In there, he just stepped into, saw a female, when the female is very  terjemahan - In there, he just stepped into, saw a female, when the female is very  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In there, he just stepped into, saw

In there, he just stepped into, saw a female, when the female is very beautiful, is looking, has smiled.
„I have said that when you return once more, you are the child of Heaven's Crown.”
The Meng Hao body shakes fiercely, in the mind as if has anything to imprison, collapsed when this moment, his fierce opening eyes, present dissipated absent-minded, that seed as in his hands, but he looks at this moment, actually saw this seed, is melting slowly, as if must drill into own within the body.
Pastes the chest is putting bronze mirror, at this moment erupts the unprecedented heat flow, when attacks the Meng Hao whole body, his within the body, presented a bronze lamp, this lamp as if continuously, but before Meng Hao, was hoodwinked, could not see, at this moment after appearing, disperses getting angry light, from time to time body of Meng Hao, faint was incompatible with this all around.
In this only, the confused dissipation in Meng Hao slowly, in his mind, at this moment has ka the sound reverberation, he has remembered Ke Yunhai, has remembered these deaths Fatty, has remembered here the male offspring of death, has remembered that same side.
But these, actually gradually fuzzy, but in his mind these about boundless starry sky, about Mountains and Seas Plane, if there are by one vigorously, has lifted the veil directly, completely intense is clear, near his ear, that the fuzzy sound, in this flickers throughout, thorough clear, was heard by him.
That is four characters, that sound, is his sound!
„I am Meng Hao.” Meng Hao muttered in a soft voice, was looking at Chen Fan, in the item no longer confused, but for the first time limpid.
„Chen Fan Senior Brother, I am not confused.” Meng Hao heaved a deep sigh, has stood up the body, has arrived at wife's side, sees his wife gently.
In Chen Fan the complex meaning appears again, as if the innermost feelings were sighing darkly, wife body of Meng Hao trembled, heard the Meng Hao words, shed tears to gain ground, grasped Meng Hao.
„Has been all right, has been all right” Meng Hao in a soft voice to open mouth, his wife tears are more, tight grasps Meng Hao, as if the worry lets go, he will depart.
Meng Hao also has blood thread, but whole person already completely tranquil, stares at the present wife.
Nobody knows that this moment Meng Hao, in the instance that other source opens eyes, this world was different.
The sky no longer is sunny, but is thick mist, all around mountain peak, is the shallot are no longer innumerable, but is bleak such as the orphaned grave, but Sect of this carved railing and jade inlay, is decayed cannot withstand at this moment.
As for his front wife, is the dry corpse that a whole body withers, but around this he looks, in entire Sect almost all people, were the corpse, the whole body have corrupted, but on this day within the so-called rich spirit energy, in fact was the aura that innumerable putrid stench and died cloudy.
His male offspring, the corpse of that 7 or 8-year-old young boy, that this is not a child, but is a dwarf, same is the dry corpse, and in the position of both eyes, some black gusanos drills.
On this day within all, except for Meng Hao, have a person, is normal, that is present Chen Fan, he seems to be different to this entire world.
Meng Hao looks at all these, has closed the eye once more.
His wife unfolded the face to smile, seemed normal regarding husband here restoration, is excited, when will say anything
The Meng Hao right hand lifts, touches in bosom gently wife's luxuriant, in the item gentle more, but if carefully looked that is one pities.
