3. MethodologyThe fundamental methodology for this type of study is to terjemahan - 3. MethodologyThe fundamental methodology for this type of study is to Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

3. MethodologyThe fundamental metho

3. Methodology
The fundamental methodology for this type of study is to estimate the differential of ‘Before’ and ‘After’ changes in terms of specified variables (Black & Champion, 1976; Bolminck & Nelson, 1990). Bolminck and Nelson (1990) further suggested that the two groups (with and without programme) must be as far as possible facing similar economic conditions, apart from getting the treatment. Ideally, changes in income or other variables can best be obtained by comparing present income status or other variables with the base-line data from some time immediately prior to the programme commencement (Riddel, 1990).
In this study, the ‘Before-After’ comparison involved establishing the household situation before the involvement of Perda in their village and assessing changes after the involvement of Perda. They therefore represented a ‘with the programme’ group, which was subjected to the Perda’s intervention. On the other hand, a selected numbers of households and key-informants from other villages have been identified, as a ‘without the programme’ group. They were not subjected to Perda’s intervention and known as a control group. A combination of three methods has been used in collecting the primary data; observation, personal interview, and depth interview. The impact survey has been carried out using techniques such as personal interviews,
comprising a set of questionnaires.
3.1 Sampling Procedure
In this study the population elements are the households in the Perda region. A simple random sampling technique was used in the two traditional village; Kampong Kubang Menderong and Kampong Tasek. A total of 140 sample which represents 20% of the total number of households in the two study villages was chosen. To construct a ‘control group’, this study selects another village which has not received the Perda programme but was similar to the first in respect of other factors such as income levels, etc. These two areas; Kampong Air Melintas Besar and Kampong Junjung also represent the rural’s Malay traditional village in the Perda region.
3.2 The Needs for Evaluation Work
Failure to implement the policies and required actions contained in plans, programmes or projects is widely recognized to be one, if not the major, weaknesses of contemporary planning in Third World countries (Seers,1973). If a plan or project does not result in change necessary to achieve desired goals and objectives then it is, in effect, meaningless. Goals and objectives have to be translated into action and it is implementation which provides the crucial mechanism that permits this progression from plan to action and to change in those dimensions of the economic, social and physical environment that are the object of planning activity (Conyers,
Cheema (1985) states that evaluation is a comparison as well as a test of achievement. It is an attempt to judge what was happened as a result of the policy as compared with that would have happened otherwise if there had been no policy at all or if the policy had taken a different form. The purpose of evaluation, as quoted in Curtis & Watson (1983) is ‘to learn from experience, so that what is planned for the future is better than what went before’. Furthermore, they indicate that evaluation is a complex task and a great many decisions have to be taken about how it should be organized and the type of methodology which is used.
4. The Findings and Discussion
The study carried out on the PERDA region still shows some failures in the agricultural improvement efforts. The deficiency in management and the crops/land suitability factors and the lack of modern production techniques influence the capacity of the agricultural projects and the improvement of the quality and productivity of agriculture. A desire to consolidate small farms into plantations has also failed. The analysis showed the failures in the process of restructuring the scattered villages into a more consolidated settlement and in setting up
the rural growth centres. The effectiveness of the traditional village development approach can be seen through the small and medium scale industries development strategies and other off-farm based economic activities. These activities are capable of offering job opportunities, in a more productive sector. However, non-availability of heavy capital intensive high technology industries, to achieve a wider spatial development distribution, through the trickle-down effect, showed that this strategy is still limited. The key issues and problems in the
traditional villages are related to a high incidence of poverty and lack of basic amenities and infrastructure. These structural compositions are mostly confined to agriculture and traditional settlement areas with a minimum range of retail and service sectors. Therefore the traditional villages in PERDA region could play their role as dormitory settlements, in an integrated settlement system (Rondinelli, 1983) with improvement and rehabilitation programmes in agriculture and livestock, development where appropriate small-scale and cottage industrial sectors of housing and physical and social infrastructural improvements are introduced. In order to strengthen the dormitory functions of the other traditional villages, the efficiency of transportation system and linkages to major development centers should be accorded priority. The improvement of transport facilities and of communications generally in the PERDA region is therefore seen to be an important element in providing the impetus for socio-economic growth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
