It was early morning. The sky had barely begun to brighten when the ma terjemahan - It was early morning. The sky had barely begun to brighten when the ma Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It was early morning. The sky had b

It was early morning. The sky had barely begun to brighten when the master of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Yunhai, was woken from his deep sleep by the sound of urgent knocking on his door. “Clan master! Clan master, are you awake?”

Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes, took a glance at the light outside and then asked, with a frown: “This early in the morning, what happened?”

“It’s… it’s the Xiao… Xiao Sect! A letter from the Xiao Sect!” From outside the door came this excited, trembling voice.

“What? The Xiao Sect?!”

This master of the Xiao Clan, one of the most powerful people in Floating Cloud City, sprung up from his bed as if stabbed by a dagger on the butt. He haphazardly threw on his clothes and, not even bothering to straighten his hair, threw open the door hastily, grabbing the Xiao Clan disciple that was outside. He bellowed with wide eyes: “You said the Xiao Sect? The Xiao Sect?!”

“Yes! It’s definitely the Xiao Sect!” That Xiao Clan disciple swallowed with great difficulty, nodded with all his strength, and then presented the letter in his hand to Xiao Yunhai. “This letter has the eagle seal of the Xiao Sect! In this Blue Wind Empire, no one would dare to forge the Xiao Sect’s insignia.”

As soon as he saw the sky hawk seal on the letter, Xiao Yunhai’s entire body shook. He fiercely grabbed the letter, then, with violently shaking hands, quickly but carefully tore it open to reveal the paper within.

Although the Xiao Sect’s name had only one word of difference if compared to his Xiao Clan, that one word was like the difference between the clouds and mud! The Xiao Clan barely counted as the leading presence in Floating Cloud City, but on the Profound Sky Continent as a whole, it was simply a nameless existence. However the Xiao Sect is one of the four strongest sects in the Blue Wind Empire! They have the same level of prestige as the Heavenly Sword Villa, Frozen Cloud Asgard, and the Burning Heaven Clan. They were an existence that the Xiao Clan could not even hope to look up to.

To put it bluntly, a useless servant in the Xiao Sect would not even find it necessary to respect the Xiao Clan’s master.

However, there was a connection between the Xiao Clan and the Xiao Sect. That is because the person that founded Floating Cloud City’s Xiao Clan one hundred and sixty years ago, Xiao Bieli, was at the time a person from the Xiao Sect… To be more precise, he was an abandoned disciple, and, as rumor had it, the son of one of the elders at the time. However, Xiao Bieli was the result of that elder raping one of the Xiao Sect’s serving girls while drunk. Since childhood, his appearance was ordinary and his talent was lacking. Furthermore he attracted a large amount of gossip, causing that elder a great amount of displeasure. Upon reaching adulthood, his profound strength was the lowest among all of his peers. To let him remain at the Xiao Sect would only cause that elder more humiliation so he found an opportunity to send him to that piece of shit place, the rural Floating Cloud City and helped him establish the Xiao Clan. From then on he paid no more attention to Xiao Bieli and cut off all contact between them and the Xiao Sect.

But Xiao Bieli nevertheless was born in the proud Xiao Sect. He spent his entire life painstakingly cultivating his profound strength, hoping to gain recognition, and thus one day earn their approval and one day return to Xiao Sect. After he died, this desire was passed down through the Xiao Clan from one generation to the next, and became ultimate goal of every generation of the Xiao Clan. Especially among each generation’s clan master, all without exception hoped that they could rely on the tiny bit of Xiao Sect blood in them to establish a relationship, no matter how fragile, with the Xiao Sect. But after all these years, the Xiao Clan never produced a person that could fulfill this wish. Talk of the Xiao Sect to them was like that of the Celestial Palace, something that they couldn’t even hope to reach.

However, today, the Xiao Sect had taken the initiative to send a letter! This couldn’t fail to send Xiao Yunhai into joyful hysteria, the excitement making him feel as if he was in a dream.