„Small Junior Brother, that Heaven's Crown type, you fuse as soon as possible, I” Chen Fan heart is more complex, the words just told only half that has not said that was broken by Meng Hao.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In there, he just stepped into, saw a female, when the female is very beautiful, is looking, has smiled.„I have said that when you return once more, you are the child of Heaven's Crown.”The Meng Hao body shakes fiercely, in the mind as if has anything to imprison, collapsed when this moment, his fierce opening eyes, present dissipated absent-minded, that seed as in his hands, but he looks at this moment, actually saw this seed, is melting slowly, as if must drill into own within the body.Pastes the chest is putting bronze mirror, at this moment erupts the unprecedented heat flow, when attacks the Meng Hao whole body, his within the body, presented a bronze lamp, this lamp as if continuously, but before Meng Hao, was hoodwinked, could not see, at this moment after appearing, disperses getting angry light, from time to time body of Meng Hao, faint was incompatible with this all around.In this only, the confused dissipation in Meng Hao slowly, in his mind, at this moment has ka the sound reverberation, he has remembered Ke Yunhai, has remembered these deaths Fatty, has remembered here the male offspring of death, has remembered that same side.But these, actually gradually fuzzy, but in his mind these about boundless starry sky, about Mountains and Seas Plane, if there are by one vigorously, has lifted the veil directly, completely intense is clear, near his ear, that the fuzzy sound, in this flickers throughout, thorough clear, was heard by him.Itu empat karakter, bahwa suara, suara-Nya!"Aku Meng Hao." Meng Hao bergumam dengan suara lembut, memandang Chen Fan, dalam item tidak lagi bingung, tapi untuk pertama kalinya jernih."Chen Fan Senior saudara, aku tidak bingung." Meng Hao menghela napas, telah berdiri tubuh, telah tiba di samping istri, melihat istrinya lembut.Chen kipas maksud kompleks muncul lagi, seolah-olah perasaan terdalam yang mendesah muram, tubuh istri Meng Hao gemetar, mendengar kata-kata Meng Hao, meneteskan air mata untuk mendapatkan tanah, dipertahankan Meng Hao."Telah Baiklah, telah Baiklah" Meng Hao dengan suara lembut untuk membuka mulut, matanya istri lebih, grasps ketat Meng Hao, seolah-olah khawatir Mari kita pergi, ia akan berangkat.Meng Hao juga memiliki kain darah, tetapi seluruh orang sudah benar-benar tenang, tatapan di istri hadir.Tidak ada yang tahu bahwa saat ini Meng Hao, dalam contoh bahwa sumber lain membuka mata, dunia ini adalah berbeda.Langit tidak lagi cerah, tetapi adalah kabut tebal, di puncak gunung, adalah bawang tidak lagi tak terhitung, tetapi adalah suram seperti kuburan yatim piatu, tetapi sekte ini diukir pagar dan jade tatahan, membusuk tidak dapat menahan saat ini.Adapun istrinya depan, adalah mayat kering yang layu seluruh tubuh, tapi di sekitar ini dia tampak, di seluruh sekte yang hampir semua orang, adalah mayat itu, seluruh tubuh telah rusak, tetapi pada hari ini dalam Roh kaya disebut energi, kenyataannya adalah aura bau busuk yang tak terhitung dan meninggal berawan.His male offspring, the corpse of that 7 or 8-year-old young boy, that this is not a child, but is a dwarf, same is the dry corpse, and in the position of both eyes, some black gusanos drills.On this day within all, except for Meng Hao, have a person, is normal, that is present Chen Fan, he seems to be different to this entire world.Meng Hao looks at all these, has closed the eye once more.His wife unfolded the face to smile, seemed normal regarding husband here restoration, is excited, when will say anythingThe Meng Hao right hand lifts, touches in bosom gently wife's luxuriant, in the item gentle more, but if carefully looked that is one pities.„Small Junior Brother, that Heaven's Crown type, you fuse as soon as possible, I” Chen Fan heart is more complex, the words just told only half that has not said that was broken by Meng Hao.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Di sana, dia hanya melangkah ke dalam, melihat seorang wanita, ketika perempuan yang sangat indah, yang tampak, telah tersenyum.
"Saya telah mengatakan bahwa ketika Anda kembali sekali lagi, Anda adalah anak dari Surga Crown."
