STOP - there might be a problemwith the requested linkThe link you requested has beenidentified by bitly as beingpotentially problematic. This couldbe because a bitly user has reporteda problem, a black-list servicereported a problem, because the linkhas been shortened more than once,or because we have detectedpotentially malicious content. Thismay be a problem because:Some URL-shorteners re-use theirlinks, so bitly can't guarantee thevalidity of this link.Some URL-shorteners allow theirlinks to be edited, so bitly can't tellwhere this link will lead you.Spam and malware is very oftenpropagated by exploiting theseloopholes, neither of which bitlyallows for.The link you requested may containinappropriate content, or even spamor malicious code that could bedownloaded to your computerwithout your consent, or may be aforgery or imitation of anotherwebsite, designed to trick users intosharing personal or financialinformation.bitly suggests that youChange the original link, and re-shorten with bitlyClose your browser windowNotify the sender of the URLOr, continue at your own risk to can learn more about harmfulcontent at www.StopBadware.orgYou can find out more aboutphishing fromwww.antiphishing.orgFor more information or to report afalse positive please contactsupport@bitly.comRead more about bitly's spam andantiphishing partners herePublish with bitly and protect yourссылки
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