I do not have any hes­i­ta­tion, pro­gresses to graze 1 yard for­ward, terjemahan - I do not have any hes­i­ta­tion, pro­gresses to graze 1 yard for­ward, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I do not have any hes­i­ta­tion, pr

I do not have any hes­i­ta­tion, pro­gresses to graze 1 yard for­ward, the body sank to enter in his giant crook of the elbow, the town month sword anger cut above the left arm merid­i­ans of BOSS, the Longchi sword shocked in­side the right arm, then both hands held up the sword, the dou­ble sword wielded the nu­mer­ous bang to pound to­gether above the BOSS hot axe, only lis­tened to „clang” to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions in­nu­mer­able Mars, ac­tu­ally can­not break the BOSS skill, the roar­ing flame axe blade edge sways in the crowd, the archer in loyal and heroic camp just re­ac­ti­vated sobs is drop­ping down.
Li Mu looks loves dearly: „This was BOSS too also ruth­less?”
Lin Wan Er bran­dishes the dag­ger to make the edges of var­i­ous god + the se­ries dou­ble hit, the beau­ti­ful eye is pass­ing a help­less­ness: „Re­fu­els the out­put, can only with­stand these to lose, the flat­ter pig could not break this skill”
I clench teeth, hold up the sword to con­tinue bang to kill, a mo­ment ago where also thought deeply about my op­er­a­tion to have is not right, is it pos­si­ble that was the strength is in­suf­fi­cient? Um, might is this, after all BOSS was Lian Xingt­ian praises can date day ex­is­tence, if I re­laxed can break his main skill, this could not be jus­ti­fied.
15 sec­onds, „roar” roars, the strength quiet N th times starts to gather the strength roar­ing flame axe blade edge, the both arms shiver are con­cen­trat­ing on the strength of wild an­i­mal to the tom­a­hawk.
I clench teeth, tries again one time, does not be­lieve!
The fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse led me to fire into near body of BOSS, this time drew sup­port from warhorse the strength of dash­ing to at­tack, „bang” a town month sword chopped, turned round to start the charge rapidly, the Longchi sword raises, layer on layer shook in the right arm of BOSS, Cooldown grasps just well, dou­ble sword hor­i­zon­tal, turned round to cut, loudly hit in the BOSS roar­ing flame axe blade edge skill.
A wave of huge blue halo surges, the big four phrases jumped from the me and BOSS sky be­tween
„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”
Li Mu is dumb­founded: „Can god, at­tack and de­stroy suc­cess­fully in­clud­ing the BOSS skill? The mother egg, the trun­ca­tion rip­ple sim­ply is the god gen­eral skill of”
Wipes tea self-con­fi­dent say­ing with a smile: „Ma­te­r­ial that nat­u­rally, I col­lect, in ad­di­tion Boss' skill, sim­ply is the un­matched in the world!”
One sec­ond of hero touches the nose, hey said with a smile: „guild­mas­ter seem­ingly was chopped the next time not to know that by Q Sword with the trun­ca­tion rip­ple in the demon dragon lair when can take re­venge?”
I smile: „Is wait­ing for hero's wing do­mes­tic match, has the op­por­tu­nity words, truly must be able Q Sword!”
„Um, we an­tic­i­pated very much!”
Con­tin­ues to at­tack, but next time I in­ter­rupted as be­fore was de­feated, the suc­cess ratio dis­tance 100% also fell far short, the skill that the trun­ca­tion rip­ple re­quested was re­ally too the high-end, was led far astray by a slight error is un­able to at­tack and de­stroy suc­cess­fully, but the small mon­ster in that fable it is said was at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing the suc­cess ratio to the wartime is over 95%, this sim­ply was non- hu­man­ity, does not know what ex­is­tence re­ally this was, not the too small mon­ster run­ning amuck world, for Fang Geque won the half of the coun­try the time, I in the spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cer uni­form ser­vice, too had not un­der­stood many.
