#1012: The gate of book size source! On this day, all Fang Clan clansm terjemahan - #1012: The gate of book size source! On this day, all Fang Clan clansm Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1012: The gate of book size source

#1012: The gate of book size source!

On this day, all Fang Clan clansmen, almost saw Dao of alchemy branch medicine pavilion there, departed a black dragon, this dragon shoots up to the sky, surrounded in Planet East Victory for a long time, this diverges.
Along with its divergence, the green crystal light, sprinkles entire Planet East Victory, falls on the earth, causes the entire stars unexpectedly, as if has given full play to some vitalities, is similar to nourishes.
This, lets all Planet East Victory cultivator, mind intense shock.
Fang Yanxu in Medicine Immortal Sect, has seen with one's own eyes this, his look intense changing countenance, looks at the Dao of alchemy branch direction, for a long time, muttered whispers.
„ The eighth fable, real ... Any master alchemist, if can in first time step into the eighth strata time, unties the seal that vegetation black dragon, this dragon will run out of the medicine pavilion, nourishes the earth.
This Meng Hao, his Dao of alchemy attainments, were in so the degree unexpectedly ... ”
The Fang Shoudao breath shortness, opened eye, dull looks after that black dragon dissipates, nourishes the stars the crystal light, when his right hand lifts, lamellar crystal light fell in his control.
Meanwhile, the midair in home, said that the clock appears again, sounds the ding, reverberates in the mind of each Fang Clan clansman, for a very long time is not loose.
Shouting that the sound of discussion, sound in an uproar, seething with excitement, reappears in each place of family, after experiencing the revolting clan, present Fang Clan, needs such cheering, condenses a family stronger strength.
In the medicine pavilion, in eighth, Meng Hao sees with one's own eyes that black dragon, after had untied all vegetation by oneself, the form of dancing in the air, along with departure of black dragon, in this eighth, the ray sparkles, the innumerable vegetation changes, appear in that the light screen of flashing through.
Meng Hao has not gone to next immediately, but sits cross-legged to sit down. When eyes closed, before mind, 1 million medicinal herbs that sees, always remembered in heart silently.
For a long time. When he opens both eyes, his reveals the intense light. Looks to not far away, after this eighth perfect entry, appearance ... A gate!
No longer is the steps, but is a gate, leads to the ninth front door together!
That is the final level!
„The Fang Clan medicine pavilion, can be called seizes the good fortune of world, changed peak the vegetation, particularly this eighth. Has reached a peak.”
„That, in this ninth, what can be tests?” Meng Hao is looking at that leafed door, his heart is very curious, after long time, he stands up, walks toward the gate.
Step by step close, when he stands before the gate, Meng Hao both eyes dodge, fierce shoving open, not hesitant. Takes a step directly, trod on the final level of this medicine pavilion.
Is stepping into instant, Meng Hao footsteps fierce stop. His whole person there, looks at the present world.
This is a world.
The sky is deep blue, golden Sun, in the upper air sending out eye-catching ray, in the sky, has the bird to fly from time to time, these birds, any is quite huge.
Distant place, ground reacted. Some giants roared, was running.
All. As if in the high antiquity, a grass. Attracted the attention of Meng Hao, it lives by a stone, looks like ordinary, but carefully looks, as if ... It, was being pressed by that stone long ago, but its tenacity, making it go against the stone finally, grew from the one side.
Meng Hao is somewhat vacant, may also be several time of breath, the picture dodges, when appears again, as before , the place that is, may actually the landslide cracks in the earth, that grass disrupt.
May actually the piece of to shatter parts, the collapse of this day fly in place, in the midair, with the innumerable crushed stones together, the volume to the distant place, fell in a water hole of ground finally, sank.
The time passes, does not know many years later, from that Shuikengli, grew a different grass, seems more tenacious, is more rigid.
Meng Hao frowned, he does not know what he sees is anything, has any relations with this tenth, he silent , to continue to look that he saw the change of years, date time and time again rose the sunset, that grass withered, then appeared, starts once again, until one day, the collision of earth, caused the place that the grass was, turned into the seabed.
The soil became the silt, deeply buries it.
Also is years, when the grass in silt, grows, its appearance changed, as if became the seaweed, fills the air, such as the hair is the same, is getting more and more long.
