2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Products Processing and Health, terjemahan - 2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Products Processing and Health, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2nd International Symposium on Aqua

2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Products Processing and Health,
Ergonomics Awareness as Efforts to Increase Knowledge and
Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders on Fishermen
Qomariyatus Sholihaha*, Aprizal Satria Hanafib, Ahmad Alim Bachric, Rahmi Fauziad
aPublic Health, Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University Jl. A. Yani Km. 36,3 Banjarbaru 70714
Banjarbaru South Kalimantan Indonesia
bAlumni of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University Jl. A. Yani Km. 36,3 Banjarbaru 70714
Banjarbaru South Kalimantan Indonesia
cFaculty of Economy, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin 70123 South Kalimantan Indonesia
dPsycology, Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University Jl. A. Yani Km. 36,3 Banjarbaru 70714
Banjarbaru South Kalimantan Indonesia
The fisheries sector is one of the high risk jobs. Fishermen often have to face the fatigue risks. The main cause that emerge the
impact of their workloads is the way they behave, that pay less attention to ergonomic principles. The purpose of this study is to
explain the effect of counseling ergonomic work towards a working knowledge of musculoskeletal disorders and complaints at
Saijaan Fishermen Association. The research used a method of Pre- Experimental with one group pre-test-post-test design. This
design used a single group, with the main characteristic was to compare the group and individual without any group comparison.
The research population was the Fishermen Association Saijaan. Samples were taken from 186 fishermen. Wilcoxon test results
showed that there were differences in the Fisherman knowledge before and after the counseling activities with the p value of
0.021 and differences in musculoskeletal disorders at Fisherman's complaints before and after the counseling activities with p
value 0.013.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Science and Editorial Board of ISAPPROSH 2015.
Keywords: Counseling; ergonomics; knowledge; musculoskeletal; fishermen.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 812 5805 7106.
E-mail address: qoqom_kuncoro@yahoo.co.nz
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the science and editorial board of ISAPPROSH 2015
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2 Simposium Internasional produk akuatik pengolahan dan Kesehatan,ISAPPROSH 2015Ergonomi kesadaran sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan danPencegahan penyakit muskuloskeletal pada nelayanQomariyatus Sholihaha *, Aprizal Satria Hanafib, Ahmad Alim Bachric, Rahmi FauziadaPublic Kesehatan, Banjarbaru fakultas dari obat Lambung Mangkurat Universitas Jl. A. Yani Km. 36,3 70714Banjarbaru Selatan Kalimantan, IndonesiabAlumni kesehatan masyarakat, Banjarbaru fakultas dari obat Lambung Mangkurat Universitas Jl. A. Yani Km. 36,3 70714Banjarbaru Selatan Kalimantan, IndonesiacFaculty ekonomi, Lambung Mangkurat Universitas Banjarmasin 70123 Kalimantan Selatan, IndonesiadPsycology, Banjarbaru fakultas dari obat Lambung Mangkurat Universitas Jl. A. Yani Km. 36,3 70714Banjarbaru Selatan Kalimantan, IndonesiaAbstrakSektor perikanan adalah salah satu pekerjaan berisiko tinggi. Nelayan sering harus menghadapi risiko kelelahan. Penyebab utama yang munculdampak dari beban kerja mereka adalah cara mereka berperilaku, yang membayar kurang memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip ergonomis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untukmenjelaskan efek konseling kerja ergonomis terhadap pengetahuan yang penyakit muskuloskeletal dan keluhan diAsosiasi nelayan Saijaan. Penelitian digunakan metode pra-eksperimental dengan salah satu kelompok pra-test posting-uji desain. IniDesain menggunakan grup tunggal, dengan ciri utama adalah untuk membandingkan kelompok dan individu tanpa perbandingan kelompok apapun.The research population was the Fishermen Association Saijaan. Samples were taken from 186 fishermen. Wilcoxon test resultsshowed that there were differences in the Fisherman knowledge before and after the counseling activities with the p value of0.021 and differences in musculoskeletal disorders at Fisherman's complaints before and after the counseling activities with pvalue 0.013.© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer-review under responsibility of the Science and Editorial Board of ISAPPROSH 2015.Keywords: Counseling; ergonomics; knowledge; musculoskeletal; fishermen.* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 812 5805 7106.E-mail address: qoqom_kuncoro@yahoo.co.nz© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer-review under responsibility of the science and editorial board of ISAPPROSH 2015
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