Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
A mericans aspire to a society also good. A good so ciety that is not merely civilciety is one in whichpeople treat one another as ends in themselves and not merely as instruments, a society In which each per¬son is shown full respect and dignity rather than being used and manipulated. It is a social world in which people treat one another as members of a community — a much extended family — rather than only as employees, traders, consumers, or even fellow citizens.Several core values that characterize a good society can be directly derived from its definition. On the face of it, child abuse, spousal abuse, violent crime in general and, . of course, civil and international war offend the first principle of treating people as ends. (Hence, our love of peace.) For the same reason, violating individual autonomy, unless there are compelling pub¬lic reasons, Is incompatible with treating people as ends. This is the ultimate foundation of our commitment to liberty.The ethical tenet that we should treat people, as ends rather than only as means is far from novel, but this hardly makes it less compelling. Less widely accepted is the very significant sociological observation that it is in communities, not in the realm of the state nor the market, that this tenet is best realized. Hence, policies that undermine community distance the good society.Masyarakat baik menyeimbangkan negara, pasar, dan masyarakat. Banyak yang telah sudah dibuat dari fakta bahwa cara terbaik untuk melanjutkan untuk melihat pemerintah sebagai masalah maupun solusi tapi sebagai salah satu mitra masyarakat baik. Demikian pula,
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