Come on, come on, come on,

Come on, come on, come on," Rory mu

Come on, come on, come on," Rory mumbled as she waited for the only traffic light in town to turn green. Just as it did, she sighed with immense relief which ended abruptly when Mrs. Church, Golden, New Hampshire's oldest citizen, took the green light as the signal to walk across the street, using her walker.
Her eyes shot to the dimly lit clock on her dashboard and she may have whimpered. She was five minutes late! She could not be five minutes late. Not today. Normally it would just irritate her, but today it felt like it was a matter of life or death. She needed Mrs. Church to haul her ninety-six year old ass across the street before the light turned red.
Rory tapped her thumbs against the steering wheel as she stared intently at Mrs. Church in an effort to will the old woman to move quickly. It only seemed to draw Mrs. Church's attention. The older woman stopped right in front of Rory's new, well new to her, Jeep and smiled as she waved to Rory.
Fighting back the urge to gesture for the older woman to move her ass, Rory forced a smile and waved back. After a few seconds, Mrs. Church slowly turned back around and raised her walker, set it a few inches in front of her and shuffled. Rory watched as she raised the walker again, gained six more inches and shuffled.
The light turned red.
She groaned as Mrs. Church turned and sent her another friendly wave. Rory debated getting out of the car and helping her, but she knew that would only encourage Mrs. Church to stop in the middle of the street and brag about her great grandchildren.
All thirty-four of them.
Two red lights and three green lights later, Mrs. Church was safely across the street and Rory was gunning it. Two minutes later she was in front of McGill's main office on Center Street, waiting for a minivan full of kids driven by a woman, who looked like she was going to snap if she heard "The wheels on the bus goes round and round" one more time, to pull out of her spot.
As she waited for the van to pull out, Rory put on her left blinker, officially declaring her claim on the spot while she took the opportunity to calm her breathing. It probably wouldn't look professional to go in there sweating and panting like a woman who needed a cocaine fix, although she really could go for a large cup of hot cocoa, her one true weakness.
Hmmm, she really could go for a nice large mug of creamy hot chocolate with a large spoonful of fluff in it. Yummy, maybe after this she could-
Her thoughts were cut off when she realized that her spot was free and clear. Sighing contently, Rory started to turn into the space when a black pickup truck cut her off and took the spot.
Rory could only stare for a moment, shocked that someone had ignored the universally agreed upon parking spot rule of the blinker. Perhaps he hadn't seen her blinker?
All thoughts about this being a simple mistake flew out of her head when he stepped out of the truck. She ground her jaw as she pressed the “down” button for the passenger side window. Once it was down, she politely asked the bane of her existence to move his truck.
"Move your ass, O'Neil! That's my spot!"
The bastard smiled. Smiled!
"Oh, is this your spot?" he asked, feigning innocence, but Rory knew the man was anything but innocent. He was a bad boy, even his looks gave him away, and that damn smile of his let him get away with everything. The life ruining bastard!
"Yes!" she snapped. "You know damn well that's my spot! Why else would I have been sitting here waiting with my blinker on?"
He sighed dramatically. "Yes, I did see that now that you mention it."
"Then move!" she said, not caring about playing their usual game of pissing each other off today. She had a huge contract to sign, damn it!
He nodded as he fixed his tie and leaned into the cab of his truck. Rory tapped her thumbs against the steering wheel once again happy that the man had enough sense to skip the bullshit this morning. Maybe today would be-
"I'll move it," he said, pausing as he stepped away from his truck with a folder in his hand and shut his door, "right after my meeting."
Her mouth dropped as the life ruining bastard walked away laughing.
* * * *
"Ah, good times," Connor sighed happily as he stepped into the office. Taunting a woman shouldn't be so much fun, but it was. It always had been where Rory was concerned. Hell, he'd even enjoyed screwing with her back in preschool.
Sure there were about a dozen other little girls he could have tormented with paint, paste and pushed down into the mud, but why bother when there was always little Rory James around? She was just asking for it with those two little pigtails, tomboy clothes and a little know-it-all attitude. As the school bully, it had been his job to make her life a living hell and he had taken his job quite seriously all those years ago. Hell, he still did.
There was just something about screwing with her that brought a smile to his face. That was probably why three years ago he bought the run down house right next to hers. Sure there were other fixer-uppers that he could have bought for half the price, but none of them would have provided him with the entertainment of living right next door to Rory.
He ran a hand over the back of his head, smoothing down his hair as he headed towards the little blushing secretary that was trying to pretend that she wasn't watching his approach.
"Good morning, Mary, how are you this morning?" he asked in his most charming tone.
She nodded, shyly averting her eyes. "Mr. McGill will be with you in a few minutes, Mr. O'Neil. Please have a seat and help yourself to some coffee," she mumbled quietly while she gestured to the small waiting area with three chairs lined up against the wall and a gourmet coffee table with one of those insanely expensive coffee machines that used mini cups of ground coffee to make single servings.