After reading the letter’s contents word by word, Xiao Yunhai’s face was completely red, his breathing erratic. He pointed a trembling finger outside, hoarsely saying: “Quickly… quickly inform the elders to immediately gather at the main hall! Tell them we need to discuss big news concerning the future of our Xiao Clan… Go quick!”

“Ah… Yes!” The Xiao Clan disciple immediately answered and ran off in a panic.


Xiao Che carefully opened the door, crimson blanket in hand, only to find that Xia Qingyue was already sitting beside the bed, awake and dressed. Her beautiful eyes that were as calm as water, watched him without even a tiny ripple.

Xiao Che immediately tossed the blanket on the table. With a face not red and a heart not racing, he calmly asked: “Wife, you’re up so earl
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It was early morning. The sky had barely begun to brighten when the master of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Yunhai, was woken from his deep sleep by the sound of urgent knocking on his door. “Clan master! Clan master, are you awake?”Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes, took a glance at the light outside and then asked, with a frown: “This early in the morning, what happened?”“It’s… it’s the Xiao… Xiao Sect! A letter from the Xiao Sect!” From outside the door came this excited, trembling voice.“What? The Xiao Sect?!”This master of the Xiao Clan, one of the most powerful people in Floating Cloud City, sprung up from his bed as if stabbed by a dagger on the butt. He haphazardly threw on his clothes and, not even bothering to straighten his hair, threw open the door hastily, grabbing the Xiao Clan disciple that was outside. He bellowed with wide eyes: “You said the Xiao Sect? The Xiao Sect?!”“Yes! It’s definitely the Xiao Sect!” That Xiao Clan disciple swallowed with great difficulty, nodded with all his strength, and then presented the letter in his hand to Xiao Yunhai. “This letter has the eagle seal of the Xiao Sect! In this Blue Wind Empire, no one would dare to forge the Xiao Sect’s insignia.”As soon as he saw the sky hawk seal on the letter, Xiao Yunhai’s entire body shook. He fiercely grabbed the letter, then, with violently shaking hands, quickly but carefully tore it open to reveal the paper within.
Although the Xiao Sect’s name had only one word of difference if compared to his Xiao Clan, that one word was like the difference between the clouds and mud! The Xiao Clan barely counted as the leading presence in Floating Cloud City, but on the Profound Sky Continent as a whole, it was simply a nameless existence. However the Xiao Sect is one of the four strongest sects in the Blue Wind Empire! They have the same level of prestige as the Heavenly Sword Villa, Frozen Cloud Asgard, and the Burning Heaven Clan. They were an existence that the Xiao Clan could not even hope to look up to.

To put it bluntly, a useless servant in the Xiao Sect would not even find it necessary to respect the Xiao Clan’s master.

However, there was a connection between the Xiao Clan and the Xiao Sect. That is because the person that founded Floating Cloud City’s Xiao Clan one hundred and sixty years ago, Xiao Bieli, was at the time a person from the Xiao Sect… To be more precise, he was an abandoned disciple, and, as rumor had it, the son of one of the elders at the time. However, Xiao Bieli was the result of that elder raping one of the Xiao Sect’s serving girls while drunk. Since childhood, his appearance was ordinary and his talent was lacking. Furthermore he attracted a large amount of gossip, causing that elder a great amount of displeasure. Upon reaching adulthood, his profound strength was the lowest among all of his peers. To let him remain at the Xiao Sect would only cause that elder more humiliation so he found an opportunity to send him to that piece of shit place, the rural Floating Cloud City and helped him establish the Xiao Clan. From then on he paid no more attention to Xiao Bieli and cut off all contact between them and the Xiao Sect.

