( ii) A sense of placeAlthough the research was confined to a very nar terjemahan - ( ii) A sense of placeAlthough the research was confined to a very nar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

( ii) A sense of placeAlthough the

( ii) A sense of place
Although the research was confined to a very narrow geographical area, it was clear that there continue to be marked differences between the various settlements within it, and a strong awareness among the people of their attachment to a particular place. While the district is compact enough, and the population small enough, for it to be possible to know everyone in the vicinity, people still distinguish between places in terms of their sense of belonging; for example, a native of Llandbadarn told us that although he now lived in Llandewi, six miles from his birthplace, he did not 'know' it well and would like to return to where he really belonged.
Several distinct places were recognized. Some were roughly defined by administrative, parish, boundaries, others retained an identity despite being absorbed officially into some larger unit. The various settlements were seen as having their own characteristics. According to one Llanbister resident, 'Llanbadarn is more go-ahead, Llanbister is more reticent about doing things'. Another long-standing (thirty year) resident of Llanbister agreed that 'Llanbadarn runs clubs and societies very well, better than Llanbister and Llandewi; they raise funds there much more easily'. By contrast, Llandewi was said to be in decline, lacking any real focus, and local people commented on the loss of community feeling: 'Llandewi used to be a much more lively place than it is now. There was an egg-grading station in the middle of the vil-lage employing up to fifty people at times; local farms used to produce eggs to take down there; that has all gone . . . nothing much happens down there now'. The social life of the village had been much more vibrant when the village had some economic centrality.
As the preceding comments suggest, the strength of local institutions varies from village to village, and there is some sense of competitiveness between settlements. Despite its rather dispersed layout, Llanbadarn Fynydd has an especially strong identity, partly because of its relative isolation. Its sphere of influence appeared to extend over the neighbouring settlements; the valley seems to funnel activity into the village, which is generally regarded as being inhabited by strongly-rooted locals, whose attention is quite inward-looking. The local pub is well-supported, and the village hall is used regularly by the Young Farmers, the local branch of the NFU, and the Women's Institute. Our own discussions with members of the Women’s Institute had to compete with a well-attended Old Tyme dancing evening in the hall. The Llanbadarn YFC is generally regarded as the liveliest organization in the valley, and enjoys widespread support. Women’s Institutes are well supported in Llanbadarn and Llanbister. In addition to the formal bodies, various informal activities bring the people of the valley together. Many play darts, pool and dominoes in the pubs, and whist drives are popular events which attract whole families.
There is least evident sense of solidarity in Llandewi; although the Women’s Institute meetings are well attended, there is little obvious support for other organizations. The explanation offered by one community councillor traced present apathy to the historical circumstances of the village:
The Llandewi community is very apathetic when it comes to these kinds of things (eg the community council). The problem is that it has always been ruled by one litmily. Llandewi lost its school in 1976 . .. people in the council do not involve themselves. The same people tend to run everything. There is no YFC, no youth club; the pub changes hands regularly; the community council is basically a waste of time, tends to be the same people year after year.
The ability to make these kinds of judgements, whether or not they are accurate, signifies a person's sense of belonging. Responses to both survey questions and extended interviews showed that people had no difficulty in identifying themselves with places within the valley; furthermore, they took an interest in other nearby places, and used what they knew or believed about them to make comparisons regarding the quality of -their social relationships. Membership of, and involvement in, various organizations linked the different places together, and unified the population of the area, while the attitudes and concems of most of those we questioned were marked by certain common themes, the most pressing of which was the extent to which local distinctivcness was under threat. Many pressures were regarded as conspiring to undermine local identity, which was already somewhat fragile; as one informant commented:
English people tend to regard this area as Welsh; Welsh people regard it as English; it is caught in the middle, but it has its own sense of identity. However, the place is losing its uniqueness, the transient population is increasing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
( ii) A sense of place
Although the research was confined to a very narrow geographical area, it was clear that there continue to be marked differences between the various settlements within it, and a strong awareness among the people of their attachment to a particular place. While the district is compact enough, and the population small enough, for it to be possible to know everyone in the vicinity, people still distinguish between places in terms of their sense of belonging; for example, a native of Llandbadarn told us that although he now lived in Llandewi, six miles from his birthplace, he did not 'know' it well and would like to return to where he really belonged.
