Natalie Rogers’s methods of expressive arts therapy are based on the f terjemahan - Natalie Rogers’s methods of expressive arts therapy are based on the f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Natalie Rogers’s methods of express

Natalie Rogers’s methods of expressive arts therapy are based on the following
humanistic principles:
• All people have an innate ability to be creative.
• The creative process is healing. The expressive product supplies important
messages to the individual. However, it is the process of creation that is
profoundly transformative.
• Personal growth and higher states of consciousness are achieved through
self-awareness, self-understanding, and insight.
• Self-awareness, understanding, and insight are achieved by delving into
our emotions. The feelings of grief, anger, pain, fear, joy, and ecstasy are the
tunnel through which we must pass to get to self-awareness, understanding,
and wholeness.
• Our feelings and emotions are an energy source. That energy can be channeled
into the expressive arts to be released and transformed.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Natalie Rogers metode terapi seni ekspresif didasarkan pada berikutprinsip-prinsip humanistik:• Semua orang memiliki kemampuan bawaan untuk menjadi kreatif.• Proses kreatif penyembuhan. Produk ekspresif perlengkapan pentingpesan kepada individu. Namun, itu adalah proses penciptaan yangsangat transformatif.• Pertumbuhan pribadi dan negara-negara yang lebih tinggi kesadaran dicapai melaluikesadaran diri, pemahaman diri dan wawasan.• Kesadaran diri, pemahaman, dan wawasan yang dicapai oleh menggaliemosi kita. Perasaan kesedihan, kemarahan, rasa sakit, ketakutan, kegembiraan, dan ekstasiterowongan melalui mana kita harus lulus untuk mendapatkan ke kesadaran diri, pemahaman,dan keutuhan.• Perasaan dan emosi kita adalah sumber energi. Bahwa energi bisa dialirkanmenjadi seni ekspresif dibebaskan dan berubah.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Natalie Rogers’s methods of expressive arts therapy are based on the following
humanistic principles:
• All people have an innate ability to be creative.
• The creative process is healing. The expressive product supplies important
messages to the individual. However, it is the process of creation that is
profoundly transformative.
• Personal growth and higher states of consciousness are achieved through
self-awareness, self-understanding, and insight.
• Self-awareness, understanding, and insight are achieved by delving into
our emotions. The feelings of grief, anger, pain, fear, joy, and ecstasy are the
tunnel through which we must pass to get to self-awareness, understanding,
and wholeness.
• Our feelings and emotions are an energy source. That energy can be channeled
into the expressive arts to be released and transformed.
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