Connor winked. "Thank you." He walked over to the waiting area and decided a good cup of coffee would help settle his nerves, not that he doubted that he was getting the job. There was no doubt that he would get it this time. He'd put in the time and had his work to back him up. No one within a hundred miles could match the price. This job was as good as his.
He was reaching for a single cup serving of gourmet French vanilla coffee when a single brown serving cup caught his eye. Picking it up, he couldn't help but smile as he held what appeared to be the last serving of gourmet hot chocolate in his hand. Not that he was particularly fond of hot chocolate, he really wasn't, but he knew a certain someone that was.
A minute later he was sitting down with a cup of frothy hot chocolate in his hand. Not as good as coffee, but not too bad. He placed his folder on the empty chair next to him and sipped his drink while he waited.
He didn't even bother trying to hide his amusement when Rory half stumbled into the reception area. She quickly made a beeline for Mary's desk, almost falling over seven times in the process. Why she tried to walk in those heels he would never know. She was already tall, taller than most women in town and a good majority of the men at five-ten. He was not one of them since he had a good five inches on her. She really didn't need the heels, but he rather liked what they did for those beautiful tan legs of hers. Although, he would never admit that she looked good, really good, in that little business outfit that accentuated her size D's, and he would bet his life they were D's. He liked the way that the high heels that she clearly didn't know how to walk in, made her legs look even sexier. She was easily the sexiest woman that he’d ever seen.
He noticed that she wore a little bit of makeup today, interesting. She looked good, but then again, she always looked good. He especially liked her hair, always had, even when it used to be pulled up into pigtails. There was just something about wavy caramel hair with natural golden blonde highlights and those sky blue eyes that drove him nuts.
Connor watched as Mary informed her that Mr. McGill was running behind and gestured for her to sit in the waiting area. Rory didn't look happy about the wait, but she looked decidedly pissed off seconds later when she spotted him. Her eyes narrowed on him as she walked, stumbled, over to the complimentary table all while glaring at him. He sipped his cocoa, watching as Rory searched for her precious hot chocolate.
"Mary, is there any hot chocolate?" the little addict asked, sounding anxious for a fix.
"Sorry, hun, if it's not there, then we don't have it."
Sighing, she nodded and carefully walked the ten steps over to the waiting area only to stop abruptly and glare at him.
"Is something wrong, Rory?" he asked, acting as if he didn't know what had her panties in a twist.
"You're sitting in the middle," she bit out.
He made a show of looking down around where he sat and then at each chair beside him. "Hmm, look at that so I am," he said in an amused tone.
"Move." She gestured impatiently at him.
Sighing, he took a sip of his cocoa. "I can't."
"You can't or you won't?" she demanded.
Rory glared at him, then at each empty chair before looking around desperately for another chair. When she couldn't find any means to distance herself from him, which he knew she was dying to do, she sat down as far as she could in the chair to the right of him.
Sighing loud and long to annoy the shit out of her, he stretched his right arm out and then dropped it along the back of her chair.
"Do you mind?" she asked, looking pointedly at his arm.
He shook his head. "No, not really."
She opened her mouth, probably to tell him off for the millionth time, shut it and shook her head, muttering, "I don't have time for games today."
That was too bad, because he rather enjoyed their little battles. He made a show of sipping his drink. "Mmmm, that's good cocoa."
Rory first glared at him then at his cup.
"You took the last hot cocoa?"