3. MethodologyThe fundamental methodology for this type of study is to estimate the differential of ‘Before’ and ‘After’ changes in terms of specified variables (Black & Champion, 1976; Bolminck & Nelson, 1990). Bolminck and Nelson (1990) further suggested that the two groups (with and without programme) must be as far as possible facing similar economic conditions, apart from getting the treatment. Ideally, changes in income or other variables can best be obtained by comparing present income status or other variables with the base-line data from some time immediately prior to the programme commencement (Riddel, 1990).In this study, the ‘Before-After’ comparison involved establishing the household situation before the involvement of Perda in their village and assessing changes after the involvement of Perda. They therefore represented a ‘with the programme’ group, which was subjected to the Perda’s intervention. On the other hand, a selected numbers of households and key-informants from other villages have been identified, as a ‘without the programme’ group. They were not subjected to Perda’s intervention and known as a control group. A combination of three methods has been used in collecting the primary data; observation, personal interview, and depth interview. The impact survey has been carried out using techniques such as personal interviews,comprising a set of questionnaires.3.1 Sampling ProcedureIn this study the population elements are the households in the Perda region. A simple random sampling technique was used in the two traditional village; Kampong Kubang Menderong and Kampong Tasek. A total of 140 sample which represents 20% of the total number of households in the two study villages was chosen. To construct a ‘control group’, this study selects another village which has not received the Perda programme but was similar to the first in respect of other factors such as income levels, etc. These two areas; Kampong Air Melintas Besar and Kampong Junjung also represent the rural’s Malay traditional village in the Perda region.3.2 The Needs for Evaluation WorkFailure to implement the policies and required actions contained in plans, programmes or projects is widely recognized to be one, if not the major, weaknesses of contemporary planning in Third World countries (Seers,1973). If a plan or project does not result in change necessary to achieve desired goals and objectives then it is, in effect, meaningless. Goals and objectives have to be translated into action and it is implementation which provides the crucial mechanism that permits this progression from plan to action and to change in those dimensions of the economic, social and physical environment that are the object of planning activity (Conyers,1993).Cheema (1985) menyatakan bahwa evaluasi adalah perbandingan serta tes prestasi. Ini adalah upaya untuk menilai apa yang terjadi sebagai hasil dari kebijakan dibandingkan dengan yang akan terjadi jika tidak jika ada kebijakan tidak ada sama sekali atau jika kebijakan telah mengambil bentuk yang berbeda. Tujuan dari evaluasi, seperti dikutip dalam Curtis & Watson (1983) adalah ' untuk belajar dari pengalaman, sehingga apa yang direncanakan untuk masa depan lebih baik daripada apa yang terjadi sebelumnya'. Selain itu, mereka menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi adalah tugas kompleks dan besar banyak keputusan yang harus diambil tentang bagaimana itu harus diatur dan jenis metodologi yang digunakan.4. temuan dan diskusiStudi yang dilakukan pada daerah PERDA masih menunjukkan beberapa kegagalan dalam upaya perbaikan pertanian. Kekurangan dalam manajemen dan faktor kesesuaian tanaman tanah dan kurangnya produksi modern teknik pengaruh kapasitas proyek pertanian dan peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas pertanian. Keinginan untuk mengkonsolidasikan pertanian kecil menjadi perkebunan juga telah gagal. Analisis menunjukkan kegagalan dalam proses restrukturisasi di desa-desa yang tersebar ke penyelesaian lebih konsolidasi dan pengaturanthe rural growth centres. The effectiveness of the traditional village development approach can be seen through the small and medium scale industries development strategies and other off-farm based economic activities. These activities are capable of offering job opportunities, in a more productive sector. However, non-availability of heavy capital intensive high technology industries, to achieve a wider spatial development distribution, through the trickle-down effect, showed that this strategy is still limited. The key issues and problems in thetraditional villages are related to a high incidence of poverty and lack of basic amenities and infrastructure. These structural compositions are mostly confined to agriculture and traditional settlement areas with a minimum range of retail and service sectors. Therefore the traditional villages in PERDA region could play their role as dormitory settlements, in an integrated settlement system (Rondinelli, 1983) with improvement and rehabilitation programmes in agriculture and livestock, development where appropriate small-scale and cottage industrial sectors of housing and physical and social infrastructural improvements are introduced. In order to strengthen the dormitory functions of the other traditional villages, the efficiency of transportation system and linkages to major development centers should be accorded priority. The improvement of transport facilities and of communications generally in the PERDA region is therefore seen to be an important element in providing the impetus for socio-economic growth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
3. Metodologi
Metodologi yang mendasar untuk jenis studi ini adalah untuk memperkirakan diferensial dari 'Sebelum' dan 'Setelah' perubahan dalam hal variabel tertentu (Black & Champion, 1976; Bolminck & Nelson, 1990). Bolminck dan Nelson (1990) lebih lanjut menyatakan bahwa kedua kelompok (dengan dan tanpa program yang) harus sejauh menghadapi kondisi ekonomi yang sama mungkin, selain mendapatkan perawatan. Idealnya, perubahan pendapatan atau lainnya variabel terbaik dapat diperoleh dengan membandingkan Status pendapatan hadir atau variabel lain dengan basis data online dari beberapa waktu segera sebelum dimulainya Program (Riddel, 1990).
Dalam penelitian ini, 'Sebelum-Setelah 'perbandingan terlibat membangun situasi rumah tangga sebelum keterlibatan Perda di desa mereka dan menilai perubahan setelah keterlibatan Perda. Oleh karena itu mereka mewakili 'dengan program' kelompok, yang menjadi sasaran intervensi Perda ini. Di sisi lain, sebuah nomor yang dipilih rumah tangga dan kunci-informan dari desa lain telah diidentifikasi, sebagai 'tanpa program' kelompok. Mereka tidak mengalami intervensi Perda dan dikenal sebagai kelompok kontrol. Sebuah kombinasi dari tiga metode telah digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data primer; observasi, wawancara pribadi, dan wawancara mendalam. Survei dampak telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik seperti wawancara pribadi,
terdiri dari satu set kuesioner.