The Meng Hao tubuh getar sengit, dalam pikiran seolah memiliki sesuatu untuk memenjarakan, runtuh ketika saat ini, mata membuka sengit, sekarang hilang linglung, benih yang seperti di tangannya, tapi dia tampak saat ini, benar-benar melihat benih ini, mencair perlahan , seakan harus mengebor ke sendiri di dalam tubuh.
pasta dada adalah meletakkan cermin perunggu, pada saat ini meletus aliran panas belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, ketika serangan Meng Hao seluruh tubuh, nya dalam tubuh, disajikan lampu perunggu, lampu ini seolah-olah terus, tapi sebelum Meng Hao, yang ditipu, tidak bisa melihat, pada saat ini setelah muncul, menyebar mulai terang marah, dari waktu ke waktu tubuh Meng Hao, samar tidak sesuai dengan ini di sekitar.
dalam hanya itu, disipasi bingung dalam Meng Hao perlahan, dalam pikirannya, saat ini telah ka gema suara, ia telah mengingat Ke Yunhai, telah mengingat kematian ini Fatty, telah diingat di sini keturunan laki-laki dari kematian, telah ingat bahwa sisi yang sama.
Tapi ini, sebenarnya secara bertahap kabur , tapi dalam pikirannya ini langit berbintang sekitar tak terbatas, sekitar Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, jika ada persatu penuh semangat, telah mengangkat tabir langsung, benar-benar intens jelas, dekat telinganya, bahwa suara fuzzy, dalam hal ini berkedip seluruh, menyeluruh jelas, terdengar olehnya.
Artinya empat karakter, suara, adalah sound-nya!
"saya Meng Hao." Meng Hao bergumam dengan suara lembut, menatap Chen Fan, pada item tidak lagi bingung, tapi untuk pertama kalinya jernih.
"Chen Fan Saudara Senior, saya tidak bingung." Meng Hao menghela napas dalam-dalam, telah berdiri tubuh, telah tiba di sisi istri, melihat istrinya dengan lembut.
dalam Chen Fan makna kompleks muncul lagi, seperti jika perasaan terdalam yang mendesah muram, istri tubuh Meng Hao gemetar, mendengar kata-kata Meng Hao, meneteskan air mata untuk mendapatkan tanah, menangkap Meng Hao.
"apakah benar semua, telah baik-baik" Meng Hao dengan suara lembut untuk membuka mulut, air mata istrinya lebih, ketat menangkap Meng Hao, seolah khawatir memungkinkan pergi, dia akan pergi.
Meng Hao juga memiliki benang darah, tetapi seluruh sudah benar-benar tenang, menatap istri ini.
tidak ada yang tahu bahwa saat ini Meng Hao, dalam contoh yang sumber lain membuka mata, dunia ini berbeda.
langit tidak lagi cerah, tapi kabut tebal, sekitar puncak gunung, adalah bawang merah yang tidak lagi tak terhitung banyaknya, tapi suram seperti kuburan yatim, tapi Sekte ini diukir pagar dan batu giok inlay, yang membusuk tidak dapat menahan saat ini.
Adapun istri depannya, adalah mayat kering bahwa withers seluruh tubuh, tapi sekitar ini ia terlihat, di seluruh sekte hampir semua orang, yang mayat , seluruh tubuh telah rusak, tetapi pada hari ini dalam apa yang disebut energi spirit yang kaya, sebenarnya adalah aura yang bau busuk tak terhitung dan meninggal berawan.
keturunan laki-laki-Nya, mayat yang anak muda 7 atau 8 tahun , bahwa ini bukan anak, tetapi kerdil, yang sama adalah mayat kering, dan di posisi kedua mata, beberapa latihan gusanos hitam.
pada hari ini di semua, kecuali Meng Hao, memiliki seseorang, adalah normal, yang hadir Chen Fan, ia tampaknya berbeda untuk seluruh dunia ini.
Meng Hao melihat semua ini, telah menutup mata sekali lagi.
istrinya membuka wajah tersenyum, tampak normal mengenai suami sini restorasi, bersemangat, kapan mengatakan apa-apa
yang Meng Hao kanan lift, menyentuh di dada lembut istri lebat, di item lembut lagi, tapi kalau hati-hati melihat yang satu sayang.
"Kecil SMP Bruder, bahwa Surga jenis Crown, Anda sekering sesegera mungkin, saya" Chen Fan jantung lebih kompleks, kata-kata hanya mengatakan hanya setengah yang belum mengatakan rusak oleh Meng Hao.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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