But Xiao Bieli nevertheless was born in the proud Xiao Sect. He spent his entire life painstakingly cultivating his profound strength, hoping to gain recognition, and thus one day earn their approval and one day return to Xiao Sect. After he died, this desire was passed down through the Xiao Clan from one generation to the next, and became ultimate goal of every generation of the Xiao Clan. Especially among each generation’s clan master, all without exception hoped that they could rely on the tiny bit of Xiao Sect blood in them to establish a relationship, no matter how fragile, with the Xiao Sect. But after all these years, the Xiao Clan never produced a person that could fulfill this wish. Talk of the Xiao Sect to them was like that of the Celestial Palace, something that they couldn’t even hope to reach.

However, today, the Xiao Sect had taken the initiative to send a letter! This couldn’t fail to send Xiao Yunhai into joyful hysteria, the excitement making him feel as if he was in a dream.

After reading the letter’s contents word by word, Xiao Yunhai’s face was completely red, his breathing erratic. He pointed a trembling finger outside, hoarsely saying: “Quickly… quickly inform the elders to immediately gather at the main hall! Tell them we need to discuss big news concerning the future of our Xiao Clan… Go quick!”

“Ah… Yes!” The Xiao Clan disciple immediately answered and ran off in a panic.


Xiao Che carefully opened the door, crimson blanket in hand, only to find that Xia Qingyue was already sitting beside the bed, awake and dressed. Her beautiful eyes that were as calm as water, watched him without even a tiny ripple.

