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Dari: DKSSaya harap Anda masih ingat untuk tidak makan terlalu banyak, aku membuat sesuatu.Bomi diadakan telepon nya dada, mana tergelitik dan sakit pada waktu yang sama. Tentu saja dia teringat, tapi diabertanya-tanya apakah masih sama-Kyungsoo akan paket camilan dan kadang-kadang bahkan makan siang untuk keduanya dan semua Bomidiperlukan untuk mempersiapkan adalah kamera. Bomi tidak yakin sampai dimaksud titik Kyungsoo 'Just seperti apa yang kita digunakan untuk melakukan'.Dia telah lama sejak bangun, meluangkan waktu di bawah shower, bilas rambut secara menyeluruh dan bahkan dicuci dua kali,hati-hati penyemprotan salah satu nya Köln murah – yang dia menggunakan 3 tahun yang lalu, salah satu Kyungsoo yang dikenang sebagai her1432031862202.08 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/Story/View/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 5/27aroma.Tadi malam sebelum pergi tidur Bomi sudah mengaduk-aduk lemari nya, mencoba untuk menemukan sesuatu untuk dikenakan untuk kencan-Adalah ini dihitung sebagai tanggal, ia bertanya-tanya- dan setelah jam dan setiap permukaan lantai dan tempat tidur ditutupi dengan pakaian,Bomi berpikir, ini adalah Kyungsoo. Saya tidak perlu terkesan padanya lagi. Namun, ia memilih sesuatu yang cocok Kyungsoo dirasa.Dia dilakukan dengan persiapan nya, jadi dia pergi menuruni tangga ke ruang makan, mana Sunggyu makan nyaSarapan, ibunya menyibukkan di dapur, dan ayahnya membaca koran di ruang tamu. Sunggyu di matafixated on the TV before Bomi came over and sat beside him.“Where are you going?” he asked, mouth still filled with food.“Sunggyuyah,” their mother calmly called her son, reminded him not to talk with mouth full.“Just, somewhere,” Bomi reached out her hand to take her side dishes. “With my friends… Yesterday wasn’t enough.”Sunggyu narrowed his eyes and stared at his sister, as if he could read her mind by doing so. Bomi looked back at him,humming, “Hm?” with innocent expression, chewing on her breakfast slowly. But then Sunggyu shrugged and continuedhis breakfast. “When will you come back? We haven’t really done anything together, you know.”“Umm… I’ll come back before dinner?” Bomi mumbled, unsure. “Don’t worry, Oppa, summer break just started! You’ll1432031862244.617 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 6/27“Umm… I’ll come back before dinner?” Bomi mumbled, unsure. “Don’t worry, Oppa, summer break just started! You’llsick of me soon enough.”“Do you need a lift? Compensation for yesterday,” Sunggyu wiped his mouth, done with his breakfast. “By the way, thatpunk didn’t try to do anything to you, right? You didn’t tell me anything yesterday.”Bomi sighed and shook her head in disbelief. “That punk has a name, Oppa, and it’s Do Kyungsoo, and no, he didn’t doanything.” She checked her phone; Kyungsoo said he’s already departed from his house earlier. Three minutes more.“Oppa, stop being mean to Kyungsoo.”Sunggyu scoffed.“Actually,” Bomi wiped her mouth too, after only three spoon of rice, “Stop being so protective, I’m already 20, you’ve gotto accept it sooner or later.” Bomi came to her mom, kissed her on the cheek while saying, “Thank you for the food,Mom, I’ll wash the dishes for dinner, but this morning it’s Sunggyu Oppa’s turn.”“Since when it’s my turn?!” Sunggyu yelled. “Yah, Bomi!” but his sister ignored him, already went to their father to kisshim goodbye. “… It’s weird, why did you eat so little? Are you on diet? And where are you going?” he managed to yellbefore his sister out of the door.Kyungsoo was already waiting in front of Bomi’s house, holding his bike on his side. Bomi ran to him, “Hurry hurry hurrybefore Sunggyu Oppa came out!” she cried out in a whisper, taking big steps to Kyungsoo.1432031862278.356 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 7/27Kyungsoo grinned at her words, and she’s right, just when Bomi climbed to the back rack and Kyungsoo asked, “Ready?”,Bomi’s front door wide open and Sunggyu emerged. He caught a glimpse of Kyungsoo and Bomi.“Hurry, Oppa!” Bomi hit Kyungsoo’s back, and he’s immediately pedaling.“… YA! DO KYUNGSOO, YOON BOMI!” they could hear Sunggyu’s scream behind them, but Kyungsoo’s fast, and soonthey could no longer see Sunggyu’s figure.Bomi laughed cheerfully, her arm already wrapped around Kyungsoo’s waist automatically; the body remembered.“I am so dead,” Kyungsoo murmured, but there’s a smile in the corner of his mouth, and his expression didn’t look so badeither.