To aspire to leadership is an honorable ambitionMost Christian have re terjemahan - To aspire to leadership is an honorable ambitionMost Christian have re Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

To aspire to leadership is an honor

To aspire to leadership is an honorable ambition
Most Christian have reservations about aspiring to leadership. They are unsure about whether it is truly right for a person to want to be a leader. After all, it is not better for the position to seek out the person rather than the person to seek out the position? Has not ambition caused the downfall of several otherwise great leaders in the church, people who fell victim to “the last infirmity of noble minds”? Shakespeare expressed a profound truth when his character wolsey said to the great English general:
Crimwell, I charge thee, fling away ambitions, by that sin fell the angels; how can a man then, the image of his maker, hope to profit by’t?
No doubt, Christians must resist a certain kind of ambition and rid it from their lives. But we must also knowledge other ambitions as noble, worthy and honorable. The two verses at the beginning of this chapter provide a warning-and an encouragement-for sorting out the difference. When our ambition is to be effective in the service of God- to realize God’s highest potential for our lives – we can keep both of these verses in mind and hold them in tension.

Part of the tension is the difference between Paul’s situation and ours. We may understand his statement in terms of the prestige and respect to Christian leaders today. But such was far from Paul’s mind. In his day, a bishop faced great danger and worrisome responsibility. Rewards fos the work of leading the church were leadership, contempt and rejection. The leader was the first to draw fire in persecution, the first in line to suffer.
Seen in this light, Paul’s encouragement does not seem so open to misuse by people merely seeking status in the church. Phonies would have little heart for such a difficult assignment. Under the dangerous circumstances which prevailed in the first century, even staut-hearted Christian needed encouragement an incentive to lead. And so Paul called leadership an “honorable ambition”.
The same situation faces Christians today in certain parts of the world. Leaders of the church in china suffered most of the hands of Communists. The pastor of the Little Flock in Nepal suffered years in prison after church members had been released. In many troubled areas today, spiritual leadership in no task for those who seek stable benefits and upscale working conditions.
Paul urges us to the work of leading the church, the most important work in the world. When our motives are right, this work pays eternal devidends. In Paul’s day, only a deep love for Christ and genuine concern for the church could motivate people to lead. But in many cultures today where Christian leadership carries prestige and privilege, people aspire to leadership for reasons quite unworthy and self seeking.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
To aspire to leadership is an honorable ambitionMost Christian have reservations about aspiring to leadership. They are unsure about whether it is truly right for a person to want to be a leader. After all, it is not better for the position to seek out the person rather than the person to seek out the position? Has not ambition caused the downfall of several otherwise great leaders in the church, people who fell victim to “the last infirmity of noble minds”? Shakespeare expressed a profound truth when his character wolsey said to the great English general:Crimwell, I charge thee, fling away ambitions, by that sin fell the angels; how can a man then, the image of his maker, hope to profit by’t?No doubt, Christians must resist a certain kind of ambition and rid it from their lives. But we must also knowledge other ambitions as noble, worthy and honorable. The two verses at the beginning of this chapter provide a warning-and an encouragement-for sorting out the difference. When our ambition is to be effective in the service of God- to realize God’s highest potential for our lives – we can keep both of these verses in mind and hold them in tension.Part of the tension is the difference between Paul’s situation and ours. We may understand his statement in terms of the prestige and respect to Christian leaders today. But such was far from Paul’s mind. In his day, a bishop faced great danger and worrisome responsibility. Rewards