„Qin Wen­jie hasn't gone to work?” I sit down, re­ceived one bowl of g terjemahan - „Qin Wen­jie hasn't gone to work?” I sit down, re­ceived one bowl of g Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Qin Wen­jie hasn't gone to work?”

„Qin Wen­jie hasn't gone to work?” I sit down, re­ceived one bowl of gruel after Lin Wan Er asked.
Qin Wen has worn a fe­male at­tire uni­form, said with a smile: „This was not the clothes puts on, fin­ished eat­ing, nine points went to work also with enough time, again said that even if I were late have not re­lated, who let me is the gen­eral man­ager”
My cor­ners of the mouth have pulled out, also has not spo­ken, Tang Qi said with a smile ac­tu­ally: „Li Xiao Yao, you thought today we can hit under the fire city likely?”
„Does not know that” I to an­swer truth­fully.
Tang Qi touches the nose: „, Solemn [Zhan Long] guild­mas­ter and palace guard com­manded say un­ex­pect­edly do not know that re­ally does not know who can con­trol this war was ini­tia­tive.”
I smile: „Tang Qi

, you thought that I so am re­ally im­por­tant?”
Tang Qi was stunned, said: „Yes, Q Sword said in any case, he had said yes­ter­day that per­haps the Chi­nese area and war be­tween In­dian areas, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and trial can only be the boosts, but can lead this war truly was [Zhan Long] and palace guard.”
I said re­sent­fully: „Does Q Sword bring that high hat to harm me to me? The palace guards al­to­gether also on the 10 W per­son, [Zhan Long] the 4 W per­son, the triv­ial 14 W per­son place this sev­eral mil­lion ranks in the war is a yarn, more­over I also every­where im­pede, the hot axe armed forces Luo child and pur­ple spirit armed forces Xi­a­hou Ren even is flame Long Jun's Xu Yi is the per­son of Great, this em­peror dreaded to our place that I can­not use the method.”
Tang Qi smiles: „Doesn't have the princess to sup­port you? We can look, this em­pire princess is very in­ter­est­ing to you, you may be care­ful, be not in­curred by her worked as the son-in-law em­peror's son-in-law in the past, Miss Lin Wan Er may make you un­able to eat to cap­ture walk­ing ab­solutely!”
I laugh in spite of try­ing not to: „Do not crack a joke, this is in the game, NPC will be will not have this re­la­tions with the player ab­solutely . More­over the des­tiny com­pany also will be ab­hors to this mat­ter, oth­er­wise, by the tech­ni­cal ca­pa­bil­ity of des­tiny com­pany, you thought that the player can't in the game will han­dle some mat­ter?”
Tang Qi touches the nose: „Also”
Lin Wan Er beau­ti­ful eye one hor­i­zon­tal: „Fool, you said what mean­ing the mat­ter is, how couldn't I un­der­stand?”
Qin Wenqu said with a smile: „Is dis­guises un­able to un­der­stand?”
Lin Wan Er im­me­di­ately el­e­gant face one red, does not know that said any­thing, was star­ing the cousin: „Elder sis­ter, you are not help­ing me, loved me?!”
Qin Wen eats to smile: „Good good, I get off work in the evening brings a de­li­cious be­tween-meal snack to you, when has com­pen­sated, where the elder sis­ter can not love you, you fight the coun­try war well, in our com­pany many young staff mem­bers are the crazy bean noo­dles of des­tiny game, has been pay­ing at­ten­tion to this coun­try war, every­body re­fu­els, I went to the pain to com­pel to go to work!”
Qin Wen went to work, we also in abun­dance fin­ished eat­ing the thing, re­turn­ing to own room to get on­line, had Cooldown been so long, at­tacks the fight of flame city to start likely?
Ap­pears above the hot cloud plain, the sur­round­ing NPC army has bro­ken camp to lead the way, the [Zhan Long] player was al­ready in­side and out­side ten, I sum­moned being lost in thought fierce fine horse hur­riedly, when above Lin Wan Er got on­line to put out a hand me to draw the bosom, lead­ing the girl­friend to fire into the dis­tant place, but the Dong Cheng month whipped the wing flight to pur­sue, to ex­ceed over­took far, the fly­ing speed of wind demon could not com­pare the god fierce fine horse ob­vi­ously greatly.
