Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
But in both eyes of Meng Hao, in this moment, all deep burying, reveals, with his past disposition already completely different, did not have the smiling face, did not have warm, what has is endless ice-cold.His whole person, is similar to together cold iceAs if disregarded this all around storm and murderous intention, Meng Hao sat slowly, looks at all around people indifferently.After Meng Hao opens the eye, his every action and every movement, by these eight Paragon completely careful is staring, they saw vacant in Meng Hao, saw soberly, saw as if he is recalling, saw final ice-cold.But this is unable to explain anything, if Meng Hao, all these are normal, he should be vacant, should sober, should recall, should ice-cold.Similarly, if that ninth Paragon, is so, his vacant, because of arriving at a new world, his clear, is understands own is, but his recollection, nature besides boundlessness outside all, among life and death seize the body with Meng Hao, but final ice-cold, can regard as is strong resentment that the people to his almost destroy both body and soul nearly harm„You is who” compares in the murderous intentions of other people fills the air, at this moment, that Headmaster old man, in the eye reveals complex, from Meng Hao regaining consciousness since that moment, he discovered that he is unable to judge.„You believe that who I am.” Meng Hao turns the head, looks indifferently to the Headmaster old man of that boundless faction.Dua orang melihat visi instan, ini kepala sekolah tua laki-laki dua mata cahaya baik seketika meniup, pengertian rohani guruh, membentuk getar tekanan langit."Anda adalah Meng Hao" kata-kata yang keras satu, Semua di sekitar beberapa Paragon lain, melihat perubahan, niat pembunuh pergi, telah membentuk inti, menuju Meng Hao di sini, tenggelam.Tampilan Meng Hao ini biasa, menghadapi niat pembunuh dari orang-orang ini, ia tidak harus peduli sedikit, tapi dahi dodges, yang ungu retak, membuka tiba-tiba, mengungkapkan antara telah menetapkan tegak mataKesembilan Paragon Dao mataMata Dao ini, seluruh dunia, seluruh dunia, di ini Ghost, tampak statis, tekanan mutlak, tersebar keras dari Meng Hao ini hanya Dao mata, seseorang, menolak maksud pembunuh seluruh orang.Guruh, seluruh wajah orang warna perubahan pada saat yang sama, Meng Hao dari duduk bersila mempunyai, berdiri, dunia warna, nya berdiri, angin dan awan sisa volumeDia berdiri, ini mirip dengan zaman akan mendapatkan kembali kesadaran"Aku kesembilan Paragon" dalam contoh berdiri, suara-Nya serupa surgawi Kilat, jatuh guruh.Bahwa kepala sekolah tua manusia dua mata dodges, hati-hati memandang Meng Hao dahi Dao mata, jantung mendesah, kompleks berarti mengubur, akan memiliki tersenyum tiba-tiba, tawa semakin besar dan lebih besar.„You indeed are my boundless faction, ninth Paragon that this time arrives at” his words, other all around several people are also silent, each other after staring at Dao Eye of Meng Hao forehead, heart in complex, but quick suddenly has smiled.„Welcome ninth Paragon, arrives boundlessly”Does not go to manage you are and is not, you have Dao Eye, you can display Dao Eye, then you are ninth ParagonAsked the monthly ticket to be continued.
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