Af­ter­ward sev­eral times, at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully, big re­duced BOSS to our mem­ber lethal­ity, quick, HP of ox head per­son chief only then 10%, started the skill im­me­di­ately, the anger of ox head per­son, prob­a­bly was the good god takes pos­ses­sion and so on, pro­moted 20% at­tack and de­fense ef­fects, but I with­stood to kill, 20 prac­tic­ing med­i­cine treat­ments, my 4 W + blood good
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I do not have any hes­i­ta­tion, pro­gresses to graze 1 yard for­ward, the body sank to enter in his giant crook of the elbow, the town month sword anger cut above the left arm merid­i­ans of BOSS, the Longchi sword shocked in­side the right arm, then both hands held up the sword, the dou­ble sword wielded the nu­mer­ous bang to pound to­gether above the BOSS hot axe, only lis­tened to „clang” to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions in­nu­mer­able Mars, ac­tu­ally can­not break the BOSS skill, the roar­ing flame axe blade edge sways in the crowd, the archer in loyal and heroic camp just re­ac­ti­vated sobs is drop­ping down.„MB”Li Mu looks loves dearly: „This was BOSS too also ruth­less?”Lin Wan Er bran­dishes the dag­ger to make the edges of var­i­ous god + the se­ries dou­ble hit, the beau­ti­ful eye is pass­ing a help­less­ness: „Re­fu­els the out­put, can only with­stand these to lose, the flat­ter pig could not break this skill”I clench teeth, hold up the sword to con­tinue bang to kill, a mo­ment ago where also thought deeply about my op­er­a­tion to have is not right, is it pos­si­ble that was the strength is in­suf­fi­cient? Um, might is this, after all BOSS was Lian Xingt­ian praises can date day ex­is­tence, if I re­laxed can break his main skill, this could not be jus­ti­fied.15 sec­onds, „roar” roars, the strength quiet N th times starts to gather the strength roar­ing flame axe blade edge, the both arms shiver are con­cen­trat­ing on the strength of wild an­i­mal to the tom­a­hawk.I clench teeth, tries again one time, does not be­lieve!„Brushes!”The fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse led me to fire into near body of BOSS, this time drew sup­port from warhorse the strength of dash­ing to at­tack, „bang” a town month sword chopped, turned round to start the charge rapidly, the Longchi sword raises, layer on layer shook in the right arm of BOSS, Cooldown grasps just well, dou­ble sword hor­i­zon­tal, turned round to cut, loudly hit in the BOSS roar­ing flame axe blade edge skill.„Bang!”A wave of huge blue halo surges, the big four phrases jumped from the me and BOSS sky be­tween„At­tacks and de­stroys suc­cess­fully!”„By”Li Mu is dumb­founded: „Can god, at­tack and de­stroy suc­cess­fully in­clud­ing the BOSS skill? The mother egg, the trun­ca­tion rip­ple sim­ply is the god gen­eral skill of”Wipes tea self-con­fi­dent say­ing with a smile: „Ma­te­r­ial that nat­u­rally, I col­lect, in ad­di­tion Boss' skill, sim­ply is the un­matched in the world!”One sec­ond of hero touches the nose, hey said with a smile: „guild­mas­ter seem­ingly was chopped the next time not to know that by Q Sword with the trun­ca­tion rip­ple in the demon dragon lair when can take re­venge?”I smile: „Is wait­ing for hero's wing do­mes­tic match, has the op­por­tu­nity words, truly must be able Q Sword!”„Um, we an­tic­i­pated very much!”Con­tin­ues to at­tack, but next time I in­ter­rupted as be­fore was de­feated, the suc­cess ratio dis­tance 100% also fell far short, the skill that the trun­ca­tion rip­ple re­quested was re­ally too the high-end, was led far astray by a slight error is un­able to at­tack and de­stroy suc­cess­fully, but the small mon­ster in that fable it is said was at­tack­ing and de­stroy­ing the suc­cess ratio to the wartime is over 95%, this sim­ply was non- hu­man­ity, does not know what ex­is­tence re­ally this was, not the too small mon­ster run­ning amuck world, for Fang Geque won the half of the coun­try the time, I in the spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cer uni­form ser­vice, too had not un­der­stood many.Af­ter­ward sev­eral times, at­tacked and de­stroyed suc­cess­fully, big re­duced BOSS to our mem­ber lethal­ity, quick, HP of ox head per­son chief only then 10%, started the skill im­me­di­ately, the anger of ox head per­son, prob­a­bly was the good god takes pos­ses­sion and so on, pro­moted 20% at­tack and de­fense ef­fects, but I with­stood to kill, 20 prac­tic­ing med­i­cine treat­ments, my 4 W + blood good
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya tidak memiliki ragu-ragu, berlangsung untuk merumput 1 yard ke depan, tubuh tenggelam untuk masuk dalam lekukan raksasanya siku, kota pedang bulan kemarahan memotong di atas meridian lengan kiri BOSS, pedang Longchi terkejut dalam lengan kanan, kemudian kedua tangan mengangkat pedang, pedang ganda memegang banyak Bang untuk pon bersama-sama di atas BOSS kapak panas, hanya mendengarkan "dentang" untuk hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah yang tak terhitung banyaknya Mars, sebenarnya tidak bisa memecahkan keterampilan BOSS, yang menderu pisau api kapak tepi bergoyang di kerumunan, pemanah di kamp setia dan heroik hanya diaktifkan kembali isak tangis yang jatuh ke bawah.
