Direct mailDirect mail is material distributed through the postal syst terjemahan - Direct mailDirect mail is material distributed through the postal syst Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Direct mailDirect mail is material

Direct mail
Direct mail is material distributed through the postal system to the (potential)
customer at his or her home or business address to promote a product. It can
be a letter, a sample, or a catalogue. Most people on the mailing list have not
requested the mail, but normally they are selected on the basis of a number of
criteria. Direct mail is widely used, especially in business-to-business operations.
For instance, in 2001 in the UK, it is estimated to account for more than 12 per
cent of promotional expenses (Brassington and Pettitt, 2003). On average, in
Europe $86 per person is annually spent on direct mailing, ranging from more
than $152 in The Netherlands to $26 in Italy (Singh, 2001). The recipient is
made aware of the offer by opening the letter, he or she gets interested in the
offer and – if everything goes well – desires to want to learn more about the product or to buy it. The letter also indicates what action should be taken to
receive more information or to buy the product, in other words a good direct
mail contains a call for action, and efficiently guides people through all the stages
of the buying process in one letter. Direct mail has many advantages (Table 5.3).
If it is based on a high-quality database, it allows careful targeting of specific
customer segments. Mails can also be personalized, which give them a directness
and intimacy that most other communications media cannot achieve. It is also a flexible medium, because all kinds of things can be sent, from letters to samples and catalogues. The content of the mail can be very creative and involving.
Attention-grabbing devices like cards that have to be unfolded or small presents
or gimmicks can be included. Even the envelope itself can be inviting and teasing,
for instance by means of showing a glimpse of its content through a window in
the envelope. However, it is sometimes argued that the envelope should be as
unobtrusive as possible to create the impression that it is not advertising
but contains an important message. In general, direct mail is also capable of
holding the attention – albeit for a brief moment – much better than mass media
advertising. It can be used to stimulate inquiries, generate leads, direct people
to a website, or sell products. The effect of a direct mail campaign can easily
be measured.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Direct mailDirect mail adalah bahan didistribusikan melalui sistem pos (potensial)Pelanggan di nya alamat rumah atau bisnis untuk mempromosikan sebuah produk. Itu bisamenjadi sebuah surat, sampel atau Katalog. Kebanyakan orang di milis belummeminta surat, tetapi biasanya mereka dipilih berdasarkan sejumlahkriteria. Direct mail banyak digunakan, terutama dalam bisnis-ke-bisnis operasi.Sebagai contoh, pada tahun 2001 di Inggris, ini diperkirakan untuk memperhitungkan lebih dari 12 persen pengeluaran promosi (Brassington dan Pettitt, 2003). Rata-rata, dalamEurope $86 per orang per tahun dihabiskan mailing langsung, mulai dari lebihdari $152 di Belanda untuk $26 di Italia (Singh, 2001). Penerimadibuat sadar Penawaran dengan membuka surat itu, ia akan tertarikmenawarkan dan -jika semuanya berjalan baik-keinginan untuk ingin belajar lebih banyak tentang produk atau untuk membelinya. Surat tersebut juga mengindikasikan apa tindakan yang harus diambil untukmenerima informasi lebih lanjut atau untuk membeli produk, dengan kata lain baik langsungpesan berisi panggilan untuk tindakan, dan efisien membimbing orang melalui semua tahapproses pembelian dalam salah satu surat. Direct mail memiliki banyak keuntungan (Tabel 5.3).Jika itu didasarkan pada database berkualitas tinggi, hal ini memungkinkan berhati-hati penargetan spesifiksegmen nasabah. Mail dapat juga dipersonalisasi, yang memberikan mereka keterusterangandan bahwa sebagian besar media komunikasi lainnya tidak dapat mencapai keintiman. Hal ini juga sebuah media yang fleksibel, karena segala sesuatu dapat dikirim, dari surat-surat untuk sampel dan Katalog. Isi dari mail dapat menjadi sangat kreatif dan melibatkan.Perangkat perhatian seperti kartu yang harus dibentangkan atau kecil hadiahatau gimmicks dapat dimasukkan. Bahkan amplop itu sendiri dapat mengundang dan menggoda,misalnya dengan menampilkan sekilas isinya melalui jendela diamplop. Namun, hal ini kadang-kadang berpendapat bahwa amplop harus sebagaimengganggu seperti mungkin untuk membuat kesan bahwa itu bukan iklanTapi berisi pesan penting. Secara umum, direct mail juga mampumemegang perhatian – walaupun untuk sesaat-jauh lebih baik daripada media massaiklan. Dapat digunakan untuk merangsang pertanyaan, menghasilkan lead, mengarahkan oranguntuk sebuah situs web, atau menjual produk. Efek dari kampanye direct mail dapat dengan mudahdiukur.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Direct mail
Direct mail is material distributed through the postal system to the (potential)
customer at his or her home or business address to promote a product. It can
be a letter, a sample, or a catalogue. Most people on the mailing list have not
requested the mail, but normally they are selected on the basis of a number of
criteria. Direct mail is widely used, especially in business-to-business operations.
For instance, in 2001 in the UK, it is estimated to account for more than 12 per
cent of promotional expenses (Brassington and Pettitt, 2003). On average, in
Europe $86 per person is annually spent on direct mailing, ranging from more
than $152 in The Netherlands to $26 in Italy (Singh, 2001). The recipient is
made aware of the offer by opening the letter, he or she gets interested in the
offer and – if everything goes well – desires to want to learn more about the product or to buy it. The letter also indicates what action should be taken to
receive more information or to buy the product, in other words a good direct
mail contains a call for action, and efficiently guides people through all the stages
of the buying process in one letter. Direct mail has many advantages (Table 5.3).
If it is based on a high-quality database, it allows careful targeting of specific
customer segments. Mails can also be personalized, which give them a directness
and intimacy that most other communications media cannot achieve. It is also a flexible medium, because all kinds of things can be sent, from letters to samples and catalogues. The content of the mail can be very creative and involving.
Attention-grabbing devices like cards that have to be unfolded or small presents
or gimmicks can be included. Even the envelope itself can be inviting and teasing,
for instance by means of showing a glimpse of its content through a window in
the envelope. However, it is sometimes argued that the envelope should be as
unobtrusive as possible to create the impression that it is not advertising
but contains an important message. In general, direct mail is also capable of
holding the attention – albeit for a brief moment – much better than mass media
advertising. It can be used to stimulate inquiries, generate leads, direct people
to a website, or sell products. The effect of a direct mail campaign can easily
be measured.
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