Several distinct places were recognized. Some were roughly defined by administrative, parish, boundaries, others retained an identity despite being absorbed officially into some larger unit. The various settlements were seen as having their own characteristics. According to one Llanbister resident, 'Llanbadarn is more go-ahead, Llanbister is more reticent about doing things'. Another long-standing (thirty year) resident of Llanbister agreed that 'Llanbadarn runs clubs and societies very well, better than Llanbister and Llandewi; they raise funds there much more easily'. By contrast, Llandewi was said to be in decline, lacking any real focus, and local people commented on the loss of community feeling: 'Llandewi used to be a much more lively place than it is now. There was an egg-grading station in the middle of the vil-lage employing up to fifty people at times; local farms used to produce eggs to take down there; that has all gone . . . nothing much happens down there now'. The social life of the village had been much more vibrant when the village had some economic centrality.
As the preceding comments suggest, the strength of local institutions varies from village to village, and there is some sense of competitiveness between settlements. Despite its rather dispersed layout, Llanbadarn Fynydd has an especially strong identity, partly because of its relative isolation. Its sphere of influence appeared to extend over the neighbouring settlements; the valley seems to funnel activity into the village, which is generally regarded as being inhabited by strongly-rooted locals, whose attention is quite inward-looking. The local pub is well-supported, and the village hall is used regularly by the Young Farmers, the local branch of the NFU, and the Women's Institute. Our own discussions with members of the Women’s Institute had to compete with a well-attended Old Tyme dancing evening in the hall. The Llanbadarn YFC is generally regarded as the liveliest organization in the valley, and enjoys widespread support. Women’s Institutes are well supported in Llanbadarn and Llanbister. In addition to the formal bodies, various informal activities bring the people of the valley together. Many play darts, pool and dominoes in the pubs, and whist drives are popular events which attract whole families.
There is least evident sense of solidarity in Llandewi; although the Women’s Institute meetings are well attended, there is little obvious support for other organizations. The explanation offered by one community councillor traced present apathy to the historical circumstances of the village:
The Llandewi community is very apathetic when it comes to these kinds of things (eg the community council). The problem is that it has always been ruled by one litmily. Llandewi lost its school in 1976 . .. people in the council do not involve themselves. The same people tend to run everything. There is no YFC, no youth club; the pub changes hands regularly; the community council is basically a waste of time, tends to be the same people year after year.
The ability to make these kinds of judgements, whether or not they are accurate, signifies a person's sense of belonging. Responses to both survey questions and extended interviews showed that people had no difficulty in identifying themselves with places within the valley; furthermore, they took an interest in other nearby places, and used what they knew or believed about them to make comparisons regarding the quality of -their social relationships. Membership of, and involvement in, various organizations linked the different places together, and unified the population of the area, while the attitudes and concems of most of those we questioned were marked by certain common themes, the most pressing of which was the extent to which local distinctivcness was under threat. Many pressures were regarded as conspiring to undermine local identity, which was already somewhat fragile; as one informant commented:
English people tend to regard this area as Welsh; Welsh people regard it as English; it is caught in the middle, but it has its own sense of identity. However, the place is losing its uniqueness, the transient population is increasing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
(Ii) Sebuah rasa tempat
Meskipun penelitian ini terbatas pada wilayah geografis yang sangat sempit, itu jelas bahwa ada masih ditandai perbedaan antara berbagai permukiman di dalamnya, dan kesadaran yang kuat di kalangan masyarakat keterikatan mereka ke tempat tertentu . Sementara kabupaten kompak cukup, dan populasi cukup kecil, untuk itu menjadi mungkin untuk mengenal semua orang di sekitarnya, orang masih membedakan antara tempat-tempat dalam hal rasa memiliki; misalnya, yang berasal dari Llandbadarn mengatakan kepada kami bahwa meskipun dia sekarang tinggal di Llandewi, enam mil dari tempat kelahirannya, ia tidak 'tahu' dengan baik dan ingin kembali ke tempat dia benar-benar milik.
