Gertrude Belle Elion (January 23, 1918 –February 21, 1999) [1] was an  terjemahan - Gertrude Belle Elion (January 23, 1918 –February 21, 1999) [1] was an  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Gertrude Belle Elion (January 23, 1

Gertrude Belle Elion (January 23, 1918 –
February 21, 1999) [1] was an American
biochemist and pharmacologist , and a 1988
recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine. Working alone as well as with
George H. Hitchings , Elion developed a
multitude of new drugs, using innovative
research methods that would later lead to the
development of the AIDS drug AZT .[2]
Elion was born in New York City , to immigrant
parents Bertha (Cohen) and Robert Elion, a
dentist. When she was 15, her grandfather
died of cancer, instilling in her a desire to do
all she could to try and cure the disease.[3]
She graduated from Hunter College in 1937
with a degree in Chemistry [4] and New York
University (M.Sc.) in 1941. Unable to obtain a
graduate research position, she worked as a
lab assistant and a high school teacher. Later,
she left to work as an assistant to George H.
Hitchings at the Burroughs-Wellcome
pharmaceutical company (now
GlaxoSmithKline). After several years of long
range commuting, she was informed that she
would no longer be able to continue her
doctorate on a part-time basis, but would
need to give up her job and go to school full-
time. Elion made what was then a critical
decision in her life, to stay with her job and
give up the pursuit of a doctorate. [4] She
never obtained a formal Ph.D. , but was later
awarded an honorary Ph.D from Polytechnic
University of New York in 1989 and honorary
SD degree from Harvard university in 1998.
She attended Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute
(now known as Polytechnic University of New
York) but did not graduate. Gertrude Elion
died in North Carolina in 1999, aged 81. She
had moved to the Research Triangle in 1970,
and for a time served as a research professor
at Duke University . She had also worked for
the National Cancer Institute , American
Association for Cancer Research and World
Health Organization , among other
organizations. From 1967 to 1983, she was the
Head of the Department of Experimental
Therapy for Burroughs Wellcome . Elion never
married, had no children, and listed her
hobby as 'listening to music'. [5]
Rather than relying on trial-and-error, Elion
and Hitchings used the differences in
biochemistry between normal human cells
and pathogens (disease-causing agents) to
design drugs that could kill or inhibit the
reproduction of particular pathogens without
harming the host cells. Most of Elion's early
work came from the use and development of
purines. Elion's inventions include:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Gertrude Elion Belle (23 Januari 1918 –21 Februari 1999) [1] adalah seorang Amerikaahli biokimia dan farmakolog, dan 1988Penerima Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisiologi atauObat. Bekerja sendiri serta denganGeorge H. Hitchings, Elion dikembangkanbanyak obat-obatan baru, menggunakan inovatifpenelitian metode yang nanti akan mengakibatkanpengembangan AZT obat AIDS.[2]BiografiElion dilahirkan di New York City, untuk imigranorangtua Bertha (Cohen) dan Robert Elion,dokter gigi. Ketika ia masih 15, kakeknyameninggal karena kanker, menanamkan dia keinginan untuk melakukanSemua yang ia bisa untuk mencoba dan menyembuhkan penyakit.[3]Ia lulus dari Hunter College pada tahun 1937dengan gelar di New York dan kimia [4]Universitas ( pada tahun 1941. Tidak dapat memperolehlulus penelitian posisi, ia bekerja sebagaiasisten laboratorium dan seorang guru SMA. Kemudian,Dia meninggalkan untuk bekerja sebagai asisten untuk George H.Hitchings di Burroughs-Wellcomeperusahaan farmasi (sekarangGlaxoSmithKline). Setelah beberapa tahun lamaRentang komuter, dia diberitahu bahwa diaakan tidak lagi dapat terus diaDoktor pada paruh, tapi akanperlu menyerah pekerjaannya dan pergi ke sekolah penuh-waktu. Elion dibuat apa itu pentingkeputusan dalam hidupnya, untuk tinggal dengan pekerjaannya danmenyerah mengejar gelar doktor. [4] Diatidak pernah memperoleh formal Ph.D., tetapi kemudiannyapenghargaan kehormatan Ph.D dari PoliteknikUniversity of New York di tahun 1989 dan kehormatanSD gelar dari Harvard university pada tahun 1998.Dia bersekolah di Institut Politeknik Brooklyn(sekarang dikenal sebagai Polytechnic University of NewYork) tapi tidak lulus. Gertrude Elionmeninggal di North Carolina pada 1999, berusia 81. Diapindah ke Research Triangle pada tahun 1970,dan untuk waktu yang menjabat sebagai seorang profesor risetdi Duke University. Dia juga telah bekerja untukNational Cancer Institute, AmerikaAsosiasi untuk penelitian kanker dan duniaOrganisasi Kesehatan, antara lainorganisasi. Dari tahun 1967 sampai tahun 1983, ia adalahKepala Departemen eksperimentalTerapi untuk Burroughs Wellcome. Elion pernahmenikah, tidak mempunyai anak, dan tercantum diaHobi sebagai 'mendengarkan musik'. [5]PekerjaanDaripada mengandalkan trial-error dan-, Eliondan Hitchings digunakan perbedaanbiokimia antara sel-sel manusia yang normaldan patogen (penyebab penyakit agents) untukDesain obat yang bisa membunuh atau menghambatreproduksi patogen tertentu tanpamerugikan sel-sel inang. Sebagian besar Elion awalpekerjaan berasal dari penggunaan dan pengembanganPurina. Penemuan Elion yang meliputi:
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Gertrude Belle Elion (January 23, 1918 –
February 21, 1999) [1] was an American
biochemist and pharmacologist , and a 1988
recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine. Working alone as well as with
George H. Hitchings , Elion developed a
multitude of new drugs, using innovative
research methods that would later lead to the
development of the AIDS drug AZT .[2]
Elion was born in New York City , to immigrant
parents Bertha (Cohen) and Robert Elion, a
dentist. When she was 15, her grandfather
died of cancer, instilling in her a desire to do
all she could to try and cure the disease.[3]
She graduated from Hunter College in 1937
with a degree in Chemistry [4] and New York
University (M.Sc.) in 1941. Unable to obtain a
graduate research position, she worked as a
lab assistant and a high school teacher. Later,
she left to work as an assistant to George H.
Hitchings at the Burroughs-Wellcome
pharmaceutical company (now
GlaxoSmithKline). After several years of long
range commuting, she was informed that she
would no longer be able to continue her
doctorate on a part-time basis, but would
need to give up her job and go to school full-
time. Elion made what was then a critical
decision in her life, to stay with her job and
give up the pursuit of a doctorate. [4] She
never obtained a formal Ph.D. , but was later
awarded an honorary Ph.D from Polytechnic
University of New York in 1989 and honorary
SD degree from Harvard university in 1998.
She attended Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute
(now known as Polytechnic University of New
York) but did not graduate. Gertrude Elion
died in North Carolina in 1999, aged 81. She
had moved to the Research Triangle in 1970,
and for a time served as a research professor
at Duke University . She had also worked for
the National Cancer Institute , American
Association for Cancer Research and World
Health Organization , among other
organizations. From 1967 to 1983, she was the
Head of the Department of Experimental
Therapy for Burroughs Wellcome . Elion never
married, had no children, and listed her
hobby as 'listening to music'. [5]
Rather than relying on trial-and-error, Elion
and Hitchings used the differences in
biochemistry between normal human cells
and pathogens (disease-causing agents) to
design drugs that could kill or inhibit the
reproduction of particular pathogens without
harming the host cells. Most of Elion's early
work came from the use and development of
purines. Elion's inventions include:
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