Then, the sea water is withered, the seaweed withers, vanishes gradually, after being very long, there grew big trees, became the jungle, there, there is a big tree, as if past grass.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1012: gerbang sumber ukuran buku! Pada hari ini, Semua anggota klan Fang klan, hampir melihat Dao Alkimia cabang Kedokteran paviliun ada, pergi hitam naga, naga ini tunas sampai ke langit, dikelilingi di Planet Timur kemenangan untuk waktu yang lama, ini ada.Bersama dengan perbedaan yang, cahaya hijau kristal, memercikkan seluruh Planet Timur kemenangan, jatuh di bumi, penyebab bintang seluruh tiba-tiba, seolah-olah telah memberikan bermain penuh kepada beberapa vitalities, serupa dengan memelihara.Ini, memungkinkan semua Planet Timur kemenangan beralih, pikiran intens syok.Fang Yanxu dalam Kedokteran abadi sekte, telah melihat dengan mata sendiri ini, melihat intens mengubah wajah, tampak di Dao arah cabang Alkimia, untuk waktu yang lama, bergumam berbisik."Kedelapan fabel, nyata... Alchemist master apapun, jika dapat di langkah waktu pertama ke kedelapan waktu strata, unties segel bahwa vegetasi hitam naga, naga ini akan kehabisan paviliun obat, memelihara bumi.Ini Meng Hao, nya Dao pencapaian Alkimia, berada di sehingga tingkat tiba-tiba... ”Fang Shoudao sesak napas, membuka mata, kusam terlihat setelah memboroskan bahwa naga hitam, memelihara bintang cahaya kristal, ketika Lift kanan Nya, lamellar kristal cahaya jatuh kekuasaannya.Sementara itu, udara di rumah, mengatakan bahwa jam muncul lagi, kedengarannya ding, bergema di pikiran setiap clansman Fang klan, untuk waktu yang sangat lama tidak longgar.Berteriak bahwa suara diskusi, suara ribut, merebus dengan kegembiraan, muncul di setiap tempat dari keluarga, setelah mengalami kebutuhan klan, Marga Fang hadir, memuakkan seperti bersorak-sorai, mengembun keluarga kekuatan lebih kuat.Di paviliun obat, delapan, Meng Hao melihat dengan naga mata hitam itu sendiri, setelah telah membuka semua vegetasi oleh diri sendiri, bentuk menari di udara, bersama dengan keberangkatan naga hitam, delapan ini, berkilau ray, vegetasi tak terhitung perubahan, muncul dalam layar cahaya berkedip melalui.Meng Hao tidak pergi ke berikutnya segera, tapi duduk bersila untuk duduk. Ketika mata tertutup, sebelum pikiran, 1 juta obat herbal yang melihat, selalu ingat di jantung diam-diam.Untuk waktu yang lama. Ketika ia membuka kedua mata, mengungkapkan nya intens cahaya. Terlihat tidak jauh, setelah entri sempurna ini kedelapan, penampilan... Sebuah gerbang!Tidak lagi adalah langkah-langkah, tapi merupakan gerbang, mengarah ke pintu depan kesembilan bersama-sama!Itu adalah tingkat akhir!"Fang klan obat pavilion, dapat disebut merebut nasib baik dunia, berubah puncak vegetasi, terutama kedelapan ini. Telah mencapai puncak.""Itu, dengan ini, apa bisa tes?" Meng Hao melihat pintu yang berdaun, hatinya sangat penasaran, setelah waktu yang lama, ia teguh berdiri, berjalan ke arah pintu gerbang.Langkah demi langkah dekat, ketika ia berdiri di hadapan pintu gerbang, Meng Hao kedua matanya dodge, mendorong sengit terbuka, tidak ragu-ragu. Mengambil langkah yang secara langsung, trod pada tingkat akhir paviliun obat ini.Melangkah ke dalam seketika, Meng Hao jejak sengit berhenti. Nya seluruh orang di sana, terlihat di dunia sekarang.Ini adalah dunia.Langit biru, golden Sun, di atas udara mengirimkan ray eye-catching, di langit, memiliki burung terbang dari waktu ke waktu, burung-burung ini, ada cukup besar.Tempat yang jauh, tanah bereaksi. Beberapa raksasa raung, berlari.Semua. Seperti jika dalam kuno tinggi, rumput. Menarik perhatian dari Meng Hao, itu hidup dengan batu, seperti biasa, tapi hati-hati terlihat, seolah-olah... Itu, sedang ditekan oleh batu yang lama, tetapi dengan kegigihan, sehingga pergi melawan batu akhirnya, tumbuh dari satu sisi.Meng Hao agak kosong, juga mungkin beberapa waktu napas, gambar dodges, ketika muncul lagi, seperti sebelumnya, tempat yang dapat benar-benar tanah longsor retakan di bumi, bahwa rumput mengganggu.Mungkin benar-benar potongan untuk menghancurkan bagian, runtuhnya terbang hari ini di tempat, di udara, dengan batu tak terhitung hancur bersama-sama, volume yang ingin jauh tempat, jatuh di lubang air tanah akhirnya, tenggelam.Waktu berlalu, tidak tahu bertahun-tahun kemudian, dari Shuikengli itu, tumbuh rumput yang berbeda, tampaknya lebih ulet, lebih kaku.Meng Hao disukai, ia tidak tahu apa yang ia lihat apa-apa, mempunyai hubungan dengan ini kesepuluh, dia diam, terus melihat bahwa ia melihat perubahan tahun, waktu dan waktu lagi naik tanggal matahari terbenam, yang rumput layu, maka muncul, mulai sekali lagi, sampai suatu hari, tumbukan bumi, menyebabkan tempat yang rumput , berubah menjadi dasar laut.The soil became the silt, deeply buries it.Also is years, when the grass in silt, grows, its appearance changed, as if became the seaweed, fills the air, such as the hair is the same, is getting more and more long.Then, the sea water is withered, the seaweed withers, vanishes gradually, after being very long, there grew big trees, became the jungle, there, there is a big tree, as if past grass.
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