fos the work of leading the church were leadership, contempt and rejection. The leader was the first to draw fire in persecution, the first in line to suffer. Seen in this light, Paul’s encouragement does not seem so open to misuse by people merely seeking status in the church. Phonies would have little heart for such a difficult assignment. Under the dangerous circumstances which prevailed in the first century, even staut-hearted Christian needed encouragement an incentive to lead. And so Paul called leadership an “honorable ambition”.The same situation faces Christians today in certain parts of the world. Leaders of the church in china suffered most of the hands of Communists. The pastor of the Little Flock in Nepal suffered years in prison after church members had been released. In many troubled areas today, spiritual leadership in no task for those who seek stable benefits and upscale working conditions. Paul urges us to the work of leading the church, the most important work in the world. When our motives are right, this work pays eternal devidends. In Paul’s day, only a deep love for Christ and genuine concern for the church could motivate people to lead. But in many cultures today where Christian leadership carries prestige and privilege, people aspire to leadership for reasons quite unworthy and self seeking.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Untuk bercita-cita untuk kepemimpinan adalah ambisi yang terhormat
Kebanyakan Kristen memiliki keberatan tentang bercita-cita untuk kepemimpinan. Mereka tidak yakin apakah itu benar-benar tepat bagi seseorang untuk mau menjadi pemimpin. Setelah semua, itu tidak baik untuk posisi untuk mencari orang yang bukan orang untuk mencari posisi? Belum ambisi menyebabkan jatuhnya beberapa pemimpin jika tidak besar di dalam gereja, orang-orang yang menjadi korban "Karena kelemahan terakhir pikiran mulia"? Shakespeare menyatakan kebenaran yang mendalam ketika Wolsey karakternya mengatakan kepada umum besar Inggris:
Crimwell, saya jawab engkau, melemparkan pergi ambisi, oleh dosa yang jatuh malaikat; bagaimana bisa seorang pria kemudian, citra pembuat nya, berharap untuk mendapatkan keuntungan by't?
Tidak diragukan lagi, orang Kristen harus menolak jenis tertentu ambisi dan menyingkirkan dari kehidupan mereka. Tapi kita juga harus pengetahuan ambisi lain yang mulia, layak dan terhormat. Dua ayat di awal bab ini memberikan peringatan-dan dorongan-untuk memilah perbedaan. Ketika ambisi kami adalah untuk menjadi efektif dalam pelayanan Allah-untuk menyadari potensi tertinggi Allah bagi hidup kita - kita dapat menjaga kedua dari ayat-ayat ini dalam pikiran dan menahan mereka dalam ketegangan. Bagian dari ketegangan adalah perbedaan antara situasi Paulus dan kita. Kita mungkin memahami pernyataannya dalam hal prestise dan penghormatan kepada para pemimpin Kristen hari ini. Tapi seperti itu jauh dari pikiran Paulus. Pada zamannya, seorang uskup menghadapi bahaya besar dan tanggung jawab mengkhawatirkan. Imbalan fos pekerjaan terkemuka gereja yang kepemimpinan, penghinaan dan penolakan. Pemimpin adalah orang pertama yang menarik api dalam penganiayaan, di baris pertama untuk menderita. Dilihat dari sudut ini, dorongan Paulus tampaknya tidak begitu terbuka untuk penyalahgunaan oleh orang-orang hanya mencari status di gereja. Kepalsuan akan memiliki sedikit hati untuk suatu tugas yang sulit. Dalam situasi berbahaya yang berlaku di abad pertama, bahkan Staut-hati Kristen membutuhkan dorongan insentif untuk memimpin. Dan Paul disebut kepemimpinan sebuah "terhormat ambisi". Situasi yang sama menghadapi orang Kristen hari ini di bagian-bagian tertentu dari dunia. Para pemimpin gereja di Cina paling menderita dari tangan Komunis. Pendeta Little Flock di Nepal mengalami tahun penjara setelah anggota gereja telah dibebaskan. Di banyak daerah yang bermasalah saat ini, kepemimpinan spiritual dalam tugas bagi mereka yang mencari keuntungan yang stabil dan kondisi kerja yang kelas atas. Paul mendorong kita untuk pekerjaan memimpin gereja, pekerjaan yang paling penting di dunia. Ketika motif kita benar, karya ini membayar deviden yang kekal. Di zaman Paulus, hanya cinta yang mendalam bagi Kristus dan perhatian yang tulus untuk gereja bisa memotivasi orang untuk memimpin. Namun dalam banyak kebudayaan hari ini di mana kepemimpinan Kristen membawa prestise dan hak istimewa, orang bercita-cita untuk kepemimpinan untuk alasan cukup layak dan mencari diri.

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