Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
1. How can manufactures get various affective pesticides? A. By controlling plants pets B. By spraying stronger chemical C By producing various chemical D. By combining different chemical E. By experimenting with combination of chemical2. What's the main idea of the second paragraph? A. .Farmers should have good knowledge to fight plant pests B. Additional advice is needed when the problem is complicated C. Valuable information to control plant pest is needed by farmers D. Proper advice to control plant pets is provided by trained salesman E. Pesticides can be obtained freely in government agricultural department offices3. What do farmers need to know before using pesticides? A. Combination of chemicals B. Various stronger of chemical C. Various effective dusts and sprays D. Information about harmful pesticides E. Information on using different sorts of pesticides4. What do farmers need to know before using pesticides? A. Combination of chemicals B. Various stronger of chemical C. Various effective dusts and sprays D. Information about harmful pesticides E. Information on using different sorts of pesticides5. What do farmers need to know before using pesticides? A. Combination of chemicals B. Various stronger of chemical C. Various effective dusts and sprays D. Information about harmful pesticides E. Information on using different sorts of pesticides6 '... to seek the proper advice ' (paragraph 2) Kebalikan dari kata "tepat" adalah... A. berguna B. salah C. benar D. cocok E. tidak efektif7. mana pernyataan adalah BENAR menurut teks? A. petani telah menghasilkan berbagai efektif pestisida B. pestisida yang diberikan oleh Departemen Pertanian Kantor berbahaya C. petani telah bereksperimen dengan kombinasi kimia sebelum D. fanners harus menggunakan pestisida yang kuat dan berbahaya Meskipun mereka sulit untuk mendapatkan E. pestisida yang berbahaya bagi makhluk hidup mengandung bahan kimia yang lebih kuat
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