"Uh huh," he answered, taking another sip.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Come on, come on, come on," Rory mumbled as she waited for the only traffic light in town to turn green. Just as it did, she sighed with immense relief which ended abruptly when Mrs. Church, Golden, New Hampshire's oldest citizen, took the green light as the signal to walk across the street, using her walker.Her eyes shot to the dimly lit clock on her dashboard and she may have whimpered. She was five minutes late! She could not be five minutes late. Not today. Normally it would just irritate her, but today it felt like it was a matter of life or death. She needed Mrs. Church to haul her ninety-six year old ass across the street before the light turned red.Rory tapped her thumbs against the steering wheel as she stared intently at Mrs. Church in an effort to will the old woman to move quickly. It only seemed to draw Mrs. Church's attention. The older woman stopped right in front of Rory's new, well new to her, Jeep and smiled as she waved to Rory.Fighting back the urge to gesture for the older woman to move her ass, Rory forced a smile and waved back. After a few seconds, Mrs. Church slowly turned back around and raised her walker, set it a few inches in front of her and shuffled. Rory watched as she raised the walker again, gained six more inches and shuffled.The light turned red.She groaned as Mrs. Church turned and sent her another friendly wave. Rory debated getting out of the car and helping her, but she knew that would only encourage Mrs. Church to stop in the middle of the street and brag about her great grandchildren.Semua tiga puluh empat dari mereka.Dua lampu merah dan lampu hijau tiga kemudian, ibu jemaat adalah aman di seberang jalan dan Rory adalah memacu itu. Dua menit kemudian dia berada di depan kantor utama McGill's di pusat Street, menunggu minivan yang penuh dengan anak-anak didorong oleh seorang wanita, yang tampak seperti dia akan snap jika dia mendengar "roda di bus pergi berputar" satu kali lagi, untuk menarik keluar dari spot nya.Ketika ia menunggu untuk van untuk menarik keluar, Rory diletakkan pada blinker kiri nya, secara resmi menyatakan dirinya menyatakan di tempat sementara dia mengambil kesempatan untuk menenangkan napasnya. Itu mungkin tidak akan terlihat profesional untuk pergi di sana berkeringat dan terengah-engah seperti seorang wanita yang diperlukan kokain memperbaiki, meskipun dia benar-benar bisa pergi untuk secangkir cokelat panas, kelemahan sejati nya satu yang besar.Hmmm, dia benar-benar bisa pergi untuk mug besar baik krim coklat panas dengan sesendok besar bulu di dalamnya. Yummy, mungkin setelah ini dia bisa-Pikiran itu terputus ketika dia menyadari bahwa dia tempat adalah gratis dan jelas. Mendesah contently, Rory mulai berubah menjadi ruang ketika sebuah truk pickup hitam memotongnya dan mengambil tempat.Rory bisa hanya menatap untuk beberapa saat, terkejut bahwa seseorang telah diabaikan Universal disepakati berdasarkan aturan tempat parkir blinker. Mungkin dia tidak melihat blinker nya?Semua pikiran tentang ini menjadi kesalahan sederhana terbang dari kepalanya ketika ia melangkah keluar dari truk. Dia tanah rahang Nya sebagai ia menekan tombol "down" untuk jendela sisi penumpang. Setelah itu turun, dia sopan bertanya kutukan keberadaannya untuk memindahkan truk-nya."Bergerak bokongmu, O'Neil! Itu adalah tempat saya!"Bajingan itu tersenyum. Tersenyum!"Oh, apakah ini tempat Anda?" Dia bertanya, pura-pura bersalah, tapi Rory tahu orang yang adalah sesuatu tapi tidak bersalah. Dia adalah seorang anak yang buruk, bahkan tampak menyerahkan dia, dan itu sialan tersenyum ia membiarkan dia pergi dengan segala sesuatu. Bajingan ruining hidup!"Ya!" dia tersentak. "Anda tahu betul bahwa adalah tempat saya! Kenapa saya pasti akan duduk di sini menunggu dengan blinker saya?"Dia menghela napas secara dramatis. "Ya, aku melihat bahwa sekarang bahwa Anda sebutkan itu.""Kemudian bergerak!" katanya, tidak peduli tentang bermain game mereka biasa dari kencing satu sama lain hari ini. Dia memiliki kontrak besar untuk menandatangani, sialan!Dia mengangguk ketika ia tetap dasi dan bersandar ke taksi truk-nya. Rory disadap ibu jarinya terhadap kemudi sekali lagi senang bahwa pria memiliki cukup akal sehat untuk melewatkan omong kosong pagi ini. Mungkin hari ini akan-"Aku akan bergerak itu," katanya, berhenti ketika ia melangkah menjauh dari truk-nya dengan folder di tangannya dan menutup pintu, "tepat setelah pertemuan saya."Mulutnya turun sebagai kehidupan ruining bajingan berjalan kaki tertawa. * * * * "Ah, baik kali," Connor mendesah bahagia sebagai ia melangkah ke kantor. Seorang wanita mengejek tidak boleh begitu menyenangkan, tapi itu. Selalu sudah mana Rory prihatin. Neraka, ia telah bahkan menikmati bercinta dengan kembali di prasekolah.Pasti ada sekitar selusin lain gadis kecil ia telah disiksa dengan cat, pasta dan ditekan ke dalam Lumpur, tetapi mengapa repot-repot ketika ada selalu James Rory kecil di sekitar? Dia hanya meminta untuk itu dengan kuncir kecil mereka dua, pakaian tomboi dan sikap know-it-all kecil. Sebagai sekolah pengganggu, sudah tugasnya untuk membuat hidupnya neraka hidup dan ia mengambil pekerjaan sangat serius semua orang tahun lalu. Neraka, ia masih melakukan.Ada sesuatu tentang bercinta