Along the way every­where is con­tin­u­ous play­ers, and a heavy ar­tillery of all trades also un­ceas­ingly leads the way due to the pro­mo­tion of trans­porta­tion bat­tal­ion, after
Dari: -
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Qin Wen­jie hasn't gone to work?” I sit down, re­ceived one bowl of gruel after Lin Wan Er asked.Qin Wen has worn a fe­male at­tire uni­form, said with a smile: „This was not the clothes puts on, fin­ished eat­ing, nine points went to work also with enough time, again said that even if I were late have not re­lated, who let me is the gen­eral man­ager”My cor­ners of the mouth have pulled out, also has not spo­ken, Tang Qi said with a smile ac­tu­ally: „Li Xiao Yao, you thought today we can hit under the fire city likely?”„Does not know that” I to an­swer truth­fully.Tang Qi touches the nose: „, Solemn [Zhan Long] guild­mas­ter and palace guard com­manded say un­ex­pect­edly do not know that re­ally does not know who can con­trol this war was ini­tia­tive.”I smile: „Tang Qi琦, you thought that I so am re­ally im­por­tant?”Tang Qi was stunned, said: „Yes, Q Sword said in any case, he had said yes­ter­day that per­haps the Chi­nese area and war be­tween In­dian areas, [Hero’s Mound], Prague and trial can only be the boosts, but can lead this war truly was [Zhan Long] and palace guard.”I said re­sent­fully: „Does Q Sword bring that high hat to harm me to me? The palace guards al­to­gether also on the 10 W per­son, [Zhan Long] the 4 W per­son, the triv­ial 14 W per­son place this sev­eral mil­lion ranks in the war is a yarn, more­over I also every­where im­pede, the hot axe armed forces Luo child and pur­ple spirit armed forces Xi­a­hou Ren even is flame Long Jun's Xu Yi is the per­son of Great, this em­peror dreaded to our place that I can­not use the method.”Tang Qi smiles: „Doesn't have the princess to sup­port you? We can look, this em­pire princess is very in­ter­est­ing to you, you may be care­ful, be not in­curred by her worked as the son-in-law em­peror's son-in-law in the past, Miss Lin Wan Er may make you un­able to eat to cap­ture walk­ing ab­solutely!”I laugh in spite of try­ing not to: „Do not crack a joke, this is in the game, NPC will be will not have this re­la­tions with the player ab­solutely . More­over the des­tiny com­pany also will be ab­hors to this mat­ter, oth­er­wise, by the tech­ni­cal ca­pa­bil­ity of des­tiny com­pany, you thought that the player can't in the game will han­dle some mat­ter?”Tang Qi touches the nose: „Also”Lin Wan Er beau­ti­ful eye one hor­i­zon­tal: „Fool, you said what mean­ing the mat­ter is, how couldn't I un­der­stand?”Qin Wenqu said with a smile: „Is dis­guises un­able to un­der­stand?”Lin Wan Er im­me­di­ately el­e­gant face one red, does not know that said any­thing, was star­ing the cousin: „Elder sis­ter, you are not help­ing me, loved me?!”
Qin Wen eats to smile: „Good good, I get off work in the evening brings a de­li­cious be­tween-meal snack to you, when has com­pen­sated, where the elder sis­ter can not love you, you fight the coun­try war well, in our com­pany many young staff mem­bers are the crazy bean noo­dles of des­tiny game, has been pay­ing at­ten­tion to this coun­try war, every­body re­fu­els, I went to the pain to com­pel to go to work!”
Qin Wen went to work, we also in abun­dance fin­ished eat­ing the thing, re­turn­ing to own room to get on­line, had Cooldown been so long, at­tacks the fight of flame city to start likely?
Ap­pears above the hot cloud plain, the sur­round­ing NPC army has bro­ken camp to lead the way, the [Zhan Long] player was al­ready in­side and out­side ten, I sum­moned being lost in thought fierce fine horse hur­riedly, when above Lin Wan Er got on­line to put out a hand me to draw the bosom, lead­ing the girl­friend to fire into the dis­tant place, but the Dong Cheng month whipped the wing flight to pur­sue, to ex­ceed over­took far, the fly­ing speed of wind demon could not com­pare the god fierce fine horse ob­vi­ously greatly.
Along the way every­where is con­tin­u­ous play­ers, and a heavy ar­tillery of all trades also un­ceas­ingly leads the way due to the pro­mo­tion of trans­porta­tion bat­tal­ion, after
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