Social IntelligenceThe most fundamental discovery of this new science: terjemahan - Social IntelligenceThe most fundamental discovery of this new science: Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Social IntelligenceThe most fundame

Social Intelligence

The most fundamental discovery of this new science: We are wired to connect.

Neuroscience has discovered that our brain’s very design makes it sociable, inexorably drawn into an intimate brain-to-brain linkup whenever we engage with another person. That neural bridge lets us impact the brain—and so the body—of everyone we interact with, just as they do us.

Even our most routine encounters act as regulators in the brain, priming emotions in us, some desirable, others not. The more strongly connected we are with someone emotionally, the greater the mutual force. The most potent exchanges occur with those people with whom we spend the greatest amount of time day in and day out, year after year—particularly those we care about the most.

During these neural linkups, our brains engage in an emotional tango, a dance of feelings. Our social interactions operate as modulators, something like interpersonal thermostats that continually reset key aspects of our brain function as they orchestrate our emotions.

The resulting feelings have far-reaching consequences, in turn rippling throughout our body, sending out cascades of hormones that regulate biological systems from our heart to immune cells. Perhaps most astonishing, science now tracks connections between the most stressful relationships and the very operation of specific genes that regulate the immune system.

To a surprising extent, then, our relationships mold not just our experience, but our biology. The brain-to-brain link allows our strongest relationships to shape us in ways as benign as whether we laugh at the same jokes or as profound as which genes are (or are not) activated in t-cells, the immune system’s foot soldiers in the constant battle against invading bacteria and viruses.

That represents a double-edged sword: nourishing relationships have a beneficial impact on our health, while toxic ones can act like slow poison in our bodies.

Virtually all the major scientific discoveries I draw on in this volume have emerged since Emotional Intelligence appeared in 1995, and they continue to surface at a quickening pace. I intend this book to be a companion volume to Emotional Intelligence, exploring the same terrain of human life from a different vantage point, one that allows a wider swath of understanding of our personal world.

When I wrote Emotional Intelligence, my focus was on a crucial set of human capacities within an individual, the ability to manage our own emotions and our inner potential for positive relationships. Here the picture enlarges beyond a one-person psychology—those capacities an individual has within—to a two-person psychology: what transpires as we connect.

Take, for example, empathy, the sensing of another person’s feelings that allows rapport. Empathy is an individual ability, one that resides inside the person. But rapport only arises between people, as a property that emerges from their interaction. Here the spotlight shifts to those ephemeral moments that emerge as we interact. These take on deep consequence as we realize how, through their sum total, we create one another.

— From the prologue to Social Intelligence
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]

Social Intelligence

The most fundamental discovery of this new science: We are wired to connect.

Neuroscience has discovered that our brain’s very design makes it sociable, inexorably drawn into an intimate brain-to-brain linkup whenever we engage with another person. That neural bridge lets us impact the brain—and so the body—of everyone we interact with, just as they do us.

Even our most routine encounters act as regulators in the brain, priming emotions in us, some desirable, others not. The more strongly connected we are with someone emotionally, the greater the mutual force. The most potent exchanges occur with those people with whom we spend the greatest amount of time day in and day out, year after year—particularly those we care about the most.

During these neural linkups, our brains engage in an emotional tango, a dance of feelings. Our social interactions operate as modulators, something like interpersonal thermostats that continually reset key aspects of our brain function as they orchestrate our emotions.

The resulting feelings have far-reaching consequences, in turn rippling throughout our body, sending out cascades of hormones that regulate biological systems from our heart to immune cells. Perhaps most astonishing, science now tracks connections between the most stressful relationships and the very operation of specific genes that regulate the immune system.

To a surprising extent, then, our relationships mold not just our experience, but our biology. The brain-to-brain link allows our strongest relationships to shape us in ways as benign as whether we laugh at the same jokes or as profound as which genes are (or are not) activated in t-cells, the immune system’s foot soldiers in the constant battle against invading bacteria and viruses.

That represents a double-edged sword: nourishing relationships have a beneficial impact on our health, while toxic ones can act like slow poison in our bodies.

Virtually all the major scientific discoveries I draw on in this volume have emerged since Emotional Intelligence appeared in 1995, and they continue to surface at a quickening pace. I intend this book to be a companion volume to Emotional Intelligence, exploring the same terrain of human life from a different vantage point, one that allows a wider swath of understanding of our personal world.