“Oppa, it’s the same bike? Your uncle keeps it?” Bomi asked, noticing the bike they rode. “Woaa… it sure brings backmemories,” she added after Kyungsoo nodded his head. Bomi realized that her heart was beating normally now eventhough she hugged Kyungsoo, there’s no excessive throbbing like yesterday when Kyungsoo helped her with the safetybelt. Maybe because the road they took was familiar. Maybe because the ride with the bike was familiar. Maybe becauseKyungsoo’s back was familiar. Maybe because everything was familiar, everything was right where they belong.Kyungsoo, too, was more than aware of Bomi’s arm in his waist. The truth was he already thought about it last night.And the truth was he liked it; the hug, and Bomi’s scent that filled his lungs. It felt comfortable. It felt like coming home.1432031862316.911 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 8/27And the truth was he liked it; the hug, and Bomi’s scent that filled his lungs. It felt comfortable. It felt like coming home.It just simply felt right.And he thought, Just one more day. Just for this day.While pedaling, Kyungsoo’s eyes wandered around. After he and his family moved to the city, he only went back a coupletimes when there’s reunion, and he didn’t spend many days in the town. “Bbom… a lot of things have changed, aren’tthey?” he said softly to Bomi.“Hmm, I guess so? I only away for a couple months so I don’t notice it, but it must be different for you, Oppa. Ah, youknow, the food stall where we used to hang out after school? It’s no longer there… And the store where we bought icecream after watching Minseok Oppa’s soccer game, it’s been replaced with a new one…,” Bomi tried to remember whatelse had changed after Kyungsoo moved. “… but the park’s still there.”“You’re still hungry, right? Should we eat there?” Kyungsoo tilted his head a little to the back, looking to Bomi over hisshoulder.“Um!”“Alright!”Kyungsoo pedaled diligently, humming all the way, before Bomi realized what song it was and singing along. It was1432031862351.404 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanficshttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/477537/11/closercloserapinkbomiminahchanmichanyeolexopinkkyungmi 9/27
Kyungsoo pedaled diligently, humming all the way, before Bomi realized what song it was and singing along. It was
DBSK’s Hug.
Bomi and Kyungsoo went way back, before junior high, before Seyeon and Jongdae. In fact, the first time they met was
through Sunggyu and Minseok. All of them went to the same primary school, where Sunggyu and Minseok knew each
other because they were in the soccer club together. They had a good hyungdongsaeng relationship, and they started to
go home together and played soccer in the park, along with their dongsaengs. And that’s how Bomi and Kyungsoo got
Eventually Sunggyu stopped playing soccer, then he and Minseok went to different junior high school, but because Bomi
and Kyungsoo were in the same class during junior high school they were even closer, and they still came to that park.
Kyungsoo also made his confession in that park.
When they reached the park, there weren’t many people, maybe because it’s still quite early in the morning. Bomi
jumped from the bike and dashed to the swings before they were occupied by another person.
Kyungsoo smiled when he saw that, shaking his head at Bomi’s love to the swings. He took a container from his bike’s
basket, and approached Bomi, sat himself in the swings next to Bomi. Kyungsoo opened the container and handed it to
“Woooo… Oppa, your skill definitely getting better,” Bomi commented, eyeing the sandwiches in the container. “Is this”1432031862408.483 Coming Home apink bomi minah chanmi chanyeol exopink kyungmi Asianfanfics
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“Not spicy, no tomatoes, I put a lot of cheese,” Kyungsoo replied before Bomi could finish her question. The girl beamed at
him. “Seriously, Bbom, you should learn to eat tomatoes.”
“Nope, tomatoes are yuck. I can live without them,” Bomi carefully took one piece of the sandwich. Kyungsoo stared at
her nervously, waiting for her comment. Bomi’s eyes widened after her first bite. “… Oppa,” he looked at Kyungsoo, “…
you… Waaah. What is this? Are you attending culinary school? How come it tastes so good? Daebak!”
Kyungsoo let out a relief sigh and chuckled to cover the blush that creeping into his cheeks. He also took one piece of
sandwich and ate it.
“Do you always cook for your friends? And the members?” Bomi asked curiously, taking another sandwich that Kyungsoo
passed to her.
“Members, yes. Friends, no.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Well, I haven’t known a lot of people at college, and you know… I only cook for people that I care about. E
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