Li Mu terlihat mencintai mahal: "? ini adalah BOSS terlalu juga kejam"
Lin Wan Er mengacung-acungkan keris untuk membuat tepi berbagai dewa + seri ganda hit, mata indah yang melewati berdaya: "refuels output, hanya dapat menahan ini kehilangan, babi datar tidak bisa memecahkan keterampilan ini"
aku mengepalkan gigi, tahan pedang untuk terus Bang membunuh, saat yang lalu di mana juga berpikir secara mendalam tentang operasi saya miliki adalah tidak benar, apakah mungkin itu kekuatan tidak cukup? Um, kekuatan adalah ini, setelah semua BOSS adalah Lian Xingtian pujian bisa tanggal keberadaan hari, jika aku santai dapat mematahkan skill utamanya, ini tidak bisa dibenarkan.
15 detik, "gemuruh" mengaum, kekuatan N tenang th kali mulai mengumpulkan tepi pisau api kapak kekuatan menderu, kedua lengan menggigil berkonsentrasi pada kekuatan hewan liar untuk tomahawk itu.
aku mengepalkan gigi, mencoba lagi satu waktu, tidak percaya!
The terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja membuat saya api ke dekat tubuh BOSS, kali ini menarik dukungan dari kuda perang kekuatan gagah untuk menyerang, "bang" pedang kota bulan cincang, berbalik untuk memulai muatan cepat, pedang Longchi menimbulkan, lapisan pada lapisan mengguncang di lengan kanan dari BOSS, Cooldown menangkap hanya baik, ganda pedang horisontal, berbalik untuk memotong, keras memukul di BOSS menderu api kapak keterampilan tepi pisau.
gelombang halo biru besar lonjakan, empat frase besar melompat dari saya dan BOSS langit antara
"! serangan dan menghancurkan berhasil"
Li Mu adalah tercengang: "Bisakah tuhan, menyerang dan menghancurkan berhasil termasuk keterampilan BOSS? Telur ibu, pemotongan riak hanya merupakan dewa keterampilan umum "
Wipes teh percaya diri mengatakan dengan senyum:"! Bahan yang secara alami, saya mengumpulkan, dalam keterampilan selain Boss ', hanya adalah tak tertandingi di dunia "
Satu detik pahlawan menyentuh hidung, hey berkata sambil tersenyum: "Guildmaster tampaknya cincang waktu berikutnya tidak tahu bahwa dengan Q Pedang dengan riak pemotongan di setan naga sarang ketika bisa membalas dendam?"
aku tersenyum: "Apakah menunggu pahlawan sayap pertandingan domestik, memiliki kata-kata kesempatan, benar-benar harus mampu Q Pedang! "
" Um, kita antisipasi sangat banyak! "
Terus menyerang, tapi waktu berikutnya saya terganggu seperti sebelumnya dikalahkan, jarak rasio keberhasilan 100% juga jatuh jauh , keterampilan bahwa pemotongan riak diminta benar-benar terlalu high-end, dipimpin jauh tersesat oleh sedikit kesalahan tidak dapat menyerang dan menghancurkan berhasil, tetapi rakasa kecil dalam dongeng dikatakan menyerang dan menghancurkan rasio keberhasilan untuk perang adalah lebih dari 95%, ini hanya adalah kemanusiaan non, tidak tahu apa yang keberadaannya benar-benar ini adalah, bukan rakasa terlalu kecil berjalan amuk dunia, untuk Fang Geque memenangkan setengah dari negara waktu itu, saya di polisi khusus layanan seragam, juga tidak mengerti banyak.
Setelah itu beberapa kali, menyerang dan menghancurkan berhasil, besar berkurang BOSS untuk mematikan anggota kami, cepat, HP kepala kepala orang sapi hanya kemudian 10%, mulai keterampilan segera, kemarahan kepala sapi orang , mungkin adalah dewa baik mengambil kepemilikan dan sebagainya, dipromosikan 20% serangan dan pertahanan efek, tapi saya bertahan untuk membunuh, 20 berlatih perawatan kedokteran, saya 4 W + baik darah
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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