When I wrote Emotional Intelligence, my focus was on a crucial set of human capacities within an individual, the ability to manage our own emotions and our inner potential for positive relationships. Here the picture enlarges beyond a one-person psychology—those capacities an individual has within—to a two-person psychology: what transpires as we connect.

Take, for example, empathy, the sensing of another person’s feelings that allows rapport. Empathy is an individual ability, one that resides inside the person. But rapport only arises between people, as a property that emerges from their interaction. Here the spotlight shifts to those ephemeral moments that emerge as we interact. These take on deep consequence as we realize how, through their sum total, we create one another.

— From the prologue to Social Intelligence
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Intelijen Sosial Penemuan yang paling mendasar dari ilmu baru ini: Kami kabel untuk menghubungkan. Neuroscience telah menemukan bahwa sangat desain otak kita membuatnya mudah bergaul, tak terelakkan ditarik ke dalam linkup intim otak-to-otak setiap kali kita terlibat dengan orang lain. Jembatan saraf memungkinkan kita mempengaruhi otak-dan sehingga tubuh-dari setiap orang yang kita berinteraksi dengan, seperti yang mereka lakukan kita. Bahkan pertemuan yang paling rutin kami bertindak sebagai regulator di otak, priming emosi dalam diri kita, beberapa diinginkan, yang lain tidak. Semakin kuat terhubung kita dengan seseorang secara emosional, semakin besar kekuatan bersama. Bursa paling ampuh terjadi dengan orang-orang dengan siapa kita menghabiskan jumlah terbesar dari waktu hari demi hari, tahun demi tahun-terutama yang kita peduli tentang yang paling. Selama ini linkups saraf, otak kita terlibat dalam tango emosional, tarian perasaan. Interaksi sosial kita beroperasi sebagai modulator, seperti termostat antarpribadi yang terus-menerus ulang aspek kunci dari fungsi otak kita karena mereka mengatur emosi kita. perasaan yang dihasilkan memiliki konsekuensi jauh, pada gilirannya beriak seluruh tubuh kita, mengirimkan terjun hormon yang mengatur biologis sistem dari hati kita untuk sel-sel kekebalan tubuh. Mungkin yang paling menakjubkan, ilmu kini memantau hubungan antara hubungan yang paling menegangkan dan sangat pengoperasian gen khusus yang mengatur sistem kekebalan tubuh. Untuk tingkat yang mengejutkan, kemudian, hubungan kami membentuk bukan hanya pengalaman kami, tapi biologi kita. Link otak-to-otak memungkinkan hubungan terkuat kami untuk membentuk kita dengan cara selembut apakah kita tertawa pada lelucon yang sama atau yang mendalam seperti gen yang (atau tidak) diaktifkan dalam sel-T, prajurit sistem kekebalan tubuh dalam . pertempuran terus-menerus melawan bakteri dan virus itu merupakan pedang bermata dua: hubungan bergizi memiliki dampak menguntungkan pada kesehatan kita, sementara yang beracun dapat bertindak seperti racun lambat dalam tubuh kita. Hampir semua penemuan ilmiah utama saya menarik dalam hal ini Volume telah muncul sejak Emotional Intelligence muncul pada tahun 1995, dan mereka terus muncul di langkah percepatan. Saya berniat buku ini menjadi volume pendamping untuk Emotional Intelligence, menjelajahi medan yang sama kehidupan manusia dari sudut pandang yang berbeda, salah satu yang memungkinkan petak yang lebih luas dari pemahaman dunia pribadi kita. Ketika saya menulis Emotional Intelligence, fokus saya adalah pada set penting dari kapasitas manusia dalam individu, kemampuan untuk mengelola emosi kita sendiri dan potensi batin kita untuk hubungan yang positif. Berikut gambar membesar melampaui satu orang psikologi-orang kapasitas seorang individu memiliki dalam-ke dua orang psikologi:. Apa yang terjadi saat kita menghubungkan Ambil, misalnya, empati, penginderaan perasaan orang lain yang memungkinkan hubungan. Empati adalah kemampuan individu, yang berada di dalam orang tersebut. Tapi hubungan hanya muncul antara orang-orang, sebagai properti yang muncul dari interaksi mereka. Berikut sorotan bergeser ke saat-saat singkat yang muncul saat kita berinteraksi. Ini mengambil konsekuensi sedalam kita menyadari bagaimana, melalui jumlah total mereka, kami membuat satu sama lain. - Dari prolog Intelijen Sosial

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