Beberapa tempat yang berbeda diakui. Beberapa kasar didefinisikan oleh administrasi, paroki, batas, yang lain tetap identitas meskipun diserap secara resmi ke dalam beberapa unit yang lebih besar. Berbagai permukiman dipandang sebagai memiliki karakteristik mereka sendiri. Menurut salah seorang warga Llanbister, 'Llanbadarn lebih hijau, Llanbister lebih pendiam tentang melakukan hal-hal'. Lain lama (tiga puluh tahun) warga Llanbister sepakat bahwa 'Llanbadarn menjalankan klub dan masyarakat sangat baik, lebih baik dari Llanbister dan Llandewi; mereka mengumpulkan dana ada jauh lebih mudah '. Sebaliknya, Llandewi dikatakan menurun, yang tidak memiliki fokus nyata, dan orang-orang lokal mengomentari hilangnya perasaan masyarakat: 'Llandewi digunakan untuk menjadi tempat yang jauh lebih hidup daripada sekarang. Ada stasiun telur-penilaian di tengah vil-lage mempekerjakan hingga lima puluh orang di kali; peternakan lokal yang digunakan untuk memproduksi telur untuk mencatat ada; yang telah habis. . . tidak banyak terjadi di sana sekarang '. Kehidupan sosial desa telah jauh lebih bersemangat jika desa memiliki beberapa sentralitas ekonomi.
Sebagai komentar sebelumnya menyarankan, kekuatan institusi lokal bervariasi dari desa ke desa, dan ada beberapa rasa saing antara pemukiman. Meskipun tata letaknya agak tersebar, Llanbadarn Fynydd memiliki identitas yang sangat kuat, sebagian karena isolasi relatif. Lingkungan pengaruhnya tampaknya memperpanjang atas permukiman tetangga; lembah tampaknya menyalurkan aktivitas ke desa, yang umumnya dianggap sebagai yang dihuni oleh penduduk setempat sangat-berakar, yang perhatian cukup melihat ke dalam. Pub lokal adalah didukung dengan baik, dan balai desa digunakan secara teratur oleh Petani Muda, cabang lokal dari NFU, dan Institut Perempuan. Diskusi kita sendiri dengan anggota Institut Perempuan harus bersaing dengan dihadiri Old Tyme menari malam di aula. The Llanbadarn YFC umumnya dianggap sebagai organisasi paling menggairahkan di lembah, dan menikmati dukungan luas. Lembaga perempuan baik didukung di Llanbadarn dan Llanbister. Selain badan formal, berbagai kegiatan informal membawa orang-orang dari lembah bersama-sama. Banyak bermain dart, kolam renang, dan domino di pub, dan drive whist adalah acara populer yang menarik seluruh keluarga.
Ada rasa nyata paling solidaritas di Llandewi; meskipun pertemuan Institut Perempuan yang dihadiri, ada dukungan yang jelas sedikit untuk organisasi lainnya. Penjelasan yang ditawarkan oleh salah satu anggota dewan komunitas ditelusuri apatis hadir dengan keadaan sejarah desa:
Komunitas Llandewi sangat apatis ketika datang ke hal-hal seperti (misalnya dewan masyarakat). Masalahnya adalah bahwa hal itu selalu diperintah oleh satu litmily. Llandewi kehilangan sekolah pada tahun 1976. .. Orang di dewan tidak melibatkan diri. Orang yang sama cenderung untuk menjalankan semuanya. Tidak ada YFC, tidak ada klub remaja; pub berpindah tangan secara teratur; dewan masyarakat pada dasarnya adalah buang-buang waktu, cenderung menjadi orang sama tahun.
Kemampuan untuk membuat penilaian ini, apakah mereka akurat, menandakan rasa seseorang memiliki. Tanggapan untuk kedua pertanyaan survei dan wawancara diperpanjang menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam mengidentifikasi diri dengan tempat dalam lembah; Selanjutnya, mereka menaruh minat pada tempat-tempat lain di dekatnya, dan menggunakan apa yang mereka tahu atau percaya tentang mereka untuk membuat perbandingan mengenai kualitas hubungan sosial -mereka. Keanggotaan, dan keterlibatan dalam berbagai organisasi terkait tempat yang berbeda bersama-sama, dan menyatukan penduduk daerah tersebut, sedangkan sikap dan concems sebagian besar orang yang kita mempertanyakan ditandai dengan tema umum tertentu, yang paling mendesak yang sejauh yang distinctivcness lokal berada di bawah ancaman. Banyak tekanan yang dianggap bersekongkol untuk merusak identitas lokal, yang sudah agak rapuh; sebagai salah satu informan berkomentar:
orang Inggris cenderung menganggap daerah ini sebagai Welsh; Orang Welsh menganggapnya sebagai bahasa Inggris; itu ditangkap di tengah, tetapi memiliki arti sendiri identitas. Namun, tempat ini kehilangan keunikannya, penduduk sementara meningkat.
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