Late at night, the xing fire re­ceived our gift, arranges me and Xia Y terjemahan - Late at night, the xing fire re­ceived our gift, arranges me and Xia Y Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Late at night, the xing fire re­cei

Late at night, the xing fire re­ceived our gift, arranges me and Xia Ye, 100 palace guards in the side hall room, my room in most.
Sud­denly hears the knock, I alert has drawn out the but­ter­fly, after open­ing the door, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery is the stew­ard in Jiangjunfu, this is a fatty, he smiles, said: „On does the gen­eral, the long night ex­tend­ing end­lessly, how go to sleep? Our xing gen­eral is not the wood, knows how could side the hero not to have the beau­ti­ful woman, to make me de­liver a beau­ti­ful woman to serve the gen­eral, the gen­eral likes also being able to bring back to Tian Ling Em­pire to enjoy slowly.”
He is side­ways slightly, is one wears the fe­male of red gar­ment, about is 20 years old high and low, under the moon­light looks like re­ally very much has the beauty ap­pear­ance, gains ground to have a look at me, said: „Girl Wen Wen­jian crosses the gen­eral!”
I knit the brows, said: „The need, does not bring.”
The stew­ards laugh, hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Gen­eral should not be im­po­lite, small ask­ing to be ex­cused! Wen Wen, serves the gen­eral well, oth­er­wise you are only held re­spon­si­ble!”
Say­ing, him was ex­it­ing rashly.
This Wen Wen dull stands be­fore me, the tears cir­cle in the eye socket, said: „Gen­eral, if you in­sist on catch­ing up with me to go back, Wen Wen can by the stick re­spon­si­bil­ity until death!”
I knit the brows: „That comes in!”
Lets the room her, I have re­ferred to the bed, said: „You rest.”
„But gen­eral you?” She vis­its me in con­ster­na­tion.
I am rais­ing the but­ter­fly, said: „Has not re­lated, I prac­tice in the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments to trans­fer the ex­ten­sion, I am not sleepy, you rest.”
„Yes, Gen­eral”
In the side hall that the palace guards live in has one to prac­tice the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, when I raise the sword to go to the bronze statue is prac­tic­ing the skill, dis­cov­ered that skill skilled also rises but ac­tu­ally quickly, al­though is in­fe­rior to own man­sion, but was also good, there­fore stands there, closes the dou­ble pupil to prac­tice the im­pe­r­ial day the abil­ity, feels the sur­round­ing all strengths, is sens­ing the strength of im­pe­r­ial day by the strength of own Saint ter­ri­tory.
The night also 2 hours in game, in an in­stant then passed by, when Xia Ye et al. went out of the room, looked that maid­ser­vant warm Wen walked from my room, Xia Ye is smil­ing im­me­di­ately: „Gen­eral passed last night it seems like well”
I have swept his one eyes, low­ered the sound say­ing: „This is the woman who the xing fire sends, you thought that I can dare to touch?”
Xia Ye re­ceives the smil­ing face im­me­di­ately: „Gen­eral said is ex­tremely.”
„, Re­turned to every book city.”
When we must go to Jiangjunfu farewell, was in charge of said: „On the gen­eral, our xing gen­eral had se­lected the sol­dier last night.”
„Which em­barked?”
„This I do not know how the im­por­tant mat­ter will tell me a ser­vant”
I stand up from fail­ure to start hur­riedly, the order tem­ple knights started com­pletely ran out of Sin­ga­pore.
Had un­der­stood in the guild, every book city, Tian Ling Em­pire and fire Shen­shan does not have what issue, which did that this xing fire go? More­over the cloud also dis­ap­pears float­ingly, is re­ally strange.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Late at night, the xing fire re­ceived our gift, arranges me and Xia Ye, 100 palace guards in the side hall room, my room in most.„Thump”Sud­denly hears the knock, I alert has drawn out the but­ter­fly, after open­ing the door, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery is the stew­ard in Jiangjunfu, this is a fatty, he smiles, said: „On does the gen­eral, the long night ex­tend­ing end­lessly, how go to sleep? Our xing gen­eral is not the wood, knows how could side the hero not to have the beau­ti­ful woman, to make me de­liver a beau­ti­ful woman to serve the gen­eral, the gen­eral likes also being able to bring back to Tian Ling Em­pire to enjoy slowly.”He is side­ways slightly, is one wears the fe­male of red gar­ment, about is 20 years old high and low, under the moon­light looks like re­ally very much has the beauty ap­pear­ance, gains ground to have a look at me, said: „Girl Wen Wen­jian crosses the gen­eral!”I knit the brows, said: „The need, does not bring.”The stew­ards laugh, hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Gen­eral should not be im­po­lite, small ask­ing to be ex­cused! Wen Wen, serves the gen­eral well, oth­er­wise you are only held re­spon­si­ble!”Say­ing, him was ex­it­ing rashly.This Wen Wen dull stands be­fore me, the tears cir­cle in the eye socket, said: „Gen­eral, if you in­sist on catch­ing up with me to go back, Wen Wen can by the stick re­spon­si­bil­ity until death!”I knit the brows: „That comes in!”Lets the room her, I have re­ferred to the bed, said: „You rest.”„But gen­eral you?” She vis­its me in con­ster­na­tion.I am rais­ing the but­ter­fly, said: „Has not re­lated, I prac­tice in the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments to trans­fer the ex­ten­sion, I am not sleepy, you rest.”„Yes, Gen­eral”In the side hall that the palace guards live in has one to prac­tice the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, when I raise the sword to go to the bronze statue is prac­tic­ing the skill, dis­cov­ered that skill skilled also rises but ac­tu­ally quickly, al­though is in­fe­rior to own man­sion, but was also good, there­fore stands there, closes the dou­ble pupil to prac­tice the im­pe­r­ial day the abil­ity, feels the sur­round­ing all strengths, is sens­ing the strength of im­pe­r­ial day by the strength of own Saint ter­ri­tory.The night also 2 hours in game, in an in­stant then passed by, when Xia Ye et al. went out of the room, looked that maid­ser­vant warm Wen walked from my room, Xia Ye is smil­ing im­me­di­ately: „Gen­eral passed last night it seems like well”I have swept his one eyes, low­ered the sound say­ing: „This is the woman who the xing fire sends, you thought that I can dare to touch?”Xia Ye re­ceives the smil­ing face im­me­di­ately: „Gen­eral said is ex­tremely.”„, Re­turned to every book city.”„Yes!”When we must go to Jiangjunfu farewell, was in charge of said: „On the gen­eral, our xing gen­eral had se­lected the sol­dier last night.”„Which em­barked?”„This I do not know how the im­por­tant mat­ter will tell me a ser­vant”„This”I stand up from fail­ure to start hur­riedly, the order tem­ple knights started com­pletely ran out of Sin­ga­pore.Had un­der­stood in the guild, every book city, Tian Ling Em­pire and fire Shen­shan does not have what issue, which did that this xing fire go? More­over the cloud also dis­ap­pears float­ingly, is re­ally strange.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Larut malam, api xing menerima hadiah kami, mengatur saya dan Xia Ye, 100 penjaga istana di ruang aula sisi, kamar saya di sebagian besar.