3.1 Prosedur Sampling
Dalam penelitian ini elemen populasi adalah rumah tangga di wilayah Perda. Sebuah teknik simple random sampling digunakan dalam dua desa tradisional; Kampong Kubang Menderong dan Kampong Tasek. Sebanyak 140 sampel yang mewakili 20% dari total jumlah rumah tangga di dua desa penelitian dipilih. Untuk membangun sebuah 'kelompok kontrol', penelitian ini memilih desa lain yang belum menerima program Perda tapi mirip dengan yang pertama dalam hal faktor-faktor lain seperti tingkat pendapatan, dll Kedua daerah; Kampong Air Melintas Besar dan kampung Junjung juga mewakili desa pedesaan yang tradisional Melayu di kawasan Perda.
3.2 Kebutuhan untuk Evaluasi Kerja
Kegagalan untuk menerapkan kebijakan dan tindakan yang diperlukan terkandung dalam rencana, program atau proyek secara luas diakui menjadi salah satu, jika tidak utama, kelemahan perencanaan kontemporer di negara-negara Dunia Ketiga (Pelihat, 1973). Jika rencana atau proyek tidak mengakibatkan perubahan yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran yang diinginkan maka, pada dasarnya, berarti. Tujuan dan sasaran harus diterjemahkan ke dalam tindakan dan itu adalah implementasi yang menyediakan mekanisme penting yang memungkinkan perkembangan ini dari rencana untuk tindakan dan perubahan dalam dimensi-dimensi dari lingkungan ekonomi, sosial dan fisik yang menjadi objek kegiatan perencanaan (Conyers,
Cheema (1985) menyatakan bahwa evaluasi adalah perbandingan serta tes prestasi. Ini merupakan upaya untuk menilai apa yang terjadi sebagai akibat dari kebijakan dibandingkan dengan yang akan terjadi sebaliknya jika tak ada kebijakan sama sekali atau jika kebijakan telah mengambil bentuk yang berbeda. Tujuan dari evaluasi, seperti dikutip dalam Curtis & Watson (1983) adalah 'belajar dari pengalaman, sehingga apa yang direncanakan untuk masa depan lebih baik dari apa yang terjadi sebelumnya'. Selain itu, mereka menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi merupakan tugas yang kompleks dan banyak keputusan besar harus diambil tentang bagaimana harus diatur dan jenis metodologi yang digunakan.
4. Temuan dan Diskusi
Penelitian dilakukan pada wilayah PERDA masih menunjukkan beberapa kegagalan dalam upaya perbaikan pertanian. Kekurangan dalam manajemen dan tanaman / tanah faktor kesesuaian dan kurangnya teknik produksi modern mempengaruhi kapasitas proyek pertanian dan peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas pertanian. Keinginan untuk mengkonsolidasikan pertanian kecil menjadi perkebunan juga telah gagal. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kegagalan dalam proses restrukturisasi desa yang tersebar ke pemukiman yang lebih konsolidasi dan dalam mendirikan
pusat-pusat pertumbuhan di pedesaan. Efektivitas pendekatan pembangunan desa tradisional dapat dilihat melalui strategi pembangunan industri skala kecil dan menengah dan berdasarkan kegiatan ekonomi di luar pertanian lainnya. Kegiatan ini mampu menawarkan kesempatan kerja, di sektor yang lebih produktif. Namun, non-ketersediaan intensif industri teknologi tinggi modal berat, untuk mencapai pemerataan pembangunan spasial yang lebih luas, melalui efek trickle down, menunjukkan bahwa strategi ini masih terbatas. Isu-isu kunci dan masalah di
desa-desa tradisional terkait dengan insiden kemiskinan yang tinggi dan kurangnya fasilitas dasar dan infrastruktur. Komposisi struktural sebagian besar terbatas pada pertanian dan permukiman tradisional dengan berbagai minimum sektor ritel dan layanan. Oleh karena desa-desa tradisional di wilayah PERDA bisa memainkan peran mereka sebagai pemukiman asrama, dalam sistem penyelesaian terpadu (Rondinelli, 1983) dengan program peningkatan dan rehabilitasi di bidang pertanian dan peternakan, pengembangan di mana skala kecil yang sesuai dan pondok sektor industri perumahan dan fisik dan perbaikan infrastruktur sosial diperkenalkan. Dalam rangka memperkuat fungsi asrama desa tradisional lainnya, efisiensi sistem transportasi dan hubungan dengan pusat-pusat pengembangan utama harus diberikan prioritas. Perbaikan fasilitas transportasi dan komunikasi umumnya di wilayah PERDA karena itu dipandang menjadi elemen penting dalam memberikan dorongan bagi pertumbuhan sosial-ekonomi.
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