fisika tertinggal biologi dan ilmu-ilmu lainnya dalam pemberian gelar sarjana untuk wanita, sehingga jumlah relatif siswi lulus dengan gelar dalam fisika sebenarnya telah menurun di proporsional dengan jumlah perempuan dalam ilmu-ilmu lainnya. Selain kurangnya terus-menerus dari siswa perempuan dan minoritas, mereka juga mencatat penurunan jumlah derajat (untuk laki-laki dan perempuan) diberikan dalam fisika antara tahun 1983 dan 2005 relatif terhadap ilmu-ilmu lainnya, menunjukkan kurangnya minat dalam mempelajari fisika antara semua siswa. Penting bagi kita untuk bertanya: Mengapa ini harus demikian?
Pendapat populer Negatif fisika tampaknya telah ditenun menjadi budaya kita Western untuk beberapa waktu. Dalam sebuah artikel di jurnal Pendidikan Fisika pada tahun 1976, fisikawan Victor Weisskopf menulis, '' Mengapa fisika sebagai ilmu pengetahuan dianggap 'tidak manusiawi' oleh banyak orang, termasuk beberapa siswa kita ajarkan? '' (Weisskopf, 1976, p. 75). Sebuah generasi kemudian, kutipan dari wawancara dengan perempuan patung besar di dicates sebuah universitas California di- bahwa persepsi siswa fisika mungkin tidak banyak berubah selama bertahun-tahun:
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