Tiba-tiba mendengar ketukan, saya peringatan telah ditarik keluar kupu-kupu, setelah membuka pintu, sebenarnya penemuan adalah pelayan di Jiangjunfu, ini adalah lemak, dia tersenyum, mengatakan: "pada apakah umum, malam memperluas tanpa henti, bagaimana pergi tidur? Xing umum kami tidak kayu, tahu bagaimana bisa berpihak pahlawan tidak memiliki wanita cantik, membuat saya memberikan wanita cantik untuk melayani umum, orang-orang seperti umumnya juga mampu membawa kembali ke Tian Ling Empire untuk menikmati perlahan. "
Dia adalah menyamping sedikit, adalah salah satu memakai perempuan pakaian merah, sekitar berusia 20 tahun tinggi dan rendah, di bawah sinar bulan terlihat seperti benar-benar sangat banyak memiliki penampilan kecantikan, keuntungan tanah untuk melihat-lihat padaku, mengatakan:" Girl ! Wen Wenjian melintasi umum "
saya merajut alis, mengatakan:" kebutuhan, tidak membawa ".
para pengurus tertawa, terus tinju di sisi lain mengatakan:" General seharusnya tidak sopan, kecil meminta untuk dimaafkan! ! Wen Wen, melayani dengan baik umum, jika tidak, anda hanya bertanggung jawab "
. Mengatakan, dia sedang keluar gegabah
Wen Wen berdiri membosankan ini sebelum saya, lingkaran air mata di rongga mata, mengatakan:" Jenderal, jika Anda bersikeras penangkapan ! dengan saya untuk kembali, Wen Wen dapat dengan tanggung jawab tongkat sampai mati "
saya merajut alis:" yang datang di "!
Mari ruang, saya telah dirujuk ke tempat tidur, mengatakan:" Anda istirahat ".
" Tapi secara umum ? Anda "Dia mengunjungi saya dalam ketakutan.
saya mengangkat kupu-kupu, mengatakan:" Apakah tidak berhubungan, saya berlatih di musisi yang memainkan alat perkusi untuk mentransfer ekstensi, saya tidak mengantuk, Anda beristirahat ".
" Ya, General "
di ruang sisi bahwa penjaga istana tinggal di memiliki satu untuk berlatih musisi yang memainkan alat perkusi, ketika saya mengangkat pedang untuk pergi ke patung perunggu berlatih keterampilan, menemukan bahwa keterampilan yang terampil juga naik tapi sebenarnya cepat, meskipun lebih rendah untuk memiliki rumah, tetapi juga baik, oleh karena itu berdiri di sana, menutup murid ganda untuk berlatih hari kekaisaran kemampuan, terasa sekitarnya semua kekuatan, yang merasakan kekuatan hari kekaisaran oleh kekuatan Saint wilayahnya sendiri.
malam juga 2 jam dalam permainan, dalam sekejap kemudian diteruskan oleh, ketika Xia Ye et al. pergi keluar dari ruangan, tampak bahwa pembantu hangat Wen berjalan dari kamar saya, Xia Ye tersenyum segera: "General melewati malam terakhir sepertinya baik"
Saya telah menyapu satu matanya, menurunkan suara mengatakan: "Ini adalah wanita yang api xing mengirimkan, Anda berpikir bahwa saya bisa berani menyentuh "?
Xia Ye menerima wajah tersenyum segera:". kata General sangat "
"., Kembali ke setiap kota buku "
" Ya "!
Ketika kita harus pergi ke Jiangjunfu perpisahan , bertanggung jawab mengatakan: "pada umumnya, xing umum kami telah memilih prajurit tadi malam."
"yang memulai"?
"ini saya tidak tahu bagaimana hal penting akan ceritakan hamba"
saya berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai buru-buru, ksatria agar candi mulai benar-benar kehabisan Singapura.
kalau dipahami dalam serikat, setiap kota buku, Tian Ling Empire dan api Shenshan tidak memiliki masalah apa, yang melakukan itu api xing ini pergi? Selain awan juga menghilang floatingly, benar-benar aneh.
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