dengannya yang membawa senyum ke wajah-nya. Itu mungkin mengapa tiga tahun yang lalu ia membeli lari di rumah tepat di samping miliknya. Pasti ada lain tukang suap uppers yang ia bisa membeli selama setengah harga, tetapi tidak satupun dari mereka akan memberinya dengan hiburan hidup bersebelahan dengan Rory.Ia berlari tangan melewati bagian belakang kepalanya, smoothing turun rambut seperti dia menuju Sekretaris sedikit memerah yang berusaha berpura-pura bahwa dia tidak menonton pendekatannya."Selamat pagi, Maria, bagaimana kabarmu pagi ini?" Dia bertanya dengan nada yang paling menarik.Dia mengangguk, shyly menghindari matanya. "Mr McGill akan dengan Anda dalam beberapa menit, Mr O'Neil. Harap memiliki kursi dan membantu diri Anda sendiri untuk kopi,"Dia berkata diam-diam sementara dia memberi isyarat untuk ruang tunggu kecil dengan tiga kursi berjajar melawan dinding dan meja kopi gourmet dengan salah satu mesin-mesin kopi yang mahal gila-gilaan yang digunakan mini cangkir kopi bubuk untuk membuat satu porsi.Connor mengedipkan mata. "Terima kasih." Dia berjalan ke ruang tunggu dan memutuskan secangkir kopi yang baik akan membantu menyelesaikan saraf, tidak bahwa dia meragukan bahwa ia mendapatkan pekerjaan. Ada tidak diragukan lagi bahwa dia akan mendapatkannya saat ini. Dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam waktu dan pekerjaan-Nya untuk kembali padanya. Tidak ada ratus mil bisa menyamai harga. Pekerjaan ini adalah sebagai baik sebagai nya.Dia mencapai untuk melayani satu cangkir kopi gourmet Perancis vanilla ketika melayani coklat satu cangkir tertangkap mata. Memungut, dia tidak bisa membantu tetapi tersenyum ketika ia memegang apa yang tampaknya menjadi porsi terakhir gourmet panas cokelat di tangannya. Tidak bahwa ia adalah terutama menyukai cokelat panas, ia benar-benar tidak, tapi ia tahu tertentu seseorang itu.Suatu saat nanti ia adalah duduk dengan secangkir cokelat panas berbusa di tangannya. Tidak sebagus seperti kopi, tapi tidak terlalu buruk. Dia ditempatkan dalam folder di kursi kosong di dekatnya dan meneguk minuman nya sementara ia menunggu.He didn't even bother trying to hide his amusement when Rory half stumbled into the reception area. She quickly made a beeline for Mary's desk, almost falling over seven times in the process. Why she tried to walk in those heels he would never know. She was already tall, taller than most women in town and a good majority of the men at five-ten. He was not one of them since he had a good five inches on her. She really didn't need the heels, but he rather liked what they did for those beautiful tan legs of hers. Although, he would never admit that she looked good, really good, in that little business outfit that accentuated her size D's, and he would bet his life they were D's. He liked the way that the high heels that she clearly didn't know how to walk in, made her legs look even sexier. She was easily the sexiest woman that he’d ever seen.He noticed that she wore a little bit of makeup today, interesting. She looked good, but then again, she always looked good. He especially liked her hair, always had, even when it used to be pulled up into pigtails. There was just something about wavy caramel hair with natural golden blonde highlights and those sky blue eyes that drove him nuts.
Connor watched as Mary informed her that Mr. McGill was running behind and gestured for her to sit in the waiting area. Rory didn't look happy about the wait, but she looked decidedly pissed off seconds later when she spotted him. Her eyes narrowed on him as she walked, stumbled, over to the complimentary table all while glaring at him. He sipped his cocoa, watching as Rory searched for her precious hot chocolate.
"Mary, is there any hot chocolate?" the little addict asked, sounding anxious for a fix.
"Sorry, hun, if it's not there, then we don't have it."
Sighing, she nodded and carefully walked the ten steps over to the waiting area only to stop abruptly and glare at him.
"Is something wrong, Rory?" he asked, acting as if he didn't know what had her panties in a twist.
"You're sitting in the middle," she bit out.
He made a show of looking down around where he sat and then at each chair beside him. "Hmm, look at that so I am," he said in an amused tone.
"Move." She gestured impatiently at him.
Sighing, he took a sip of his cocoa. "I can't."
"You can't or you won't?" she demanded.
Rory glared at him, then at each empty chair before looking around desperately for another chair. When she couldn't find any means to distance herself from him, which he knew she was dying to do, she sat down as far as she could in the chair to the right of him.
Sighing loud and long to annoy the shit out of her, he stretched his right arm out and then dropped it along the back of her chair.
"Do you mind?" she asked, looking pointedly at his arm.
He shook his head. "No, not really."
She opened her mouth, probably to tell him off for the millionth time, shut it and shook her head, muttering, "I don't have time for games today."
That was too bad, because he rather enjoyed their little battles. He made a show of sipping his drink. "Mmmm, that's good cocoa."
Rory first glared at him then at his cup.
"You took the last hot cocoa?"
"Uh huh," he answered, taking another sip.
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