Xiao Che immediately tossed the blanket on the table. With a face not red and a heart not racing, he calmly asked: “Wife, you’re up so earl
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Itu pagi. Langit baru saja mulai mencerahkan ketika master dari Xiao Clan, Xiao Yunhai, terbangun dari tidurnya dalam oleh suara mendesak mengetuk pintu. "Master Clan! Clan Master, yang Anda terjaga "? Xiao Yunhai membuka matanya, mengambil sekilas di lampu luar dan kemudian bertanya, dengan kening berkerut:" Ini pagi, apa yang terjadi? "" Ini ... itu adalah Xiao ... Xiao Sekte! Sebuah surat dari Xiao Sekte! "Dari luar pintu datang bersemangat, gemetar suara ini." Apa? Xiao Sekte ?! "Ini master dari Xiao Clan, salah satu orang paling kuat di Terapung Cloud City, bermunculan dari tempat tidurnya seakan ditusuk oleh belati di pantat. Dia sembarangan melemparkan pakaiannya dan, bahkan tidak repot-repot untuk meluruskan rambutnya, melemparkan membuka pintu buru-buru, meraih murid Xiao Clan yang luar. Dia berteriak dengan mata lebar: "Anda mengatakan Xiao Sekte? Xiao Sekte ?! "" Ya! Itu pasti Xiao Sekte! "Itu Xiao Clan murid menelan dengan susah payah, mengangguk dengan semua kekuatannya, dan kemudian disajikan surat di tangannya ke Xiao Yunhai. "Surat ini memiliki meterai elang dari Xiao Sekte! Di Blue ini Angin Empire, tidak ada yang berani untuk menempa lencana Xiao Sekte ini. "Begitu ia melihat langit elang segel surat tersebut, seluruh tubuh Xiao Yunhai bergetar. Dia keras meraih surat itu, kemudian, dengan tangan keras gemetar, cepat tapi hati-hati membukanya untuk mengungkapkan kertas dalam. Meskipun nama Xiao Sekte ini memiliki hanya satu kata perbedaan jika dibandingkan dengan nya Xiao Clan, bahwa satu kata itu seperti perbedaan antara awan dan lumpur! Xiao Clan nyaris dihitung sebagai kehadiran terkemuka di Terapung Cloud City, tapi pada Mendalam Sky Benua secara keseluruhan, itu hanya keberadaan tanpa nama. Namun Xiao Sekte adalah salah satu dari empat sekte terkuat di Blue Wind Kekaisaran! Mereka memiliki tingkat yang sama prestise sebagai Heavenly Sword Villa, Frozen Cloud Asgard, dan Burning Surga Clan. Mereka eksistensi bahwa Xiao Clan bahkan tidak bisa berharap untuk melihat sampai. Terus terang, seorang hamba yang tidak berguna di Xiao Sekte bahkan tidak akan merasa perlu untuk menghormati master Xiao Clan. Namun, ada hubungan antara xiao Clan dan xiao Sect. Itu karena orang yang mendirikan Terapung Cloud City Xiao Clan seratus enam puluh tahun yang lalu, Xiao Bieli, adalah pada saat seseorang dari Xiao Sekte ... Untuk lebih tepat, ia adalah seorang murid ditinggalkan, dan, seperti rumor telah itu , putra salah satu orang tua pada saat itu. Namun, Xiao Bieli adalah hasil dari yang tua memperkosa salah satu gadis yang melayani Xiao Sekte sementara mabuk. Sejak kecil, penampilannya biasa dan bakatnya kurang. Lebih lanjut ia menarik sejumlah besar gosip, menyebabkan bahwa penatua jumlah besar ketidaksenangan. Setelah mencapai usia dewasa, kekuatan yang mendalam adalah yang terendah di antara semua teman-temannya. Untuk membiarkan dia tetap di Xiao Sekte hanya akan menyebabkan sesepuh yang lebih penghinaan sehingga ia menemukan kesempatan untuk mengirim dia ke potongan tempat kotoran, pedesaan terapung Cloud Kota dan membantunya mendirikan Xiao Clan. Sejak saat itu ia dibayar tidak lebih memperhatikan Xiao Bieli dan memotong semua kontak antara mereka dan Xiao Sect. Tapi Xiao Bieli tetap lahir di bangga Xiao Sect. Dia menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya susah payah menanam kekuatan yang mendalam, berharap untuk mendapatkan pengakuan, dan dengan demikian satu hari mendapatkan persetujuan mereka dan satu hari kembali ke Xiao Sect. Setelah dia meninggal, keinginan ini diturunkan melalui Xiao Clan dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya, dan menjadi tujuan akhir dari setiap generasi dari Xiao Clan. Terutama di kalangan klan utama setiap generasi, semuanya tanpa kecuali berharap bahwa mereka bisa mengandalkan sedikit kecil Xiao Sekte darah di dalamnya untuk membangun hubungan, tidak peduli seberapa rapuh, dengan Xiao Sect. Tapi setelah bertahun-tahun, Xiao Clan pernah menghasilkan orang yang bisa memenuhi keinginan ini. Bicara dari Xiao Sekte kepada mereka seperti itu dari Celestial Palace, sesuatu yang mereka bahkan tidak bisa berharap untuk mencapai. Namun, saat ini, Xiao Sekte telah mengambil inisiatif untuk mengirim surat! Ini tidak bisa gagal untuk mengirim Xiao Yunhai ke histeria menyenangkan, kegembiraan membuatnya merasa seolah-olah dia dalam mimpi. Setelah membaca surat itu isinya kata demi kata, wajah Xiao Yunhai itu benar-benar merah, napasnya tidak menentu. Dia menunjuk jari gemetar luar, suara serak mengatakan: "Cepat ... cepat menginformasikan para tetua untuk segera berkumpul di ruang utama! Memberitahu mereka kita perlu mendiskusikan berita besar tentang masa depan Xiao Clan kami ... Pergi cepat! "" Ah ... Ya! "The Xiao Clan murid segera menjawab dan lari panik. ................................. ..................... Xiao Che hati-hati membuka pintu, selimut merah di tangan, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa Xia Qingyue sudah duduk di samping tempat tidur, terjaga dan berpakaian. Mata yang indah yang setenang air, mengawasinya tanpa riak kecil. Xiao Che segera melemparkan selimut di atas meja. Dengan wajah tidak merah dan hati tidak balap, ia dengan tenang bertanya: "Istri, kau begitu earl

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